53 Senators voted against keeping weapons out of the hands of human rights abusers.

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
53 Senators voted against keeping weapons out of the hands of human rights abusers, but the UN did not. What is it with Right Wingers and the good and decent people who fear them and their Congressional antics?

The Right Wing will use this to create even more hysteria in the gun community. :confused:

(Reuters) - The 193-nation U.N. General Assembly on Tuesday overwhelmingly approved the first treaty on the global arms trade, which seeks to regulate the $70 billion business in conventional arms and keep weapons out of the hands of human rights abusers.

The official U.N. tally showed 154 votes in favor, 3 against and 23 abstentions, though diplomats and U.N. officials said the actual vote was 155-3-22 due to Angola being recorded as having abstained and not voting yes. Venezuela, which said it had planned to abstain, Zimbabwe and three other countries were not allowed to vote because they were in arrears on their U.N. dues.

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon welcomed the vote, saying the treaty "will make it more difficult for deadly weapons to be diverted into the illicit market and ... will help to keep warlords, pirates, terrorists, criminals and their like from acquiring deadly arms."

Iran, Syria and North Korea last week prevented a treaty-drafting conference at U.N. headquarters from reaching the required consensus to adopt the treaty. That left delegations that support it no choice but to turn to a General Assembly vote to adopt it.

The Iranian, Syrian and North Korean delegations cast the sole votes against the treaty on Tuesday. U.N. overwhelmingly approves global arms trade treaty | Reuters

U.S. Senate: Legislation & Records Home > Votes > Roll Call Vote

Bill Summary & Status - 113th Congress (2013 - 2014) - S.AMDT.139 - THOMAS (Library of Congress)


The treaty will not control the domestic use of weapons in any country, but it will require countries that ratify it to establish national regulations to control the transfer of conventional arms and components and to regulate arms brokers.

It covers battle tanks, armored combat vehicles, large-caliber artillery systems, combat aircraft, attack helicopters, warships, missiles and missile launchers, and small arms and light weapons. A phrase stating that the treaty covers these weapons "at a minimum" was dropped, according to diplomats, at the insistence of the United States. Supporters complained that this limited the treaty's scope.

The treaty prohibits states that ratify it from transferring conventional weapons if they violate arms embargoes or if they promote acts of genocide, crimes against humanity or war crimes. The pact also prohibits the export of conventional arms if they could be used in attacks on civilians or civilian buildings such as schools and hospitals.

Read more: Senators vow to oppose UN arms trade treaty | Fox News
53 senators can't even keep a freaking atomic bomb out of the hands of human rights abusers. It's all symbolic and smoke and mirrors and the radical left eats it up like rubes at a sideshow.
53 senators can't even keep a freaking atomic bomb out of the hands of human rights abusers. It's all symbolic and smoke and mirrors and the radical left eats it up like rubes at a sideshow.

what are you trying to say -- in English
Keeping them out of the hand of human rights abusers ... Oh the irony.
53 senators can't even keep a freaking atomic bomb out of the hands of human rights abusers. It's all symbolic and smoke and mirrors and the radical left eats it up like rubes at a sideshow.

what are you trying to say -- in English

I understood what he said. why don't you leave to forum until you receive more training on how to comprehend like an adult.
The righties here seem very proud to be joining their ideological brethren in North Korea, Iran and Syria on this vote.

But then, pretty much every American conservative policy these days is now only embraced by third-world-hellholes and Islamic republics.
The righties here seem very proud to be joining their ideological brethren in North Korea, Iran and Syria on this vote.

But then, pretty much every American conservative policy these days is now only embraced by third-world-hellholes and Islamic republics.

Maybe metal poisoning from fucking their guns?
The righties here seem very proud to be joining their ideological brethren in North Korea, Iran and Syria on this vote.

But then, pretty much every American conservative policy these days is now only embraced by third-world-hellholes and Islamic republics.

North Korea? what has the UN done that stopped them from building a nuke? If this was an attempt to limit weapons going into rouge country's why did they insert small arms as the very last thing? All this is an attempt to take away peoples right to defend themselves.

this thread makes me think of this image.

maybe it's because of who it attracted
The righties here seem very proud to be joining their ideological brethren in North Korea, Iran and Syria on this vote.

But then, pretty much every American conservative policy these days is now only embraced by third-world-hellholes and Islamic republics.

North Korea? what has the UN done that stopped them from building a nuke? If this was an attempt to limit weapons going into rouge country's why did they insert small arms as the very last thing? All this is an attempt to take away peoples right to defend themselves.

Yup. The last thing we need is foreigners in the UN telling Americans they aren't allowed to defend themselves.
Those 53 Senators don't read the New York Times :lmao:

U.S.-Approved Arms for Libya Rebels Fell Into Jihadis’ Hands

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration secretly gave its blessing to arms shipments to Libyan rebels from Qatar last year, but American officials later grew alarmed as evidence grew that Qatar was turning some of the weapons over to Islamic militants, according to United States officials and foreign diplomats.

Check out this "whoopsies moment. :)

The United States, which had only small numbers of C.I.A. officers in Libya during the tumult of the rebellion, provided little oversight of the arms shipments. Within weeks of endorsing Qatar’s plan to send weapons there in spring 2011, the White House began receiving reports that they were going to Islamic militant groups.

They were “more antidemocratic, more hard-line, closer to an extreme version of Islam” than the main rebel alliance in Libya, said a former Defense Department official.

Some one get those liberal morons in the Senate a subscription to the NYT puleeeeeeeeeze!

The righties here seem very proud to be joining their ideological brethren in North Korea, Iran and Syria on this vote.

But then, pretty much every American conservative policy these days is now only embraced by third-world-hellholes and Islamic republics.

North Korea? what has the UN done that stopped them from building a nuke? If this was an attempt to limit weapons going into rouge country's why did they insert small arms as the very last thing? All this is an attempt to take away peoples right to defend themselves.

Yup. The last thing we need is foreigners in the UN telling Americans they aren't allowed to defend themselves.

Hey! Where did that straw man go?

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