507,533 Signatures Collected As Of Today

So 540,000 is a majority in Wisconsin? Is that what you are saying?

Is 500,000ish signatures what is required to RECALL him? No. 500,000ish valid signatures is what is required to have an ELECTION, where the voters of Wisconsin get to VOTE on whether or not Wanker gets to keep his job.

so the minority is trying to overturn the vote of the majority? dance around it all you want to that is exactly what is happening here the minority is trying to change the out come of the last election with a minimum amount of signatures

If they get to VOTE on it, it IS the will of the majority. If a candidate says they will do A and B when they get into office and then, instead, do C and D...things that have NOTHING to do with what they ran on, why shouldn't the people of the state get to say "no" to that? That is what the recall system is FOR. The people of Wisconsin are following the process that was put in place in their DEMOCRACY.
Walker used the funds like everyone else.

That has nothing to do with "structural changes" to deprive public sector workers of negotiated rights.

The voters are going to fix that and Walker is going to get bounced. Rightly so.

Prove it.

Jokey doesn't do the proving thing...

He's never backed up his bullshit, so don't expect him to start...
Walker used the funds like everyone else.

That has nothing to do with "structural changes" to deprive public sector workers of negotiated rights.

The voters are going to fix that and Walker is going to get bounced. Rightly so.

Prove it.

Prove that he did not. You can't. End of story.

Bull shit.

Look at the fact check link SAT posted. It says the opposite of what he (and now you) claim.

Doyle used stimulus funds to kick the can down the road.

SAT's link points out that Walker couldn't have used stimulus funds for his budget even if he wanted to. The funds ran out at the end of the Doyle budget. The stimulus was over by the time Walker's budget began.

That was too easy. If you're going to make claims which go against common knowledge, then at least try to make sure they're not ones which are rebutted by your own ally's fact check links.
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How is what the GOP did during the Gore/Bush election, "anti democracy"? That election DIDN'T result in a Democratic win. Bush won Florida. The result was challenged by Democrats who then tried several different recount scenarios to come up with a different result of which none were successful. They then took their case to the courts and once again they were unsuccessful.

During the run-up to the election, voter rolls were purged using a process that resulted in many legitimate voters being scrubbed from the rolls. For example, Martin Lloyd is a legal voter, but his name is similar to Lloyd Martin, or to Martin Lloyd, Jr, and they are not legal voters, so Martin Lloyd gets scrubbed.

Gore filed for a complete recount in certain counties-it wasn't legal to ask for a state wide recount. While those votes were being recounted, Bush's team went to the Supremes. The Supremes halted the process.

Further, during the recount, the GOP bused people in from out of state who went to the location where the votes were being recounted. These folks staged what has been called the Brooks Brothers Riot.

None of that shows the slightest respect for the voters, or for our democracy.

Now contrast that with what's happened in Wisconsin. The Democrats LOST in an election and they immediately responded by occupying the State House with protesters so that legislators couldn't do their jobs while Democratic lawmakers fled over the State line so that they couldn't be compelled to come in and make up a quorum so that voting on legislation could take place. At the same time recalls were started for every GOP politician that they could.

So you tell me who's "anti democracy" here, Sat...because I'm just not seeing it...

The protests were in response to the union busting legislation, not to the election. You don't have your timeline straight.

Tea Party rhetoric. Blah, blah, blah. "Bloated, inefficient entity", "bankrupt us as a country", "reforming entitlements". That translates into further privatizing legitimate functions of government, further tax cuts that we cannot afford, and privatizing social security and Medicare.

It means that the TP, and the GOP, talk about the USC as it was at the time of the founding, and not as it is today.

The DEMOCRAT governor Doyle used the stimulus funds as the stop gap.

I see other things you've gotten wrong but they're more complicated than I'd care to take on given the assumptions I see you working with. This one was easy to comment on. So there you go.

You missed the point. Walker is being given credit for what he's done with the budget, when what he's really done is 1] use stimulus funds like the rest of the governors, and 2] try to bust the unions.

As for my "claim" that teachers in Wisconsin have lavish pay and benefit packages? If you took the time to read you own cite from FactCheck you'd see that the average salary and benefits for teachers in Milwaukee was $100,000. I think that fits the definition of "lavish"...don't you?

I read it. I think that's a professional salary and benefits package. Ask your HR department about what it costs to employ you-they will generally add in the costs of their contributions to SS for you, and the portion of their insurance that they pay. You will be surprised at what the figure adds up to.

I notice you didn't respond to my request for some examples of my use of "slogans", Sat...tough to find something that doesn't exist...isn't it? :eusa_shifty: An apology is probably in order here but I won't hold my breath...

Let's see...you're still trotting out the same excuses for why Gore didn't beat Bush in Florida. I'm sorry but they were lame back when they were first brought up back and they haven't gotten any better with age. Gore didn't beat Bush DESPITE main stream media outlets putting Florida in the Gore "win" column an hour before the polls closed in the Florida Panhandle...something for which they were rightly criticised because people tend not to vote when they think something is already decided and the Panhandle is a conservative stronghold. The networks botched that so badly that they subsequently started a policy to not call states until the polls closed. Gore didn't win his home State of Tennessee, Sat...when the people who know you best won't vote for you is it any surprise that others don't as well? Oh, and by the way? Any voter that showed up to vote that day and wasn't on a voter list in Florida was given the option of filing a provisional ballot. You want to make it seem like thousands of voters were turned away at the polls by GOP operatives and that simply wasn't the case. The fact of the matter is thousands of conservative voters were most likely prompted to stay home because the race had already been "called" a Gore victory on television. You also fail to talk about Mark Herron's initially successful attempts to get absentee ballots from overseas military personel invalidated if they had incorrect postmarks...something that Joe Liebermann eventually came out and said was wrong and should be corrected.

Your recall of what transpired in Florida is a bit off...
The Gore camp asked for SEVERAL different recounts because the ones they originally asked for didn't give them the results they were looking for. The Bush people didn't go to the Supreme Court until much later...after the Gore people had gotten a favorable ruling from a liberal Florida Supreme court.
I'm not missing the point. I question your "facts".

Doyle used the stimulus funds for a stop gap fix.

Walker made structural changes for a real fix.

I believe you're mistaken. As I recall, the link said that Walker used the funds to help with the shortfall. Union busting is not a structural change.

I notice you didn't respond to my request for some examples of my use of "slogans", Sat...tough to find something that doesn't exist...isn't it? :eusa_shifty: An apology is probably in order here but I won't hold my breath...

In that very post, I quoted you using Tea Party slogans. Go back and look at the words in quotations.

Let's see...you're still trotting out the same excuses for why Gore didn't beat Bush in Florida. I'm sorry but they were lame back when they were first brought up back and they haven't gotten any better with age. Gore didn't beat Bush DESPITE main stream media outlets putting Florida in the Gore "win" column an hour before the polls closed in the Florida Panhandle...something for which they were rightly criticised because people tend not to vote when they think something is already decided and the Panhandle is a conservative stronghold. The networks botched that so badly that they subsequently started a policy to not call states until the polls closed. Gore didn't win his home State of Tennessee, Sat...when the people who know you best won't vote for you is it any surprise that others don't as well? Oh, a[nd by the way? Any voter that showed up to vote that day and wasn't on a voter list in Florida was given the option of filing a provisional ballot. You want to make it seem like thousands of voters were turned away at the polls by GOP operatives and that simply wasn't the case. The fact of the matter is thousands of conservative voters were most likely prompted to stay home because the race had already been "called" a Gore victory on television. You also fail to talk about Mark Herron's initially successful attempts to get absentee ballots from overseas military personel invalidated if they had incorrect postmarks...something that Joe Liebermann eventually came out and said was wrong and should be corrected.

Your recall of what transpired in Florida is a bit off...
The Gore camp asked for SEVERAL different recounts because the ones they originally asked for didn't give them the results they were looking for. The Bush people didn't go to the Supreme Court until much later...after the Gore people had gotten a favorable ruling from a liberal Florida Supreme court.

You're missing the point. I'm illustrating how little respect the GOP has for the process of voting, and elections, and for democracy. I listed the ways that the GOP showed that disrespect in the 2000 election debacle in Florida.

The Gore camp looked at requesting recounts in areas where they thought that they would benefit, which is normal strategy in a recount, and has been used by both sides numerous times. The Supremes aborted the process. Who won varies by the counting method. Regardless, the point is the ongoing disrespect for the voters and for democracy. This is but one prominent example.
The teachers were working, of course. Why pretend they weren't?

So Walker's strategy was to get the teachers to work longer hours for the same amount of money.

Has that ever happened to you at your job

Yes, you?

Do I get an answer to my question or are you just going to blow it off?
Remember, these are taxpayer dollars at work.

I sent you a PM as a friendly reminder :eusa_angel:
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"Tea Party rhetoric. Blah, blah, blah. "Bloated, inefficient entity", "bankrupt us as a country", "reforming entitlements". That translates into further privatizing legitimate functions of government, further tax cuts that we cannot afford, and privatizing social security and Medicare." Sat

It's always amusing how progressives so easily make the jump in logic from the Tea Party asking for a more fiscally responsible government to that equating to their asking for "privatizing government". The Tea Party is simply asking for some fiscal sainity to be returned to the process...something that is sorely lacking at the moment. Your cavalier response to my assertion that the Federal Government is bloated and inefficient..."blah, blah, blah"?...does nothing to make it less so.

One only has to look as far as the recent study done on how many Federal programs duplicate other Federal programs to realize how absurd things have gotten. Would you like me to regale you with their findings, Sat?
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"In that very post, I quoted you using Tea Party slogans. Go back and look at the words in quotations."

It's a simple question, Sat...what "slogans" did I use?
I'm not missing the point. I question your "facts".

Doyle used the stimulus funds for a stop gap fix.

Walker made structural changes for a real fix.

I believe you're mistaken. As I recall, the link said that Walker used the funds to help with the shortfall. Union busting is not a structural change.

From your link:

Doyle was able to erase a large portion of his projected gap through a series of spending cuts and tax increases. But funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act — known as the stimulus act — also played a significant part in easing the state’s budget woes. More than $2 billion in stimulus funds were used to narrow the budget gap for the 2009-2011 cycle. That’s money the state will have to do without this time around, since those funds run out at the end of June, according to Robert Lang, the fiscal bureau director.

That money ran out in June, when Doyle's budget ended.

I'd try to address how so-called "union busting" was indeed part of true structural change, but since you and I don't even read your own fact check links the same way, I don't think we can have a meaningful discussion about the real nitty gritty of municipal economics here in Wisconsin.
The teachers were working, of course. Why pretend they weren't?

So Walker's strategy was to get the teachers to work longer hours for the same amount of money.

Has that ever happened to you at your job

Yes, you?

Do I get an answer to my question or are you just going to blow it off?
Remember, these are taxpayer dollars at work.

No, I haven't had my pay cut. Just my responsibilities increased during hiring freezes.

"Tea Party rhetoric. Blah, blah, blah. "Bloated, inefficient entity", "bankrupt us as a country", "reforming entitlements". That translates into further privatizing legitimate functions of government, further tax cuts that we cannot afford, and privatizing social security and Medicare." Sat

It's always amusing how progressives so easily make the jump in logic from the Tea Party asking for a more fiscally responsible government to that equating to their asking for "privatizing government". The Tea Party is simply asking for some fiscal sainity to be returned to the process...something that is sorely lacking at the moment. Your cavalier response to my assertion that the Federal Government is bloated and inefficient..."blah, blah, blah"?...does nothing to make it less so.

One only has to look as far as the recent study done on how many Federal programs duplicate other Federal programs to realize how absurd things have gotten. Would you like me to regale you with their findings, Sat?

I'm all in favor of greater efficiencies, but I have yet to see the TP ask for fiscal sanity. They want to gut programs and cut taxes.

"In that very post, I quoted you using Tea Party slogans. Go back and look at the words in quotations."

It's a simple question, Sat...what "slogans" did I use?

And you've received your answer. This time I made the slogans red. I will continue to do so.
I'm not missing the point. I question your "facts".

Doyle used the stimulus funds for a stop gap fix.

Walker made structural changes for a real fix.

I believe you're mistaken. As I recall, the link said that Walker used the funds to help with the shortfall. Union busting is not a structural change.

I notice you didn't respond to my request for some examples of my use of "slogans", Sat...tough to find something that doesn't exist...isn't it? :eusa_shifty: An apology is probably in order here but I won't hold my breath...

In that very post, I quoted you using Tea Party slogans. Go back and look at the words in quotations.

Let's see...you're still trotting out the same excuses for why Gore didn't beat Bush in Florida. I'm sorry but they were lame back when they were first brought up back and they haven't gotten any better with age. Gore didn't beat Bush DESPITE main stream media outlets putting Florida in the Gore "win" column an hour before the polls closed in the Florida Panhandle...something for which they were rightly criticised because people tend not to vote when they think something is already decided and the Panhandle is a conservative stronghold. The networks botched that so badly that they subsequently started a policy to not call states until the polls closed. Gore didn't win his home State of Tennessee, Sat...when the people who know you best won't vote for you is it any surprise that others don't as well? Oh, a[nd by the way? Any voter that showed up to vote that day and wasn't on a voter list in Florida was given the option of filing a provisional ballot. You want to make it seem like thousands of voters were turned away at the polls by GOP operatives and that simply wasn't the case. The fact of the matter is thousands of conservative voters were most likely prompted to stay home because the race had already been "called" a Gore victory on television. You also fail to talk about Mark Herron's initially successful attempts to get absentee ballots from overseas military personel invalidated if they had incorrect postmarks...something that Joe Liebermann eventually came out and said was wrong and should be corrected.

Your recall of what transpired in Florida is a bit off...
The Gore camp asked for SEVERAL different recounts because the ones they originally asked for didn't give them the results they were looking for. The Bush people didn't go to the Supreme Court until much later...after the Gore people had gotten a favorable ruling from a liberal Florida Supreme court.

You're missing the point. I'm illustrating how little respect the GOP has for the process of voting, and elections, and for democracy. I listed the ways that the GOP showed that disrespect in the 2000 election debacle in Florida.

The Gore camp looked at requesting recounts in areas where they thought that they would benefit, which is normal strategy in a recount, and has been used by both sides numerous times. The Supremes aborted the process. Who won varies by the counting method. Regardless, the point is the ongoing disrespect for the voters and for democracy. This is but one prominent example.

How did the GOP show any more "disrespect" for the process than Democrats? It was a close race...both sides contested the outcome. It wouldn't have been as close as it was if the election hadn't been called by the networks an hour before the polls closed in the Panhandle. It wouldn't have been as close if absentee ballots from overseas hadn't been challenged by the Democrats. (Hard to make a point on that showing "respect" for voters when the nominee for Vice President for the Democrats later came out and admitted that was not something that should have been done).
Yes, you?

Do I get an answer to my question or are you just going to blow it off?
Remember, these are taxpayer dollars at work.

No, I haven't had my pay cut. Just my responsibilities increased during hiring freezes.

"Tea Party rhetoric. Blah, blah, blah. "Bloated, inefficient entity", "bankrupt us as a country", "reforming entitlements". That translates into further privatizing legitimate functions of government, further tax cuts that we cannot afford, and privatizing social security and Medicare." Sat

It's always amusing how progressives so easily make the jump in logic from the Tea Party asking for a more fiscally responsible government to that equating to their asking for "privatizing government". The Tea Party is simply asking for some fiscal sainity to be returned to the process...something that is sorely lacking at the moment. Your cavalier response to my assertion that the Federal Government is bloated and inefficient..."blah, blah, blah"?...does nothing to make it less so.

One only has to look as far as the recent study done on how many Federal programs duplicate other Federal programs to realize how absurd things have gotten. Would you like me to regale you with their findings, Sat?

I'm all in favor of greater efficiencies, but I have yet to see the TP ask for fiscal sanity. They want to gut programs and cut taxes.

"In that very post, I quoted you using Tea Party slogans. Go back and look at the words in quotations."

It's a simple question, Sat...what "slogans" did I use?

And you've received your answer. This time I made the slogans red. I will continue to do so.

Those aren't slogans, Sat...those are me describing the Federal Government in my own words. Trying to paint those quotations as Tea Party "slogans" simply illustrates that you don't have any examples to give.
What Walker "did" was try to put an end to the long established practice of public sector unions backing the election of public officials who then turned around and paid them back by giving out pay raises and lavish benefit packages that put the State deep in debt. The reason that even a liberal as far left as FDR was against collective bargaining for government workers is that he understood exactly the abuse that would lead to. What Walker did that made him so unpopular with public sector union folks erased a 3 billion dollar deficit he inherited. THAT is going to make him popular with the rest of the taxpayers in Wisconsin.

Oh, the horror. Public sector workers have the temerity to back candidates who make sure that public sector workers have good salaries and benefits.

Liberal temper tantrum. I didn't get my way, so I am going to use the recall option to bastardize the political system.

Petulant cry babies.

Kind of like the conservatives since the 2008 election.

And the conservatives when Clinton had the nerve to win, when Davis had the nerve to win in California, and when Gore had the nerve to get more votes than Bush.

Still not over the whole Gore in 2000 thing yet?

Hanging chads must give you nightmares. :badgrin:
Yes, you?

Do I get an answer to my question or are you just going to blow it off?
Remember, these are taxpayer dollars at work.

No, I haven't had my pay cut. Just my responsibilities increased during hiring freezes.

Then WHAT are you harping about? You do have a job, correct?
Some would consider increased responsibilities without increase in pay, an actual cut.
Salaried 'Professionals' in the private sector work way more than 40 hours a week.
I work both in public and private sector, so I have a unique insight that I believe many others may not.
The Tea Party basically is calling for smaller government and responsible fiscal policy that deals with our out of control deficit. Why exactly is that an "unrealistic dream"? Because YOU believe in big government and don't care about huge deficits? I hate to burst your progressive bubble here, Sat but what the Tea Party wants is prudent and realistic...what YOU want is foolish and unrealistic.

Ha! The Tea Party became energized about those deficits only when a Democrat moved into the WH. The unfunded Medicare Part D, the unfunded wars, the fiscally irresponsible Bush tax cuts-all of that got nothing more than grumbles from you. You reelected Bush, in spite of all of that.

What the Tea Party wants is a fantasy. They want us to rule the entire world with a tiny and weak federal government. :cuckoo: They want us to rapidly contract government spending in a time of economic crisis. :cuckoo: They want us to go back to an original USC-one that would not work for the modern world. :cuckoo:
Perhaps you are too young to remember spring of 2008. The Tea Party galvanized under Bush when TARP was passed. It had to do with big government, overreaching, and ridiculous spending.

You feel picked on or something?
"I'm all in favor of greater efficiencies, but I have yet to see the TP ask for fiscal sanity. They want to gut programs and cut taxes."

The Tea Party IS in favor of cutting spending. To progressives like yourself that translates into "gutting programs". You make that charge even though a bi-partisan committee charged with looking into government waste named billions of dollars being spent by the Federal Government on programs that duplicated other government programs. You say you're in favor of greater "efficiencies" but then consider any calls for cuts to be an attempt to "gut" programs. How do you become efficient without eliminating waste?
Wisconsin is going to have a recall election. They will get the signatures needed to have an election. Now, whether or not Wanker gets recalled remains to be seen, but win or lose it will be a wake up call to Wanker... Get your shit together, stop gutting education and attacking the unions. Try WORKING WITH the unions like other states have done. Maybe if he does that NOW, he'll stand a better chance when the election rolls around.
And that's the long and short of it. :clap2:

Why are union workers more important to you than non-union workers? You do understand that someone is footing the bill for the benefits that the unions promise their members, right?

And beyond that, public sector workers have pension plans that drain the budget until they die, so in essence, for generations to come.

You think it is right to burden future generations like that?

Where do you think in history, that became a government role?

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