4-year-old grabs loaded gun at family BBQ and accidentally kills wife of Tenn. Deputy

The news will report eventually. Maybe. But I think there may be more to this story that meets the eye.
Actually...the trajectory could be fixed too. If nobody else was in the room, he could say his wife was sitting on the bed. What if the kid is tall for his age? What if the wife was on the floor (I sit on the floor all the time). What if the kid climbed up on the bed and fired? See what I mean?
We don't know enough about this story except what was reported. Gotta know more to understand what really happened.
Actually...the trajectory could be fixed too. If nobody else was in the room, he could say his wife was sitting on the bed. What if the kid is tall for his age? What if the wife was on the floor (I sit on the floor all the time). What if the kid climbed up on the bed and fired? See what I mean?
We don't know enough about this story except what was reported. Gotta know more to understand what really happened.

Like I said...................wait for the police reports and what they say.

I mean........................many right wing kooks thought Sandy Hook was a hoax to help restrict gun legislation after it happened (see the thread "Sandy Hook is a hoax"), as well as listen to what many in the GOP are saying.

I hope that those GOP members who are saying they're going to filibuster lose their next election, because many of those in this nation are asking for a debate, yet they refuse to allow it.

Besides..................lots of the media (and this includes all of them, from FOX to MSNBC) want to tell the story first, only problem is, many only get the initial information without waiting to see what is the truth.
That is because it does not have any lights.

No, that is because the engine is designed to last only long enough to win a race. Ever drive a car with a very hopped up engine? Totally a pain in town. Or any place you cannot run it full bore.

Yes. Regulate. Make it illegal to have one of the war weapons outside your home unless you have passed the requirements for owning a fully automatic weapon. Make it a law you store your weapon carelessly, it is take and used for a crime, you own that crime.And make it a felony offense to sell such a weapon to someone without said license.

Driving a stick is an absolute pain in the city, doesn't make it illegal.

By the way, what the fuck is a war weapon? Knife? Swords? Bows and arrows? Rocks? BEcause wars have been fought with everyone of those.

By the way, did you know beat cops think that more permissible concealed carry makes them safer? Is there a particular reason you prefer to make a cops job more dangerous?

It's also because of the highly flammable fuel that they burn.

Among other reasons.
Yes we should.

Your dreams of holding them off when they come with a warrant to confiscate all the photos and videos on your computer are pure fantasy, Rambo.

Best to erase it all now.

Idiot a law enforcement officers weapon was used to killed an innocent person at the hands of a 4 years old. And you think I'm concerned about cops coming to my home?

Well to be honest I had a cookout just the other day, burgers, bbq chicken, cold beer but they forgot the warrant, next time we get together I'll ask them about the warrant.
It wasn't his department issued weapon. It was one of his personal collection, that he gets a woody from and likes to show off.

It's a sickness.
Condolences to the widow, & to the family of the child.

Could we take a moment to see this poor woman buried before we return to the usual brickbats?

So, let me get this straight. We are not supposed to discuss this or use it as part of the gun control debate out of sympathy for the woman who died?

But, it is okay for another thread about 14 people being injured in a mass stabbing to be discussed and used in the gun control debate? We are to have no sympathy for those injured in the stabbing attack?
What we do know is there are a lot of stupid people in the country, like the person who left a loaded gun laying around, and the OP who posted this dumb thread..

I'm curious, do you think the person who left the gun lying on the bed should be charged with manslaughter?

Yup. But for the sake of argument, would an expanded back round check have prevented this ? How about a magazine limited to 15 rounds ?
What we do know is there are a lot of stupid people in the country, like the person who left a loaded gun laying around, and the OP who posted this dumb thread..

I'm curious, do you think the person who left the gun lying on the bed should be charged with manslaughter?

Yup. But for the sake of argument, would an expanded back round check have prevented this ? How about a magazine limited to 15 rounds ?
Lanza only had to reload 4 times, with his 30 round magazine. If he had been limited to a 10 round clip, he would have had to reload 14 times!

What if the gun jammed on clip 7? Or he drops it?

How many children may have gotten away?

Laughner was only stopped in Tucson because he was reloading.

That's not the reason. Or the main one, anyway.

Street legal cars are required to have safety equipment, which includes lights, and meet emission standards. NASCAR will score lower on emissions than most California cars, so that won't be a major problem in getting them on the street, they have seat belts, so the only major problem is the lights. Unless you can come up with something I don't know about that is the main reason.

Really? Wanna talk about the European cars like Ferraris, Lamborghinis, Maserati's and all the other really high horsepower vehicles? They have lights, turn signals, seatbelts, and all the other crap you mentioned. Lots of them have to be brought down to U.S. standards (i.e. exhaust emission standards, horsepower, etc.), because U.S. roads aren't engineered for those kind of speeds.

There are lots of times where things are regulated.

Funny, nothing you said changes the fact that, if someone imported one of those cars and went to the expense of making sure it would pass the emissions tests, which is not as hard as most people think, and then registered it, he could drive it legally, does it?

I guess, ultimately, that proves me right.
Has it crossed anyone's mind that the 4 year old is the scapegoat and the guy shot his own wife knowing it would be hard to get the whole story out of said 4 year old? Maybe the kid was in there, but he didn't pull the trigger. Perhaps we all need to know more about this before assuming the kid did it because if this guy is law enforcement and showing off his collection, why was it loaded??? Were there others in the room who saw the kid pick it up and then it went off and they SAW it themselves in the kids hands? Or is it just this guys story?

Yanno................ballistics, and seeing where the bullets went could clear that up quite nicely.

An average person shooting would have the gun at about 4 1/2 to 5 1/2 feet.

A 4 year old is significantly shorter than that.

An adult shooting someone? It would be from a downward angle (remember, men are taller than women, generally), or, it would be at the level.

If a 4 year old shot it, it would have to come up at quite a significant angle.

Check and see if you can get the police reports.

Yes, because ballistics is magic.
Actually...the trajectory could be fixed too. If nobody else was in the room, he could say his wife was sitting on the bed. What if the kid is tall for his age? What if the wife was on the floor (I sit on the floor all the time). What if the kid climbed up on the bed and fired? See what I mean?
We don't know enough about this story except what was reported. Gotta know more to understand what really happened.

It is not even that hard, all he would have to do is shoot her from the same height as the child. The best ballistics can do is figure out if the actual end results are consistent with the story or not.
No, that is because the engine is designed to last only long enough to win a race. Ever drive a car with a very hopped up engine? Totally a pain in town. Or any place you cannot run it full bore.

Yes. Regulate. Make it illegal to have one of the war weapons outside your home unless you have passed the requirements for owning a fully automatic weapon. Make it a law you store your weapon carelessly, it is take and used for a crime, you own that crime.And make it a felony offense to sell such a weapon to someone without said license.

Driving a stick is an absolute pain in the city, doesn't make it illegal.

By the way, what the fuck is a war weapon? Knife? Swords? Bows and arrows? Rocks? BEcause wars have been fought with everyone of those.

By the way, did you know beat cops think that more permissible concealed carry makes them safer? Is there a particular reason you prefer to make a cops job more dangerous?

It's also because of the highly flammable fuel that they burn.

Among other reasons.

Ethanol is illegal? Since when? Why does the federal government require it to be mixed with gasoline if it is illegal?

Just admit you are wrong and drop it.
I'm curious, do you think the person who left the gun lying on the bed should be charged with manslaughter?

Yup. But for the sake of argument, would an expanded back round check have prevented this ? How about a magazine limited to 15 rounds ?
Lanza only had to reload 4 times, with his 30 round magazine. If he had been limited to a 10 round clip, he would have had to reload 14 times!

What if the gun jammed on clip 7? Or he drops it?

How many children may have gotten away?

Laughner was only stopped in Tucson because he was reloading.

Lanza actually reloaded a lot more than he had to.
Yup. But for the sake of argument, would an expanded back round check have prevented this ? How about a magazine limited to 15 rounds ?
Lanza only had to reload 4 times, with his 30 round magazine. If he had been limited to a 10 round clip, he would have had to reload 14 times!

What if the gun jammed on clip 7? Or he drops it?

How many children may have gotten away?

Laughner was only stopped in Tucson because he was reloading.

Lanza actually reloaded a lot more than he had to.

Which begs the question, which question on the yellow paper would have prevented this ? What limitation on the cosmetic features on any fire arm would have prevented this "accident " considering the owner of the fire arm was a member of law enforcement ?
I'm curious, do you think the person who left the gun lying on the bed should be charged with manslaughter?

Yup. But for the sake of argument, would an expanded back round check have prevented this ? How about a magazine limited to 15 rounds ?
Lanza only had to reload 4 times, with his 30 round magazine. If he had been limited to a 10 round clip, he would have had to reload 14 times!

What if the gun jammed on clip 7? Or he drops it?

How many children may have gotten away?

Laughner was only stopped in Tucson because he was reloading.

Maybe, I have an open mind, but this was a year old with his fathers gun. How would expanded background checks, two new questions on the 4273, bans on cosmetic features of certain firearms, or an out right ban on fore arms prevented this "accident" considering the gun owner would be subject to none of that ?
Condolences to the widow, & to the family of the child.

Could we take a moment to see this poor woman buried before we return to the usual brickbats?

We do not have time to wait. This is what happens when loaded guns are in the hands of law abiding idiots.

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