45-year-old man nabbed having sex with three dogs, horse

I was going to say something like this guy was told to never look a gift horse in the asshole. Or Rover Rover please cum over. But the title itself is funny enough.

If thats not funny enough go to the link and look at the screenshot. Oh you'll cry tears of laughter

45-year-old man nabbed having sex with three dogs horse PHOTOS - DailyPost Nigeria

45-year-old man nabbed having sex with three dogs, horse

A 45-year-old man, Travis Austin Joy, from Washington, is currently languishing in police custody after he was arrested for having sex with three dogs and a horse.

Travis’ act was discovered after he relocated from his home but forgot his video camera which was later discovered by his old roommate while cleaning and after viewing the content immediately alerted the police leading to his arrest.

The Mirror reports that Travis was apprehended on Wednesday after the seven videos on the device showed him engaging in sexual acts with various animals from around the neighbourhood.

Reacting to the incident, the Spokane County Sheriff’s office stated that Travis, a three-time convicted felon recorded the seven videos which showed him having sex with three different dogs and a horse between October 2012 and February 2014.

He was charged with seven counts of animal cruelty, one for each video and an additional two counts of harassment for making death threats against the people who reported him.

The owner of one of the dogs that was a victim to Joy’s sick habit, called police to report they had seen the disturbed individual at their home, and deputies then went to Joy’s residence and arrested him. After taking him into custody, sheriffs said that Joy admitted to making the videos so that he could watch them later without having to repeat the disgusting acts again.

He must have picked that up in his visit to the southern united states where that stuff is considered normal
Washington's a blue state.. Go figure..

And thats why he said he must've picked it up from the southern states. Reading, yanno

White people be like...I got it covered all ready


In December 2010, Joseph Guiso, a 20-year-old Australian man, married his best friend, a five-year-old Labrador. Guiso calls himself “religious” and claims that he felt guilty living with Honey out of wedlock. Even so, he assured people that “it’s not sexual. It’s just pure love.”
How can such a union be considered legal when a dog can not say "I do."?

God bless you always!!!

I was going to say something like this guy was told to never look a gift horse in the asshole. Or Rover Rover please cum over. But the title itself is funny enough.

If thats not funny enough go to the link and look at the screenshot. Oh you'll cry tears of laughter

45-year-old man nabbed having sex with three dogs horse PHOTOS - DailyPost Nigeria

45-year-old man nabbed having sex with three dogs, horse

A 45-year-old man, Travis Austin Joy, from Washington, is currently languishing in police custody after he was arrested for having sex with three dogs and a horse.

Travis’ act was discovered after he relocated from his home but forgot his video camera which was later discovered by his old roommate while cleaning and after viewing the content immediately alerted the police leading to his arrest.

The Mirror reports that Travis was apprehended on Wednesday after the seven videos on the device showed him engaging in sexual acts with various animals from around the neighbourhood.

Reacting to the incident, the Spokane County Sheriff’s office stated that Travis, a three-time convicted felon recorded the seven videos which showed him having sex with three different dogs and a horse between October 2012 and February 2014.

He was charged with seven counts of animal cruelty, one for each video and an additional two counts of harassment for making death threats against the people who reported him.

The owner of one of the dogs that was a victim to Joy’s sick habit, called police to report they had seen the disturbed individual at their home, and deputies then went to Joy’s residence and arrested him. After taking him into custody, sheriffs said that Joy admitted to making the videos so that he could watch them later without having to repeat the disgusting acts again.

Looks like someone has an animal fetish. Second post today about this shit?
It's only news because he fucked one of the dogs Obama was going to eat for dinner
Someone was going to serve one of your "loved ones" for dinner???

I have dogs for pets, not for dinner
Apparently you don't know the meaning of "loved ones"...that's okay, your stupidity is excused.
Did you even defend your "loved one"????
It's only news because he fucked one of the dogs Obama was going to eat for dinner
Someone was going to serve one of your "loved ones" for dinner???

I have dogs for pets, not for dinner
Apparently you don't know the meaning of "loved ones"...that's okay, your stupidity is excused.
Did you even defend your "loved one"????

Did Obama ever eat any of your "loved ones" for dinner, or a midnight snack?

Someone was going to serve one of your "loved ones" for dinner???

I have dogs for pets, not for dinner
Apparently you don't know the meaning of "loved ones"...that's okay, your stupidity is excused.
Did you even defend your "loved one"????

Did Obama ever eat any of your "loved ones" for dinner, or a midnight snack?
You said he was eating dogs...apparently that disqualifies my family and includes your "loved ones."

I have dogs for pets, not for dinner
Apparently you don't know the meaning of "loved ones"...that's okay, your stupidity is excused.
Did you even defend your "loved one"????

Did Obama ever eat any of your "loved ones" for dinner, or a midnight snack?
You said he was eating dogs...apparently that disqualifies my family and includes your "loved ones."

All we know for certain is that no family pet is safe when Barack is hungry, dogs, snakes, crickets, who knows what else

Apparently you don't know the meaning of "loved ones"...that's okay, your stupidity is excused.
Did you even defend your "loved one"????

Did Obama ever eat any of your "loved ones" for dinner, or a midnight snack?
You said he was eating dogs...apparently that disqualifies my family and includes your "loved ones."

All we know for certain is that no family pet is safe when Barack is hungry, dogs, snakes, crickets, who knows what else
Is your home on lock down????
How can such a union be considered legal when a dog can not say "I do."?
Bullshit. Mine do it all the time. The jump up and down and wag their tails. Not all communication is verbal. If the preacher asks the question and Fido hops around all happy, give her the ring.
Well I don't believe that the dog could truly understand what the preacher was asking it.

God bless you always!!!


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