4yo shoots mom in the back

This is one more example of why some level of training and testing should be required for all gun owners.

And for those who might feel such a requirement would involve a significant hardship, the fact is it wouldn't be nearly as imposing as the requirement for obtaining a driver license.

In terms of cost, there must be training facilities made available on a non-profit basis for a nominal fee subsidized by government. This requirement should eliminate the need for most gun restrictions, thus reducing the cost of enforcement to compensate for the nominal cost of training.

Training will eliminate the majority of gun misuse and accidents -- and it will enable a productive increase of armed citizens to counteract the rising terrorist threat.

No.....training is great and should be sought by all gun owners but there can be no mandate. Owning a gun for self defense is a Right, the same Right as voting....and when the democrats tried to use Literacy tests for voting, they were rejected as violating the right to vote.

we have 357,000,000 guns in this country in private hands....

we have about 19,000 non fatal gun accidents...(vs. 35,000 fatal accidents with automobiles)

And we had 505 accidental gun deaths in 2013....

We need to encourage training...but we can't mandate it....that is how the anti 2nd Amendment people will deny the right to lower income citizens....
Let's start the informal training with guns are weapons, not toys. Had she thought of her gun that way her four-year-old might not have shot her.
Chalk it up to collateral damage in the never ending attack on 2nd amendment rights.
Let's start the informal training with guns are weapons, not toys. Had she thought of her gun that way her four-year-old might not have shot her.
Of course you're right. Proper training would have taught her why it's a bad idea to allow a child or a minor anywhere near a firearm.
BTW, anyone willing to say she shouldn't have called her weapon a "toy"?
Three hours and no one denounced her, as expected.


Four year old child, not in a seat belt or child seat with access to a gun.

If you dare suggest there's something wrong with this, you're called a "gun grabber".

The mother should be brought up on charges - reckless endangerment of a BABY.
If you dare suggest there's something wrong with this, you're called a "gun grabber".

This is true.
The moment anyone condemns anything to do with guns, even obvious stupidity such as this, they're "Gun grabbers" and everything that the insult suggests.

The truth is a little different, the "gun grabbers" are clearly intelligent people who understand how bloody stupid this woman is.

It's very clear she should be:
Banned from ever owning/touching a gun again
Be dragged into court for endangering a child
Forced to undergo tests to determine the state of her mental health
If you dare suggest there's something wrong with this, you're called a "gun grabber".

This is true.
The moment anyone condemns anything to do with guns, even obvious stupidity such as this, they're "Gun grabbers" and everything that the insult suggests.

The truth is a little different, the "gun grabbers" are clearly intelligent people who understand how bloody stupid this woman is.

It's very clear she should be:
Banned from ever owning/touching a gun again
Be dragged into court for endangering a child
Forced to undergo tests to determine the state of her mental health

I own guns. I have always owned guns. I have never advocated for the end of gun ownership but damn.

Every single day, another 100 people are killed with guns. Last year, more than 40 people were shot - killed or wounded by TODDLERS with guns.

Nutters here are constantly saying children should be armed.

They are the crazy ones.
This is one more example of why some level of training and testing should be required for all gun owners.

And for those who might feel such a requirement would involve a significant hardship, the fact is it wouldn't be nearly as imposing as the requirement for obtaining a driver license.

In terms of cost, there must be training facilities made available on a non-profit basis for a nominal fee subsidized by government. This requirement should eliminate the need for most gun restrictions, thus reducing the cost of enforcement to compensate for the nominal cost of training.

Training will eliminate the majority of gun misuse and accidents -- and it will enable a productive increase of armed citizens to counteract the rising terrorist threat.

Not your problem, move on and MYOB


Toddlers shot and killed or injured more than 40 people in 2015.


No matter what her stance on gun ownership, WHO leaves an unsecured gun in the backseat with a 4 year old? Where I live, CPS would be paying her a visit, yesterday.

A moron without a clue?

I see this particular moron as the worst sort because her FB pages and their content.
I own guns. I have always owned guns.

I have owned many guns, and used many more for various things, but that involved a lot of serious training to ensure no accidental deaths were likely.
Many people see my posting record and assume I'm anti gun, but they're wrong - I'm anti morons with guns, and that means gun control.
Well, I'm usually anti-morons with guns...but let's be honest, in this case it worked out great! If more morons could get themselves shot I'd say the world would be a better place.

Seriously, what sort of complete idiot let's a 4 year old handle a loaded gun (intentionally or not, if you have kids you need to "kid proof" everything around them...its literally common sense). The real unfortunate thing about this is that the kid missed a vital spot.
Well, I'm usually anti-morons with guns...but let's be honest, in this case it worked out great! If more morons could get themselves shot I'd say the world would be a better place.

Seriously, what sort of complete idiot let's a 4 year old handle a loaded gun (intentionally or not, if you have kids you need to "kid proof" everything around them...its literally common sense). The real unfortunate thing about this is that the kid missed a vital spot.
This one lets her four-year-old shoot a .22. Common sense, unlike firearms, is not something she's possession of...
This is one more example of why some level of training and testing should be required for all gun owners.

And for those who might feel such a requirement would involve a significant hardship, the fact is it wouldn't be nearly as imposing as the requirement for obtaining a driver license.

In terms of cost, there must be training facilities made available on a non-profit basis for a nominal fee subsidized by government. This requirement should eliminate the need for most gun restrictions, thus reducing the cost of enforcement to compensate for the nominal cost of training.

Training will eliminate the majority of gun misuse and accidents -- and it will enable a productive increase of armed citizens to counteract the rising terrorist threat.

Not your problem, move on and MYOB


Toddlers shot and killed or injured more than 40 people in 2015.



And the parents should be held responsible.
This is one more example of why some level of training and testing should be required for all gun owners.

And for those who might feel such a requirement would involve a significant hardship, the fact is it wouldn't be nearly as imposing as the requirement for obtaining a driver license.

In terms of cost, there must be training facilities made available on a non-profit basis for a nominal fee subsidized by government. This requirement should eliminate the need for most gun restrictions, thus reducing the cost of enforcement to compensate for the nominal cost of training.

Training will eliminate the majority of gun misuse and accidents -- and it will enable a productive increase of armed citizens to counteract the rising terrorist threat.

Not your problem, move on and MYOB


Toddlers shot and killed or injured more than 40 people in 2015.



And the parents should be held responsible.

And they are where I live


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