54 Palestinians die as Israel refuses medical permits

So, let me try to wrap my mind around this.

The Palestinians do not want the Jews anywhere near them, want the Nation of Israel to go away, refuse to decide to live in the Nation of Israel; but now are bitching because they want Israel to provide health care?


not liberal....

you had me agreeing with you until your idiot hashtag
Sigh. Yes, fanger. We are all aware of the blockade.

Here's the thing. 1. The blockade is a direct response to hostilities and therefore the hostilities are the CAUSE of the blockade and not the other way around. 2. The restrictions on imports are a direct response to hostilities and misappropriation of goods and therefore the hostilities are the CAUSE of the restrictions on imports.

Now, you are going to say that Arab Palestinians have a "right" to defend themselves (meaning they have a right to be hostile while seeking the destruction of the sovereign State of Israel and denying other peoples their rights.) I don't agree. However, it is RIDICULOUS to simultaneously have the right to murder citizens of Israel while also demanding gifts from Israel. You can have one right or the other, but it is silly to expect both.
The restrictions on imports are a direct response to hostilities
What is the excuse for exports?

Gaza wishes to export medical technology superior to Israel's? Then why do they need access to Israel for medical care? Link? (Otherwise irrelevant to this thread).
Where do you get this shit? I didn't say anything about that.
Israel prevents them from having their own healthcare. That is what is stupid about that post.

Not even remotely true. What Israel provides is access to high level care in certain specific fields (oncology, pediatrics and hematology).

Gaza has its own healthcare system, its own hospitals, its own facilities. There are certain fields in which Israel does better (big surprise) and those are the cases which are referred to Israeli and East Jerusalem hospitals. Israel does not prevent the Gazans from having healthcare, as your post implies.
Is Israel responsible for this, I think that's the big question?

Either way, it makes Israel look bad.

'54 Palestinians die' as Israel refuses medical permits

Israel was responsible for at least 54 Palestinian deaths last year as it rejected hundreds of medical permit requests it received from Gaza residents seeking treatment outside the besieged strip, rights groups have said.

In a joint statement on Tuesday, the Gaza-based Al Mezan Center for Human Rights, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP), and Physicians for Human Rights Israel (PHRI), highlighted the immediate need for Israel to end its decade-long siege of the Gaza Strip.

In 2017, Israeli authorities approved fewer than half the medical permit requests it received, which were tied to appointments and treatment sessions in hospitals across the occupied territories and Israel - the lowest level since 2008.

More than 25,000 permit requests were submitted to Israeli authorities. Of those, 719 were refused, often under the pretext of security.

Another 11,281 applications are still pending approval - meaning thousands of people are in a state of jeopardy.

Samir Zaqout, Al Mezan director, told Al Jazeera that there is no "real rational reason" why patients in need of urgent medical assistance are denied hospital access.

WATCH: Gazans call for strike over collapsing economy (2:00)

"Israel is under a legal obligation to facilitate the freedom of movement of the Palestinian people," he said. "It decided when it blockaded the strip not only to deny Gazans of the right to free movement, but it also punished the ill who have a right to access healthcare."

In 2007, following the election victory of Hamas and the group's assumption of control over the territory, Israel imposed a strict land, aerial and naval blockade on Gaza.

In 2013, neighbouring Egypt, which has largely closed its border crossing with Gaza, blocked tunnels connecting Gaza with Egypt's el-Arish, shutting off the only other route out of the strip.

The main alternative is a path via the Erez crossing, which transfers people to Israel and the rest of the occupied territories.

'25,000 Gazans' on life's edge
Over the years, Israel has placed obstacles in the way of those seeking medical permits, which facilitate the movement of the ill.

For instance, child patients must have a guardian who is over 50 years old in order to travel.

Children with cancer without a guardian of the correct age, therefore, have not been able to access life-saving hospital appointments, Zaqout said.

Although Israel approves between 10 and 15 percent of permit requests, the bulk of the applications remains "under review" for months at a time, forcing many to reschedule appointments several times.

"The Israelis stall with the application requests and sometimes, not issuing a refusal at all makes it impossible for the patient to follow up with a lawyer or a rights organisation," Zaquot said.

Only patients who are in need of urgent care are eligible to apply for medical permits, meaning "more than 25,000 Gazans are between life and death".

'Who else do we turn to?'
Hani, father of seven-year-old cancer patient Ruba, said his daughter was recently denied a medical permit for the first time in seven years.

"She's not the only one," said Hani, who chose to conceal his last name for fear of reprisal.

"I had a daughter who died when she was just seven months old," he told Al Jazeera. "She suffered from the same cancer, and we lost her six years ago.

"I don't want to lose another daughter."

Ruba was diagnosed with cancer when she was a toddler.

She underwent a bone marrow transplant in January last year in a procedure that cost the family its savings.

Ruba received the tissue donation from her brother.

"I made sure it was my healthiest son, I wanted her to have the best chance of surviving," Hani said.

But without necessary treatment, he fears for his daughter's life.

"She's such a good girl, she's so pretty and smart," he said. "We're good people and do everything right - we face no problems with the authorities and our paperwork is always in order.

Hani said the family had received permits before on some 300 occasions and was not given a reason for the latest refusal.

"I don't even understand why, there were no reasons given to me this time, and I utilised every contact I had … nothing is more important to me than my children's wellbeing.

"Who else do we turn to?"

Israel has over the past decade launched three major assaults on Gaza, worsening a stark humanitarian situation.

With a major fuel and power crisis, the UN last week warned Gaza's emergency fuel supplies would soon run dry unless it received immediate donor support.

Fuel for generators to operate hospital supplies is largely absent.

Since 2008, Gaza's population has doubled while medical facilities remained poor.

With severe restrictions on access to basic services, Gaza has been dubbed the world's largest open-air prison.
We lose 33,000 born and unborn babies a month from planned parenthood. Why do you give a shit about people intent to "Kill US"?

Indeed, and I'm anti-abortion, but explain how Israel has been any better of an ally for the U.S, than Palestine?

Things like the Lavon Affair, U.S.S Liberty bombing,Jonathan Pollard,Yair Klein etc. say otherwise.
I worked on F-15s that had electronics that were shared between Israel and the US. We provide the weapons they provide the advanced systems. Not a bad deal, while the Palestinians have provided US with what? Name it, anything that those intent to kill US have contributed to humanity?

Well, they killed Taylor Force, an American marine. So it's more than just "intent to kill."

the pals have killed a lot more people than just Taylor Force.
Israel prevents them from having their own healthcare. That is what is stupid about that post.

Not even remotely true. What Israel provides is access to high level care in certain specific fields (oncology, pediatrics and hematology).

Gaza has its own healthcare system, its own hospitals, its own facilities. There are certain fields in which Israel does better (big surprise) and those are the cases which are referred to Israeli and East Jerusalem hospitals. Israel does not prevent the Gazans from having healthcare, as your post implies.
You need to read up.
So, let me try to wrap my mind around this.

The Palestinians do not want the Jews anywhere near them, want the Nation of Israel to go away, refuse to decide to live in the Nation of Israel; but now are bitching because they want Israel to provide health care?

Stupid post of the day!

Why because it exposes Your impossible double standards?

Today Israel owns them something, but tomorrow they wake up saying it doesn't exist.
There has been no stick that the Arabs haven't tried to grab by both ends.
That's a mental condition.
Israel prevents them from having their own healthcare. That is what is stupid about that post.

Which is the most lame excuse I've heard. Health care for wanna be MARTYRS??

Hamas is responsible for the health care, they have their own ministry for that- but apparently money goes to caviar and private Jets.

Health Minister of the Gaza Strip - Wikipedia

The tunnels also cost millions of dollars that could've been used to build schools and hospitals.

The tunnels in themselves are health hazards.
People can't comprehend it's a whole industry with a constant stream of budget.

How much child laborers die in those Hamas projects? How much electricity and water...
See, P F Tinmore

If you had read up yourself, you would be able to point out that one of the reasons Gazans are sent to Israel and East Jerusalem for certain procedures is because Israel restricts the import of certain medical technologies because they can be re-purposed for hostile actions. (You know, like co-opted concrete, electricity, irrigation materials, farming chemicals, etc, etc, etc.)

You should have caught that one. I practically handed that one to you on a platter.
They do no such thing. Their leaders do it to them-

In what is seen as the latest step in an effort to force Hamas to relinquish its control of Gaza, Abbas in June reduced the payments the PA makes to Israel for electricity it supplies to the territory.

The resulting cuts mean that Gaza’s two million people now have only 3 to 4 hours of power a day, forcing hospitals and other medical facilities to rely chiefly on generators and expensive fuel, while many private homes just go without.

Hamas says that Abbas restricted transfers of medicine to Gaza in March, accusing Hamas of failing to reimburse the PA for its purchases, and cut the salaries of its officials in May.

The spokesman for Gaza’s Hamas-run health ministry, Ashraf Al-Qidra, said PA shipments of medicine, especially drugs to treat cancer and cystic fibrosis, have dropped 35 percent since late March.

“We believe the actions of the Palestinian Authority and the Israeli occupation together are undermining the entire health service system in Gaza,” Qidra told Reuters.

Hamas also accuses the PA of delaying the transfer of hundreds of seriously ill patients to Israel or the Israeli-occupied West Bank, actions which it says has resulted in 13 deaths since April.

Gaza health care suffers as Palestinian factions play blame game

So, let me try to wrap my mind around this.

The Palestinians do not want the Jews anywhere near them, want the Nation of Israel to go away, refuse to decide to live in the Nation of Israel; but now are bitching because they want Israel to provide health care?

Stupid post of the day!

Why because it exposes Your impossible double standards?

Today Israel owns them something, but tomorrow they wake up saying it doesn't exist.
There has been no stick that the Arabs haven't tried to grab by both ends.
That's a mental condition.
Israel prevents them from having their own healthcare. That is what is stupid about that post.
Really. Think about what you are arguing, here SobieskiSavedEurope .

You are arguing that Arab Palestinians have an absolute right to enter Israel no matter if they are coming for advanced cancer treatment or to blow up children eating pizza.

The U.S.A had similar prior people they dealt with called Native Americans, the thing is the U.S.A didn't create walled off buffer zones with armed guards on Native American reservations because of Crazy Horse, now did they?
Why would a people with no true homeland, because Jews stole it, not be hostile to Jews?

Again, not arguing that they are hostile. Also not arguing that they have reasons for their hostility (mostly hypocritical reasons -- but reasons none the less). They are welcome to be hostile. Israel can't do anything about their hostility.

But hostility brings with it consequences (responses). One of the responses to hostility like suicide bombers is an attempt by Israel to keep them away from innocent children eating pizza. Hence, the need for the scrutiny of applications to enter Israel (even for medical care).

So you can BE hostile, if you want. But recognize that the hostility will lead to Israel protecting herself and her citizens. It is what any sovereign State is obligated to.

Every situation is overkill, and even more hostile than the Palestinians.
Well, THAT is an interesting and, possibly, valid critique of Israel. If you want to start a thread on what the proper response to constant rocket attacks, stabbing attacks, suicide bombs, car rammings, shootings, etc IS -- then let's do it. Start a thread and I'll meet you there.

So, how would you take someone stealing your land, and house, huh?

You Jews lack commonsense, overwhelmingly.
Really. Think about what you are arguing, here SobieskiSavedEurope .

You are arguing that Arab Palestinians have an absolute right to enter Israel no matter if they are coming for advanced cancer treatment or to blow up children eating pizza.

The U.S.A had similar prior people they dealt with called Native Americans, the thing is the U.S.A didn't create walled off buffer zones with armed guards on Native American reservations because of Crazy Horse, now did they?

Unemployment and alcoholism are very high on Native American reservations, and there should be no reservations to begin with.
Really. Think about what you are arguing, here SobieskiSavedEurope .

You are arguing that Arab Palestinians have an absolute right to enter Israel no matter if they are coming for advanced cancer treatment or to blow up children eating pizza.

The U.S.A had similar prior people they dealt with called Native Americans, the thing is the U.S.A didn't create walled off buffer zones with armed guards on Native American reservations because of Crazy Horse, now did they?

Unemployment and alcoholism are very high on Native American reservations, and there should be no reservations to begin with.

The Palestinian reservation is much worse than the Native American reservation, discuss otherwise?

Native Americans can leave the reservation, in Palestine there's a blockade, and walled off buffer zone with armed guards who shoot at Gazans who try to leave.

Explain how Israel isn't out of control?
LOL so still unable to grasp that the people you are referring to as Canaanites were most likely Egyptian slaves held in varying slums around the early Kingdom era. They are of indiscriminate origins and as such were likely the remnants of conquered peoples who appear to have left about the same time of the great drought that cause the early kingdom to contract.

"The letters also show that Egypt held considerable power over these Canaanite kings. One letter written by a king of Babylon named "Burra-Buriyas" complains about the killing of Babylonian merchants in Canaan and reminds Egypt's pharaoh that "the land of Canaan is your land and its kings are your servants."

Deal is you simply aren't qualified to be discussing the ancient character of the Judaic tribes given the just pathetic arguments you've offered so far. Right down to some mythical Canaan people straight out of religious dogma.

Fact is the Hyksos are the early Judaic tribes and inhabited the region for at least 10K years.

Pally's are a recent introduction from the areas of Arab conquest, post 6th century VE and most during the time the Arabs prefer to ascribe to the Judaic return.


Oh okay, so Egypt is the one who was there before Jews?

So, when are you going to give up Israel / Palestine to the Egyptians?

Where's your proof that the Hyksos were Jews, considering there's many theories on the matter?
Really. Think about what you are arguing, here SobieskiSavedEurope .

You are arguing that Arab Palestinians have an absolute right to enter Israel no matter if they are coming for advanced cancer treatment or to blow up children eating pizza.

The U.S.A had similar prior people they dealt with called Native Americans, the thing is the U.S.A didn't create walled off buffer zones with armed guards on Native American reservations because of Crazy Horse, now did they?

You see, and the average US citizen doesn't even call himself a Native American after 500 years of occupation.
Arab occupiers do.

So tell me how much weapons were the Jews allowed to own in Syria-Palestine before Zionism?
And whom were they made to pay for protection (aside from the govt)?

Yesterdays racketeers demand of us health care while reserving the right to demand were're gone.
Same old ways.
Really. Think about what you are arguing, here SobieskiSavedEurope .

You are arguing that Arab Palestinians have an absolute right to enter Israel no matter if they are coming for advanced cancer treatment or to blow up children eating pizza.

The U.S.A had similar prior people they dealt with called Native Americans, the thing is the U.S.A didn't create walled off buffer zones with armed guards on Native American reservations because of Crazy Horse, now did they?

You see, and the average US citizen doesn't even call himself a Native American after 500 years of occupation.
Arab occupiers do.

So tell me how much weapons were the Jews allowed to own in Syria-Palestine before Zionism?
And whom were they made to pay for protection (aside from the govt)?

Yesterdays racketeers demand of us health care while reserving the right to demand were're gone.
Same old ways.

Arabs are the occupiers, is that why in the 1878 census only 3% of the region was Jewish, and 1 - 2% were Jewish immigrants?
Really. Think about what you are arguing, here SobieskiSavedEurope .

You are arguing that Arab Palestinians have an absolute right to enter Israel no matter if they are coming for advanced cancer treatment or to blow up children eating pizza.

The U.S.A had similar prior people they dealt with called Native Americans, the thing is the U.S.A didn't create walled off buffer zones with armed guards on Native American reservations because of Crazy Horse, now did they?

You see, and the average US citizen doesn't even call himself a Native American after 500 years of occupation.
Arab occupiers do.

So tell me how much weapons were the Jews allowed to own in Syria-Palestine before Zionism?
And whom were they made to pay for protection (aside from the govt)?

Yesterdays racketeers demand of us health care while reserving the right to demand were're gone.
Same old ways.

Arabs are the occupiers, is that why in the 1878 census only 3% of the region was Jewish, and 1 - 2% were Jewish immigrants?

And what is the % of indigenous Americans in the US?
Rings a bell yet..

Then again Arabs themselves call the desert until these days the "Jewish Desert"
Really. Think about what you are arguing, here SobieskiSavedEurope .

You are arguing that Arab Palestinians have an absolute right to enter Israel no matter if they are coming for advanced cancer treatment or to blow up children eating pizza.

The U.S.A had similar prior people they dealt with called Native Americans, the thing is the U.S.A didn't create walled off buffer zones with armed guards on Native American reservations because of Crazy Horse, now did they?

You see, and the average US citizen doesn't even call himself a Native American after 500 years of occupation.
Arab occupiers do.

So tell me how much weapons were the Jews allowed to own in Syria-Palestine before Zionism?
And whom were they made to pay for protection (aside from the govt)?

Yesterdays racketeers demand of us health care while reserving the right to demand were're gone.
Same old ways.

Arabs are the occupiers, is that why in the 1878 census only 3% of the region was Jewish, and 1 - 2% were Jewish immigrants?

And what is the % of indigenous Americans in the US?
Rings a bell yet..

What would that have to do with much of anything?
So, let me try to wrap my mind around this.

The Palestinians do not want the Jews anywhere near them, want the Nation of Israel to go away, refuse to decide to live in the Nation of Israel; but now are bitching because they want Israel to provide health care?

Stupid post of the day!

Why because it exposes Your impossible double standards?

Today Israel owns them something, but tomorrow they wake up saying it doesn't exist.
There has been no stick that the Arabs haven't tried to grab by both ends.
That's a mental condition.
Israel prevents them from having their own healthcare. That is what is stupid about that post.

Which is the most lame excuse I've heard. Health care for wanna be MARTYRS??

Hamas is responsible for the health care, they have their own ministry for that- but apparently money goes to caviar and private Jets.

Health Minister of the Gaza Strip - Wikipedia

The tunnels also cost millions of dollars that could've been used to build schools and hospitals.

I just watched a thing on how the rebuilding process is at a stand still because Hamas steels all the money and uses it to enrich themselves at the expense of the Arabs under their control

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