42% of Democrats are in Favor of Socialism

Um no that's still socialism.
Uhm no, private contractors are not publicly owned.
Those contracts are owned by the US government. The private production of those materials become ownership of the US government. There's no getting around that.
Contracts are a two way street, an agreement. No single entity owns a contract.
Either way the production of those materials benefits the government.
You're just chanting now. Have you ever heard the phrase, a government for the people, by the people?
That flowery phrase is irrelevant to our conversation.
Defense contractors bid for government contracts. Not Socialism.

Did you know that, through bribing congress, the big pharmaceutical will NOT allow for Medicare to bid for lower costs?..

Now THAT is true capitalism.....Nice, isn't it?

No that is corruption of the government, not true capitalism.
Corruption stemming from private sector greed.

No Politicians taking money from the Pharmaceuticals is the corruption.
Our government is not suppose to be in many of things that it has it's hands on.
Despite all the nuttiness in the GOP, this is a big reason why I'm a Republican.

Many Democrats are feeling the love for socialism.

More than four in 10 Democrats say they have a favorable opinion of socialism, according to a survey of 1,000 U.S. adults released in January by data and research firm YouGov; this percentage is nearly identical to what the researchers found in May of last year. Meanwhile, only about one in three say they have an unfavorable opinion of the ideology. ...

On the whole, nearly half of all Americans say they have an unfavorable opinion of socialism, the YouGov survey revealed.​

42% of Democrats are in favor of socialism

Republicans love socialism. Tea Baggers show up at rallies to defend it with great hostility. "Keep the government's hands off my medicare!"

Its easy, if you are against socialism, and we aren't talking about ACTUAL socialism where the government owns the means of production, we are just talking about quasi-socialism re social type programs, then stop using the roads, stop asking the police to help you, or the USDA making sure your food is safe to eat, or doctors are properly trained and certified, or architects are properly trained, or any other program where the collective money of the entire population pays for 99.99999% of it but YOU get to use it too.

Don't whine, bitch, complain, foam at the mouth, just stop using all those things. Build your own roads, and bridges, hospitals, and military with your own money.

Because if you use any of those things you are a socialist. All of human existence is in one way or another socialistic.

OF society. Cons just like to lie to themselves that they are 'rogue', an island that doesn't need help from anyone. First step, stop using the roads. Your entire salary your whole life couldn't pay for 1/2 mile of road. Stop using that socialistic institution.
Another genius slithers in. The people pay for government employees to do xyz. Getting them to hire road builders, for example, isn't socialism. Your theory makes all nations socialist and makes the word useless.

Don't whine, just stop using all those things. Thanks for playing.
Quit playing with your asshole and pay attention for a second. We the people own the roads.
Uhm no, private contractors are not publicly owned.
Those contracts are owned by the US government. The private production of those materials become ownership of the US government. There's no getting around that.
Contracts are a two way street, an agreement. No single entity owns a contract.
Either way the production of those materials benefits the government.
You're just chanting now. Have you ever heard the phrase, a government for the people, by the people?
That flowery phrase is irrelevant to our conversation.
Defense contractors bid for government contracts. Not Socialism.

Did you know that, through bribing congress, the big pharmaceutical will NOT allow for Medicare to bid for lower costs?..

Now THAT is true capitalism.....Nice, isn't it?

No that is corruption of the government, not true capitalism.
Corruption stemming from private sector greed.

No Politicians taking money from the Pharmaceuticals is the corruption.
Our government is not suppose to be in many of things that it has it's hands on.
Lol oh really so the pharmaceutical companies are not to blame at all?
Those contracts are owned by the US government. The private production of those materials become ownership of the US government. There's no getting around that.
Contracts are a two way street, an agreement. No single entity owns a contract.
Either way the production of those materials benefits the government.
You're just chanting now. Have you ever heard the phrase, a government for the people, by the people?
That flowery phrase is irrelevant to our conversation.
The nature of our defense budget speaks for itself.

Defense contractors bid for government contracts. Not Socialism.

Did you know that, through bribing congress, the big pharmaceutical will NOT allow for Medicare to bid for lower costs?..

Now THAT is true capitalism.....Nice, isn't it?

No that is corruption of the government, not true capitalism.
Corruption stemming from private sector greed.

No Politicians taking money from the Pharmaceuticals is the corruption.
Our government is not suppose to be in many of things that it has it's hands on.
Lol oh really so the pharmaceutical companies are not to blame at all?

Not when congress sets it up in the first place.
Contracts are a two way street, an agreement. No single entity owns a contract.
Either way the production of those materials benefits the government.
You're just chanting now. Have you ever heard the phrase, a government for the people, by the people?
That flowery phrase is irrelevant to our conversation.
The nature of our defense budget speaks for itself.


We spend less on defense than pensions and health care.
Defense is in the Constitution.
Health Care and Pensions are not.
Lol oh really so the pharmaceutical companies are not to blame at all?

I'm telling you, my friend, debating with these caliber of right wing nitwits is useless........They have every right, however, to remain as dumb as they are now.
Did you know that, through bribing congress, the big pharmaceutical will NOT allow for Medicare to bid for lower costs?..

Now THAT is true capitalism.....Nice, isn't it?

No that is corruption of the government, not true capitalism.
Corruption stemming from private sector greed.

No Politicians taking money from the Pharmaceuticals is the corruption.
Our government is not suppose to be in many of things that it has it's hands on.
Lol oh really so the pharmaceutical companies are not to blame at all?

Not when congress sets it up in the first place.
Oh please it doesn't work like that. You just assume it does. Big pharma knows exactly whah it needs to do for profit. You not putting any responsibily on them is so lame either way.
Despite all the nuttiness in the GOP, this is a big reason why I'm a Republican.

Many Democrats are feeling the love for socialism.

More than four in 10 Democrats say they have a favorable opinion of socialism, according to a survey of 1,000 U.S. adults released in January by data and research firm YouGov; this percentage is nearly identical to what the researchers found in May of last year. Meanwhile, only about one in three say they have an unfavorable opinion of the ideology. ...

On the whole, nearly half of all Americans say they have an unfavorable opinion of socialism, the YouGov survey revealed.​

42% of Democrats are in favor of socialism
Define socialism

Social Security?


Public schools?

Universal healthcare similar to Medicare?

Public roads paid for?

Tax deductions for employer's expense on employee health care costs?

Tax deductions for individual mortgages?

Caring for the poorest among us with children?

Funding hospitals?

Funding medical schools so we have more doctors?

Etc, etc, etc....?

A political term will be fairly self-explanatory such that it doesn't need a definition. People will have a reaction to it, be it positive, negative or indifferent. Broad generalities are usually sufficient to demonstrate a mindset of the individuals' responses, regardless of the term.
I'm sure this is what those 47% is looking forward to in life. and the Progressive/Socialist/democrat party is all too happy to give it to them.

freaking dummies

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