5 republicans announce retirement in span of 2 weeks

Yahoo news is fake news. There's no reason for alarm. Republicans like this are either quitters or neocon bigots. Trump doesn't need people like that watching his back. Good riddance.
these are most likely the swamp and they know trump will win 2020.
Yahoo news is fake news. There's no reason for alarm. Republicans like this are either quitters or neocon bigots. Trump doesn't need people like that watching his back. Good riddance.

That's what you tards said last year right before you lost 40 seats
Announcing it early gives people time to field qualified candidates to vie for the seat. Since the latest is from Texas, I doubt they will have a problem holding the seat.
From the link:

“We must be better than comments like these,” he tweeted after the president suggested Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan should go back to their “broken and crime-infested” countries.

It speaks volumes when members of the GOP are taking issue with The Presidents vituperative rhetoric. Moderate and conservative republicans have every right to call out this type of invective.
The biggest reason Trump was elected is: We all know the Deep State permeates both parties.

I mean, seriously, is this news to the OP? Do you live under a fucking rock,or what?

Are you not paying attention? Are you a fucking 'bot, an NPC, both?

Or, as I suspect, just another dumbass dimocrap.

dimocraps just parrot stupid shit they think means something to someone somewhere for some reason. They have no clue WTF they're talking about. They just C&P useless nonsense at the behest of their handlers..... the DNC through the DISGUSTING FILTH.

Here's the deep thinking of the typical dimocrap moron --

‘Serving under Trump is embarrassing’: Fifth Republican congressman retires in just two weeks as GOP fears more exits

Even the GOP can’t stand Trump.

I can’t wait to hear the spin on this one: “They were RINOs all along anyway!”
This is what I call serious political spin. Jesus Thor Odin Allah!!!

Mike Conaway is the first Republican to EVER hold district 11. He was probably facing a primary and would rather go out on his own terms.

Paul Mitchell is in Boston, MA, so he is probably gone too. But, here is what he said:
"'We fail as a government, as an institution to address problems that really matter in this country because we're too busy playing politics," Mitchell said in a Wednesday interview at his Capitol Hill office.

"Politics consumes all the oxygen in the city, and rhetoric takes far more attention and far more credence than does policy."

"Good bipartisan bills have no chance of moving forward, so why am I working like this when I got a 9-year-old at home?" he added. "I don't need the job."
GOP's Mitchell plans to retire from Congress that's 'too busy playing politics'

Pete Olsen is in the 22nd District of Texas (Houston area), so he will likely get ousted by a Dem. But, here is what he said:
"“Protecting our future and preserving our exceptional nation are the reasons I first ran for Congress," he wrote. "Now, it’s time for another citizen-legislator to take up this mission, not to make a career out of politics, but to help lead in the cause of empowering our people, defending our liberties, and making sure America remains the greatest nation in history.” That's the kind of politician I like. Do the job, then come back and return to the private sector.
U.S. Rep. Pete Olson announces he won't seek reelection

Martha Roby - 2nd District, Alabama - never gave a reason for her retirement that I can find.

Rob Bishop - 26th District of Utah?
"The Deseret News noted that Bishop said in 2012 that he would not seek reelection once he could no longer serve in a committee leadership position."
Bishop confirms departure from Congress

They waited until some R quit and bitched about Trump to lump them all in together, as though they ALL quit because of Trump.


Do you see the problem with bias news coverage?

They just throw out the bullshit line "this is the 5 R to quit" without giving reasons, as though they ALL quit for that reason.

Dummies (if the shoe fits) eat it up.

It's good to get rid of the traitors. Saves us from voting them out in primaries.
Announcing it early gives people time to field qualified candidates to vie for the seat. Since the latest is from Texas, I doubt they will have a problem holding the seat.
It also gives these resigning politicians over a year to say what's REALLY on their minds. Just like last time. Could prove interesting.
Announcing it early gives people time to field qualified candidates to vie for the seat. Since the latest is from Texas, I doubt they will have a problem holding the seat.
It also gives these resigning politicians over a year to say what's REALLY on their minds. Just like last time. Could prove interesting.

Mean something like, "Now that the democrats control the house, they are so effing anal I can't possibly work with them."?
‘Serving under Trump is embarrassing’: Fifth Republican congressman retires in just two weeks as GOP fears more exits

Even the GOP can’t stand Trump.

I can’t wait to hear the spin on this one: “They were RINOs all along anyway!”
This is what I call serious political spin. Jesus Thor Odin Allah!!!

Mike Conaway is the first Republican to EVER hold district 11. He was probably facing a primary and would rather go out on his own terms.

Paul Mitchell is in Boston, MA, so he is probably gone too. But, here is what he said:
"'We fail as a government, as an institution to address problems that really matter in this country because we're too busy playing politics," Mitchell said in a Wednesday interview at his Capitol Hill office.

"Politics consumes all the oxygen in the city, and rhetoric takes far more attention and far more credence than does policy."

"Good bipartisan bills have no chance of moving forward, so why am I working like this when I got a 9-year-old at home?" he added. "I don't need the job."
GOP's Mitchell plans to retire from Congress that's 'too busy playing politics'

Pete Olsen is in the 22nd District of Texas (Houston area), so he will likely get ousted by a Dem. But, here is what he said:
"“Protecting our future and preserving our exceptional nation are the reasons I first ran for Congress," he wrote. "Now, it’s time for another citizen-legislator to take up this mission, not to make a career out of politics, but to help lead in the cause of empowering our people, defending our liberties, and making sure America remains the greatest nation in history.” That's the kind of politician I like. Do the job, then come back and return to the private sector.
U.S. Rep. Pete Olson announces he won't seek reelection

Martha Roby - 2nd District, Alabama - never gave a reason for her retirement that I can find.

Rob Bishop - 26th District of Utah?
"The Deseret News noted that Bishop said in 2012 that he would not seek reelection once he could no longer serve in a committee leadership position."
Bishop confirms departure from Congress

They waited until some R quit and bitched about Trump to lump them all in together, as though they ALL quit because of Trump.


Do you see the problem with bias news coverage?

They just throw out the bullshit line "this is the 5 R to quit" without giving reasons, as though they ALL quit for that reason.

Dummies (if the shoe fits) eat it up.

When people say stuff like Paul Mitchell, it just makes me want to beg him to stay. What we need is about 500 of him.
Yep. GOP congressmen quit, and Trumpetes call that a "win". Of course, if democrats were resigning from Congress, they would call that a "win", too. If Trump were to quit, they would somehow call that a "win" as well.
Great news, if we could get more to leave we will be in better shape, the key is to get rid of the Pelosi's and McConnell's out, those are the ones that are paid off by special interests.
Yahoo news is fake news. There's no reason for alarm. Republicans like this are either quitters or neocon bigots. Trump doesn't need people like that watching his back. Good riddance.

That's what you tards said last year right before you lost 40 seats
they did gain senate seats though right?

It never stops being humorous listening to you guys spin a devastating midterm election by saying losing 40 House seats, seven gubernatorial seats, multiple state legislative seats, and some key voting blocks is no big deal because you won a couple Senate seats.
Announcing it early gives people time to field qualified candidates to vie for the seat. Since the latest is from Texas, I doubt they will have a problem holding the seat.
It also gives these resigning politicians over a year to say what's REALLY on their minds. Just like last time. Could prove interesting.

It's amazing what Republicans that don't have an incoming re-election by Republicans suddenly have to say about our Clown-in-Chief.
From the link:

“We must be better than comments like these,” he tweeted after the president suggested Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan should go back to their “broken and crime-infested” countries.

It speaks volumes when members of the GOP are taking issue with The Presidents vituperative rhetoric. Moderate and conservative republicans have every right to call out this type of invective.
So, who will take issue with the Democrats vituperative rhetoric? Will it be you?
Yahoo news is fake news. There's no reason for alarm. Republicans like this are either quitters or neocon bigots. Trump doesn't need people like that watching his back. Good riddance.

That's what you tards said last year right before you lost 40 seats
they did gain senate seats though right?

It never stops being humorous listening to you guys spin a devastating midterm election by saying losing 40 House seats and some key voting blocks is no big deal because you won a couple Senate seats.
off year elections are always that way, the fact it was only 40 seats and wasn't over 60 seats, as what happened to obammy, says a lot about trump's successes. too funny.

Name one thing those new 40 have done for the country and their constituents?

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