4 year old exercises his second amendment rights

Think about it. A Smart gun using Android/Microsoft/Apple technology. recognizes biometrics. A gun that will not fire unless it recognizes the owner and even recognizes the threat and the entirety of the situation. If your 4 year old gets a hold of your gun he can't shoot you. Imagine that, a smart gun. Would we even need a gun at that point?

Mary...it has been thought about...here are some of the thoughts...

Smart Guns are Stupid Science | RealClearScience
The power has been out for two months. Word of mouth, around the FEMA depots, says it should be back soon. That's what they said last month too. Suddenly, in the wreckage of your home, you hear the footsteps of a band of looters. You reach for your gun, but it won't unlock because its battery died last week...

You fell asleep on the couch. A burglar kicks down your front door and jams a cold pistol muzzle to your forehead. You realize that the gun your wife is groping for in the dark bedroomwill only fire if it is within inches of the RFID watch. But the watch is on your arm...

The whole point of owning a gun is that you only need to use it in the most extreme situations (and you pray these never arise). You don't plug your gun into a USB port before going to bed, knowing that tonight is the night that you'll need it. You don't pop on your special RFID digital watch before slipping between the sheets. A gun needs to be ready for the only circumstances it is designed for: the unimaginably horrible ones.

A gun that is hamstrung by special technological conditions to fire is a liability to an owner who keeps it for protection from these terrifying moments. Science would say that smart guns are a stupid idea.

Murphy, author of the famous law, is unknown to history. It's a good bet that he was a scientist, or possibly an engineer. He stressed one of the most important things to understand as a practitioner of sound laboratory science -- and daily life -- is the minimization of extraneous variables. The fewer things that you need to happen perfectly right, the more likely your plan is to succeed.

Gun technology changes very little over time. This isn't due to lack of scientific progress or some conspiracy. Quite simply, a reliable tool should be as simple as it can possibly be. A cleaned, oiled, mechanically sound gun is extremely simple. It doesn't suffer from unnecessary complications that risk failure at a crucial instant.

A gun should not be like a high-tech complex scientific tool or tech toy. If your iPhone crashes or drops a call you can simply wait for it to reboot or call back. If the fancy lab microscope breaks, a technician can come and fix it, but you'll have to wait an hour or a day to use it.

When the moment comes to use your firearm, you need it to work perfectly with no delay or fiddling. There is zero margin for error. A more complex gun, reliant on batteries and chips and special mechanisms, is simply a gun that is more likely to let you down in the moment when your life hangs in the balance.

If we want to reduce accidental gun deaths, what should we do instead? The answer is training gun owners to strictly follow simple rules. In brief terms, there are two layers to this strategy.

When handling a firearm, it is imperative to operate by a few simple rules at all times. First, always assume a gun is loaded; never play with it, wave it around, or treat it as harmless. Second, never point the muzzle at a person unless you intend to kill them. Imagine that a laser pointer is taped to the barrel; anyone that the laser passes near is in the "kill path." Third, never place your finger on the trigger until you are pulling it; this way you can never fire unintentionally.

The second layer of gun responsibility applies when the firearm is not being handled. Obviously, put the safety on, and don't leave your gun in a place that is easy to find. Do not load it unless it is tucked away in that storage spot. If you fear a curious child, you can load a single dummy round into the chamber. This will prevent a child from discharging a live round, but only slow the owner a fraction of a second by requiring a single mechanical action without technological aids to clear that round and chamber a live one. Mechanical locks and safes can be used, but here again you are relying on complicated devices and tempting Murphy.
No, that's like saying, If man was meant to fly, he would have born with wings mentality. My cell phone can do NOW more now than it took for the Apollo moon project, put that wi-fi connected net connected logic with a simple technology like firearms, it might nip terrorism and mass shootings let alone crime in the bud.
Think about it. A Smart gun using Android/Microsoft/Apple technology. recognizes biometrics. A gun that will not fire unless it recognizes the owner and even recognizes the threat and the entirety of the situation. If your 4 year old gets a hold of your gun he can't shoot you. Imagine that, a smart gun. Would we even need a gun at that point?

I like you.

You download an app, take photos of your loved one with your smartphone, then load those photos thru the app into your smart gun.

Now the gun won't fire if pointed at a person in a downloaded photo. Like your kid or wife or whoever was a person you wouldn't ever want to shoot.

Interesting idea.
Think about it. A Smart gun using Android/Microsoft/Apple technology. recognizes biometrics. A gun that will not fire unless it recognizes the owner and even recognizes the threat and the entirety of the situation. If your 4 year old gets a hold of your gun he can't shoot you. Imagine that, a smart gun. Would we even need a gun at that point?

I like you.

You download an app, take photos of your loved one with your smartphone, then load those photos thru the app into your smart gun.

Now the gun won't fire if pointed at a person in a downloaded photo. Like your kid or wife or whoever was a person you wouldn't ever want to shoot.

Interesting idea.
A sensor in the gun analyses various biometrics via the Wi fi connection and recognizes the weapon user/owner , a tiny IF camera in the nose of the weapon also via the net analyzes the target for known felons. And it allows the gun to fire, or it shuts down. Criminals couldn't rob innocent people, and 4 year olds don't end up shooting mom, for that mater. Failsafe.
Florida Woman Shot in Back by 4-Year-Old Son

A 4-year-old boy accidentally shot in his mother, an apparently staunch pro-gun advocate, in the back in north Florida on Tuesday, according to local deputies.

The woman, who has been identified as Jamie Gilt, 31, told Putnam County police officials that her son was sitting in the back of her pickup truck when he picked up a .45-caliber handgun and shot her through the back of the seat. A deputy on patrol approached the car on Tuesday afternoon, as it had stopped and looked “awkward,” and found her shot in the front seat.

4 year olds don't get to exercise that right. Nice try though.
"4 year olds don't get to exercise that right. Nice try though"

Well, in that case, I hope they prosecute his arse and throw the little shit in jail.
Cars accidentally kill about 35,000 people a year....

Guns accidentally kill 505 people a year.
I wonder how many hours per year the average person has a gun in his/her hand compared to being in a car.
If liberals want to use the "But people USE cars everyday, so banning this is stupid" argument, then I must ask, I NEVER use my fucking healthcare plan that I'm forced to pay for by that god damn idiot in the white house, so why the fuck do I have to have it? If I have to have something I NEVER use, then why should I have to fight for the right to have something I can use daily to defend myself?
If liberals want to use the "But people USE cars everyday, so banning this is stupid" argument, then I must ask, I NEVER use my fucking healthcare plan that I'm forced to pay for by that god damn idiot in the white house, so why the fuck do I have to have it? If I have to have something I NEVER use, then why should I have to fight for the right to have something I can use daily to defend myself?

Don't know. Why not start a thread about, instead of trying to derail this one?
If liberals want to use the "But people USE cars everyday, so banning this is stupid" argument, then I must ask, I NEVER use my fucking healthcare plan that I'm forced to pay for by that god damn idiot in the white house, so why the fuck do I have to have it? If I have to have something I NEVER use, then why should I have to fight for the right to have something I can use daily to defend myself?

Having a healthcare plan and NEVER having to use it is the greatest blessing you can receive
Having a gun and never having to use it is the greatest blessing you can have.

Especially if you are 4 years old

Having loaded guns around as your mother brags about how her guns keep the family safe is inviting disaster
Florida Woman Shot in Back by 4-Year-Old Son

A 4-year-old boy accidentally shot in his mother, an apparently staunch pro-gun advocate, in the back in north Florida on Tuesday, according to local deputies.

The woman, who has been identified as Jamie Gilt, 31, told Putnam County police officials that her son was sitting in the back of her pickup truck when he picked up a .45-caliber handgun and shot her through the back of the seat. A deputy on patrol approached the car on Tuesday afternoon, as it had stopped and looked “awkward,” and found her shot in the front seat.
I'm pretty much 100% okay with this. The only real unfortunate part is where the kid didn't make the killing blow.

Seriously, what sort of idiot leaves a loaded gun lying around. As a huge fan of Darwinism, I'd have to say, we need this woman out of the gene pool...and fast.
Florida Woman Shot in Back by 4-Year-Old Son

A 4-year-old boy accidentally shot in his mother, an apparently staunch pro-gun advocate, in the back in north Florida on Tuesday, according to local deputies.

The woman, who has been identified as Jamie Gilt, 31, told Putnam County police officials that her son was sitting in the back of her pickup truck when he picked up a .45-caliber handgun and shot her through the back of the seat. A deputy on patrol approached the car on Tuesday afternoon, as it had stopped and looked “awkward,” and found her shot in the front seat.
I'm pretty much 100% okay with this. The only real unfortunate part is where the kid didn't make the killing blow.

Seriously, what sort of idiot leaves a loaded gun lying around. As a huge fan of Darwinism, I'd have to say, we need this woman out of the gene pool...and fast.
Who leaves a loaded gun lying around?

A gun nut afraid that she will have to fight off bad guys any time any where
Florida Woman Shot in Back by 4-Year-Old Son

A 4-year-old boy accidentally shot in his mother, an apparently staunch pro-gun advocate, in the back in north Florida on Tuesday, according to local deputies.

The woman, who has been identified as Jamie Gilt, 31, told Putnam County police officials that her son was sitting in the back of her pickup truck when he picked up a .45-caliber handgun and shot her through the back of the seat. A deputy on patrol approached the car on Tuesday afternoon, as it had stopped and looked “awkward,” and found her shot in the front seat.
I'm pretty much 100% okay with this. The only real unfortunate part is where the kid didn't make the killing blow.

Seriously, what sort of idiot leaves a loaded gun lying around. As a huge fan of Darwinism, I'd have to say, we need this woman out of the gene pool...and fast.
Who leaves a loaded gun lying around?

A gun nut afraid that she will have to fight off bad guys any time any where

A gun nut afraid that she will have to fight off bad guys any time any where

But-but the NRA said it is so.
Self driving cars, planes that land themselves. Smart guns can't be far behind.

The Google car hit another bus this week.
It begs the question: how many hit and runs committed by manned cars? WOW, THAT'S LIKE 1 CAR outa a million. I think I can live with driverless cars, they follow rules and their owners will be held ultimately responsible. No road rage, no illegals smashing and bashing insurance fraud, none of that. All Gone.
Self driving cars, planes that land themselves. Smart guns can't be far behind.

The Google car hit another bus this week.
It begs the question: how many hit and runs committed by manned cars? WOW, THAT'S LIKE 1 CAR outa a million. I think I can live with driverless cars, they follow rules and their owners will be held ultimately responsible. No road rage, no illegals smashing and bashing insurance fraud, none of that. All Gone.

I hate to tell you this, Mary, but the computers that run the driverless cars have already been hacked, just like your desktop computer. It will soon be possible for someone to send your car over a cliff with a smart phone.

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