450 pound chicago negress gets $1100 a month disability for being fat


You forgot to work in the word "feral".

Don't you have a Westboro/KKK meeting to got to?
uk article, though it concerns an american. Looks like obozo told the american press not to touch this subject.

woman with 7ft wide backside hopes to inspire larger ladies | mail online

published: 22:48 est, 29 december 2013


she has to wear extra large trousers and once managed to crack a toilet bowl just by sitting on it but sarah massey, 33, says she is proud to have one of the world's largest posteriors.

The chicago mother-of-two's derriere measures an impressive 7ft in diameter and sometimes proves too large to fit through doorways.

But despite being proud of her record-breaking rear end, 32-stone ms massey admits that living with a super-sized bottom isn't always easy and receives £750 in disability benefit each month as a result of having limited mobility.

niggas gonna nig

doorway faIl
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rw's gotta lie.

This has nothing to do with President obama and nothing to with being black.

OTOH, this thread has everything to do with racist assholes.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJdv700H-Lc]Fat Women Wants To Gain More Weight. - YouTube[/ame]

Becaus i'm sick of all these blacks who go on welfare or claim a phony disability to get money from working whites.

What about the lazy whites who fake an illness to get money from hard working blacks?

Lots of lazy whites but there are NO hard-working blacks.

Prove it you lazy ass cracker liar.

All you do is sit on your own fat butt in front of your mommy's computer lying all day.

Go get a job and quit taking welfare and your mommy's money.
UK article, though it concerns an american. Looks like obozo told the american press not to touch this subject.

Woman with 7ft wide backside hopes to inspire larger ladies | Mail Online

PUBLISHED: 22:48 EST, 29 December 2013


She has to wear extra large trousers and once managed to crack a toilet bowl just by sitting on it but Sarah Massey, 33, says she is proud to have one of the world's largest posteriors.

The Chicago mother-of-two's derriere measures an impressive 7ft in diameter and sometimes proves too large to fit through doorways.

But despite being proud of her record-breaking rear end, 32-stone Ms Massey admits that living with a super-sized bottom isn't always easy and receives £750 in disability benefit each month as a result of having limited mobility.

And yet, if she is a heterosexual, she's allowed to legally marry in all 50 states. :D

What man (or woman) in their right mind would want to marry that? Oh, wait, anyone she wanted to marry...or else! Article says she already has two kids. I wonder how many 50 lb bags of flour that required?
Of course, white women never get that fat! LOL Although I'm sure none of these examples of lovely white flesh are on any kind of public assistance. Oh, absolutely not, I'm sure they all get up every morning and go to work just like the rest of us. LOL

Interestingly, this (Mexican) woman has lost all the weight, gotten medical control of the lymphedema, adopted her sister's kids.

She''s the one who tried to take the rap for killing her 2yo nephew only to learn that her own sister had killed him. Sister, as well as scum bag step father, went to jail and the woman turned her life around because she felt responsible for her sister's kids.

I'm glad my taxes are paying for her fat ass to get fatter.
Oh wait, I'm not.

your taxes are paying not only for her, but for many "disabled" by their excessive fat - it's an epidemic on par with a uterine job. Might even get more popular - morbid obesity among black women is higher than in all other races combined.

However, the trend is getting epidemic among others s well.

the only positive is that the fat way to gubmint handout is also the one which has Darwinian taste to it :lol:




I am sure these burdens all work, righty?
UK article, though it concerns an american. Looks like obozo told the american press not to touch this subject.

And yet, if she is a heterosexual, she's allowed to legally marry in all 50 states. :D

What man (or woman) in their right mind would want to marry that? Oh, wait, anyone she wanted to marry...or else! Article says she already has two kids. I wonder how many 50 lb bags of flour that required?

I read a book once called "Such a Pretty Face." It was about fat women and men who desire them. Some men actually desire really obese women, for whatever reason.

I find fat repulsive...which is probably lucky because I have a tendency to gain weight and I hate it so much that I really fight hard to keep my weight in check. My husband once asked me what I thought would happen if I didn't diet. I told him I'd probably weigh 300 pounds. Actually,I'd probably be dead by now.

I like my men on the skinny side, too. :) No big butts on men, please! :) This is about right: :)

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Negress? NEGRESS???? What the fuck kind of backwards mindset do you occupy, anyway?

And I'm white by the way. But people like you make me ashamed of my race.
Taxpayers are tired of Washington pickpockets, Kooshdakhaa.

This really is about resentment of paying taxes to finance this woman's future of disfiguring obesity and disease. Food stamps are the very worst thing that ever happened to her, because she's in it so deep she can never get out of the hole easy government money put her in.
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UK article, though it concerns an american. Looks like obozo told the american press not to touch this subject.

And what is the reason you felt everyone needed to know this women's race, and needed to use it in the thread title?

I think the picture would have given her race away anyhow.

Not to the truly open-minded. A real progressive might just suspect she'd been to the tanning salon a bit much lately...or maybe spray-on? It's so difficult for the truly PC-liberated to tell for sure.
UK article, though it concerns an american. Looks like obozo told the american press not to touch this subject.

And yet, if she is a heterosexual, she's allowed to legally marry in all 50 states. :D

:eusa_shifty:Kind of looks like she could be in all 50 states. At once.

Not only has her own zip code, I'm sure she has a gravitational pull. No wonder satellites are crashing to Earth, given that much "attraction". Hell, the tide rises when she goes to the beach.
I'm glad my taxes are paying for her fat ass to get fatter.
Oh wait, I'm not.

your taxes are paying not only for her, but for many "disabled" by their excessive fat - it's an epidemic on par with a uterine job. Might even get more popular - morbid obesity among black women is higher than in all other races combined.

However, the trend is getting epidemic among others s well.

the only positive is that the fat way to gubmint handout is also the one which has Darwinian taste to it :lol:

I am sure these burdens all work, righty?

do you think Darwinian rule is racist? :rolleyes:

I don't care which fatsos will become extinct.
This is disgusting

but statistically speaking the RATE of obesity in the inner city black women is skyrocketing and that is very far from something you should be happy about.


In most of the states examined, blacks had the highest prevalence (number of existing cases in a defined group of people during a specific time period) of obesity, followed by Hispanics, and then whites.
Among blacks in 45 states and DC with sufficient respondents, the prevalence of obesity ranged from 23.0% to 45.1%, with a total of 40 states having an obesity prevalence of ≥30%, including 5 states (Alabama, Maine, Mississippi, Ohio, and Oregon) with a prevalence of ≥ 40%.

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