507,533 Signatures Collected As Of Today

Those aren't slogans, Sat...those are me describing the Federal Government in my own words. Trying to paint those quotations as Tea Party "slogans" simply illustrates that you don't have any examples to give.

I'm sorry that you disagree with my verbiage, but I recognize the rhetoric when I see it. As I said, I'll continue to paint them red to show what I'm talking about.

Then WHAT are you harping about? You do have a job, correct?
Some would consider increased responsibilities without increase in pay, an actual cut.
Salaried 'Professionals' in the private sector work way more than 40 hours a week.
I work both in public and private sector, so I have a unique insight that I believe many others may not.

Uh, we're discussing the Wisconsin recall. Does it have to happen to me personally before I'm allowed to say anything?

"I'm all in favor of greater efficiencies, but I have yet to see the TP ask for fiscal sanity. They want to gut programs and cut taxes."

The Tea Party IS in favor of cutting spending. To progressives like yourself that translates into "gutting programs". You make that charge even though a bi-partisan committee charged with looking into government waste named billions of dollars being spent by the Federal Government on programs that duplicated other government programs. You say you're in favor of greater "efficiencies" but then consider any calls for cuts to be an attempt to "gut" programs. How do you become efficient without eliminating waste?

When you talk about turning Medicare into a voucher program, and public schools into voucher programs, and privatizing roads, you're gutting government programs.

Are you for or against those things?
FactCheck.org : Wisconsin’s Baffling Budget Battle

Yet another GOP Governor talking about balancing the budget with his fiscal seriousness-when what he really did was use federal funds as a stop gap....:badgrin:

The DEMOCRAT governor Doyle used the stimulus funds as the stop gap.

I see other things you've gotten wrong but they're more complicated than I'd care to take on given the assumptions I see you working with. This one was easy to comment on. So there you go.

Sat is rather like TDM. The GOP is bad and dishonest and the Dems are golden.

Walker is digging his State out of a hole and heres hoping the voters in WI back him and tell the Unions to fuck off. LOL I wonder just how much tax money Walker has already saved his districts and his taxpayers??

Hope the Unions lose millions in a losing effort on their oh so idiotic recall.

IF he is recalled, and they end up with a Dem, they deserve what they get. No skin off my back.
Prove it.

Prove that he did not. You can't. End of story.

Bull shit.

Look at the fact check link SAT posted. It says the opposite of what he (and now you) claim.

Doyle used stimulus funds to kick the can down the road.

SAT's link points out that Walker couldn't have used stimulus funds for his budget even if he wanted to. The funds ran out at the end of the Doyle budget. The stimulus was over by the time Walker's budget began.

That was too easy. If you're going to make claims which go against common knowledge, then at least try to make sure they're not ones which are rebutted by your own ally's fact check links.

No, you are quoting your own opinion not the facts. You have to do better. Show us that he did not. You can't.
To give Scottie Walker his walking papers.

Out of a total of 94% of the 540,000 needed. Their internal goal is 740,000 or thereabouts.

It's a wrap folks...Scottie's TOAST!!!

:lol: :clap2: :eusa_clap:

Source: The Wisconsin Democratic Party

Scott Walker Recall Effort Collected 507,000 Signatures in a Month | Mother Jones

Is there a link to a petition to have your Communist ass deported to Cuba? If so, please send. I'd like to sign it.

Only an American communist, Warrior, would oppose American democratic procedures in action. If you have such a problem with Wisconsites using electoral and constitutional processes, then get your sorry communist banner redass on the boat for Havana.
The pension fund "drainers" in both public and private sectors are the big management types who make sure they are the first to get their full share while the rank and file get their pensions downsized and shared out.

Let's stay on track, folks.
To give Scottie Walker his walking papers.

Out of a total of 94% of the 540,000 needed. Their internal goal is 740,000 or thereabouts.

It's a wrap folks...Scottie's TOAST!!!

:lol: :clap2: :eusa_clap:

Source: The Wisconsin Democratic Party

Scott Walker Recall Effort Collected 507,000 Signatures in a Month | Mother Jones

Is there a link to a petition to have your Communist ass deported to Cuba? If so, please send. I'd like to sign it.

Only an American communist, Warrior, would oppose American democratic procedures in action. If you have such a problem with Wisconsites using electoral and constitutional processes, then get your sorry communist banner redass on the boat for Havana.

So saith the voice of the communist works party.
You have far more in common with communists, bigreb, than you do with American political precepts. You oppose electoral, democratic process. Yet you tell us you are for pure American principles. You are one of the biggest liars on the board. You are in a class with CrusaderFrank and Dr. House.
So the minority is trying to over rule the majority? I thought liberals were pro democracy, I guess not.

How does that even compute in your brain? The recall process is part of the Democracy in Wisconsin. The people of Wisconsin are following the rules put in place that allows such a recall. If the people of Wisconsin collect the required signatures and then vote during the subsequent election, how is that NOT "pro Democracy"?

Where you lose me on the "pro democracy" thing, Wytch is the part where the pro union protesters shut down the State House to keep legislators from meeting and the Democratic reps hid out in neighboring states so votes can't be taken. That isn't being pro democracy...that's deciding that you're going to shut the process down because your side didn't WIN in the whole "democracy thing".

Thats Democracy in Wytchs eyes.

If the Reps had done that you would hear him screaming about it to the high heavens. Because the Dems did it. No problem. Its Democracy.

To bad they didn't recall those chickenshit Dems who boogied to another State..
Prove that he did not. You can't. End of story.

Bull shit.

Look at the fact check link SAT posted. It says the opposite of what he (and now you) claim.

Doyle used stimulus funds to kick the can down the road.

SAT's link points out that Walker couldn't have used stimulus funds for his budget even if he wanted to. The funds ran out at the end of the Doyle budget. The stimulus was over by the time Walker's budget began.

That was too easy. If you're going to make claims which go against common knowledge, then at least try to make sure they're not ones which are rebutted by your own ally's fact check links.

No, you are quoting your own opinion not the facts. You have to do better. Show us that he did not. You can't.

So very shallow, this line of 'prove a negative'. It is glaringly obvious that you don't have an argument. Your debating attempts are feeble. And feeble is generous. Try harder.
Then WHAT are you harping about? You do have a job, correct?
Some would consider increased responsibilities without increase in pay, an actual cut.
Salaried 'Professionals' in the private sector work way more than 40 hours a week.
I work both in public and private sector, so I have a unique insight that I believe many others may not.

Uh, we're discussing the Wisconsin recall. Does it have to happen to me personally before I'm allowed to say anything?

Yes we are discusssing the WI recall.
You are the one that asked the question regarding more work for same pay, correct?
The pension fund "drainers" in both public and private sectors are the big management types who make sure they are the first to get their full share while the rank and file get their pensions downsized and shared out.

Let's stay on track, folks.


Now, don't respond "Prove they don't."
Bull shit.

Look at the fact check link SAT posted. It says the opposite of what he (and now you) claim.

Doyle used stimulus funds to kick the can down the road.

SAT's link points out that Walker couldn't have used stimulus funds for his budget even if he wanted to. The funds ran out at the end of the Doyle budget. The stimulus was over by the time Walker's budget began.

That was too easy. If you're going to make claims which go against common knowledge, then at least try to make sure they're not ones which are rebutted by your own ally's fact check links.

No, you are quoting your own opinion not the facts. You have to do better. Show us that he did not. You can't.

So very shallow, this line of 'prove a negative'. It is glaringly obvious that you don't have an argument. Your debating attempts are feeble. And feeble is generous. Try harder.

No one has solid evidence that Walker do not use the stimulus normally. Until someone can argue otherwise, shallow is with you and your buds.
Then WHAT are you harping about? You do have a job, correct?
Some would consider increased responsibilities without increase in pay, an actual cut.
Salaried 'Professionals' in the private sector work way more than 40 hours a week.
I work both in public and private sector, so I have a unique insight that I believe many others may not.

Uh, we're discussing the Wisconsin recall. Does it have to happen to me personally before I'm allowed to say anything?

Yes we are discusssing the WI recall.
You are the one that asked the question regarding more work for same pay, correct?

Yes, I was asking the poster who attacked the public sector workers if this had ever happened to him.

I hoped he would see that to have your pay cut is a big deal.

Personally, my pay has not been cut, but many times the state or school board has had hiring freezes, which means that workers who leave aren't replaced...and the workers who are left have to take up the slack. :(
The pension fund "drainers" in both public and private sectors are the big management types who make sure they are the first to get their full share while the rank and file get their pensions downsized and shared out. Let's stay on track, folks.
proof? Now, don't respond "Prove they don't."

Someone made a stupid statement without proof about pension fund drainers. I merely corrected that unfounded opinion with the correct information. If the original statement is amended with some factual evidence, we can proceed from there. Otherwise, the first statement is fail.
The pension fund "drainers" in both public and private sectors are the big management types who make sure they are the first to get their full share while the rank and file get their pensions downsized and shared out. Let's stay on track, folks.
proof? Now, don't respond "Prove they don't."

Someone made a stupid statement without proof about pension fund drainers. I merely corrected that unfounded opinion with the correct information. If the original statement is amended with some factual evidence, we can proceed from there. Otherwise, the first statement is fail.

Right, you make stuff up as your argument. We all can see that. :badgrin:
No, you are quoting your own opinion not the facts. You have to do better. Show us that he did not. You can't.

So very shallow, this line of 'prove a negative'. It is glaringly obvious that you don't have an argument. Your debating attempts are feeble. And feeble is generous. Try harder.

No one has solid evidence that Walker do not use the stimulus normally. Until someone can argue otherwise, shallow is with you and your buds.

What part of there was no more stimulus money available for Walker to use in his budget don't you understand?

His biennial budget started in July 2011.

*throws hands up in the air and moves to the flame zone where even the FFFF is more rational than this line of "debate"*
Prove that he did not. You can't. End of story.

Bull shit.

Look at the fact check link SAT posted. It says the opposite of what he (and now you) claim.

Doyle used stimulus funds to kick the can down the road.

SAT's link points out that Walker couldn't have used stimulus funds for his budget even if he wanted to. The funds ran out at the end of the Doyle budget. The stimulus was over by the time Walker's budget began.

That was too easy. If you're going to make claims which go against common knowledge, then at least try to make sure they're not ones which are rebutted by your own ally's fact check links.

No, you are quoting your own opinion not the facts. You have to do better. Show us that
he did not. You can't.

Show us that he did. You can't.
Last edited:
Those aren't slogans, Sat...those are me describing the Federal Government in my own words. Trying to paint those quotations as Tea Party "slogans" simply illustrates that you don't have any examples to give.

I'm sorry that you disagree with my verbiage, but I recognize the rhetoric when I see it. As I said, I'll continue to paint them red to show what I'm talking about.

Then WHAT are you harping about? You do have a job, correct?
Some would consider increased responsibilities without increase in pay, an actual cut.
Salaried 'Professionals' in the private sector work way more than 40 hours a week.
I work both in public and private sector, so I have a unique insight that I believe many others may not.

Uh, we're discussing the Wisconsin recall. Does it have to happen to me personally before I'm allowed to say anything?

"I'm all in favor of greater efficiencies, but I have yet to see the TP ask for fiscal sanity. They want to gut programs and cut taxes."

The Tea Party IS in favor of cutting spending. To progressives like yourself that translates into "gutting programs". You make that charge even though a bi-partisan committee charged with looking into government waste named billions of dollars being spent by the Federal Government on programs that duplicated other government programs. You say you're in favor of greater "efficiencies" but then consider any calls for cuts to be an attempt to "gut" programs. How do you become efficient without eliminating waste?

When you talk about turning Medicare into a voucher program, and public schools into voucher programs, and privatizing roads, you're gutting government programs.

Are you for or against those things?

With all due respect, Sat? You can color them "safety orange" and it won't change the fact that those quotes of mine aren't slogans. I was referring to our Federal Government as bloated and inefficent long before there even WAS a Tea Party.

Talking about ways to make our government function better is not "gutting" government. I'm sorry but it's just NOT. The problem we face right now is everytime someone makes suggestions as to how to make government more fiscally responsible...ie cutting duplicated programs or getting rid of programs that haven't done what they were originally designed to do...they are immediately attacked for wanting to get rid of every social program and safety net out there. We NEED wholesale change because the system isn't working. We spend huge amounts of money that we now have to borrow from China and that money doesn't do for us what we spent it on in the first place. If it were your company or your own household doing this you'd stop it in a heartbeat because it's so obviously foolish...but because it's the Federal Government and they have the capabilities to just borrow or print money then it's something that get's ignored.
So very shallow, this line of 'prove a negative'. It is glaringly obvious that you don't have an argument. Your debating attempts are feeble. And feeble is generous. Try harder.

No one has solid evidence that Walker do not use the stimulus normally. Until someone can argue otherwise, shallow is with you and your buds.

What part of there was no more stimulus money available for Walker to use in his budget don't you understand?

His biennial budget started in July 2011.

*throws hands up in the air and moves to the flame zone where even the FFFF is more rational than this line of "debate"*

It is your argument. Prove it. Your word and or opinion is not evidence. Give us solid facts and sources so we can evaluate your premise.

You can't. That is the truth of the matter. And you fail.

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