54 percent of Los Angeles Shuns English at Home

You're actually equating using one's mother tongue at home to separate drinking fountains?

Not speaking English at home discourages assimilation....

You are speaking from ignorance.
One liner replies absent of explanation are unacceptable.
Expound upon your posts. No one understands what it is you are trying to convey.
It appears you are just arguing to argue.

People speak various languages at home to varying degrees at varying points in the assimilation process for varying reasons. YOU are just speaking out of complete ignorance.
The more that highspanic people speak Spanish to one another at home the less they have been encouraged to assimilate.
It's not about what is legal or not. It's about something that reflects divisiveness.

Bullfuckingshit. You don't "assimilate" at home. You assimilate on the outside.

The only "divisiveness" here is from the linguistic-superiority-complex crowd like you that wants to reach inside people's private family lives.

They tried to do that to Indians in Canada... to Cajuns in Louisiana... to Irish in their own country... a cultural imperialism bent on destroying the will of the extant soul so it can be replaced. "Resistance is futile... you will be ... assimilated".

Besides ---- you don't learn English (or any other language) by tinkering with others who are themselves learning the same new language and making the same mistakes. You learn it by interacting with fluent speakers.
... ---- you don't learn English (or any other language) by tinkering with others who are themselves learning the same new language and making the same mistakes. .....

Sometimes that's part of it...
Considering a population of 3,928,864, the damage is done


More than 350 languages are spoken at home in the U.S., the Census Bureau reported Tuesday, and residents in the country’s biggest cities are drifting away from speaking English at home.

A staggering 54 percent of residents in the Los Angeles metropolitan region speak a language other than English at home, as does 38 percent of the New York City area, 37 percent of Houston, 51 percent of Miami, 40 percent of San Francisco, and 36 percent of Washington, D.C.

More than 350 languages spoken in U.S.; 54 percent of Los Angeles shuns English at home - Washington Times
Good stuff. Why should they speak english at home instead of a language they find more comfortable?

Just a hunch.... If you can't speak English at home, odds are, you don't speak English outside it either

Yes, there are some of us that are multilingual, but many of the rest regard that as treason.
There is nothing worong with speaking one's native tongue in one's home or among his per her contemporaries. But in public, in the presence of those who speak the native language of the country's culture, it is impolite. And if attempting to conduct commerce or business with the government, here one does this in English. Period.
The same applies if one goes to say a place such as France, that person had better learn to speak French and live by the acceptable cultural norms and traditions. Or else they will have a very rough time getting along or anything accomplished.
When I visit foreign countries I respond in English and force them to speak my language ....is that impolite?

Americans are notorious for only speaking one language and have no interest in learning another
But you posted Asians shun English at home. If your post is correct.....Why is it that Asian kids excel in elementary, high schools, colleges and universities? Not only in California but entire USA. They don't need press 1 for English and press 2 for Spanish. Can you explain that?

Also from the post it reads

"The data, gleaned from Census information from 2009 to 2013, found 60.3 million residents, or more than one in five people over the age of 5, speaks a language other than English at home. Spanish is the top alternative, with 37.5 million home speakers, followed by Chinese with 2.9 million home speakers".

Care to explain why that is?

Why don't you tell us why you think you have a right to dictate what language people speak in the privacy of their own homes?

Why do you think they have the right to live in the open as illegals and refuse to show respect to their host country?


What made you think that Asians are illegals? What proof do you have that they do not respect this country? Trust me Asians value and respect this country far more than some Americans in this board. Just because they speak their dialect at home doesn't mean they do not respect this country. WHO are you again?

What made you think I was talking about Asians? However, the article did point out that those who shun English are the those who speak Spanish as the top alternative.


Your link and your post is about Asians shun English at home.... I've been posting and asking you questions about asians not Spanish ( Hispanics)..
Considering a population of 3,928,864, the damage is done


More than 350 languages are spoken at home in the U.S., the Census Bureau reported Tuesday, and residents in the country’s biggest cities are drifting away from speaking English at home.

A staggering 54 percent of residents in the Los Angeles metropolitan region speak a language other than English at home, as does 38 percent of the New York City area, 37 percent of Houston, 51 percent of Miami, 40 percent of San Francisco, and 36 percent of Washington, D.C.

More than 350 languages spoken in U.S.; 54 percent of Los Angeles shuns English at home - Washington Times

How about the south where they talk hill billy hick goober, not only at home but in public
Also from the post it reads

"The data, gleaned from Census information from 2009 to 2013, found 60.3 million residents, or more than one in five people over the age of 5, speaks a language other than English at home. Spanish is the top alternative, with 37.5 million home speakers, followed by Chinese with 2.9 million home speakers".

Care to explain why that is?

Why don't you tell us why you think you have a right to dictate what language people speak in the privacy of their own homes?

Why do you think they have the right to live in the open as illegals and refuse to show respect to their host country?


What made you think that Asians are illegals? What proof do you have that they do not respect this country? Trust me Asians value and respect this country far more than some Americans in this board. Just because they speak their dialect at home doesn't mean they do not respect this country. WHO are you again?

What made you think I was talking about Asians? However, the article did point out that those who shun English are the those who speak Spanish as the top alternative.


Your link and your post is about Asians shun English at home.... I've been posting and asking you questions about asians not Spanish ( Hispanics)..

You're confused I see.

No, the post is about how Spanish is the alternative to English followed by Asians. Thus, they shun English

Considering a population of 3,928,864, the damage is done


More than 350 languages are spoken at home in the U.S., the Census Bureau reported Tuesday, and residents in the country’s biggest cities are drifting away from speaking English at home.

A staggering 54 percent of residents in the Los Angeles metropolitan region speak a language other than English at home, as does 38 percent of the New York City area, 37 percent of Houston, 51 percent of Miami, 40 percent of San Francisco, and 36 percent of Washington, D.C.

More than 350 languages spoken in U.S.; 54 percent of Los Angeles shuns English at home - Washington Times
Good stuff. Why should they speak english at home instead of a language they find more comfortable?

Just a hunch.... If you can't speak English at home, odds are, you don't speak English outside it either

Good thing you and your hunch is about as dumb as a box of rocks.
Yes, there are some of us that are multilingual, but many of the rest regard that as treason.
There is nothing worong with speaking one's native tongue in one's home or among his per her contemporaries. But in public, in the presence of those who speak the native language of the country's culture, it is impolite. And if attempting to conduct commerce or business with the government, here one does this in English. Period.
The same applies if one goes to say a place such as France, that person had better learn to speak French and live by the acceptable cultural norms and traditions. Or else they will have a very rough time getting along or anything accomplished.
When I visit foreign countries I respond in English and force them to speak my language ....is that impolite?

Americans are notorious for only speaking one language and have no interest in learning another
Its only impolite if you already know their language. I always try to communicate in the language the locals speak. Luckily I pick up languages pretty quickly.

I think I read somewhere that the US has the least amount of polyglots in the world..
Also from the post it reads

"The data, gleaned from Census information from 2009 to 2013, found 60.3 million residents, or more than one in five people over the age of 5, speaks a language other than English at home. Spanish is the top alternative, with 37.5 million home speakers, followed by Chinese with 2.9 million home speakers".

Care to explain why that is?

Why don't you tell us why you think you have a right to dictate what language people speak in the privacy of their own homes?

Why do you think they have the right to live in the open as illegals and refuse to show respect to their host country?


What made you think that Asians are illegals? What proof do you have that they do not respect this country? Trust me Asians value and respect this country far more than some Americans in this board. Just because they speak their dialect at home doesn't mean they do not respect this country. WHO are you again?

What made you think I was talking about Asians? However, the article did point out that those who shun English are the those who speak Spanish as the top alternative.


Your link and your post is about Asians shun English at home.... I've been posting and asking you questions about asians not Spanish ( Hispanics)..
The thing is that Asians or Hispanics or anyone else for that matter could give a rats ass about what people think about the language they speak at home.
Considering a population of 3,928,864, the damage is done


More than 350 languages are spoken at home in the U.S., the Census Bureau reported Tuesday, and residents in the country’s biggest cities are drifting away from speaking English at home.

A staggering 54 percent of residents in the Los Angeles metropolitan region speak a language other than English at home, as does 38 percent of the New York City area, 37 percent of Houston, 51 percent of Miami, 40 percent of San Francisco, and 36 percent of Washington, D.C.

More than 350 languages spoken in U.S.; 54 percent of Los Angeles shuns English at home - Washington Times

No comprende.....
Not speaking English at home discourages assimilation....

You are speaking from ignorance.
One liner replies absent of explanation are unacceptable.
Expound upon your posts. No one understands what it is you are trying to convey.
It appears you are just arguing to argue.

People speak various languages at home to varying degrees at varying points in the assimilation process for varying reasons. YOU are just speaking out of complete ignorance.
The more that highspanic [sic] people speak Spanish to one another at home the less they have been encouraged to assimilate.......

Wrong again, buffoon.
Explain. Or else you're just a troll.
Not speaking English at home discourages assimilation....

You are speaking from ignorance.
One liner replies absent of explanation are unacceptable.
Expound upon your posts. No one understands what it is you are trying to convey.
It appears you are just arguing to argue.

People speak various languages at home to varying degrees at varying points in the assimilation process for varying reasons. YOU are just speaking out of complete ignorance.
The more that highspanic people speak Spanish to one another at home the less they have been encouraged to assimilate.
It's not about what is legal or not. It's about something that reflects divisiveness.

You have never, ever been inside such a home, have you?
Lots of times, troll. I live in a highspanic dominated community. The blacks all live in their segregated communities that they moved to when the highspanics moved in and turned those places into their segregated community.
Not speaking English at home discourages assimilation....

You are speaking from ignorance.
One liner replies absent of explanation are unacceptable.
Expound upon your posts. No one understands what it is you are trying to convey.
It appears you are just arguing to argue.

People speak various languages at home to varying degrees at varying points in the assimilation process for varying reasons. YOU are just speaking out of complete ignorance.
The more that highspanic people speak Spanish to one another at home the less they have been encouraged to assimilate.
It's not about what is legal or not. It's about something that reflects divisiveness.

Bullfuckingshit. You don't "assimilate" at home. You assimilate on the outside.

The only "divisiveness" here is from the linguistic-superiority-complex crowd like you that wants to reach inside people's private family lives.

They tried to do that to Indians in Canada... to Cajuns in Louisiana... to Irish in their own country... a cultural imperialism bent on destroying the will of the extant soul so it can be replaced. "Resistance is futile... you will be ... assimilated".

Besides ---- you don't learn English (or any other language) by tinkering with others who are themselves learning the same new language and making the same mistakes. You learn it by interacting with fluent speakers.
Assimilation starts at home. The more you deny that the more you endorse segregation.

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