507,533 Signatures Collected As Of Today

As for my "claim" that teachers in Wisconsin have lavish pay and benefit packages? If you took the time to read you own cite from FactCheck you'd see that the average salary and benefits for teachers in Milwaukee was $100,000. I think that fits the definition of "lavish"...don't you?

What's fair compensation for a school teacher? How much should the persons that are largely responsible for educating our kids, the future of this country make? Should there be a cap? Should there be a minimum? You tell me.

The US pays it's teachers the 2nd highest starting salary in the world, yet we are way low in the educational statistics of our students. Logic would dictate that pay does not equal student success.

Education: spending, class sizes, teachers pay and statistics compared by country | News | guardian.co.uk
As for my "claim" that teachers in Wisconsin have lavish pay and benefit packages? If you took the time to read you own cite from FactCheck you'd see that the average salary and benefits for teachers in Milwaukee was $100,000. I think that fits the definition of "lavish"...don't you?

What's fair compensation for a school teacher? How much should the persons that are largely responsible for educating our kids, the future of this country make? Should there be a cap? Should there be a minimum? You tell me.

My point, Marc...is that if you're trying to make the point that teachers DON'T have lavish pay and benefit packages then it's hard to do so when they are averaging $100,000 a year for a job with that much time off. I'm sorry but that's a whole of money for the hours worked.
Still waiting to hear from Sat about all those "slogans" I supposedly keep spouting...

Since I do it CONTINUALLY I'm surprised it's taking him so long to come up with one.
As for my "claim" that teachers in Wisconsin have lavish pay and benefit packages? If you took the time to read you own cite from FactCheck you'd see that the average salary and benefits for teachers in Milwaukee was $100,000. I think that fits the definition of "lavish"...don't you?

What's fair compensation for a school teacher? How much should the persons that are largely responsible for educating our kids, the future of this country make? Should there be a cap? Should there be a minimum? You tell me.

:lol: typical emotionally charged , intellectually deprived, brain dead Liberal talking point..........tissue?
So the minority is trying to over rule the majority? I thought liberals were pro democracy, I guess not.

How does that even compute in your brain? The recall process is part of the Democracy in Wisconsin. The people of Wisconsin are following the rules put in place that allows such a recall. If the people of Wisconsin collect the required signatures and then vote during the subsequent election, how is that NOT "pro Democracy"?
So the minority is trying to over rule the majority? I thought liberals were pro democracy, I guess not.

How does that even compute in your brain? The recall process is part of the Democracy in Wisconsin. The people of Wisconsin are following the rules put in place that allows such a recall. If the people of Wisconsin collect the required signatures and then vote during the subsequent election, how is that NOT "pro Democracy"?

So 540,000 is a majority in Wisconsin? Is that what you are saying?
bigreb is saying that he will not follow constitutional, electoral process if the results are not those with which he agrees.

bigreb is anti-constitutional, anti-republic, and anti-democratic.

He is merely a RINO.
So the minority is trying to over rule the majority? I thought liberals were pro democracy, I guess not.

How does that even compute in your brain? The recall process is part of the Democracy in Wisconsin. The people of Wisconsin are following the rules put in place that allows such a recall. If the people of Wisconsin collect the required signatures and then vote during the subsequent election, how is that NOT "pro Democracy"?

So 540,000 is a majority in Wisconsin? Is that what you are saying?

Is 500,000ish signatures what is required to RECALL him? No. 500,000ish valid signatures is what is required to have an ELECTION, where the voters of Wisconsin get to VOTE on whether or not Wanker gets to keep his job.
So the minority is trying to over rule the majority? I thought liberals were pro democracy, I guess not.

How does that even compute in your brain? The recall process is part of the Democracy in Wisconsin. The people of Wisconsin are following the rules put in place that allows such a recall. If the people of Wisconsin collect the required signatures and then vote during the subsequent election, how is that NOT "pro Democracy"?

Where you lose me on the "pro democracy" thing, Wytch is the part where the pro union protesters shut down the State House to keep legislators from meeting and the Democratic reps hid out in neighboring states so votes can't be taken. That isn't being pro democracy...that's deciding that you're going to shut the process down because your side didn't WIN in the whole "democracy thing".
How does that even compute in your brain? The recall process is part of the Democracy in Wisconsin. The people of Wisconsin are following the rules put in place that allows such a recall. If the people of Wisconsin collect the required signatures and then vote during the subsequent election, how is that NOT "pro Democracy"?

So 540,000 is a majority in Wisconsin? Is that what you are saying?

Is 500,000ish signatures what is required to RECALL him? No. 500,000ish valid signatures is what is required to have an ELECTION, where the voters of Wisconsin get to VOTE on whether or not Wanker gets to keep his job.

so the minority is trying to overturn the vote of the majority? dance around it all you want to that is exactly what is happening here the minority is trying to change the out come of the last election with a minimum amount of signatures
So the minority is trying to over rule the majority? I thought liberals were pro democracy, I guess not.

How does that even compute in your brain? The recall process is part of the Democracy in Wisconsin. The people of Wisconsin are following the rules put in place that allows such a recall. If the people of Wisconsin collect the required signatures and then vote during the subsequent election, how is that NOT "pro Democracy"?

Where you lose me on the "pro democracy" thing, Wytch is the part where the pro union protesters shut down the State House to keep legislators from meeting and the Democratic reps hid out in neighboring states so votes can't be taken. That isn't being pro democracy...that's deciding that you're going to shut the process down because your side didn't WIN in the whole "democracy thing".

Deflection, Oldstyle, and ineffective. The law is being followed and a vote will he held. End of story.
So 540,000 is a majority in Wisconsin? Is that what you are saying?

Is 500,000ish signatures what is required to RECALL him? No. 500,000ish valid signatures is what is required to have an ELECTION, where the voters of Wisconsin get to VOTE on whether or not Wanker gets to keep his job.

so the minority is trying to overturn the vote of the majority? dance around it all you want to that is exactly what is happening here the minority is trying to change the out come of the last election with a minimum amount of signatures

Why are you being anti-American, bigreb?
Is 500,000ish signatures what is required to RECALL him? No. 500,000ish valid signatures is what is required to have an ELECTION, where the voters of Wisconsin get to VOTE on whether or not Wanker gets to keep his job.

so the minority is trying to overturn the vote of the majority? dance around it all you want to that is exactly what is happening here the minority is trying to change the out come of the last election with a minimum amount of signatures

Why are you being anti-American, bigreb?

Why are you supporting minority rule? The majority of voters spoke in 2010
The voters of Wisconsin put in a voting procedure called recall, approved by a majority of the voters.

That procedure is being followed.

If you disagree, then you disagree with the majority that approved the procedure.

Your disapproval is noted, but your disapproval really means nothing.
How is what the GOP did during the Gore/Bush election, "anti democracy"? That election DIDN'T result in a Democratic win. Bush won Florida. The result was challenged by Democrats who then tried several different recount scenarios to come up with a different result of which none were successful. They then took their case to the courts and once again they were unsuccessful.

During the run-up to the election, voter rolls were purged using a process that resulted in many legitimate voters being scrubbed from the rolls. For example, Martin Lloyd is a legal voter, but his name is similar to Lloyd Martin, or to Martin Lloyd, Jr, and they are not legal voters, so Martin Lloyd gets scrubbed.

Gore filed for a complete recount in certain counties-it wasn't legal to ask for a state wide recount. While those votes were being recounted, Bush's team went to the Supremes. The Supremes halted the process.

Further, during the recount, the GOP bused people in from out of state who went to the location where the votes were being recounted. These folks staged what has been called the Brooks Brothers Riot.

None of that shows the slightest respect for the voters, or for our democracy.

Now contrast that with what's happened in Wisconsin. The Democrats LOST in an election and they immediately responded by occupying the State House with protesters so that legislators couldn't do their jobs while Democratic lawmakers fled over the State line so that they couldn't be compelled to come in and make up a quorum so that voting on legislation could take place. At the same time recalls were started for every GOP politician that they could.

So you tell me who's "anti democracy" here, Sat...because I'm just not seeing it...

The protests were in response to the union busting legislation, not to the election. You don't have your timeline straight.

I guess we could spend hours comparing what "our" Federal Government spends in contrast to other governments but what's the point? The fact is that everyone knows "our" Federal Government has grown into a bloated, inefficient entity that unless we undertake some serious corrections will bankrupt us as a country. We give lip service to making cuts and reforming entitlements but nothing ever really happens. So instead of wasting our time contrasting what we spend compared to other "modern, successful nations"? How about we spend that time figuring out how to get our spending under control so we don't become one of the "modern insolvent nations"?

Tea Party rhetoric. Blah, blah, blah. "Bloated, inefficient entity", "bankrupt us as a country", "reforming entitlements". That translates into further privatizing legitimate functions of government, further tax cuts that we cannot afford, and privatizing social security and Medicare.

And I honestly don't know where you're going with the whole modern world thing? 200 years ago? What does that have to do with living within your means budgetwise?

It means that the TP, and the GOP, talk about the USC as it was at the time of the founding, and not as it is today.

The DEMOCRAT governor Doyle used the stimulus funds as the stop gap.

I see other things you've gotten wrong but they're more complicated than I'd care to take on given the assumptions I see you working with. This one was easy to comment on. So there you go.

You missed the point. Walker is being given credit for what he's done with the budget, when what he's really done is 1] use stimulus funds like the rest of the governors, and 2] try to bust the unions.

As for my "claim" that teachers in Wisconsin have lavish pay and benefit packages? If you took the time to read you own cite from FactCheck you'd see that the average salary and benefits for teachers in Milwaukee was $100,000. I think that fits the definition of "lavish"...don't you?

I read it. I think that's a professional salary and benefits package. Ask your HR department about what it costs to employ you-they will generally add in the costs of their contributions to SS for you, and the portion of their insurance that they pay. You will be surprised at what the figure adds up to.
The DEMOCRAT governor Doyle used the stimulus funds as the stop gap.

I see other things you've gotten wrong but they're more complicated than I'd care to take on given the assumptions I see you working with. This one was easy to comment on. So there you go.

You missed the point. Walker is being given credit for what he's done with the budget, when what he's really done is 1] use stimulus funds like the rest of the governors, and 2] try to bust the unions.

I'm not missing the point. I question your "facts".

Doyle used the stimulus funds for a stop gap fix.

Walker made structural changes for a real fix.
Walker used the funds like everyone else.

That has nothing to do with "structural changes" to deprive public sector workers of negotiated rights.

The voters are going to fix that and Walker is going to get bounced. Rightly so.

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