51 dead in september. 55 so far this month. 8 of the 55 just today in one attack.....

"Pick your head up and be proud."

I'd ask the same of you but you have yours firmly planted up Jesters ass and seem proud enuf of that.
The Bush-Hater Loons really don't realize how hilarious they are at this point. I guess that's just another symptom of their BDS (Bush Derangement Syndrome). Their lives no longer have direction without their Booooooosh Boogeyman. I'm sure if you were to dig deeper into the minds of the Bush-Hater Loons,you would find that they all just wish their Boooooosh Boogeyman was still President. Their lives are now just so empty without him. Pretty pathetic no? Oh well,they're good from some laughs anyway. :)
Thanks for the correction.....but archives are no longer on paper....they are all in data form. Deleting information is not as simple as hitting delete when it comes to military records, congressional records, and presidential records.

Look at it this way.....in today's day and age, one can not campaign if they have any type of mark in their background. Gore, the SITTING VP during the 1999 campaign, had access to all of Bush's military records. If he were AWOL it would have been disclosed.

Trust me...Gore reviewed everything the government had on file on Bush. If there was something, we would have known.

I'd be willing to bet a lot of money that texas air national guard records from forty years ago are NOT in data form but are in file boxes in some warehouse somewhere.

The fact remains: he was given a lawful order to report for a flight physical and he DID disobey that order.

I will take that bet.

Documents from 100 years ago are now in data format.

So please....give it a rest. If he was AWOL he would have been charged for such. If he were AWOL it would not be blog news...it would be network news.

Give it a rest. You are sounding like a fool.

now if you could find ONE post where I EVER said he was AWOL, that would be real nice. I SAID, he was ordered to take his annual flight physical in 1972 and did not do so.

you are sounding like you have the reading comprehension skills of a canary.

YOU give it a rest.
Look for some sort of Half-Measure from this President. This President has been shameful in his Half-Hearted approach to helping our kids out over there in Afghanistan. He just seems far too busy waging war against his own fellow Americans like those in the Press who dare to criticize him. He just doesn't seem to have the time to commit to helping our kids out over there. He will likely decide on a modest increase in troop levels and this will not be enough to achieve Victory there. He will simply try and have it both ways. He'll decide on something that might placate his Left Wing extremists in his own party. Either way our kids will suffer. What are they dying for at this point? Their Commander in Chief seems completely lost and not fully committed to winning. So it is time to bring our kids home. Our Commander in Chief has let our kids down. Bring them home right now Mr. President.

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