44 States Refuse To Turn Over Voter Rolls To Support Trump's Big Lie

Again, nice dodge attempt. How else do you propose investigating Voter Fraud? I mean, you Trump-Hater Wingnuts are so smart. Please elaborate.

Do what New York does. You are required to sign the register before you can vote, and the register has a photocopy of every time you ever signed in to vote, gong back years if not decades. Unless you're a master forger, you can't forge somebody elses signature. It's what the banks use to verify financial transfers.

So you support cooperating with such an investigation. I can respect you now.
You Goddamned liar. The fat senile old orange clown is asking for information in no way pertinent to illegal voting.

You're flailing and dodging. He's proposed an investigation into Voter Fraud. Why are y'all hater wingnuts refusing to cooperate?

Because there is no reason to believe Trump's bullshit claim of massive illegal voting.

If only you realized how ignorant you sound.
Do what New York does. You are required to sign the register before you can vote, and the register has a photocopy of every time you ever signed in to vote, gong back years if not decades. Unless you're a master forger, you can't forge somebody elses signature. It's what the banks use to verify financial transfers.

So you support cooperating with such an investigation. I can respect you now.
You Goddamned liar. The fat senile old orange clown is asking for information in no way pertinent to illegal voting.

You're flailing and dodging. He's proposed an investigation into Voter Fraud. Why are y'all hater wingnuts refusing to cooperate?

Because there is no reason to believe Trump's bullshit claim of massive illegal voting.

If only you realized how ignorant you sound.

says the sheep
Do what New York does. You are required to sign the register before you can vote, and the register has a photocopy of every time you ever signed in to vote, gong back years if not decades. Unless you're a master forger, you can't forge somebody elses signature. It's what the banks use to verify financial transfers.

So you support cooperating with such an investigation. I can respect you now.
You Goddamned liar. The fat senile old orange clown is asking for information in no way pertinent to illegal voting.

You're flailing and dodging. He's proposed an investigation into Voter Fraud. Why are y'all hater wingnuts refusing to cooperate?

Because there is no reason to believe Trump's bullshit claim of massive illegal voting.

If only you realized how ignorant you sound.

You mean to a crazy RWNJ? I don't really care.
44 states won't give some voter info to panel - CNNPolitics.com

The information the commission is seeking includes registrants' full names, addresses, dates of birth, political parties, the last four digits of their social security numbers, a list of the elections they voted in since 2006, information on any felony convictions, information on whether they were registered to vote in other states, their military status, and whether they lived overseas.


"The President's Commission has quickly politicized its work by asking states for an incredible amount of voter data that I have, time and time again, refused to release," said Louisiana Secretary of State Tom Schedler, a Republican, on Monday afternoon. "My response to the Commission is, you're not going to play politics with Louisiana's voter data, and if you are, then you can purchase the limited public information available by law, to any candidate running for office. That's it."

Mississippi's Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann, also a Republican, took the criticism a step further.
"My reply would be: They can go jump in the Gulf of Mexico, and Mississippi is a great state to launch from," Hosemann said in a statement Friday. "Mississippi residents should celebrate Independence Day and our state's right to protect the privacy of our citizens by conducting our own electoral processes."
Are Republicans making lists?

Not yet, just the people of that fat senile old orange clown.

Notice neither Trump or Bernie were real Republicans/Democrats. No such thing as a rino. Party's change
Trump lies about it, Fox repeats it and a conspiracy is born ... debunk it 500 times a day and it never gets through the "dumbass firewall" in RW's genetic code ..
So you support cooperating with such an investigation. I can respect you now.
You Goddamned liar. The fat senile old orange clown is asking for information in no way pertinent to illegal voting.

You're flailing and dodging. He's proposed an investigation into Voter Fraud. Why are y'all hater wingnuts refusing to cooperate?

Because there is no reason to believe Trump's bullshit claim of massive illegal voting.

If only you realized how ignorant you sound.

You mean to a crazy RWNJ? I don't really care.

He wants to investigate Voter Fraud, and you don't. But he's the 'bad guy.' You hater wingnuts are truly lost. Movin on...
Trump lies about it, Fox repeats it and a conspiracy is born ... debunk it 500 times a day and it never gets through the "dumbass firewall" in RW's genetic code ..

Once they have heard a claim, no matter how stupid it is, they believe it forever.
You Goddamned liar. The fat senile old orange clown is asking for information in no way pertinent to illegal voting.

You're flailing and dodging. He's proposed an investigation into Voter Fraud. Why are y'all hater wingnuts refusing to cooperate?

Because there is no reason to believe Trump's bullshit claim of massive illegal voting.

If only you realized how ignorant you sound.

You mean to a crazy RWNJ? I don't really care.

He wants to investigate Voter Fraud, and you don't. But he's the 'bad guy.' You hater wingnuts are truly lost. Movin on...

Yes. That orange clown is the bad guy.
Trump wants;

screw him there have been dozens of VF investigations in the last decade that didnt find squat ... spend taxpayers money to prove hes a damn liar isnt necessary.

file voter fraud in the same shitcan with Obama Taped him and call it a day.
Trump wants;

screw him there have been dozens of VF investigations in the last decade that didnt find squat ... spend taxpayers money to prove hes a damn liar isnt necessary.

file voter fraud in the same shitcan with Obama Taped him and call it a day.

The best way of catching voter ID fraud is with poll watchers. They can check signatures, check ID's, anything the poll workers use to verify the voters legitimacy. I don't see how the information they're asking for would catch illegals. All it will do is find typographical errors, and hold them out to be fraud.
Trump called Democrats' bluff. I think it's great. If there's no Voter Fraud, what do these Democrat strongholds have to hide?

You people have lost your minds. What does TRUMP have to hide? His tax returns and the pee tape for starters.
So Freudian it's amazing.

If there's no Voter Fraud, why are Democrats refusing to cooperate?
The majority of the states are Republican. The unified flipping of the bird to trump is bipartisan.

According to Democrat Fake News anyway. Y'all are so full of shite. If there's no Voter Fraud, y'all should be anxious to prove it. Trump's calling your bluff. The ball's in your court. What do you have to hide?

It's been proven - over and over. Trump made the assertion as an excuse for losing the popular vote while offering NO EVIDENCE of his assertions. He then ordered a Commission to investigate his baseless assertion.

This is the Republican way. Make a baseless charge and then get a taxpayer funded investigation which proves it to be false.

Half of the registered voters don't bother to vote, mostly poor people. Why would illegals - the poorest of the poor risk getting caught trying to vote. It doesn't even make sense.
Hmmm.....could it be that multiple millions of illegal aliens voted their interests, and Americans voted theirs?

And the Americans won.

Are you saying you think the governments of 44 states know that illegals voted in their states and are now trying to hide that information?

Is it that hard for you to understand?

Are you saying all of those 44 states are hiding information about illegal voters?

I see that it is...

Why don't you explain it then? Or are you, like PC, unwilling to simply answer the question?

You really believe that Illegal Aliens have NOT cast a vote in our national elections, really?

I guess you're going to try and tell me that our tax dollars do not support them in any fashion?

In my opinion its insane to believe Illegal Aliens have not voted in our elections based simply on voter ID, we require ID to drive, buy alcohol, buy cigarettes, purchase countless products, enter public schools, leave and enter the US, board an air plane, etc...

So what's the real argument with Voter ID Laws?
So what do they have to hide that causes them to so fear the light of day?

Law suits from voters for violation of their privacy rights. Voters are supposed to vote by secret ballot. That's the law. Requesting information on how people voted is illegal.

So....other than for whom they voted, you have no objection to the other information requested?

Painted yourself into a corner, huh?

No information should be provided. They have said this will all be made public. If a state even releases name and address, that will be made public. Perople's name and address may be available to stalkers and other people of ill repute.
Trying to get all that info on every American voter in single database would make that database target number one for every hacker in Russia and they would almost certainly succeed with the sloppy way Trump's people run things.

Remind us who hacked the DNC ..remind us how many millions of dollars Obama spent on the Obama care web site numb nuts...


You are the numb nuts. You don't give a damn about people's information being stolen. All for the sake of satisfying Trump's ego.
Are you saying you think the governments of 44 states know that illegals voted in their states and are now trying to hide that information?

Is it that hard for you to understand?

Are you saying all of those 44 states are hiding information about illegal voters?

I see that it is...

Why don't you explain it then? Or are you, like PC, unwilling to simply answer the question?

You really believe that Illegal Aliens have NOT cast a vote in our national elections, really?

I guess you're going to try and tell me that our tax dollars do not support them in any fashion?

In my opinion its insane to believe Illegal Aliens have not voted in our elections based simply on voter ID, we require ID to drive, buy alcohol, buy cigarettes, purchase countless products, enter public schools, leave and enter the US, board an air plane, etc...

So what's the real argument with Voter ID Laws?

Nobody ever said that an illegal vote has never been cast. In a country this big, I'm sure it's happened a few times. Only someone as crazy as Trump could possibly think it is a widespread problem.
Trump called Democrats' bluff. I think it's great. If there's no Voter Fraud, what do these Democrat strongholds have to hide?

You people have lost your minds. What does TRUMP have to hide? His tax returns and the pee tape for starters.
So Freudian it's amazing.

If there's no Voter Fraud, why are Democrats refusing to cooperate?

The Wyoming Secretary of State said it best.

"I'm going to decline to provide any Wyoming voter information," Secretary of State Ed Murray told the Casper Star-Tribune on Monday. "It's not sitting well with me. ... Elections are the responsibility of states under the Constitution. I'm wondering if this request could lead to some federal overreach. ... I have not experienced any secretary of state who has expressed any concerns or worry about fraud or some type of nefarious activity occurring that jeopardizes their respective election process."
Bullshite! Democrat Fake News. You all made the claim Trump was incorrect in claiming mass Voter Fraud. So now he's calling your bluff. And y'all are wussing out and refusing to cooperate. If you have nothing to hide, why not cooperate?

Give us info on all the guns you've bought over the past 20 years. What have you got to hide?

You sound like somebody from Stalinist USSR. What have you got to hide indeed?

And so it starts...

There was NO voter fraud. There have been extensive studies showing this. Just because the Orange Buffoon - ie the Fake News King - has you moronic trailer trash deplorables fooled, doesn't mean normal people have to join the band wagon.

Bullshit dodge. How do you Trump-Hater Wingnuts propose investigating Voter Fraud? He's called your bluff and proposed an investigation. Yet y'all have refused to cooperate. You don't get to call someone a 'liar' while refusing to cooperate in an investigation. If Trump's a 'liar', y'all wingnuts should have no problem proving it. Unless you're hiding something.

Opposing what Trump does and says does not make you a hater. The fact is that states are constitutionally charged with regulation of elections not the federal government. Trump has not called anyone's bluff. He has a temper tantrum because his ego cannot take the fact that he lost the popular vote. This commission is a whitewash to try and convince people that he won the popular vote by twisting the facts.

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