54 percent of Los Angeles Shuns English at Home

Yes, there are some of us that are multilingual, but many of the rest regard that as treason.
There is nothing worong with speaking one's native tongue in one's home or among his per her contemporaries. But in public, in the presence of those who speak the native language of the country's culture, it is impolite. And if attempting to conduct commerce or business with the government, here one does this in English. Period.
The same applies if one goes to say a place such as France, that person had better learn to speak French and live by the acceptable cultural norms and traditions. Or else they will have a very rough time getting along or anything accomplished.
When I visit foreign countries I respond in English and force them to speak my language ....is that impolite?

Americans are notorious for only speaking one language and have no interest in learning another
Its only impolite if you already know their language. I always try to communicate in the language the locals speak. Luckily I pick up languages pretty quickly.

Sorry, dude: hood-rat is not a language.
People speak various languages at home to varying degrees at varying points in the assimilation process for varying reasons. YOU are just speaking out of complete ignorance.
The more that highspanic people speak Spanish to one another at home the less they have been encouraged to assimilate.
It's not about what is legal or not. It's about something that reflects divisiveness.
Learn a second language you stupid fucking American.

Where are you from?
I was born in America but my parents were born in Greece so they taught me a second language. Most "Americans" don't know a second language. But in most other countries, people can usually speak 2 or more languages. Makes Americans looks stupid.

I don't consider myself a White American. White Americans were born in America, so were their grandparents and they are mutts. They have lost touch with their roots.
I don't consider myself as a white American. I'm an American who could be described as white but I don't identify as white. I'm an assimilated American. I only speak English as that is the language native to my country. That you speak a second language is on you. Good for you. Has nothing to do with usurping American culture with that of a previous or immigrant heritage.
How does someone speaking a language of their own choice in their own home affect you?
"Damage"? What "damage"?

Thanks for proving my point :up:

You DO know this is a natural progression, right? Those new to the country speak their native language and maybe pick up bare English. Their children speak both languages....but not well. They are the ones who are the natural translators. By the 3rd generation, they are speaking English and have probably let go of their grandparents' language and can barely speak to them....they are totally Americanized. This happens with all...German, Italian, Russian, Mexican, Chinese, etc.

Actually, no, that's bullshit. ....

It's not bullshit, it's a pretty common pattern.
Yes, there are some of us that are multilingual, but many of the rest regard that as treason.
There is nothing worong with speaking one's native tongue in one's home or among his per her contemporaries. But in public, in the presence of those who speak the native language of the country's culture, it is impolite. And if attempting to conduct commerce or business with the government, here one does this in English. Period.
The same applies if one goes to say a place such as France, that person had better learn to speak French and live by the acceptable cultural norms and traditions. Or else they will have a very rough time getting along or anything accomplished.
When I visit foreign countries I respond in English and force them to speak my language ....is that impolite?

Americans are notorious for only speaking one language and have no interest in learning another
Its only impolite if you already know their language. I always try to communicate in the language the locals speak. Luckily I pick up languages pretty quickly.

Sorry, dude: hood-rat is not a language.
Hood rat is a word not a launguage. Didnt you learn the difference before you dropped out in the 8th grade?
Considering a population of 3,928,864, the damage is done


More than 350 languages are spoken at home in the U.S., the Census Bureau reported Tuesday, and residents in the country’s biggest cities are drifting away from speaking English at home.

A staggering 54 percent of residents in the Los Angeles metropolitan region speak a language other than English at home, as does 38 percent of the New York City area, 37 percent of Houston, 51 percent of Miami, 40 percent of San Francisco, and 36 percent of Washington, D.C.

More than 350 languages spoken in U.S.; 54 percent of Los Angeles shuns English at home - Washington Times

Imagine for a moment, had the immigrants around the turn of the century had business and public venues all cater exclusively to their languages, such as dutch, asian, italian, etc....no one today would be speaking english. Back then people needed to learn english to get ahead in this country and all came here to be apart of what makes america great....TODAY, YOU CAN'T FIND ANYTHING THAT DOESN'T COME IN SPANISH. TODAY, THEY WANT YOU DOLLARS AND THEY COULD GIVE A FUCK WHAT LANGUAGE YOU SPEAK. SO WHY LEARN ENGLISH?????
This rant brought to you by a poster who doesn't know that "Asian" is not a language.
"Damage"? What "damage"?
NOn Use of the Language of the land....
The only thing that holds together a nation is a common culture and language. Without these two pillars, a nation is no nation at all.
There is no official language of the land moron. :laugh:

Which is just one of the problems...
There is no problem. Your butthurt feelings dont constitute a problem for anyone other than yourself.
Considering a population of 3,928,864, the damage is done


More than 350 languages are spoken at home in the U.S., the Census Bureau reported Tuesday, and residents in the country’s biggest cities are drifting away from speaking English at home.

A staggering 54 percent of residents in the Los Angeles metropolitan region speak a language other than English at home, as does 38 percent of the New York City area, 37 percent of Houston, 51 percent of Miami, 40 percent of San Francisco, and 36 percent of Washington, D.C.

More than 350 languages spoken in U.S.; 54 percent of Los Angeles shuns English at home - Washington Times

Imagine for a moment, had the immigrants around the turn of the century had business and public venues all cater exclusively to their languages, such as dutch, asian, italian, etc....no one today would be speaking english. Back then people needed to learn english to get ahead in this country and all came here to be apart of what makes america great....TODAY, YOU CAN'T FIND ANYTHING THAT DOESN'T COME IN SPANISH. TODAY, THEY WANT YOU DOLLARS AND THEY COULD GIVE A FUCK WHAT LANGUAGE YOU SPEAK. SO WHY LEARN ENGLISH?????
If you can write something that logical and cogent why can't you see how contradictory to that post that you are when it comes to skin color ID?
The more that highspanic people speak Spanish to one another at home the less they have been encouraged to assimilate.
It's not about what is legal or not. It's about something that reflects divisiveness.
Learn a second language you stupid fucking American.

Where are you from?
I was born in America but my parents were born in Greece so they taught me a second language. Most "Americans" don't know a second language. But in most other countries, people can usually speak 2 or more languages. Makes Americans looks stupid.

I don't consider myself a White American. White Americans were born in America, so were their grandparents and they are mutts. They have lost touch with their roots.
I don't consider myself as a white American. I'm an American who could be described as white but I don't identify as white. I'm an assimilated American. I only speak English as that is the language native to my country. That you speak a second language is on you. Good for you. Has nothing to do with usurping American culture with that of a previous or immigrant heritage.
How does someone speaking a language of their own choice in their own home affect you?
It reflects a reluctance to assimilate which puts more pressure ($$) on the infrastructure.
Learn a second language you stupid fucking American.

Where are you from?
I was born in America but my parents were born in Greece so they taught me a second language. Most "Americans" don't know a second language. But in most other countries, people can usually speak 2 or more languages. Makes Americans looks stupid.

I don't consider myself a White American. White Americans were born in America, so were their grandparents and they are mutts. They have lost touch with their roots.
I don't consider myself as a white American. I'm an American who could be described as white but I don't identify as white. I'm an assimilated American. I only speak English as that is the language native to my country. That you speak a second language is on you. Good for you. Has nothing to do with usurping American culture with that of a previous or immigrant heritage.
How does someone speaking a language of their own choice in their own home affect you?
It reflects a reluctance to assimilate

No, it does not.
Learn a second language you stupid fucking American.

Where are you from?
I was born in America but my parents were born in Greece so they taught me a second language. Most "Americans" don't know a second language. But in most other countries, people can usually speak 2 or more languages. Makes Americans looks stupid.

I don't consider myself a White American. White Americans were born in America, so were their grandparents and they are mutts. They have lost touch with their roots.
I don't consider myself as a white American. I'm an American who could be described as white but I don't identify as white. I'm an assimilated American. I only speak English as that is the language native to my country. That you speak a second language is on you. Good for you. Has nothing to do with usurping American culture with that of a previous or immigrant heritage.
How does someone speaking a language of their own choice in their own home affect you?
It reflects a reluctance to assimilate which puts more pressure ($$) on the infrastructure.

Who are you?

A Borg?
Where are you from?
I was born in America but my parents were born in Greece so they taught me a second language. Most "Americans" don't know a second language. But in most other countries, people can usually speak 2 or more languages. Makes Americans looks stupid.

I don't consider myself a White American. White Americans were born in America, so were their grandparents and they are mutts. They have lost touch with their roots.
I don't consider myself as a white American. I'm an American who could be described as white but I don't identify as white. I'm an assimilated American. I only speak English as that is the language native to my country. That you speak a second language is on you. Good for you. Has nothing to do with usurping American culture with that of a previous or immigrant heritage.
How does someone speaking a language of their own choice in their own home affect you?
It reflects a reluctance to assimilate which puts more pressure ($$) on the infrastructure.

Who are you?

A Borg?
You are a troll.
Learn a second language you stupid fucking American.

Where are you from?
I was born in America but my parents were born in Greece so they taught me a second language. Most "Americans" don't know a second language. But in most other countries, people can usually speak 2 or more languages. Makes Americans looks stupid.

I don't consider myself a White American. White Americans were born in America, so were their grandparents and they are mutts. They have lost touch with their roots.
I don't consider myself as a white American. I'm an American who could be described as white but I don't identify as white. I'm an assimilated American. I only speak English as that is the language native to my country. That you speak a second language is on you. Good for you. Has nothing to do with usurping American culture with that of a previous or immigrant heritage.
How does someone speaking a language of their own choice in their own home affect you?
It reflects a reluctance to assimilate......

The fact that you are ignorant of the situation is one thing, but even you should be able to see that is not a logical conclusion.
I was born in America but my parents were born in Greece so they taught me a second language. Most "Americans" don't know a second language. But in most other countries, people can usually speak 2 or more languages. Makes Americans looks stupid.

I don't consider myself a White American. White Americans were born in America, so were their grandparents and they are mutts. They have lost touch with their roots.
I don't consider myself as a white American. I'm an American who could be described as white but I don't identify as white. I'm an assimilated American. I only speak English as that is the language native to my country. That you speak a second language is on you. Good for you. Has nothing to do with usurping American culture with that of a previous or immigrant heritage.
How does someone speaking a language of their own choice in their own home affect you?
It reflects a reluctance to assimilate which puts more pressure ($$) on the infrastructure.

Who are you?

A Borg?
You are a troll.

You are just NOW realizing that?!
Wonder why the universal language for air traffic control is English? :smoke:

Learn a second language you stupid fucking American.

Where are you from?
I was born in America but my parents were born in Greece so they taught me a second language. Most "Americans" don't know a second language. But in most other countries, people can usually speak 2 or more languages. Makes Americans looks stupid.

I don't consider myself a White American. White Americans were born in America, so were their grandparents and they are mutts. They have lost touch with their roots.
I don't consider myself as a white American. I'm an American who could be described as white but I don't identify as white. I'm an assimilated American. I only speak English as that is the language native to my country. That you speak a second language is on you. Good for you. Has nothing to do with usurping American culture with that of a previous or immigrant heritage.
How does someone speaking a language of their own choice in their own home affect you?
It reflects a reluctance to assimilate which puts more pressure ($$) on the infrastructure.

I done essplained this to you twice, and it's not an esoteric sort of knowledge pearl ---- you don't "assimilate" in your home. That's already accomplished at birth. You assimilate in the outside world. That's where your new language, culture, customs, cuisine etc LIVE. If your home is at variance from that you have a unique opportunity to learn BOTH. But if you're a Portuguese family living in Nebraska, you don't learn your Portuguese in Omaha, and you don't learn your English in the house. You learn each where they live and operate.

Não é fucking complicado.
If Americans went to a foreign country, I can assure you they would speak English in their home
Considering a population of 3,928,864, the damage is done


More than 350 languages are spoken at home in the U.S., the Census Bureau reported Tuesday, and residents in the country’s biggest cities are drifting away from speaking English at home.

A staggering 54 percent of residents in the Los Angeles metropolitan region speak a language other than English at home, as does 38 percent of the New York City area, 37 percent of Houston, 51 percent of Miami, 40 percent of San Francisco, and 36 percent of Washington, D.C.

More than 350 languages spoken in U.S.; 54 percent of Los Angeles shuns English at home - Washington Times

Imagine for a moment, had the immigrants around the turn of the century had business and public venues all cater exclusively to their languages, such as dutch, asian, italian, etc....no one today would be speaking english. Back then people needed to learn english to get ahead in this country and all came here to be apart of what makes america great....TODAY, YOU CAN'T FIND ANYTHING THAT DOESN'T COME IN SPANISH. TODAY, THEY WANT YOU DOLLARS AND THEY COULD GIVE A FUCK WHAT LANGUAGE YOU SPEAK. SO WHY LEARN ENGLISH?????



Apparently you have a very minimal interactions with minorities to make such assumptions.
If these people want their kids to follow the way they know how to make a living like cleaning floors, dishes, picking up strawberries etc....Then stick with your foreign language.
If you want your kids to advance and have a better life parents pushed their kids to speak English. That is a must for them.... And ONLY and ONLY way to get out from poverty. Keep that in mind.
There are NO elementary, high school, colleges and universities that offer ONLY Spanish, mandarin, french, tagalog here in US. Only English. Keep that in mind.
Second and 3rd generations already lost their native language especially Filipinos. I know tons of cubans here in Miami that no longer speaks Spanish. The same in California I know lots of Vietnamese, Filipinos and Mexicans that no longer speaks their native language. A Mexicans that speaks English in Mexico consider as superior or elite.
English will always and always be the primary language here in US. These different language unite Americans not divide. This makes the US a very unique compared to other countries thus make it strong.
I speak English, Portuguese, Spanish, Tagalog, Mandarin and French...
Many foreigners speak their native language in the home so the children don't lose their culture. They want them to be able to speak two languages

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