51% of GOP now accept anthropogenic global warming

No one is going to burn down the US economy in order to reduce our carbon emissions. No one is going to shut down coal powered plants till replacement sources are up and running. To think otherwise is to buy into some REALLY stupid, fossil fuel industry propaganda.

'War on coal': 207 coal plants will close in the next decade | WashingtonExaminer.com
As 207 plants are slated to close, 138 have already shut down since Obama took office in 2009 and began his anti-coal onslaught. If all 207 of those facilities cease operating, it will leave the nation with 439 coal-fired plants, a loss of 32 percent of the nation's coal plants.
Is there some reason you can't look that information up? Could it be that you really have no interest in it?
Could it be that you can't answer the question either? How do I "look up" the accuracy of global temperature measurements in the 1880s? How stupid do you think we are?

I'll answer that last question.


You don't understand the science involved in this issue so you automatically distrust it. You ask for an explanation of how certain scientific data was determined but you obviously don't want to learn any facts that would upset your denier cult delusions that are already set in stone in what passes for your mind. You apparently have no idea how to "look up" any information on the internet. You project your own ignorance and confusion onto scientists who are far more intelligent, educated, and knowledgeable in the fields of climate science than you will ever be. Really, really stupid.
No one is going to burn down the US economy in order to reduce our carbon emissions. No one is going to shut down coal powered plants till replacement sources are up and running. To think otherwise is to buy into some REALLY stupid, fossil fuel industry propaganda.

“no matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise: If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what. ”

"To think otherwise is to buy into some REALLY stupid [health care] industry propaganda."


Different flavor of stinking bullshit for Dimocrats to swallow.
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You live in a house in an nice neighborhood. You are afraid a would be robber might rob your house casing the nice neighborhood. In order to make the area less attractive to would be robbers, leading from the front, you burn down half your house, hoping your neighbors will too.

A fine rant, but what does it have to do with anything on this topic? You seem to camped out in some kind of delusional lalaland, one that only admits right wing fruitloops.

Back in reality, the utilities themselves are saying the program isn't a big deal. Do you know something they don't? That is, what's the source of your hysterical sky-is-falling pronouncements? And given that the sky didn't fall the last dozen times your side tried similar alarmism, why should anybody give any heed to your latest meltdown?
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You live in a house in an nice neighborhood. You are afraid a would be robber might rob your house casing the nice neighborhood. In order to make the area less attractive to would be robbers, leading from the front, you burn down half your house, hoping your neighbors will too.

A fine rant, but what does it have to do with anything on this topic? You seem to camped out in some kind of delusional lalaland, one that only admits right wing fruitloops.

Back in reality, the utilities themselves are saying the program isn't a big deal. Do you know something they don't? That is, what's the source of your hysterical sky-is-falling pronouncements? And given that the sky didn't fall the last dozen times your side tried similar alarmism, why should anybody give any heed to your latest meltdown?

It is amazing the love you have for the right wing. Truly!!!! It must be a mess being you having to use right wing all the time. Hey, don't turn around it might be a right winger. hahahaahahahahaahhaha, you piece of work!
Is there some reason you can't look that information up? Could it be that you really have no interest in it?
Could it be that you can't answer the question either? How do I "look up" the accuracy of global temperature measurements in the 1880s? How stupid do you think we are?

I'll answer that last question.


You don't understand the science involved in this issue so you automatically distrust it. You ask for an explanation of how certain scientific data was determined but you obviously don't want to learn any facts that would upset your denier cult delusions that are already set in stone in what passes for your mind. You apparently have no idea how to "look up" any information on the internet. You project your own ignorance and confusion onto scientists who are far more intelligent, educated, and knowledgeable in the fields of climate science than you will ever be. Really, really stupid.
I notice you avoided answering the question. Accurate global temperature data in the 1880s came from......?
It is amazing the love you have for the right wing. Truly!!!! It must be a mess being you having to use right wing all the time. Hey, don't turn around it might be a right winger. hahahaahahahahaahhaha, you piece of work!

Dude, quit stalking me. You're creepy.
Accurate global temperature data in the 1880s came from......?

Thermometers and proxy measurements such as tree rings, corals and ice cores.

No, you don't get more. If we link to the details, you'll claim the source is part of the great socialist conspiracy. If we laboriously spend hours typing it out, you'll find a bullshit excuse to handwave it away. You think we haven't seen the denier song-and-dance a hundred times before?

No matter. We don't have to do a thing. The fact that a few bitter cranks are denying the actual evidence means nothing. In the real world, the burden of proof is on the deniers now. You keep refusing to meet that burden of proof. Hence, you will continue to be irrelevant, and the world will continue laughing at you.
Totally missed:

What percentage of Americans don't give a shit about Global Whatever and simply hang up on pollsters or, if accosted in person, knock them to the ground and piss on them?
Totally missed: What percentage of Americans don't give a shit about Global Whatever and simply hang up on pollsters or, if accosted in person, knock them to the ground and piss on them?

Insane people, like the Huffer here, imagine that everyone else is as insane as they are. Normal people laugh at their insanity.
Accurate global temperature data in the 1880s came from......?

Thermometers and proxy measurements such as tree rings, corals and ice cores.

No, you don't get more. If we link to the details, you'll claim the source is part of the great socialist conspiracy. If we laboriously spend hours typing it out, you'll find a bullshit excuse to handwave it away. You think we haven't seen the denier song-and-dance a hundred times before?
I've seen bullshit before. Who do you think you're kidding. You know you're full of shit. Tree rings, corals and ice cores to measure a 1.5 degree temperature range? No links to that? Aw, what a let down. I could use a good laugh.
No matter. We don't have to do a thing. The fact that a few bitter cranks are denying the actual evidence means nothing. In the real world, the burden of proof is on the deniers now. You keep refusing to meet that burden of proof. Hence, you will continue to be irrelevant, and the world will continue laughing at you.
You think tree rings can accurately measure temperature and you think the world is laughing at me?
Accurate global temperature data in the 1880s came from......?

Thermometers and proxy measurements such as tree rings, corals and ice cores.

No, you don't get more. If we link to the details, you'll claim the source is part of the great socialist conspiracy. If we laboriously spend hours typing it out, you'll find a bullshit excuse to handwave it away. You think we haven't seen the denier song-and-dance a hundred times before?
I've seen bullshit before. Who do you think you're kidding. You know you're full of shit. Tree rings, corals and ice cores to measure a 1.5 degree temperature range? No links to that? Aw, what a let down. I could use a good laugh.
No matter. We don't have to do a thing. The fact that a few bitter cranks are denying the actual evidence means nothing. In the real world, the burden of proof is on the deniers now. You keep refusing to meet that burden of proof. Hence, you will continue to be irrelevant, and the world will continue laughing at you.
You think tree rings can accurately measure temperature and you think the world is laughing at me?

Trying to determine global temperatures pre-1900s is a scientific wild ass guess (SWAG) at best. Were the thermometers controlled by a reliable calibration system? Do indirect methods of estimating historical temperatures allow for massaging the data? How do you "average" all this data together to come up with an average temperatures for the world for a specific historical year! You do a whole lot of SWAGing, that's what you do. Can science come up with reasonable historical temperatures? yes, but the more variables that go into the SWAG the larger the range of possible error.
Trying to determine global temperatures pre-1900s is a scientific wild ass guess (SWAG) at best. Were the thermometers controlled by a reliable calibration system? Do indirect methods of estimating historical temperatures allow for massaging the data? How do you "average" all this data together to come up with an average temperatures for the world for a specific historical year! You do a whole lot of SWAGing, that's what you do. Can science come up with reasonable historical temperatures? yes, but the more variables that go into the SWAG the larger the range of possible error.
My climate model predicts global warming concerns as being directly proportional to the amount of available public funding.
The estimated rate of warming over the last 150 years has not changed significantly in the last 20 years. There has been no increase in estimated warming from an increase in research funding. That is, you're wrong.

Climate science is among the few winners in President Barack Obama’s budget request for fiscal year 2015, which generally keeps research funding static. But even the modest increases the administration has proposed for climate research are likely to face strong opposition in coming months from the members of Congress who are resistant to new spending and skeptical of global warming.

The $3.9 trillion budget released on March 4 offered funding agencies like the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health mostly flat budget numbers, while other agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency saw overall cuts (See table).
Good news. We need to know more. That does absolutely nothing to support your contention. Increased research funding is not associated with increased perceived warming.

The planet has been warming and will continue to warm. Suggesting otherwise is... well... stupid.
Good news. We need to know more. That does absolutely nothing to support your contention. Increased research funding is not associated with increased perceived warming.

The planet has been warming and will continue to warm. Suggesting otherwise is... well... stupid.

I'm still waiting for your 1880s temp data.
GOP warms to climate change as voters embrace global warming believers | WashingtonExaminer.com


BY PAUL BEDARD | MAY 30, 2014 | 3:25 PM

Breaking from party orthodoxy, a majority of Republican voters now accept climate change, sparking a drive inside the GOP to find a middle ground to help candidates finesse the issue without sounding out of touch or in the tank for President Obama and Al Gore.

See link for remainder of article.

The majority view - as do majority views with overwhelming supporting evidence - grows. You folks will eventually be left standing on the uttermost fringes as your former compatriots creep towards the sensible center.

maybe we're not doomed AFTER all. :eusa_think: I would have thought that, judging by the amt of denier posts in this sub-forum, that 96% of the GOP were deniers :dunno:

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