54 percent of Los Angeles Shuns English at Home

What is really surprising is when these spanish speakers are confronted with the knowledge that there is no right to be understood. Their leaders tell them that they have a right to speak their language. They are not told that they have no right to be understood. There is no right to communication.
What is really surprising is when these spanish speakers are confronted with the knowledge that there is no right to be understood. Their leaders tell them that they have a right to speak their language. They are not told that they have no right to be understood. There is no right to communication.

Same with those of you who talk crazy.
What is really surprising is when these spanish speakers are confronted with the knowledge that there is no right to be understood. Their leaders tell them that they have a right to speak their language. They are not told that they have no right to be understood. There is no right to communication.

Same with those of you who talk crazy.
Mexicans and democrats are enemies. There's no reason to talk to them at all.
What is really surprising is when these spanish speakers are confronted with the knowledge that there is no right to be understood. Their leaders tell them that they have a right to speak their language. They are not told that they have no right to be understood. There is no right to communication.

Same with those of you who talk crazy.
Mexicans and democrats are enemies. There's no reason to talk to them at all.

Apparently we have an example here of what the EU will look like with the muslim invaders that they allow in.... Seems these Spanish speaking people have no inclination to become Americans...only TAKERS....ALL should be deported....As the Founder of the American PROGRESSIVE Party stated.....

Considering a population of 3,928,864, the damage is done


More than 350 languages are spoken at home in the U.S., the Census Bureau reported Tuesday, and residents in the country’s biggest cities are drifting away from speaking English at home.

A staggering 54 percent of residents in the Los Angeles metropolitan region speak a language other than English at home, as does 38 percent of the New York City area, 37 percent of Houston, 51 percent of Miami, 40 percent of San Francisco, and 36 percent of Washington, D.C.

More than 350 languages spoken in U.S.; 54 percent of Los Angeles shuns English at home - Washington Times
I hate to bust your bubble but being multilingual is not a crime, immoral, or unamerican. Many of us have a family member, usually a parent or grandparent who is more comfortable speaking their native language.

If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.
Nelson Mandela
Considering a population of 3,928,864, the damage is done


More than 350 languages are spoken at home in the U.S., the Census Bureau reported Tuesday, and residents in the country’s biggest cities are drifting away from speaking English at home.

A staggering 54 percent of residents in the Los Angeles metropolitan region speak a language other than English at home, as does 38 percent of the New York City area, 37 percent of Houston, 51 percent of Miami, 40 percent of San Francisco, and 36 percent of Washington, D.C.

More than 350 languages spoken in U.S.; 54 percent of Los Angeles shuns English at home - Washington Times
I hate to bust your bubble but being multilingual is not a crime, immoral, or unamerican. Many of us have a family member, usually a parent or grandparent who is more comfortable speaking their native language.

If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.
Nelson Mandela

Sorry, that won't carry water

There was this short stocky brown skinned lady standing in the grocery line, speaking on her cell phone in what was very obviously not English. A man behind her said in a very loud voice, "You are in America now, you need to speak American". She looked at him, and said in a level voice, " I was speaking American, that was Navajo. If you want to speak English, why don't you go back to England?".
There was this short stocky brown skinned lady standing in the grocery line, speaking on her cell phone in what was very obviously not English. A man behind her said in a very loud voice, "You are in America now, you need to speak American". She looked at him, and said in a level voice, " I was speaking American, that was Navajo. If you want to speak English, why don't you go back to England?".
The first time I heard that I rolled over in my crib and kicked the slats.

I have lived in southern California since 1965. Just in the ordinary course of events I have picked up enough Spanish to carry on a conversation. I never would though. Spanish speakers understand "Fuck off" in English perfectly well.
What is really surprising is when these spanish speakers are confronted with the knowledge that there is no right to be understood. Their leaders tell them that they have a right to speak their language. They are not told that they have no right to be understood. There is no right to communication.
What kind of retarded nonsense was that? ^^^
What is really surprising is when these spanish speakers are confronted with the knowledge that there is no right to be understood. Their leaders tell them that they have a right to speak their language. They are not told that they have no right to be understood. There is no right to communication.
What kind of retarded nonsense was that? ^^^
You're black. You wouldn't understand. Blacks are deficient that way.
There was this short stocky brown skinned lady standing in the grocery line, speaking on her cell phone in what was very obviously not English. A man behind her said in a very loud voice, "You are in America now, you need to speak American". She looked at him, and said in a level voice, " I was speaking American, that was Navajo. If you want to speak English, why don't you go back to England?".
That was great. I once came to the defense of a old Mexican woman this dickwad was trying to berate because she was talking to another customer in Spanish. I told him to STFU and mind his business or move back to europe.
What is really surprising is when these spanish speakers are confronted with the knowledge that there is no right to be understood. Their leaders tell them that they have a right to speak their language. They are not told that they have no right to be understood. There is no right to communication.
What kind of retarded nonsense was that? ^^^
You're black. You wouldn't understand. Blacks are deficient that way.
Ok. So it must be more of your typical cave chimp lingo. My bad.
There was this short stocky brown skinned lady standing in the grocery line, speaking on her cell phone in what was very obviously not English. A man behind her said in a very loud voice, "You are in America now, you need to speak American". She looked at him, and said in a level voice, " I was speaking American, that was Navajo. If you want to speak English, why don't you go back to England?".
That was great. I once came to the defense of a old Mexican woman this dickwad was trying to berate because she was talking to another customer in Spanish. I told him to STFU and mind his business or move back to europe.
I like fucking with them when they try to talk to me in Spanish. Not even talking in Spanish. Just have an accent. I love watching them do a slow burn.
There was this short stocky brown skinned lady standing in the grocery line, speaking on her cell phone in what was very obviously not English. A man behind her said in a very loud voice, "You are in America now, you need to speak American". She looked at him, and said in a level voice, " I was speaking American, that was Navajo. If you want to speak English, why don't you go back to England?".
That was great. I once came to the defense of a old Mexican woman this dickwad was trying to berate because she was talking to another customer in Spanish. I told him to STFU and mind his business or move back to europe.
I like fucking with them when they try to talk to me in Spanish. Not even talking in Spanish. Just have an accent. I love watching them do a slow burn.
Why would they try to talk to you in spanish? Arent you white?
There was this short stocky brown skinned lady standing in the grocery line, speaking on her cell phone in what was very obviously not English. A man behind her said in a very loud voice, "You are in America now, you need to speak American". She looked at him, and said in a level voice, " I was speaking American, that was Navajo. If you want to speak English, why don't you go back to England?".
That was great. I once came to the defense of a old Mexican woman this dickwad was trying to berate because she was talking to another customer in Spanish. I told him to STFU and mind his business or move back to europe.
I like fucking with them when they try to talk to me in Spanish. Not even talking in Spanish. Just have an accent. I love watching them do a slow burn.
Why would they try to talk to you in spanish? Arent you white?

They talk to me in Spanish because they don't speak English or don't want to. Many hispanics are convinced that if they just refuse to speak English enough, everyone will just give in and learn Spanish.

Sometimes if they just have an accent, in which case I enjoy giving them a hard time.
There was this short stocky brown skinned lady standing in the grocery line, speaking on her cell phone in what was very obviously not English. A man behind her said in a very loud voice, "You are in America now, you need to speak American". She looked at him, and said in a level voice, " I was speaking American, that was Navajo. If you want to speak English, why don't you go back to England?".
That was great. I once came to the defense of a old Mexican woman this dickwad was trying to berate because she was talking to another customer in Spanish. I told him to STFU and mind his business or move back to europe.
I like fucking with them when they try to talk to me in Spanish. Not even talking in Spanish. Just have an accent. I love watching them do a slow burn.
Why would they try to talk to you in spanish? Arent you white?

They talk to me in Spanish because they don't speak English or don't want to. Many hispanics are convinced that if they just refuse to speak English enough, everyone will just give in and learn Spanish.

Sometimes if they just have an accent, in which case I enjoy giving them a hard time.
i've never heard such a stupid assumption as hispanics want everyone else to learn Spanish and I grew up around Mexicans.
There was this short stocky brown skinned lady standing in the grocery line, speaking on her cell phone in what was very obviously not English. A man behind her said in a very loud voice, "You are in America now, you need to speak American". She looked at him, and said in a level voice, " I was speaking American, that was Navajo. If you want to speak English, why don't you go back to England?".
That was great. I once came to the defense of a old Mexican woman this dickwad was trying to berate because she was talking to another customer in Spanish. I told him to STFU and mind his business or move back to europe.
I like fucking with them when they try to talk to me in Spanish. Not even talking in Spanish. Just have an accent. I love watching them do a slow burn.
Why would they try to talk to you in spanish? Arent you white?

They talk to me in Spanish because they don't speak English or don't want to. Many hispanics are convinced that if they just refuse to speak English enough, everyone will just give in and learn Spanish.

Sometimes if they just have an accent, in which case I enjoy giving them a hard time.

You tried to tell this little story before. It was bullshit the first time...
What is really surprising is when these spanish speakers are confronted with the knowledge that there is no right to be understood. Their leaders tell them that they have a right to speak their language. ....

What "leaders"?

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