51 dead in september. 55 so far this month. 8 of the 55 just today in one attack.....

I did not see it that way. But you see...with over 20 people on my "Christams List" in Iraq and Afghanisatan, I am angry at the number dead increasing with no Presidential decision as to what to do about it for 7 weeks now.

Mine is anger at no decision.....could be Gingrich at the helm, and I would be pissed off....to mew this is not political...it is personal.

Go ahead...call me selfish.

Libtards don't want to hear about or see that our soldiers are dying. It's an inconvenient truth now that their chosen messiah is in office. There is only one on this board who consistantly remembers them.

so you had no problem with casualty reports being used for political purposes from 2002-2008?

Like I said...this has nothing to do with politics. This has to do with asking the CIC to make a decision.
In 2002-2008, decisions were made and those that disagreed with the decisions used the dead for political fodder.
I did not see it that way. But you see...with over 20 people on my "Christams List" in Iraq and Afghanisatan, I am angry at the number dead increasing with no Presidential decision as to what to do about it for 7 weeks now.

Mine is anger at no decision.....could be Gingrich at the helm, and I would be pissed off....to mew this is not political...it is personal.

Go ahead...call me selfish.

Libtards don't want to hear about or see that our soldiers are dying. It's an inconvenient truth now that their chosen messiah is in office. There is only one on this board who consistantly remembers them.

so you had no problem with casualty reports being used for political purposes from 2002-2008?
It's not for political purposes whatsoever.

It's to show that Obama is playing POLITICS while our troops continue to suffer casualties in record numbers. Particularly since the request for a surge was presented him almost two freakin' months ago.

So tell me, were you out pitching a bitch when the death rate rose in Iraq?

If so, you were obviously using those troops deaths for political purposes, eh?

Also, if you were pitching a bitch back then, why are you not pitching a bitch NOW?

Could it be you don't have the guts to call out your beloved Messiahs failure?
bingo!!! and they are willing to drag the deaths of our service personnel through the mud in an attempt at disparaging our president., a disgusting act by despicable people.

The war is lost...Harry Reid
They are rapists and Murderers......John Murtha
Air raiding villiages and killing civilians.....Obama

Who else did it?

Ohy yeah....THE ENTIRE FUCKING LEFT FOR 8 straight years.

so you condone the actions of the left during that time?
All referring to Iraq, if I'm not mistaken.
I'll say it again.

It's truly sad that we have a SOD and top commander having to argue their case for more troops before the media.
Libtards don't want to hear about or see that our soldiers are dying. It's an inconvenient truth now that their chosen messiah is in office. There is only one on this board who consistantly remembers them.

so you had no problem with casualty reports being used for political purposes from 2002-2008?
It's not for political purposes whatsoever.

It's to show that Obama is playing POLITICS while our troops continue to suffer casualties in record numbers. Particularly since the request for a surge was presented him almost two freakin' months ago.

So tell me, were you out pitching a bitch when the death rate rose in Iraq?

If so, you were obviously using those troops deaths for political purposes, eh?

Also, if you were pitching a bitch back then, why are you not pitching a bitch NOW?

Could it be you don't have the guts to call out your beloved Messiahs failure?

I wasnt pitching a bitch then or now regarding the death rate, any opposition I may or may not have I lay at the feet of the politicians that make the decisions and I do not use the tragic loss of life that results from those decisions as political fodder(unlike you) like already pointed out you had no problem regarding these wars under Bush, even to the point that you served in them, now less than a year into a new presidency you are using the tactics of the left that were so hated by the right to try and attack the president, my my how things change.
Libtards don't want to hear about or see that our soldiers are dying. It's an inconvenient truth now that their chosen messiah is in office. There is only one on this board who consistantly remembers them.

so you had no problem with casualty reports being used for political purposes from 2002-2008?

Like I said...this has nothing to do with politics. This has to do with asking the CIC to make a decision.
In 2002-2008, decisions were made and those that disagreed with the decisions used the dead for political fodder.

Correct me if I'm wrong...but isn't there a current policy for Afghanistan in place. The discussions by this administration are about whether to CHANGE the current policy or not. Don't you think that should be thought thru very carefully?
It's an attempt to wake you fucking idiots up to the fact that this president IS FAILING OUR TROOPS!

The fact that not even one of you liberals pieces of shit have shown any concern over what is happening since the moron took office is beyong disgusting!

The fact that not even ONE of you liberal pieces of shit have shown ANY concern that our SOD and top ground commander are having to take their case to the media is beyond disgusting!

833 total US casualties.

444 just this year!

Wake the fuck up, and start holding your beloved messiah accountable. HE is now the commander in chief!

and where were you from 2002-2008? i kind of doubt you had a problem with Bush's unnecessary invasion of Iraq and no outrage at Bush over the live's lost in that effort.
From August 2002 to march 2003 I spent a shortened tour in Afghanistan.

From March 2003 to sept 2007 I did two tours in Iraq.

I fully supported going into Iraq. After seeing the way the people were treated by Sadaam and his regime, it was most definitely the right thing to do.

My main bitch with the mission was Rumsfelds stupid ass taking the war out of the hands of our field commanders, and placing it in his own hands. Reasons being are very personal. Lets just say that Rumsfelds ROE caused the deaths of many fine soldiers, including two very good friends. He's got blood on his hands, and if I ever had the dishonor of meeting him, I'd knock his fucking teeth out!

Now, back to the abject failure of the current CIC.

What has the CinC failed at?
so you had no problem with casualty reports being used for political purposes from 2002-2008?
It's not for political purposes whatsoever.

It's to show that Obama is playing POLITICS while our troops continue to suffer casualties in record numbers. Particularly since the request for a surge was presented him almost two freakin' months ago.

So tell me, were you out pitching a bitch when the death rate rose in Iraq?

If so, you were obviously using those troops deaths for political purposes, eh?

Also, if you were pitching a bitch back then, why are you not pitching a bitch NOW?

Could it be you don't have the guts to call out your beloved Messiahs failure?

I wasnt pitching a bitch then or now regarding the death rate, any opposition I may or may not have I lay at the feet of the politicians that make the decisions and I do not use the tragic loss of life that results from those decisions as political fodder(unlike you) like already pointed out you had no problem regarding these wars under Bush, even to the point that you served in them, now less than a year into a new presidency you are using the tactics of the left that were so hated by the right to try and attack the president, my my how things change.

very inconvenient for you to know that your chosen messiah waits on the success or failure of Nov. 7. donut?
so you had no problem with casualty reports being used for political purposes from 2002-2008?
It's not for political purposes whatsoever.

It's to show that Obama is playing POLITICS while our troops continue to suffer casualties in record numbers. Particularly since the request for a surge was presented him almost two freakin' months ago.

So tell me, were you out pitching a bitch when the death rate rose in Iraq?

If so, you were obviously using those troops deaths for political purposes, eh?

Also, if you were pitching a bitch back then, why are you not pitching a bitch NOW?

Could it be you don't have the guts to call out your beloved Messiahs failure?

I wasnt pitching a bitch then or now regarding the death rate, any opposition I may or may not have I lay at the feet of the politicians that make the decisions and I do not use the tragic loss of life that results from those decisions as political fodder(unlike you) like already pointed out you had no problem regarding these wars under Bush, even to the point that you served in them, now less than a year into a new presidency you are using the tactics of the left that were so hated by the right to try and attack the president, my my how things change.

As I have been saying earlier today. It has become quite clear that the RNC and its supporters are the de facto party of "Do as I say, not as I do."
so you had no problem with casualty reports being used for political purposes from 2002-2008?

Like I said...this has nothing to do with politics. This has to do with asking the CIC to make a decision.
In 2002-2008, decisions were made and those that disagreed with the decisions used the dead for political fodder.

Correct me if I'm wrong...but isn't there a current policy for Afghanistan in place. The discussions by this administration are about whether to CHANGE the current policy or not. Don't you think that should be thought thru very carefully?

We thought "he said" he would rely on the Generals? How careful must he be as in "not present" careful?
Man, I remember back in the day when we were losing troops by the dozen in Iraq and suicide bombers were killing hundreds a months while Bush sat on his ass and insisted on "staying the course" and if someone dared post a thread about causalities the right would scream bloody murder about treason, undermining the POTUS, and putting the troops in even more danger because it emboldens the terrorists.

Funny that.
It's not for political purposes whatsoever.

It's to show that Obama is playing POLITICS while our troops continue to suffer casualties in record numbers. Particularly since the request for a surge was presented him almost two freakin' months ago.

So tell me, were you out pitching a bitch when the death rate rose in Iraq?

If so, you were obviously using those troops deaths for political purposes, eh?

Also, if you were pitching a bitch back then, why are you not pitching a bitch NOW?

Could it be you don't have the guts to call out your beloved Messiahs failure?

I wasnt pitching a bitch then or now regarding the death rate, any opposition I may or may not have I lay at the feet of the politicians that make the decisions and I do not use the tragic loss of life that results from those decisions as political fodder(unlike you) like already pointed out you had no problem regarding these wars under Bush, even to the point that you served in them, now less than a year into a new presidency you are using the tactics of the left that were so hated by the right to try and attack the president, my my how things change.

very inconvenient for you to know that your chosen messiah waits on the success or failure of Nov. 7. donut?

very convenient of you to spit on the deaths of our troops in this manner now that they fit your political purpose.
I wasnt pitching a bitch then or now regarding the death rate, any opposition I may or may not have I lay at the feet of the politicians that make the decisions and I do not use the tragic loss of life that results from those decisions as political fodder(unlike you) like already pointed out you had no problem regarding these wars under Bush, even to the point that you served in them, now less than a year into a new presidency you are using the tactics of the left that were so hated by the right to try and attack the president, my my how things change.

very inconvenient for you to know that your chosen messiah waits on the success or failure of Nov. 7. donut?

very convenient of you to spit on the deaths of our troops in this manner now that they fit your political purpose.

what a moron you are, you messiah awaits election results,, have you written hymn of your disgust?
very inconvenient for you to know that your chosen messiah waits on the success or failure of Nov. 7. donut?

very convenient of you to spit on the deaths of our troops in this manner now that they fit your political purpose.

what a moron you are, you messiah awaits election results,, have you written hymn of your disgust?

I am not disgusted by somebody who thinks before they act, unlike with your type I consider thinking to be a good thing.
Where are the war protests now?

They still happen but they are much smaller. Something about the left supporting the war in Afghanistan.

Wait a minute. I thought that one of the reasons for that Tea Bagger protest...the one with 2 million people...was to end the war. :eusa_whistle:

No, we leave the "Tea bagging" up to the perverted, disgusting, fucked up in the head homsexual males. Surely, you must know what a disgusting homosexual is, now, don't you?:eusa_whistle:

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