5 republicans announce retirement in span of 2 weeks

Lol this is so stupid. Why should anyone take your analysis seriously? You donā€™t know what you are talking about. Youā€™re just saying shit that sounds good to you without knowing any facts. You just made this shit up as you went along. You probably didnā€™t even know who most of these were people before I posted this lol. 5 congressmen announced retirement in two weeks. Of course you dumbasses pretend Trump has nothing to do with it.
What do you mean "without any facts"? I posted quotes and gave cites.

I will be happy to hear your explanation...WITH facts to back it up. Not just your bullshit conjecture.

I'll wait.

5 congressman left in 2 weeks and the GOP fears more will follow because of the president. Obviously this is unprecedented. Itā€™s not like they would actually mention Trump as the reason. It doesnā€™t matter how you slice this - the GOP is in turmoil.
So, the facts are:
5 left in 2 weeks.
GOP fears more will follow.

The rest is conjecture, if not complete made-up bullshit.

How do you know that "the GOP fears" are "because of the president"?

Some of them DID actually say why they were retiring. And I provided the links.

What did you provide that proves the GOP is in turmoil? You've got NOTHING but that which came directly from your ass.

Like I said, I didn't bother with the whole article. It's from the Fake News Site, Yahoo! (What a dumbass name)

I just did a cursory check and the latest one is Conaway from Texas' 11th District.

It is a +32 percentage point Republican District

An Armadillo could run on the Republican Ticket there and get elected.

The scumbag was asked, politely, to step down. So he did the smart thing and did.

Justin Amash is from the District that I vacation in during some of the Summer.

He wasn't told to get out of the Republican Party, he was informed that it would be best for everybody concerned. Not so politely.

We've been saying here from the very beginning that the Republican Party is almost as bad as the scum of the Earth dimocrap FILTH party. Deep Staters to the left of me, Deep Staters to the Right of me. They're everywhere like the cockroaches they are

With these retirements, the Party just got immeasurably better
Arenā€™t the executive and legislative branches separate powers?

Serving under Trump?

These people sound like RINOS to me.
Announcing it early gives people time to field qualified candidates to vie for the seat. Since the latest is from Texas, I doubt they will have a problem holding the seat.
It also gives these resigning politicians over a year to say what's REALLY on their minds. Just like last time. Could prove interesting.
GOP establishment types have zero credibility, never have... you Silly little fucker
Yahoo news is fake news. There's no reason for alarm. Republicans like this are either quitters or neocon bigots. Trump doesn't need people like that watching his back. Good riddance.

That's what you tards said last year right before you lost 40 seats
they did gain senate seats though right?

It never stops being humorous listening to you guys spin a devastating midterm election by saying losing 40 House seats, seven gubernatorial seats, multiple state legislative seats, and some key voting blocks is no big deal because you won a couple Senate seats.
What comes around goes around, Anything that makes career politicians extremely uncomfortable leading to them leaving their post thatā€™s good for the country.
Announcing it early gives people time to field qualified candidates to vie for the seat. Since the latest is from Texas, I doubt they will have a problem holding the seat.
It also gives these resigning politicians over a year to say what's REALLY on their minds. Just like last time. Could prove interesting.

It's amazing what Republicans that don't have an incoming re-election by Republicans suddenly have to say about our Clown-in-Chief.
Thereā€™s nothing more clown like than a career politician, every single one of them no matter what side of the aisle they pick... are corrupt.
Lol this is so stupid. Why should anyone take your analysis seriously? You donā€™t know what you are talking about. Youā€™re just saying shit that sounds good to you without knowing any facts. You just made this shit up as you went along. You probably didnā€™t even know who most of these were people before I posted this lol. 5 congressmen announced retirement in two weeks. Of course you dumbasses pretend Trump has nothing to do with it.
What do you mean "without any facts"? I posted quotes and gave cites.

I will be happy to hear your explanation...WITH facts to back it up. Not just your bullshit conjecture.

I'll wait.

5 congressman left in 2 weeks and the GOP fears more will follow because of the president. Obviously this is unprecedented. Itā€™s not like they would actually mention Trump as the reason. It doesnā€™t matter how you slice this - the GOP is in turmoil.
So, the facts are:
5 left in 2 weeks.
GOP fears more will follow.

The rest is conjecture, if not complete made-up bullshit.

How do you know that "the GOP fears" are "because of the president"?

Some of them DID actually say why they were retiring. And I provided the links.

What did you provide that proves the GOP is in turmoil? You've got NOTHING but that which came directly from your ass.

Uh well we know they are in turmoil based on this unprecedented rate of ā€œretirementā€. Probably other factors are at play besides Trump, but your dumbass wants to pretend Trump is not at all the reason why.
RINOS are endless. We are fed them continuously. They are the Scarboroughs. Endless years and decades of Benedict Arnold's to their professed party. Scarborough after Scarborough after Scarborough. Joe makes 5 million dollars a year with less people watching nationally then the local morning kids entertainment program I watched before school in the city I lived in back in the 1960's. So Joe who professed the near same views of McConnell at one time, names him Moscow Mitch. Mitch is not exactly loved by many Repub voters also.
Where did they retire from? I didn't even read the article. Not interested. Were they from strongly Patriotic Districts? Were they from swing districts? Were all 5 from Ballmer :auiqs.jpg:

Were they from any traitorous dimocrap scum Districts?

I don't know, but I would guess they're from Strong Republican Districts and they either don't want to get primaryed (sp?) or the RNC asked them step down.

It really doesn't matter. Trump is going to take 100, yes -- ONE HUNDRED Republican Congresscritters to DC in 2020.

You watch. I'm gonna laugh as you cry your eyes out.

Not that you'd notice, you're already blind

And stupid

See post #10
RINOS are endless. We are fed them continuously. They are the Scarboroughs. Endless years and decades of Benedict Arnold's to their professed party. Scarborough after Scarborough after Scarborough. Joe makes 5 million dollars a year with less people watching nationally then the local morning kids entertainment program I watched before school in the city I lived in back in the 1960's. So Joe who professed the near same views of McConnell at one time, names him Moscow Mitch. Mitch is not exactly loved by many Repub voters also.
All career politicians have zero credibility, Joe Scarborough is particularly spineless
The Founding Fathers forced members of Congress to run every two years because they didn't want Congress to be a lifetime employment. I never heard of Mike Conaway and listening to Tom Davis whine about a hostile environment reminds me of the "swamp" that drains itself.
Lol this is so stupid. Why should anyone take your analysis seriously? You donā€™t know what you are talking about. Youā€™re just saying shit that sounds good to you without knowing any facts. You just made this shit up as you went along. You probably didnā€™t even know who most of these were people before I posted this lol. 5 congressmen announced retirement in two weeks. Of course you dumbasses pretend Trump has nothing to do with it.
What do you mean "without any facts"? I posted quotes and gave cites.

I will be happy to hear your explanation...WITH facts to back it up. Not just your bullshit conjecture.

I'll wait.

5 congressman left in 2 weeks and the GOP fears more will follow because of the president. Obviously this is unprecedented. Itā€™s not like they would actually mention Trump as the reason. It doesnā€™t matter how you slice this - the GOP is in turmoil.
So, the facts are:
5 left in 2 weeks.
GOP fears more will follow.

The rest is conjecture, if not complete made-up bullshit.

How do you know that "the GOP fears" are "because of the president"?

Some of them DID actually say why they were retiring. And I provided the links.

What did you provide that proves the GOP is in turmoil? You've got NOTHING but that which came directly from your ass.

Uh well we know they are in turmoil based on this unprecedented rate of ā€œretirementā€. Probably other factors are at play besides Trump, but your dumbass wants to pretend Trump is not at all the reason why.
Umm. Not unprecedented. Not even close.

Republicans retiring in record numbers fuel fears of losing House at midterms

Near-record number of House members not seeking re-election in 2018

That award goes to the 1992 Democrats:

The "unprecedented" 2018 exodus was not even on par with 1992.

You are misinformed.

Don't get pissed when you throw bullshit on the wall and can't back it up when challenged.

Lol this is so stupid. Why should anyone take your analysis seriously? You donā€™t know what you are talking about. Youā€™re just saying shit that sounds good to you without knowing any facts. You just made this shit up as you went along. You probably didnā€™t even know who most of these were people before I posted this lol. 5 congressmen announced retirement in two weeks. Of course you dumbasses pretend Trump has nothing to do with it.
What do you mean "without any facts"? I posted quotes and gave cites.

I will be happy to hear your explanation...WITH facts to back it up. Not just your bullshit conjecture.

I'll wait.

5 congressman left in 2 weeks and the GOP fears more will follow because of the president. Obviously this is unprecedented. Itā€™s not like they would actually mention Trump as the reason. It doesnā€™t matter how you slice this - the GOP is in turmoil.
So, the facts are:
5 left in 2 weeks.
GOP fears more will follow.

The rest is conjecture, if not complete made-up bullshit.

How do you know that "the GOP fears" are "because of the president"?

Some of them DID actually say why they were retiring. And I provided the links.

What did you provide that proves the GOP is in turmoil? You've got NOTHING but that which came directly from your ass.

Uh well we know they are in turmoil based on this unprecedented rate of ā€œretirementā€. Probably other factors are at play besides Trump, but your dumbass wants to pretend Trump is not at all the reason why.
Umm. Not unprecedented. Not even close.

Republicans retiring in record numbers fuel fears of losing House at midterms

Near-record number of House members not seeking re-election in 2018

That award goes to the 1992 Democrats:

The "unprecedented" 2018 exodus was not even on par with 1992.

You are misinformed.

Don't get pissed when you throw bullshit on the wall and can't back it up when challenged.

Lol itā€™s not like your dumbass knew this shit before. You googled this for the sake of argument. Congratulations. You must feel proud! Not unprecedented, but your delusion it doesnā€™t matter is pretty transparent.
What do you mean "without any facts"? I posted quotes and gave cites.

I will be happy to hear your explanation...WITH facts to back it up. Not just your bullshit conjecture.

I'll wait.

5 congressman left in 2 weeks and the GOP fears more will follow because of the president. Obviously this is unprecedented. Itā€™s not like they would actually mention Trump as the reason. It doesnā€™t matter how you slice this - the GOP is in turmoil.
So, the facts are:
5 left in 2 weeks.
GOP fears more will follow.

The rest is conjecture, if not complete made-up bullshit.

How do you know that "the GOP fears" are "because of the president"?

Some of them DID actually say why they were retiring. And I provided the links.

What did you provide that proves the GOP is in turmoil? You've got NOTHING but that which came directly from your ass.

Uh well we know they are in turmoil based on this unprecedented rate of ā€œretirementā€. Probably other factors are at play besides Trump, but your dumbass wants to pretend Trump is not at all the reason why.
Umm. Not unprecedented. Not even close.

Republicans retiring in record numbers fuel fears of losing House at midterms

Near-record number of House members not seeking re-election in 2018

That award goes to the 1992 Democrats:

The "unprecedented" 2018 exodus was not even on par with 1992.

You are misinformed.

Don't get pissed when you throw bullshit on the wall and can't back it up when challenged.

Lol itā€™s not like your dumbass knew this shit before. You googled this for the sake of argument. Congratulations. You must feel proud! Not unprecedented, but your delusion it doesnā€™t matter is pretty transparent.
You're getting mad at me for doing your job for you? I am not the person who made the bullshit "unprecedented" claim.

I was almost certain that 5 people retiring from Congress was not unprecedented. Only a dumbass would believe that. And an even dumber dumbass would say it without fact checking first.




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