45 millionon food stamps in Obama year 7; did he "create" any jobs above min wage?

Weren't the "job creators" supposed to increase employment in return for tax reductions? They got them; what happened to the jobs?
Demand for goods and services create jobs. We import most of what we use and consume. Employers are not going to hire people to just in their break rooms all day. Employers are producing more with less employees. Employers hire in order to satisfy the needs of their customers, and for R&D.

Innovation, technology, and automation has replaced a lot of workers. Employers are importing cheap foreign labor. Employers are off-shore out-sourcing jobs. We have millions of illegal immigrants living and working in this country.

Consumers don't have enough spendable income in their pockets to support the retail market. Large retail chains are closing stores, and some malls are now ghost buildings. Most people are spending their income for food, rent, utilities, health care, and necessities.

Republicans don't don't believe in supply and demand. We have been told this many times by GOP members of the USMB. They call it a wild liberal theory easily discredited by "Trickle Down". If the already wealthy get more money via tax cuts, they will create jobs.
Really? ----- BS
BS????? We've had this discussion many times on the USMB. The majority of Republicans on this board truly believe supply and demand is an unworkable and wild liberal theory.
Republicans do everything they can to stop anything that's good for the country and then blame their misdeeds on Obama. They hate Obama more than they love America. Let millions suffer to somehow hurt a man that will never feel it. They even hurt their own people thinking they are somehow hurting Obama.
Who elected them? Why do Democrats remain silent and allow Republicans to get by with anti-America actions and inactions? How many Democrats take to the streets and march, protest, and call the American people together to make much needed changes? Why do so many politicians play "politics as usual", and allow this once great nation to sink into the abyss of ruin? How many professional politicians call on the power of the American people? ...... FYI - What we're seeing and experiencing has been a work in progress over many decades, and includes many administrations, both Democrat and Republican. Our problems have roots that go back to the 50s and 60s.

Scroll up and read my 5 paragraph response to this thread. It'll explain our situation.
Because Republicans control both houses. And the media refused to report on their evil deeds.
FYI - What happened when Democrats were in control? Please scroll up and read my initial 5 paragraph response to this thread. This has been a work in progress over many decades now. Through both Republican and Democrat administrations. I have explained it in my 5 paragraph initial response to this thread.
Weren't the "job creators" supposed to increase employment in return for tax reductions? They got them; what happened to the jobs?
Taxes went up on the highest earning people under Obama. Where the fuck have you been?
Weren't the "job creators" supposed to increase employment in return for tax reductions? They got them; what happened to the jobs?
Demand for goods and services create jobs. We import most of what we use and consume. Employers are not going to hire people to just in their break rooms all day. Employers are producing more with less employees. Employers hire in order to satisfy the needs of their customers, and for R&D.

Innovation, technology, and automation has replaced a lot of workers. Employers are importing cheap foreign labor. Employers are off-shore out-sourcing jobs. We have millions of illegal immigrants living and working in this country.

Consumers don't have enough spendable income in their pockets to support the retail market. Large retail chains are closing stores, and some malls are now ghost buildings. Most people are spending their income for food, rent, utilities, health care, and necessities.

Republicans don't don't believe in supply and demand. We have been told this many times by GOP members of the USMB. They call it a wild liberal theory easily discredited by "Trickle Down". If the already wealthy get more money via tax cuts, they will create jobs.
Really? ----- BS
BS????? We've had this discussion many times on the USMB. The majority of Republicans on this board truly believe supply and demand is an unworkable and wild liberal theory.
What they think, and reality are two different animals. Please read my 5 paragraph initial response to this thread and you'll understand what is happening, and what has happened.
Weren't the "job creators" supposed to increase employment in return for tax reductions? They got them; what happened to the jobs?
ask the president...this was his "plan"...
Tax reductions to stimulate the economy was Bush's plan. I know you don't like to hear about him, but facts are facts.
but...we aren't talking about bush here...he hasn't been president for quite some time now..maybe you heard?..it was in all the papers....
But we were talking about tax reductions and I just wanted to give credit where credit was due and the reasons stated for the reductions. Why do you want to hide from the facts? You're the one who mentioned the "the president" and now you're scrambling to avoid taking responsibility for who "the president" you're talking about actually was!
Weren't the "job creators" supposed to increase employment in return for tax reductions? They got them; what happened to the jobs?
ask the president...this was his "plan"...
Tax reductions to stimulate the economy was Bush's plan. I know you don't like to hear about him, but facts are facts.
but...we aren't talking about bush here...he hasn't been president for quite some time now..maybe you heard?..it was in all the papers....
But we were talking about tax reductions and I just wanted to give credit where credit was due and the reasons stated for the reductions. Why do you want to hide from the facts? You're the one who mentioned the "the president" and now you're scrambling to avoid taking responsibility for who "the president" you're talking about actually was!

Yes..I did say "the president"...

you brought up bush...again...as usual...so I reminded you he's STILL not "the president". :popcorn:
Weren't the "job creators" supposed to increase employment in return for tax reductions? They got them; what happened to the jobs?
ask the president...this was his "plan"...
Tax reductions to stimulate the economy was Bush's plan. I know you don't like to hear about him, but facts are facts.
but...we aren't talking about bush here...he hasn't been president for quite some time now..maybe you heard?..it was in all the papers....
But we were talking about tax reductions and I just wanted to give credit where credit was due and the reasons stated for the reductions. Why do you want to hide from the facts? You're the one who mentioned the "the president" and now you're scrambling to avoid taking responsibility for who "the president" you're talking about actually was!
Yes..I did say "the president"...you brought up bush...again...as usual...so I reminded you he's STILL not "the president".
I brought him up because he's the one that pushed the tax cuts and defended them as a means to increase jobs. Where are the jobs? That's the question you should be answering, NOT whining because Bush was mentioned. Hell, people still mention, Lincoln, FDR, JFK, Nixon, Carter, Reagan, etc. Are they out of bounds, too?
Only the Wall Street fatcats got richer on his watch. There's more poverty and more Americans dependent on Entitlements than ever before. I know the loyal Obamabots refuse to acknowledge that, but it is the reality.
Democrats are bragging about obama's laughably misleading unemploymnet rate. If obama "created" all these jobs the can the Left at least admit they are minimum-wage paying jobs?
Is that why the Left wants to create an ARTIFICIAL wage floor (minimum-wage)??? is it so obama doesnt have to admit the jobs he "created" are low-paying minimum wage jobs?
no; that is the private sector's job. why are wealthy capitalists suggesting the least wealthy labor apply for socialized benefits instead of simply increasing wages to not be taxed for it.
I brought him up......
right...that's what I just said.
That's a cheap edit of my that borders on a violation of board rules.

:crybaby: :boohoo:
no..I took nothing out of context..I took the FIRST FOUR WORDS of your own post as is...Nothing deceptive about it..
"report" me..I don't GAF....

I also noticed you haven't even tried to answer my question Quit running away from the topic like a little bitch.

It's pretty obvious from your reaction that I made my point quite well. :popcorn:
I brought him up......
right...that's what I just said.
That's a cheap edit of my that borders on a violation of board rules.
no..I took nothing out of context..I took the FIRST FOUR WORDS of your own post as is...Nothing deceptive about it.."report" me..I don't GAF....
Still a cheap post and you're still running away from the question. Why can't you answer it? You've proven over and over to be a waste of time, so good bye, :asshole:.
I brought him up......
right...that's what I just said.
That's a cheap edit of my that borders on a violation of board rules.
no..I took nothing out of context..I took the FIRST FOUR WORDS of your own post as is...Nothing deceptive about it.."report" me..I don't GAF....
Still a cheap post and you're still running away from the question. Why can't you answer it? You've proven over and over to be a waste of time, so good bye, :asshole:.

name calling...what grade are you in?
Wall Street fatcats have done very well on his watch. But no one else has. Poverty is at record levels. And he just signed another horrific Trade Deal that will hurt American Workers even more. His followers are living in denial if they believe he's done anything for average Americans.

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