5 Dozen ACA Repeal Votes And Counting! An Old Wise Saying Explains This(?)!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Republicans have a new woman-date in the recent Special Elections. As Democrats are likely to put it: Hillary is no longer running, so Republicans only barely won.

Insanity is sometimes being able to do the same thing over and over again, with the same no positive outcome occurring. That applied even again to the House ACA Repeal, opposed by the White House.

Now the Senate will create a vote, likely itself to be a failed outcome(?).

McConnell has been quietly leading Republicans' to a vote next week but that doesn't mean it's going to pass.

"We're going to make every effort to pass a bill that dramatically changes the current health care law," McConnell said when asked if he has the votes.

"I think the leader has made it pretty clear we're going to vote, one way or another, and hopefully we'll have 50 votes when that time comes," Senate Republican Conference Chairman John Thune said when asked if he believed McConnell would bring a bill to the floor that didn't have the votes to pass.

While no Republican senator has yet come out opposed the bill, McConnell has only a two-vote margin of error with many senators voicing problems with the legislation.

"If our bill comes in with greater subsidies than Obamacare, it makes it hard for conservatives to support a bill that actually has greater subsidies than Obamacare," Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., told reporters in regards to the tax credits in the GOP plan. "That for me is a nonstarter."

Conservatives like Ted Cruz of Texas and Mike Lee have Utah have been skeptical about the bill's ability to ultimately lower premium costs for Americans. Both are seen as potential 'no' votes on the bill.

More moderate senators like Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska are also seen as potential 'no' votes on the other end of the spectrum.”

“Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!”
(Some mental problems have to be seen, to be believed!)

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