40 Economists Agree: The GOP Is In Fiscal La-La Land

You can't even get them to admit that tax cuts are no different than spending.


Did someone hack your account to make you look like an idiot?

Are you agreeing that tax cuts are indeed spending or are you saying that they are not?

Tax cuts are in fact, in no way on any planet "spending." Spending is spending... If by your definition any taxes not collected is equal to spending then literally unless taxes are an unavoidable 100% on everyone then the Government is "spending" money.
They snagged ferret face Krugman's Rolodex and surveyed them. :lol:

Dear OldBalls,

You should read the post more clearly. They survived both Conservatives and Liberals. You're starting to show what a dumbass you are. Though, this might be your strategy all along.


Derp Derpysteen, Esq.
"Conservatives" as defined by whom?

According to the leftist fish wrap known as the New York Times, the squishy little rodent David Brooks qualifies as a "conservative" (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean anymore).

AHHAHAHAHA...He's looking for any way to ignore the information. Next he'll ask them to provide college records and if they
The best way to help the poor is to make them suffer more

“I am for doing good to the poor, but…I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. I observed…that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer.” - Benjamin Franklin
They snagged ferret face Krugman's Rolodex and surveyed them. :lol:

Dear OldBalls,

You should read the post more clearly. They survived both Conservatives and Liberals. You're starting to show what a dumbass you are. Though, this might be your strategy all along.


Derp Derpysteen, Esq.
"Conservatives" as defined by whom?

According to the leftist fish wrap known as the New York Times, the squishy little rodent David Brooks qualifies as a "conservative" (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean anymore).

AHHAHAHAHA...He's looking for any way to ignore the information. Next he'll ask them to provide college records

Did someone hack your account to make you look like an idiot?

Are you agreeing that tax cuts are indeed spending or are you saying that they are not?
It's only "spending" if you presume that 100% of what I earn belongs to gubmint.

Letting me keep what's mine doesn't cost you anything, no matter how you try to trash the language.

Giving up revenue is no different to the bottom line than spending especially when it is made far in advance of any half-assed spending cuts. Can you refute this statement with anything other than libertarian self-centered bullshit?
"Giving up revenue" is not spending, comrade.

If anyone is self-centered, it's the base, covetous little looter, who makes the presumption that 100% of what his neighbor earns belongs to him.
LOL, A SURVEY of 40 economist...


I know, that's what I thought... It's like they went out of their way to make the poll/survey meaningless by asking as few people as they possibly could.

Seriously, they asked like a classroom size of people what their opinion is on something... How broad can this "spectrum" be with so few people?

Someone explain to the morons what a survey is.

I didn't realize you didn't know what a survey is:

1 : the act or an instance of surveying: as a: a broad treatment of a subject b: poll 5a

2 : something that is surveyed

Survey - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

BTW just so you know, you can find out the definitions of words in a book or a website called a dictionary. Might help you in your future studies.
40 Economists Say The GOP Has Abandoned Economic Reality | ThinkProgress

Before the Conservadopes scream "HATE SITE" and plug their fingers, note the first fucking sentence in the article:

A survey of forty economists from across the ideological and partisan spectrum has concluded that on some of its most cherished issues, the Republican Party has simply taken leave of economic reality.

So now economists are starting to see the same things as everyone else outside the Limbaugh/Beck/Faux News bubble. And I think even Republicans in Congress are starting to wake up to reality. Boehner pretty much told the GOP members of Congress that told him to SHUT THE GOVERNMENT DOWN over Obamacare to fuck off recently too. Orin Hatch wants to compromise on the tax issue.

Grover and the Tea Party's days of power are quickly coming to an end because after two years, America's independent voters are starting to see how off their tits the GOP is.

Two items.......

1) I looked but could not find the names of any of those "conservative" economists

2) The GOP never said that the stimulus would not bring down unemployment. Of course it would. You take a half a trillion dollars and use it to hire people....people will get jobs. What the GOP was saying was that the return on the investment would by no means make the investment worthy...and will likely stymy a recovery and help the employment numbers short term at best....but as soon as the stimulus money runs out, unemployemnt will slowly tick up again.

And that is exactly what happened.

So my guess is that they found that the GOP was correct....but the authors spun it.

Did someone hack your account to make you look like an idiot?

Are you agreeing that tax cuts are indeed spending or are you saying that they are not?

I agree you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.

Tax cuts, done properly, help the economy grow. Growing economy = greater tax revenue

The Bush Tax Cuts have been in place for 10 years now. Where are all the jobs it was supposed to create? I mean, besides the 28 straight months of private sector under OBAMA's watch.
I know, that's what I thought... It's like they went out of their way to make the poll/survey meaningless by asking as few people as they possibly could.

Seriously, they asked like a classroom size of people what their opinion is on something... How broad can this "spectrum" be with so few people?

Someone explain to the morons what a survey is.

I didn't realize you didn't know what a survey is:

1 : the act or an instance of surveying: as a: a broad treatment of a subject b: poll 5a

2 : something that is surveyed

Survey - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

BTW just so you know, you can find out the definitions of words in a book or a website called a dictionary. Might help you in your future studies.

Cool. Thanks for teaching your fellow Conservative fucktards what the word means for me.
I know 80 economist that thinks the GOP is on the right track. that report is a lot like polls, who paid for it and what did they want it to say. Lets move on to something with some substance to it.

You do? Please, post their names, CV's, their web sites and articles.
Are you agreeing that tax cuts are indeed spending or are you saying that they are not?

I agree you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.

Tax cuts, done properly, help the economy grow. Growing economy = greater tax revenue

The Bush Tax Cuts have been in place for 10 years now. Where are all the jobs it was supposed to create? I mean, besides the 28 straight months of private sector under OBAMA's watch.

The economy was ok until Krugmans Housing Bubble popped. Did you miss that?
Dear OldBalls,

You should read the post more clearly. They survived both Conservatives and Liberals. You're starting to show what a dumbass you are. Though, this might be your strategy all along.


Derp Derpysteen, Esq.
"Conservatives" as defined by whom?

According to the leftist fish wrap known as the New York Times, the squishy little rodent David Brooks qualifies as a "conservative" (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean anymore).

AHHAHAHAHA...He's looking for any way to ignore the information. Next he'll ask them to provide college records

Don't forget their birth certificates.
Are you agreeing that tax cuts are indeed spending or are you saying that they are not?

I agree you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.

Tax cuts, done properly, help the economy grow. Growing economy = greater tax revenue

The Bush Tax Cuts have been in place for 10 years now. Where are all the jobs it was supposed to create? I mean, besides the 28 straight months of private sector under OBAMA's watch.

I seriously hate it when people like you are dishonest.

WE HAD NEAR FULL EMPLOYMENT FOR 6 YEARS following the Clinton recession.

See, then Democrats got back control of the House and Senate and we had a financial crash. Since then we havent cut taxes.

You expect job creation now for something we havent done in 12 years.

And you think this is honest? Or do you even give a damn?

I think you care nothing about for honesty. Nor about whats good for actual people. You only care about power to your political party despite the fact that you are screwed over too.

How about we actually help people by helping people work less for the government and more for themselves? How about we eliminate all the wasteful and unconstitutional spending so we arent selling our children and grandchildren into slavery? How about we start trying to screw up the market with government intervention while pretending to help it?

In other words, let's stop these stupid progressive policies and do something that has a history of working.
Someone explain to the morons what a survey is.

I didn't realize you didn't know what a survey is:

1 : the act or an instance of surveying: as a: a broad treatment of a subject b: poll 5a

2 : something that is surveyed

Survey - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

BTW just so you know, you can find out the definitions of words in a book or a website called a dictionary. Might help you in your future studies.

Cool. Thanks for teaching your fellow Conservative fucktards what the word means for me.

You are hardly a conservative.

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