4th warmest January

Yes, the midwest and Eastern US have had a cold winter. In the meantime, might want to look at where the Arctic sea ice stands right now. When all that cold air came down here, guess what went north to take its place.

Northern Hemisphere Sea Ice Area

Do you have a point?

So the takeaway is that "Global Warming" is not global


Global warming is the net imbalance(+) of the energy within the system. You can have areas of cold and warm. Do you realize that one part of the globe can be cold awhile the other can be warm? Look at my map in the op to see that much of Canada(comparely to avg and the arctic) was much above normal. This is caused by a ridge over the western United states into Canada. On the back side of this ridge is what you call a trough pulling the cold air southward into the eastern United states.

As a whole you only need to avg positive within the anomaly portions of the globe more so to make up for the colder areas. Doesn't say where!
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You know Matthew, y'all are going to eventually have to decide if temperatures are going up, or if they are merely changing. If you keep jumping back and forth between hypothesis, people are going to notice.

Temperature hasn't warmed on land since at least 2005. We see eye to eye with this for what ever reason. Most atmospheric and climate scientist believe that the heat is going some where.

Very confusing to say the least. I honestly don't know where the science will be within the next 3-4 years.
Yes, the midwest and Eastern US have had a cold winter. In the meantime, might want to look at where the Arctic sea ice stands right now. When all that cold air came down here, guess what went north to take its place.

Northern Hemisphere Sea Ice Area

Do you have a point?

So the takeaway is that "Global Warming" is not global


Global warming is the net imbalance(+) of the energy within the system. You can have areas of cold and warm. Do you realize that one part of the globe can be cold awhile the other can be warm? Look at my map in the op to see that much of Canada(comparely to avg and the arctic) was much above normal. This is caused by a ridge over the western United states into Canada. On the back side of this ridge is what you call a trough pulling the cold air southward into the eastern United states.

As a whole you only need to avg positive within the anomaly portions of the globe more so to make up for the colder areas. Doesn't say where!

So, "Global Warming" is neither global nor warming


Look it's a net imbalance!

You know Matthew, y'all are going to eventually have to decide if temperatures are going up, or if they are merely changing. If you keep jumping back and forth between hypothesis, people are going to notice.

Temperature hasn't warmed on land since at least 2005. We see eye to eye with this for what ever reason. Most atmospheric and climate scientist believe that the heat is going some where.

Very confusing to say the least. I honestly don't know where the science will be within the next 3-4 years.
The dog ate global warming? :rofl:
I am absolutely positive that in the history of Earth, there have been thousands of Januaries hotter. Tens of thousands.

You know Matthew, y'all are going to eventually have to decide if temperatures are going up, or if they are merely changing. If you keep jumping back and forth between hypothesis, people are going to notice.

Temperature hasn't warmed on land since at least 2005. We see eye to eye with this for what ever reason. Most atmospheric and climate scientist believe that the heat is going some where.

Very confusing to say the least. I honestly don't know where the science will be within the next 3-4 years.

Not really. Look at the past ups and downs. We are not in a down period, just a pause, one that this year may blow out of the water. Even a minor El Nino will do that.

You know Matthew, y'all are going to eventually have to decide if temperatures are going up, or if they are merely changing. If you keep jumping back and forth between hypothesis, people are going to notice.

Look what global temperatures did starting in 1941.


Temperatures plummeted and the world did not start warming again for almost FORTY years. But that was not the end of global warming. Given that FACT, where in god's name do you get the idea that THIS hiccup IS?

For the denier contention re the current hiatus to have ANY validity, you need to be able to identify a causative mechanism. Mainstream science HAS a causative mechanism for the last 150 years' warming: human GHG emissions and land clearing. And given what happened between 1941 add 1979, the current hiatus is WELL within the demonstrated natural variation.

The actual cause of the current hiatus is still under investigation, but it appears as if research is closing in on an ENSO-controlled function that alters tropical wind patters and thus heat transport mechanisms and causes surface heat energy to be carried to the deep ocean. That is still a hypothesis in development, but it is infinitely more than the denier camp is sporting. They not only lack ANY hypothesis as to the cause of the hiatus, they lack a viable hypothesis as to the cause of the warming the hiatus interrupted. That is not the nature of a hypothesis with which a reasonable person would challenge all of mainstream science.
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AGW= Altered data plugged into a computer model that can only conclude "Manmade Global Warming"
It is common for the E coast and the W coast to have this kind of difference in weather.

When its a warmer winter in the W coast, it is usually a colder winter in the E coast.

I thought that this was common knowledge.
We are all going to die. What's your point? Are you suggesting that human suffering is irrelevant?

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