50 stupidest tweets by Donald Trump

dimocraps are the scum of the earth

Hillary Charged Kid’s Charity $200,000 For Speech

This, ladies and gentleman, is what wants to be your President.

Via Daily Caller:

Hillary Clinton charged a kids’ charity $200,000 to speak — and she pocketed every dime.

Clinton reportedly charged the Boys and Girls Club of Long Beach $200,000 for a speech earlier this year, according to new speaking disclosures made available on the Clinton Foundation website.

Clinton spoke at a Boys and Girls Club of Long Beach fundraiser in California on March 3, reportedly speaking to 300 Long Beach “movers and shakers” at an event that was closed to the press. The event was marked by Secret Service security and bomb-sniffing dogs outside before Clinton got there.

The Boys and Girls Club of Long Beach’s programs promote character, education, health, and sports and art involvement for children.

When former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice spoke to the same group in 2009, she reportedly donated the nearly $60,000 they paid her back to the charity.

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So you think a Man that could buy and sell you with his breakfast change is stupid?

Somebody's stupid, but it ain't Trump.

There truly are no creatures on earth as stupid as a western liberal. The fact that they're already on the attack against Trump actually elevates his status in my perspective. I think the guy is a circus side show, and I don't really take his candidacy seriously. If he did win it would be kinda like Jesse Ventura as president without the insanity, but the freakshow would remain.

As I said though, when bed wetting libtards pile on someone, there must be something they fear. If they hate someone it's because they pose a threat.

Take Ron Paul for instance.

If he ever got in the WH he would purge every moonbat program from the budget. The EPA, DOE, ATF and other beloved leftist regulating agencies would vanish. Sure, he would gut the military pretty bad too but the leftards exhalted him for his anti-war/legalize dope policies. They made no effort to destroy him because he had no chance.

They do however loathe Rand Paul, even though he would decriminalize their grass, panders to minorities and would reduce the military foot print around the globe but they're well aware he has a chance to win, and he would also slash and burn their insane policies and agencies. He might even convince minorities that they've been living a lie and been sunbjugated to a life of dependence, and that the democrooks themselves are the people who kicked the social ladder out from underneath them.

So my perception on Trump has softened some, thanks bed wetters.

Hillary Clinton charged a kids’ charity $200,000 to speak — and she pocketed every dime.

what really puzzles me is why would anyone pay one dime to have her ugly ass on their stage, are they more brain dead than the entire demorat party ? do they advocate criminal activities ?

personally the closest i would want her to me is at a minimum of 100 miles ! and that is too close. :up:
what really puzzles me is why would anyone pay one dime to have her ugly ass on their stage, are they more brain dead than the entire demorat party ? do they advocate criminal activities ?

personally the closest i would want her to me is at a minimum of 100 miles ! and that is too close. :up:

You could jettison her to Epsilon Eridani and it would still be too close for me, but I could "compromise" with that.
what really puzzles me is why would anyone pay one dime to have her ugly ass on their stage, are they more brain dead than the entire demorat party ? do they advocate criminal activities ?

personally the closest i would want her to me is at a minimum of 100 miles ! and that is too close. :up:

You could jettison her to Epsilon Eridani and it would still be too close for me, but I could "compromise" with that.

Hitlery is one ugly, unlikable scumbag of a scrunt.

She really is. Not being partisan, the bitch is just nasty. And arrogant. And dishonest and --

Oh did you hear the latest? The nasty scrunt got busted hiding emails from Congress.

If this were a Republican, the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM would be running 24/7 coverage and it would be the lead-in at the top of every hour on every Cable News Show.....

120 Pages Of Hillary Emails On Libya Were Withheld From Congress

Oopsie, Blumenthal gave them up. So who will call Hillary out for this?

Via Politico:

House GOP Benghazi investigators have discovered 60 new Libya communications between Sidney Blumenthal and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, a congressional source told POLITICO on Monday — suggesting that either the State Department or the 2016 Democratic presidential contender withheld correspondence the panel had requested.

The House Select Committee on Benghazi had quietly subpoenaed Blumenthal’s Libya emails. And on Friday, the longtime Clinton family friend — who is set to testify before investigators behind closed doors Tuesday morning — handed over 120 pages worth of new Libya- and Benghazi-related emails.

“These emails were not previously produced to the Committee or released to the public, and they will help inform tomorrow’s deposition,” panel Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) said in a statement late Monday evening. “We are prepared to release these emails.”
President Trump? You've got to be kidding me. Oh, Donald, come on! stop it now! People are laughing at you not with you. We are just wasting time pandering to your excessive ego.

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