Zone1 4th of July vs Juneteenth

Most Confederates didn't own a single slave. They believed they were fighting for the independence of their states from what they had been convinced was a rapacious Northern dominated federal government.
It doesn't matter who didn't own. Those who could not afford slaves could rent them.

Slave trading produced an ancillary institution called slave renting, or slave hiring. As slave traders transported slaves and distributed them throughout the South, some whites developed a need for short-term slave labor, but did not wish to own slaves, in some cases because they wanted to avoid the stigma of slave ownership. Other whites who could not afford to own slaves did the next best thing—they rented slaves, especially during the harvest season to clear land for cultivation.

Look, it's time whites like you faced the truth instead of always trying to say, "It wasn't really that bad."
It doesn't matter who didn't own. Those who could not afford slaves could rent them.

Slave trading produced an ancillary institution called slave renting, or slave hiring. As slave traders transported slaves and distributed them throughout the South, some whites developed a need for short-term slave labor, but did not wish to own slaves, in some cases because they wanted to avoid the stigma of slave ownership. Other whites who could not afford to own slaves did the next best thing—they rented slaves, especially during the harvest season to clear land for cultivation.

Look, it's time whites like you faced the truth instead of always trying to say, "It wasn't really that bad."
"Most confederates didn't own slaves"

"The civil war wasn't really about slavery"

"Slaves had it better than they did in africa"

"Lincoln was a racist"

There, I just saved our resident revisionist racist pukes all kinds of time.
"Most confederates didn't own slaves"

"The civil war wasn't really about slavery"

"Slaves had it better than they did in africa"

"Lincoln was a racist"

There, I just saved our resident revisionist racist pukes all kinds of time.
But Lincoln was a racist.
For America, the Civil war was not about slavery.
The confederacy was not America.
Yet, 40 percent of the Confederacy was enslaved

While they didn’t all own slaves, they profited from the slave economy.

They also feared free slaves taking their jobs and their women
You tell me how some broke-ass subsistence farmer who lived on the edge of bankruptcy and starvation profited from slavery. Yes they feared freed slaves taking what little they had, so did the poor in the northern states. Freed slaves had no friends.
But Lincoln was a racist.
For America, the Civil war was not about slavery.
The confederacy was not America.
Lincoln was a racist. By modern standards every white person alive in 1860 was a racist. The most ardent abolitionists were racists. White people have come a long way since 1860, but you’d never know it hearing our resident black posters complain.
Actually what turquoise said is true. Africans did not sell slaves all around the world. Africa did not take ships to Europe and South America to sell slaves. Slavery was made legal here by this government. Whites like you brag about how great this country is, but when shown the truth, you want to blame other countries. This is about what the United States government has done.

Haiti was the first country to end slavery. Haitians were the first to recognize the immorality. The United States not only faked an end to slavery, but right now slavery is legal in this country if you are convicted of a crime.
Being convicted of a crime and being punished for it is not slavery.
You tell me how some broke-ass subsistence farmer who lived on the edge of bankruptcy and starvation profited from slavery. Yes they feared freed slaves taking what little they had, so did the poor in the northern states. Freed slaves had no friends.

That broke ass subsistence farmer had one thing going for him

He was white
As far down he was on the Social Ladder…….he was still better than any slave
Making them his equal was not acceptable
No "we" didn't. The United States did not fight to end slavery. The United States fought to put the union back together. The Confederacy was a separate nation and they fought for the preservation of slavery. Since the confederacy lost, the United States could set the terms, so slavery ending was one of them. Again, the confederacy was an entirely different country so trying to attach them to any American political party is inaccurate.
What a fucking stupid question.

By not paying for labor you goddamn moron.
He did his own labor. A subsistence farmer is doing nothing but growing food for himself and his family. Keeping slaves was expensive, having a bunch of kids was cheaper. If anybody is a moron, it’s you for not realizing how poor most Confederate citizens were. Not that Notherners were much better. Do you even realize that chickens were considered a premium food as late as 1928 when Herbert Hoover is said to have used the slogan “a chicken is every pot” to promise prosperity? Farmers were poor and chickens were kept to provide eggs that could be sold along with milk to buy things that the farm couldn’t produce. A slave is nowhere near free labor, slaves didn’t work any harder than they absolutely had to and they had to be fed, housed and cared for 24/7/365 if they were working or not. If a farmer had the money to buy a slave, he’d buy a mule instead, a Mule worked harder and cost less to maintain.
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That broke ass subsistence farmer had one thing going for him

He was white
As far down he was on the Social Ladder…….he was still better than any slave
Making them his equal was not acceptable
I agree, the most ardent abolitionist wouldn’t accept the most brilliant black as an equal.
He did his own labor. A subsistence farmer is doing nothing but growing food for himself and his family. Keeping slaves was expensive, having a bunch of kids was cheaper. If anybody is a moron, it’s you for not realizing how poor most Confederate citizens were. Not that Notherners were much better. Do you even realize that chickens were considered a premium food as late as 1928 when Herbert Hoover is said to have used the slogan “a chicken is every pot” to promise prosperity? Farmers were poor and chickens were kept to provide eggs that could be sold along with milk to buy things that the farm couldn’t produce. A slave is nowhere near free labor, slaves didn’t work any harder than they absolutely had to and they had to be fed, housed and cared for 24/7/265 if they were working or not. If a farmer had the money to buy a slave, he’d buy a mule instead, a Mule worked harder and cost less to maintain.
So, this farmer, did he join the traitor slavers and stop a bullet for slavery?
It doesn't matter who didn't own. Those who could not afford slaves could rent them.

Slave trading produced an ancillary institution called slave renting, or slave hiring. As slave traders transported slaves and distributed them throughout the South, some whites developed a need for short-term slave labor, but did not wish to own slaves, in some cases because they wanted to avoid the stigma of slave ownership. Other whites who could not afford to own slaves did the next best thing—they rented slaves, especially during the harvest season to clear land for cultivation.

Look, it's time whites like you faced the truth instead of always trying to say, "It wasn't really that bad."
Renting a slave still cost money that most people didn’t have. From the perspective of the renter, what is the difference between renting a slave to help with the harvest and hiring a white man for the same job? Either way he is buying the labor of another person for a short job?p.
So, this farmer, did he join the traitor slavers and stop a bullet for slavery?
He was defending his state. In those days people identified themselves as Georgians, Alabamians, Mainers, Ohioans rather than Americans. Nick Cage has a line that explains it in National Treasure, “before the civil war, people used to say the United States ARE, after it they said the United States IS”.
A slave is nowhere near free labor, slaves didn’t work any harder than they absolutely had to and they had to be fed, housed and cared for 24/7/365 if they were working or not.
A good overseer made sure he got a days work out of his slave labor or he was out of a job. Food did not cost you more than you provided your livestock and slaves could grow their own food
Slaves were also profitable as breeding stock. A good sized slave got you more at the market than that mule

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