47 Empty Top Secret Folders .......

Wow !

This is the level of stupidity of MAGA republicans, you just explained why its a crime. They were full of Top Secret documents when Trump took them, they are now empty, hence the crime...

You are shockingly ignorant
He's retarded.
Wow !
This just keeps getting better.

We already know Trump committed a serious crime, illegally stealing and then mishandling ultra top secret documents and then getting caught red handed with them in his basement .


There's plenty more.

We now know that they also found 47 empty Top Secret folders, with the ultra Top secret contents no where to be found.
God only knows what was in those folders. Again these are the ultra sensitive, ultra Top Secret classified material. The serious stuff. The bad stuff.

Now this material is no where to be found. Trump has lost this ultra Top Secret material, even more serious violation than we all originally assumed.

Trump has committed the most serious crime a president has ever committed, and he needs to be held accountable.

Indictment and prison is inevitable.

/——-/ They we’re so secret they were written in invisible ink on invisible paper.. THIS IS MAJOR.
Wow !

This is the level of stupidity of MAGA republicans, you just explained why its a crime. They were full of Top Secret documents when Trump took them, they are now empty, hence the crime...

You are shockingly ignorant
And you have no proof of your claims. I doubt that you have a security clearance to even look inside these empty folders and just make your lies to make yourself feel important, Hint: you are worthless.
Fact Trump took Top Secret material
Fact, those folders were full and are now empty
Fact, where are those ultra secret secure documents?
That's why its a crime
You must live under a rock
Fact: you are a moron and a liar with no proof of anything you claim.

Apparently, you also lack a knowledge the levels of classification and how they work. You are driven hate and misinformation and lies.

Personally, I would never bank with you for fear you would consider my deposits yours to do with as you wish.
You can't possibly be this stupid. Someone tell me this dude isn't that dumb.
You can't possibly be stupid enough to expect anyone to believe you on any subject with your posting history. Now that is truly stupid.
46 pages of rubbish the democrats once again masturbate over.

Just another stormy daniels moment.
You mean, when the orange slob was an unindicted co-conspirator in felonies that sent his person lawyer to prison, and was only spared prosecution and prison due to being a sitting president?

Haha, you might want to find a better example to whine about.
We already know Trump committed a serious crime...

Yeah, after SEVEN (7) YEARS of failed 'We've got him this time', you've 'got him this time', snowflake.




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