54 percent of Los Angeles Shuns English at Home

One liner replies absent of explanation are unacceptable.
Expound upon your posts. No one understands what it is you are trying to convey.
It appears you are just arguing to argue.

People speak various languages at home to varying degrees at varying points in the assimilation process for varying reasons. YOU are just speaking out of complete ignorance.
The more that highspanic people speak Spanish to one another at home the less they have been encouraged to assimilate.
It's not about what is legal or not. It's about something that reflects divisiveness.
Learn a second language you stupid fucking American.

Where are you from?
I was born in America but my parents were born in Greece so they taught me a second language. Most "Americans" don't know a second language. But in most other countries, people can usually speak 2 or more languages. Makes Americans looks stupid.

I don't consider myself a White American. White Americans were born in America, so were their grandparents and they are mutts. They have lost touch with their roots.
I don't consider myself as a white American. I'm an American who could be described as white but I don't identify as white. I'm an assimilated American. I only speak English as that is the language native to my country. That you speak a second language is on you. Good for you. Has nothing to do with usurping American culture with that of a previous or immigrant heritage.
People speak various languages at home to varying degrees at varying points in the assimilation process for varying reasons. YOU are just speaking out of complete ignorance.
The more that highspanic [sic] people speak Spanish to one another at home the less they have been encouraged to assimilate.......

Wrong again, buffoon.
Explain. Or else you're just a troll.

What do you need explained? That is NOT how it works. What part of that is unclear?
Troll bin.

You don't know what you're talking about. I do. You are wrong.
People speak various languages at home to varying degrees at varying points in the assimilation process for varying reasons. YOU are just speaking out of complete ignorance.
The more that highspanic people speak Spanish to one another at home the less they have been encouraged to assimilate.
It's not about what is legal or not. It's about something that reflects divisiveness.
Learn a second language you stupid fucking American.

Where are you from?
I was born in America but my parents were born in Greece so they taught me a second language. Most "Americans" don't know a second language. But in most other countries, people can usually speak 2 or more languages. Makes Americans looks stupid.

I don't consider myself a White American. White Americans were born in America, so were their grandparents and they are mutts. They have lost touch with their roots.
I don't consider myself as a white American. I'm an American who could be described as white but I don't identify as white. I'm an assimilated American. I only speak English as that is the language native to my country......

Are you high on drugs right now?
The language a family speaks at home is not indicative of level or intent regarding assimilation. You are making uneducated guesses.
People speak various languages at home to varying degrees at varying points in the assimilation process for varying reasons. YOU are just speaking out of complete ignorance.
The more that highspanic people speak Spanish to one another at home the less they have been encouraged to assimilate.
It's not about what is legal or not. It's about something that reflects divisiveness.
Learn a second language you stupid fucking American.

Where are you from?
I was born in America but my parents were born in Greece so they taught me a second language. Most "Americans" don't know a second language. But in most other countries, people can usually speak 2 or more languages. Makes Americans looks stupid.

I don't consider myself a White American. White Americans were born in America, so were their grandparents and they are mutts. They have lost touch with their roots.
I don't consider myself as a white American. I'm an American who could be described as white but I don't identify as white. I'm an assimilated American. I only speak English as that is the language native to my country. That you speak a second language is on you. Good for you. Has nothing to do with usurping American culture with that of a previous or immigrant heritage.
Hey retard. English is not native to this country. Its imported from england you idiot.. This is why you should have stayed in school.
People speak various languages at home to varying degrees at varying points in the assimilation process for varying reasons. YOU are just speaking out of complete ignorance.
The more that highspanic people speak Spanish to one another at home the less they have been encouraged to assimilate.
It's not about what is legal or not. It's about something that reflects divisiveness.
Learn a second language you stupid fucking American.

Where are you from?
I was born in America but my parents were born in Greece so they taught me a second language. Most "Americans" don't know a second language. But in most other countries, people can usually speak 2 or more languages. Makes Americans looks stupid.

I don't consider myself a White American. White Americans were born in America, so were their grandparents and they are mutts. They have lost touch with their roots.
I don't consider myself as a white American. I'm an American who could be described as white but I don't identify as white. I'm an assimilated American. I only speak English as that is the language native to my country. That you speak a second language is on you. Good for you. Has nothing to do with usurping American culture with that of a previous or immigrant heritage.
I agree. My pride for being Greek only goes so far. First and foremost I'm American
Considering a population of 3,928,864, the damage is done


More than 350 languages are spoken at home in the U.S., the Census Bureau reported Tuesday, and residents in the country’s biggest cities are drifting away from speaking English at home.

A staggering 54 percent of residents in the Los Angeles metropolitan region speak a language other than English at home, as does 38 percent of the New York City area, 37 percent of Houston, 51 percent of Miami, 40 percent of San Francisco, and 36 percent of Washington, D.C.

More than 350 languages spoken in U.S.; 54 percent of Los Angeles shuns English at home - Washington Times

Imagine for a moment, had the immigrants around the turn of the century had business and public venues all cater exclusively to their languages, such as dutch, asian, italian, etc....no one today would be speaking english. Back then people needed to learn english to get ahead in this country and all came here to be apart of what makes america great....TODAY, YOU CAN'T FIND ANYTHING THAT DOESN'T COME IN SPANISH. TODAY, THEY WANT YOU DOLLARS AND THEY COULD GIVE A FUCK WHAT LANGUAGE YOU SPEAK. SO WHY LEARN ENGLISH?????
We continue to divide people by language, creating a specific underclass, and then we wonder why socio-economic disparities continue to grow.

I don't know if those who push Identity Politics know this, or whether they do and it's okay with them.

Seems like a pretty fucked up thing to do to a kid, though.
Considering a population of 3,928,864, the damage is done


More than 350 languages are spoken at home in the U.S., the Census Bureau reported Tuesday, and residents in the country’s biggest cities are drifting away from speaking English at home.

A staggering 54 percent of residents in the Los Angeles metropolitan region speak a language other than English at home, as does 38 percent of the New York City area, 37 percent of Houston, 51 percent of Miami, 40 percent of San Francisco, and 36 percent of Washington, D.C.

More than 350 languages spoken in U.S.; 54 percent of Los Angeles shuns English at home - Washington Times

Imagine for a moment, had the immigrants around the turn of the century had business and public venues all cater exclusively to their languages, such as dutch, asian, italian, etc....no one today would be speaking english. Back then people needed to learn english to get ahead in this country and all came here to be apart of what makes america great....TODAY, YOU CAN'T FIND ANYTHING THAT DOESN'T COME IN SPANISH. TODAY, THEY WANT YOU DOLLARS AND THEY COULD GIVE A FUCK WHAT LANGUAGE YOU SPEAK. SO WHY LEARN ENGLISH?????


Considering a population of 3,928,864, the damage is done


More than 350 languages are spoken at home in the U.S., the Census Bureau reported Tuesday, and residents in the country’s biggest cities are drifting away from speaking English at home.

A staggering 54 percent of residents in the Los Angeles metropolitan region speak a language other than English at home, as does 38 percent of the New York City area, 37 percent of Houston, 51 percent of Miami, 40 percent of San Francisco, and 36 percent of Washington, D.C.

More than 350 languages spoken in U.S.; 54 percent of Los Angeles shuns English at home - Washington Times

Imagine for a moment, had the immigrants around the turn of the century had business and public venues all cater exclusively to their languages, such as dutch [sic], asian [sic], italian [sic], etc....no one today would be speaking english [sic]. ....

That post was ridiculously ignorant in many ways.
What do you call a person that speaks three languages? Trilingual.

What do you call a person that speaks two languages? Bilingual.

What do you call a person that speaks only one language? An American.

No, actually, the answer is "illegal alien on welfare."
"Damage"? What "damage"?

Thanks for proving my point :up:

You DO know this is a natural progression, right? Those new to the country speak their native language and maybe pick up bare English. Their children speak both languages....but not well. They are the ones who are the natural translators. By the 3rd generation, they are speaking English and have probably let go of their grandparents' language and can barely speak to them....they are totally Americanized. This happens with all...German, Italian, Russian, Mexican, Chinese, etc.

Actually, no, that's bullshit. My father in law learned English. My wife speaks fluent, colloquial, English, notable mostly because she DOESN'T have any New England accent. (She grew up in Cuba & Florida.) My mother's father learned English...and he forbade her to learn Portuguese. My grandmother spoke pretty good French, but her Flemish father spoke fluent English and, while very heavily accented (to the point she had to use French to be understood on a telephone) her Parisian mother's was fair.
Considering a population of 3,928,864, the damage is done


More than 350 languages are spoken at home in the U.S., the Census Bureau reported Tuesday, and residents in the country’s biggest cities are drifting away from speaking English at home.

A staggering 54 percent of residents in the Los Angeles metropolitan region speak a language other than English at home, as does 38 percent of the New York City area, 37 percent of Houston, 51 percent of Miami, 40 percent of San Francisco, and 36 percent of Washington, D.C.

More than 350 languages spoken in U.S.; 54 percent of Los Angeles shuns English at home - Washington Times

Imagine for a moment, had the immigrants around the turn of the century had business and public venues all cater exclusively to their languages, such as dutch, asian, italian, etc....no one today would be speaking english. Back then people needed to learn english to get ahead in this country and all came here to be apart of what makes america great....TODAY, YOU CAN'T FIND ANYTHING THAT DOESN'T COME IN SPANISH. TODAY, THEY WANT YOU DOLLARS AND THEY COULD GIVE A FUCK WHAT LANGUAGE YOU SPEAK. SO WHY LEARN ENGLISH?????
You guys will stop bashing Mexicans or Hispanics as soon as Rubio is the nominee because you will want to kiss their ass for their vote

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