54 percent of Los Angeles Shuns English at Home

Someone else knows that foreigners generally do not speak English at home. ....

Even you should be able to see how illogical that statement is. In fact, you have been informed that it is factually inaccurate. That you would continue to repeat it despite all this suggests that your prejudice has made you stupid and dishonest (or that your dishonesty and stupidity are the source of your prejudice).
What is factually inaccurate is that you have conflated a refusal to speak English at home with a refusal to speak English at all. Although many do refuse to speak English. They don't have to. They watch television in their home language, they listen to radio in their home language. They live only among their own people. They only shop at stores in their own neighborhoods.

You imagine that you can pontificate about factual accuracy when your pontifications have exactly the same meaning as a particularly smelly fart.
The information as to who speaks English at homes comes from the census. Go fart at them.
thanks for proving me right....you people give yourself away so easily......apply a little pressure and you fall apart...
Bigot bigot bigot. RAYCISSSSS!

What else ya got?
geezus are you getting a bout of dementia?....you sound like a child....let me call someone....
You stole the bull jizz didn't you. Are you drinking it or saving some to shoot up your ass with a turkey baster.

Better save some for your butt buddy, unkey. His ass cheeks are trembling at the thought.

Go to your room and suck your thumb.
you are the one who drinks the far right jizz ....but then old fucks like you are too stupid to realize its jizz not water....

Your syphilis has gone to your brain. See a doctor.
whats the matter tipsy?....dont like it when someone tells you what you are?...get used to it asshole,luckily people like you are just about dead...
Someone else knows that foreigners generally do not speak English at home. ....

Even you should be able to see how illogical that statement is. In fact, you have been informed that it is factually inaccurate. That you would continue to repeat it despite all this suggests that your prejudice has made you stupid and dishonest (or that your dishonesty and stupidity are the source of your prejudice).
she is the same way in the pot threads....clueless....
Considering a population of 3,928,864, the damage is done


More than 350 languages are spoken at home in the U.S., the Census Bureau reported Tuesday, and residents in the country’s biggest cities are drifting away from speaking English at home.

A staggering 54 percent of residents in the Los Angeles metropolitan region speak a language other than English at home, as does 38 percent of the New York City area, 37 percent of Houston, 51 percent of Miami, 40 percent of San Francisco, and 36 percent of Washington, D.C.

More than 350 languages spoken in U.S.; 54 percent of Los Angeles shuns English at home - Washington Times

Remember this misleading, disingenuous nonsense?
Someone else knows that foreigners generally do not speak English at home. ....

Even you should be able to see how illogical that statement is. In fact, you have been informed that it is factually inaccurate. That you would continue to repeat it despite all this suggests that your prejudice has made you stupid and dishonest (or that your dishonesty and stupidity are the source of your prejudice).
You have your opinions and not much else.

Let the bastards kill each other. I'll watch. And laugh.
"Damage"? What "damage"?
The damage is 54% of Los Angeleans will never experience the prosperity other immigrants have attained for themselves and their families. They will still be the peasants they were in Mexico thanks to liberal Democrat policies.

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