4 year old exercises his second amendment rights

Florida Woman Shot in Back by 4-Year-Old Son

A 4-year-old boy accidentally shot in his mother, an apparently staunch pro-gun advocate, in the back in north Florida on Tuesday, according to local deputies.

The woman, who has been identified as Jamie Gilt, 31, told Putnam County police officials that her son was sitting in the back of her pickup truck when he picked up a .45-caliber handgun and shot her through the back of the seat. A deputy on patrol approached the car on Tuesday afternoon, as it had stopped and looked “awkward,” and found her shot in the front seat.
I'm pretty much 100% okay with this. The only real unfortunate part is where the kid didn't make the killing blow.

Seriously, what sort of idiot leaves a loaded gun lying around. As a huge fan of Darwinism, I'd have to say, we need this woman out of the gene pool...and fast.
Who leaves a loaded gun lying around?

A gun nut afraid that she will have to fight off bad guys any time any where

A gun nut afraid that she will have to fight off bad guys any time any where

But-but the NRA said it is so.

Jamie was setting herself up to be a new spokesperson for the modern NRA. Young, beautiful mother who is packing heat and ready to shoot it out with the bad guys
Florida Woman Shot in Back by 4-Year-Old Son

A 4-year-old boy accidentally shot in his mother, an apparently staunch pro-gun advocate, in the back in north Florida on Tuesday, according to local deputies.

The woman, who has been identified as Jamie Gilt, 31, told Putnam County police officials that her son was sitting in the back of her pickup truck when he picked up a .45-caliber handgun and shot her through the back of the seat. A deputy on patrol approached the car on Tuesday afternoon, as it had stopped and looked “awkward,” and found her shot in the front seat.
I'm pretty much 100% okay with this. The only real unfortunate part is where the kid didn't make the killing blow.

Seriously, what sort of idiot leaves a loaded gun lying around. As a huge fan of Darwinism, I'd have to say, we need this woman out of the gene pool...and fast.
Who leaves a loaded gun lying around?

A gun nut afraid that she will have to fight off bad guys any time any where

A gun nut afraid that she will have to fight off bad guys any time any where

But-but the NRA said it is so.

Jamie was setting herself up to be a new spokesperson for the modern NRA. Young, beautiful mother who is packing heat and ready to shoot it out with the bad guys
Well, she's the Poster Child for Gun Control now...
The NRA has no blood on its hands...democrat politicians who appoint democrat judges and prosecutors who let gun criminals go time after time..they have blood ont their hands....

The NRA has no blood on its hands...democrat politicians who appoint democrat judges and prosecutors who let gun criminals go time after time..they have blood ont their hands....

The NRA has turned into a marketing concern for gun manufacturers.

Exactly where do non gun owners see all this marketing for guns?

Exactly where do non gun owners see all this marketing for guns?

Any non-delusional person can see it.

In the days after the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre on Dec. 14, executives with a half-dozen major U.S. gun manufacturers contacted the National Rifle Association. The firearm industry representatives didn’t call the NRA, which they support with millions of dollars each year, to issue directives. On the contrary, they sought guidance on how to handle the public-relations crisis, according to people familiar with the situation who agreed to interviews on the condition they remain anonymous.

That's the job of a marketing company.

Why Gun Makers Fear the NRA

Again.....the witness is non responsive...

Where is the NRA marketing guns where non gun owners can see or hear it? Please respond to the question.....

Again.....the witness is non responsive...


Where is the NRA marketing guns where non gun owners can see or hear it? Please respond to the question.....

U.S. gun manufacturers contacted the National Rifle Association which they support with millions of dollars each year to seek guidance on how to handle the public-relations crisis. ie; a marketing company.

And the witness in non responsive.......where is the NRA marketing guns to the general population....? What part do they have in Television advertising of guns?
Why do the NRA finance all the senators and so on ? What do they get for that ?

They protect the 2nd Amendment. And of all the groups funding politicians....the NRA ranks at # 60...behind all the anti gun groups, the unions, hollywood.....the teachers union..who support gun control.....
Think about it. A Smart gun using Android/Microsoft/Apple technology. recognizes biometrics. A gun that will not fire unless it recognizes the owner and even recognizes the threat and the entirety of the situation. If your 4 year old gets a hold of your gun he can't shoot you. Imagine that, a smart gun. Would we even need a gun at that point?

I like you.

You download an app, take photos of your loved one with your smartphone, then load those photos thru the app into your smart gun.

Now the gun won't fire if pointed at a person in a downloaded photo. Like your kid or wife or whoever was a person you wouldn't ever want to shoot.

Interesting idea.

I like that idea....but what if your wife is late making dinner....how do you get her photo out of the phone?
Cars accidentally kill about 35,000 people a year....

Guns accidentally kill 505 people a year.
I wonder how many hours per year the average person has a gun in his/her hand compared to being in a car.

Sorry....you guys say if it saves one life....35,000 people are killed by cars....505 by guns......

See the difference?
Florida Woman Shot in Back by 4-Year-Old Son

A 4-year-old boy accidentally shot in his mother, an apparently staunch pro-gun advocate, in the back in north Florida on Tuesday, according to local deputies.

The woman, who has been identified as Jamie Gilt, 31, told Putnam County police officials that her son was sitting in the back of her pickup truck when he picked up a .45-caliber handgun and shot her through the back of the seat. A deputy on patrol approached the car on Tuesday afternoon, as it had stopped and looked “awkward,” and found her shot in the front seat.
I'm pretty much 100% okay with this. The only real unfortunate part is where the kid didn't make the killing blow.

Seriously, what sort of idiot leaves a loaded gun lying around. As a huge fan of Darwinism, I'd have to say, we need this woman out of the gene pool...and fast.
Who leaves a loaded gun lying around?

A gun nut afraid that she will have to fight off bad guys any time any where

A gun nut afraid that she will have to fight off bad guys any time any where

But-but the NRA said it is so.

And of course you must be saying that no one is ever raped, robbed or murdered anywhere in the United States at any time..right?

Do you guys ever get past thinking like 12 year olds?
Self driving cars, planes that land themselves. Smart guns can't be far behind.

The Google car hit another bus this week.
It begs the question: how many hit and runs committed by manned cars? WOW, THAT'S LIKE 1 CAR outa a million. I think I can live with driverless cars, they follow rules and their owners will be held ultimately responsible. No road rage, no illegals smashing and bashing insurance fraud, none of that. All Gone.

Don't forget drunk drivers...which is against the law....
Florida Woman Shot in Back by 4-Year-Old Son

A 4-year-old boy accidentally shot in his mother, an apparently staunch pro-gun advocate, in the back in north Florida on Tuesday, according to local deputies.

The woman, who has been identified as Jamie Gilt, 31, told Putnam County police officials that her son was sitting in the back of her pickup truck when he picked up a .45-caliber handgun and shot her through the back of the seat. A deputy on patrol approached the car on Tuesday afternoon, as it had stopped and looked “awkward,” and found her shot in the front seat.
I'm pretty much 100% okay with this. The only real unfortunate part is where the kid didn't make the killing blow.

Seriously, what sort of idiot leaves a loaded gun lying around. As a huge fan of Darwinism, I'd have to say, we need this woman out of the gene pool...and fast.
Who leaves a loaded gun lying around?

A gun nut afraid that she will have to fight off bad guys any time any where

A gun nut afraid that she will have to fight off bad guys any time any where

But-but the NRA said it is so.

No....the local and national news tells everyone this every night....and don't forget the 24/7 cable networks......the NRA...not so much.
I guess the funny part is how disingenuous liberals really are.

They are quick to point out every instance where a gun accidentally is used to kill someone, but absolutely ignore:

35000 car deaths a year and vehicles being the number one killer of innocent children
500000 deaths caused by heart disease yearly (ban the Whopper)
3482 people dying in swimming pools yearly
2500 children being backed over in their own driveways by vehicles every year, (that's 50 PER WEEK)

Backovers | KidsAndCars.org

If liberals were honest, they would go after things that ACTUALLY KILL LARGE NUMBERS OF PEOPLE. But they don't. They're slimy. They use their liberal agenda to single out one thing, way at the bottom of the list, to push their anti-gun agenda.

It's one thing to just not care about people, but it's totally different to pretend that you do.
I guess the funny part is how disingenuous liberals really are.

They are quick to point out every instance where a gun accidentally is used to kill someone, but absolutely ignore:

35000 car deaths a year and vehicles being the number one killer of innocent children
500000 deaths caused by heart disease yearly (ban the Whopper)
3482 people dying in swimming pools yearly
2500 children being backed over in their own driveways by vehicles every year, (that's 50 PER WEEK)

Backovers | KidsAndCars.org

If liberals were honest, they would go after things that ACTUALLY KILL LARGE NUMBERS OF PEOPLE. But they don't. They're slimy. They use their liberal agenda to single out one thing, way at the bottom of the list, to push their anti-gun agenda.

It's one thing to just not care about people, but it's totally different to pretend that you do.

Here we go again......
I guess the funny part is how disingenuous liberals really are.

They are quick to point out every instance where a gun accidentally is used to kill someone, but absolutely ignore:

35000 car deaths a year and vehicles being the number one killer of innocent children
500000 deaths caused by heart disease yearly (ban the Whopper)
3482 people dying in swimming pools yearly
2500 children being backed over in their own driveways by vehicles every year, (that's 50 PER WEEK)

Backovers | KidsAndCars.org

If liberals were honest, they would go after things that ACTUALLY KILL LARGE NUMBERS OF PEOPLE. But they don't. They're slimy. They use their liberal agenda to single out one thing, way at the bottom of the list, to push their anti-gun agenda.

It's one thing to just not care about people, but it's totally different to pretend that you do.

Thank you....that kids getting backed over is interesting...I will have to use it....
I guess the funny part is how disingenuous liberals really are.

They are quick to point out every instance where a gun accidentally is used to kill someone, but absolutely ignore:

35000 car deaths a year and vehicles being the number one killer of innocent children
500000 deaths caused by heart disease yearly (ban the Whopper)
3482 people dying in swimming pools yearly
2500 children being backed over in their own driveways by vehicles every year, (that's 50 PER WEEK)

Backovers | KidsAndCars.org

If liberals were honest, they would go after things that ACTUALLY KILL LARGE NUMBERS OF PEOPLE. But they don't. They're slimy. They use their liberal agenda to single out one thing, way at the bottom of the list, to push their anti-gun agenda.

It's one thing to just not care about people, but it's totally different to pretend that you do.

Here we go again......

Yes....here we go again.....pointing out the truth, facts and reality....a real bummer for anti gun nuts who don't have the truth, facts or reality on their side....

This little girl was backed over and killed by her own mother in 2006. She says don't take my mommy's guns away, but please, take her car keys.


This little boy was run over and killed by his own father. Again, taking his guns wouldn't have helped, but banning the car would have.

Or, liberals, do you not care about these children because they weren't killed by a gun so their numbers don't help your cause?
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