54 percent of Los Angeles Shuns English at Home

That's why I carry the sigline I do. And posts like the OP affirm it every single day.

Thank goodness I have signatures turned off.

Shun English they should just shun America.... But wait, we see that already. The types that think shunning English is a sign of maturity and education are the same ones who are tearing our country apart right now.

American= Speaking English first


Geaux...Your link is about Vietnamese, Chinese and Korean. Very high percentage of universities and college students are asians and whites. Hispanics or blacks are far distant third. WHY is that?
High paying jobs like doctors, nurses, engineers, professors, architects, scientists etc. are asians and whites. Hispanics are far distant third or non existent. WHY is that?
At high percentage, who is cleaning the toilet, floor or washing dishes?

OK- I have no dispute relative to the Demographics stated


But you posted Asians shun English at home. If your post is correct.....Why is it that Asian kids excel in elementary, high schools, colleges and universities? Not only in California but entire USA. They don't need press 1 for English and press 2 for Spanish. Can you explain that?

Also from the post it reads

"The data, gleaned from Census information from 2009 to 2013, found 60.3 million residents, or more than one in five people over the age of 5, speaks a language other than English at home. Spanish is the top alternative, with 37.5 million home speakers, followed by Chinese with 2.9 million home speakers".

Care to explain why that is?

Why don't you tell us why you think you have a right to dictate what language people speak in the privacy of their own homes?
Thank goodness I have signatures turned off.

Shun English they should just shun America.... But wait, we see that already. The types that think shunning English is a sign of maturity and education are the same ones who are tearing our country apart right now.

American= Speaking English first


Geaux...Your link is about Vietnamese, Chinese and Korean. Very high percentage of universities and college students are asians and whites. Hispanics or blacks are far distant third. WHY is that?
High paying jobs like doctors, nurses, engineers, professors, architects, scientists etc. are asians and whites. Hispanics are far distant third or non existent. WHY is that?
At high percentage, who is cleaning the toilet, floor or washing dishes?

OK- I have no dispute relative to the Demographics stated


But you posted Asians shun English at home. If your post is correct.....Why is it that Asian kids excel in elementary, high schools, colleges and universities? Not only in California but entire USA. They don't need press 1 for English and press 2 for Spanish. Can you explain that?

Also from the post it reads

"The data, gleaned from Census information from 2009 to 2013, found 60.3 million residents, or more than one in five people over the age of 5, speaks a language other than English at home. Spanish is the top alternative, with 37.5 million home speakers, followed by Chinese with 2.9 million home speakers".

Care to explain why that is?

Why don't you tell us why you think you have a right to dictate what language people speak in the privacy of their own homes?

Why do you think they have the right to live in the open as illegals and refuse to show respect to their host country?

I've never such a disproportionate percentage of frightened whiteboyz IRL. Tell them I didn't mean to hurt their little feelings.

You're a racist douche.

Says the guy who doesn't know who said the quote and won't even bother Googling it? Yeah, I'm concerned about your opinion.

Geaux...Your link is about Vietnamese, Chinese and Korean. Very high percentage of universities and college students are asians and whites. Hispanics or blacks are far distant third. WHY is that?
High paying jobs like doctors, nurses, engineers, professors, architects, scientists etc. are asians and whites. Hispanics are far distant third or non existent. WHY is that?
At high percentage, who is cleaning the toilet, floor or washing dishes?

OK- I have no dispute relative to the Demographics stated


But you posted Asians shun English at home. If your post is correct.....Why is it that Asian kids excel in elementary, high schools, colleges and universities? Not only in California but entire USA. They don't need press 1 for English and press 2 for Spanish. Can you explain that?

Also from the post it reads

"The data, gleaned from Census information from 2009 to 2013, found 60.3 million residents, or more than one in five people over the age of 5, speaks a language other than English at home. Spanish is the top alternative, with 37.5 million home speakers, followed by Chinese with 2.9 million home speakers".

Care to explain why that is?

Why don't you tell us why you think you have a right to dictate what language people speak in the privacy of their own homes?

Why do you think they have the right to live in the open as illegals and refuse to show respect to their host country?


Because you can't prove any of them are illegal, and the fact that you assume they all are shows a distinct lack of intelligence.

What gives you the right to use a pseudo-French word for your username, Go4It?
Geaux...Your link is about Vietnamese, Chinese and Korean. Very high percentage of universities and college students are asians and whites. Hispanics or blacks are far distant third. WHY is that?
High paying jobs like doctors, nurses, engineers, professors, architects, scientists etc. are asians and whites. Hispanics are far distant third or non existent. WHY is that?
At high percentage, who is cleaning the toilet, floor or washing dishes?

OK- I have no dispute relative to the Demographics stated


But you posted Asians shun English at home. If your post is correct.....Why is it that Asian kids excel in elementary, high schools, colleges and universities? Not only in California but entire USA. They don't need press 1 for English and press 2 for Spanish. Can you explain that?

Also from the post it reads

"The data, gleaned from Census information from 2009 to 2013, found 60.3 million residents, or more than one in five people over the age of 5, speaks a language other than English at home. Spanish is the top alternative, with 37.5 million home speakers, followed by Chinese with 2.9 million home speakers".

Care to explain why that is?

Why don't you tell us why you think you have a right to dictate what language people speak in the privacy of their own homes?

Why do you think they have the right to live in the open as illegals and refuse to show respect to their host country?


What made you think that Asians are illegals? What proof do you have that they do not respect this country? Trust me Asians value and respect this country far more than some Americans in this board. Just because they speak their dialect at home doesn't mean they do not respect this country. WHO are you again?
Yes, there are some of us that are multilingual, but many of the rest regard that as treason.
There is nothing worong with speaking one's native tongue in one's home or among his per her contemporaries. But in public, in the presence of those who speak the native language of the country's culture, it is impolite. And if attempting to conduct commerce or business with the government, here one does this in English. Period.
The same applies if one goes to say a place such as France, that person had better learn to speak French and live by the acceptable cultural norms and traditions. Or else they will have a very rough time getting along or anything accomplished.
This is good news for Democrats as segregation and pandering to self-segregating communities keeps the votes nice and organized.
It's an insult to American culture.

Is it?
What is American culture? That is --- what's it made of?
The fact that you are communicating in the language of the USA is just one indicator.
No one asks a question unless they already have the answer....
So go ahead.
This is good news for Democrats as segregation and pandering to self-segregating communities keeps the votes nice and organized.
It's an insult to American culture.

Is it?
What is American culture? That is --- what's it made of?
It's made of a convergence of various cultures in the effort for assimilation. Holding onto and focusing on individual heritage in lieu of assimilation is segregation. Remember that segregation thing that MLK essentially gave his life to combat?

You're actually equating using one's mother tongue at home to separate drinking fountains?

Yes. Precisely. Except it is not by government mandate. It is by personal choice to isolate one's self.
Only this is taken one step further. There are those who do not respect OUR culture yet demand we respect and in effect kowtow to their interests.
THat I oppose and resist.
LEGAL immigrants are all welcome. That welcome comes with responsibilities. First respect the people who have welcomed you. Second, learn their language and customs then live by them.
Third, do not place your self interests or culture of your home land ahead of those who have welcomed you.
I cannot go to live in another country and violate the above tenets. I would be made to feel most unwelcome.
"Damage"? What "damage"?
NOn Use of the Language of the land....
The only thing that holds together a nation is a common culture and language. Without these two pillars, a nation is no nation at all.

You don't understand either.
Ok..Tell me what you believe to be incorrect about that statement.
Or are you just trying to start a pointless argument?

Neither culture nor language are fixed, and America has ALWAYS been home to many of both.
This is good news for Democrats as segregation and pandering to self-segregating communities keeps the votes nice and organized.
It's an insult to American culture.

Is it?
What is American culture? That is --- what's it made of?
It's made of a convergence of various cultures in the effort for assimilation. Holding onto and focusing on individual heritage in lieu of assimilation is segregation. Remember that segregation thing that MLK essentially gave his life to combat?

You're actually equating using one's mother tongue at home to separate drinking fountains?

Segregation manifests itself these days in ways more insidious than drinking fountains.
Not speaking English at home discourages assimilation.
Your argument is hyperbolic and disingenuous and you know it.
Of course. But people like pogo want to do whatever they can to destroy this nation.
"Damage"? What "damage"?
NOn Use of the Language of the land....
The only thing that holds together a nation is a common culture and language. Without these two pillars, a nation is no nation at all.

You don't understand either.
Ok..Tell me what you believe to be incorrect about that statement.
Or are you just trying to start a pointless argument?

Neither culture nor language are fixed, and America has ALWAYS been home to many of both.
Nonsense. There has always been a distinct American Culture.

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