4 years for another Trump insurrectionist

I wonder if any of the insurrectionists think it was worth 4 years in jail? Seems like, for the most part, they are degenerating into blubbering, apologetic crybabies at their sentencing hearings.
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Hmmmmmmmmmm............ crickets.
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How many years did the heads of the DNC, FBI, CIA and DOJ get for obtaining a fake dossier on Trump from a Russian agent? Which they proceeded to use as evidence to obtain illegal FISA warrants from illicit and complicit judges to spy on a sitting U.S. president? Then they held the nation hostage for 18 months demanding a complete phony Russian Collusion investigation, and totally coddled by a slimy MSM. Would that be an example of an insurrection?
Democrat insurrection is OK because ORANGE MAN BAD.
I do love irony. From Dictionary.com:

I know, I know.

Fake news.
Are you bozos ever going to get around to proving it was an insurrection? Because no one has been charged with that crime. Can't have an insurrection without insurrectionists, can you?

You really expect people to just roll over and believe it without question, don't you?

Of course you do. Because that's exactly what you did.

Are you bozos ever going to get around to proving it was an insurrection? Because no one has been charged with that crime. Can't have an insurrection without insurrectionists, can you?

You really expect people to just roll over and believe it without question, don't you?

Of course you do. Because that's exactly what you did.

Hey, I was just shoving your ignorance in your face. Again. You can call it whatever you want. Call it a "saxophone" if you wish, I don't care. Is that better, slugger?

I wonder why you snowflakes always melt down over the usage of the word. I'm not asking, since I can't believe a thing you Trumpsters say. But I do wonder.

If you don't like the word, tough shit.


Hey, I was just shoving your ignorance in your face. Again. You can call it whatever you want. Call it a "saxophone" if you wish, I don't care. Is that better, slugger?

I wonder why you snowflakes always melt down over the usage of the word. I'm not asking, since I can't believe a thing you Trumpsters say. But I do wonder.

If you don't like the word, tough shit.


You, too, can call it what you want -- or, more accurately, what you're told to call it.

Of course, you have no idea why you're told to call it that. It's because it's a heavily-loaded word designed to elicit an emotional response. And man, do you kids get emotional about it! If it's INSURRECTION, it must be BAD! INSURRECTIONISTS ARE BAD PEOPLE!! PEOPLE I TRUST TOLD ME SO!! IT TOTALLY DOESN'T MATTER THAT THEY MANIPULATE ME ALL THE TIME!!

Some of them have been legally proven to be rioters, trespassers, and assaulters.

But NONE of them have been legally proven to be insurrectionists.

Like I said...y'all ever going to get around to that? Or are you -- like you -- just taking it on faith?
Lock 'em all up and throw away the keys. They were intent on taking over the country. Bigly!!!

Or put them on probation and a few weeks of house arrest! Some "insurrection!" :lmao:

Yes, if leftists write the history.

They're not at all honest when they do. Ironically, history -- the accurate kind -- proves this.
No, more self soothing fantasy from a lost cultist. Everyone outside of your cult sees it for what it is. And you will all be dead soon enough. The deplorables will not get to write history. They will just be a punchline.

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