54 percent of Los Angeles Shuns English at Home

Considering a population of 3,928,864, the damage is done


More than 350 languages are spoken at home in the U.S., the Census Bureau reported Tuesday, and residents in the country’s biggest cities are drifting away from speaking English at home.

A staggering 54 percent of residents in the Los Angeles metropolitan region speak a language other than English at home, as does 38 percent of the New York City area, 37 percent of Houston, 51 percent of Miami, 40 percent of San Francisco, and 36 percent of Washington, D.C.

More than 350 languages spoken in U.S.; 54 percent of Los Angeles shuns English at home - Washington Times
The lives of 100% of LA families would be much better today if English and Spanish had been taught in public schools from 1st grade on starting from the end of WWII.

Those who know only one language.

Know none.

That's overdoing it.
I'm responding in a somewhat emotional manner because I remember my conservative white parents making the same argument to me fifty years ago.

IMHO, if English and Spanish were taught to every public school student in LA (California would be better), the enhanced communication levels between the races would lead to lower levels of violence, and, perhaps, a greater likelihood of building progressive political movements.
Stop teaching spanish at all. Revoke the licenses for Spanish television and radio. Tie everyone caught speaking Spanish between two poles and give them 20 lashes with a cat o nine tails. Watch the communication levels rise.

You should be more concerned with your Prolactin levels.
Considering a population of 3,928,864, the damage is done


More than 350 languages are spoken at home in the U.S., the Census Bureau reported Tuesday, and residents in the country’s biggest cities are drifting away from speaking English at home.

A staggering 54 percent of residents in the Los Angeles metropolitan region speak a language other than English at home, as does 38 percent of the New York City area, 37 percent of Houston, 51 percent of Miami, 40 percent of San Francisco, and 36 percent of Washington, D.C.

More than 350 languages spoken in U.S.; 54 percent of Los Angeles shuns English at home - Washington Times
The lives of 100% of LA families would be much better today if English and Spanish had been taught in public schools from 1st grade on starting from the end of WWII.

Those who know only one language.

Know none.

That's overdoing it.
I'm responding in a somewhat emotional manner because I remember my conservative white parents making the same argument to me fifty years ago.

IMHO, if English and Spanish were taught to every public school student in LA (California would be better), the enhanced communication levels between the races would lead to lower levels of violence, and, perhaps, a greater likelihood of building progressive political movements.
Stop teaching spanish at all. Revoke the licenses for Spanish television and radio. Tie everyone caught speaking Spanish between two poles and give them 20 lashes with a cat o nine tails. Watch the communication levels rise.

You should be more concerned with your Prolactin levels.
Why don't you prove what those levels are?
The lives of 100% of LA families would be much better today if English and Spanish had been taught in public schools from 1st grade on starting from the end of WWII.

Those who know only one language.

Know none.

That's overdoing it.
I'm responding in a somewhat emotional manner because I remember my conservative white parents making the same argument to me fifty years ago.

IMHO, if English and Spanish were taught to every public school student in LA (California would be better), the enhanced communication levels between the races would lead to lower levels of violence, and, perhaps, a greater likelihood of building progressive political movements.
Stop teaching spanish at all. Revoke the licenses for Spanish television and radio. Tie everyone caught speaking Spanish between two poles and give them 20 lashes with a cat o nine tails. Watch the communication levels rise.

You should be more concerned with your Prolactin levels.
Why don't you prove what those levels are?

You already have.
That's overdoing it.
I'm responding in a somewhat emotional manner because I remember my conservative white parents making the same argument to me fifty years ago.

IMHO, if English and Spanish were taught to every public school student in LA (California would be better), the enhanced communication levels between the races would lead to lower levels of violence, and, perhaps, a greater likelihood of building progressive political movements.
Stop teaching spanish at all. Revoke the licenses for Spanish television and radio. Tie everyone caught speaking Spanish between two poles and give them 20 lashes with a cat o nine tails. Watch the communication levels rise.

You should be more concerned with your Prolactin levels.
Why don't you prove what those levels are?

You already have.
No. Let's see what you have. Come on. You have to have some documentation. Where is it?
Fact remains. If you speak only Spanish in America, you are destined to remain on the bottom rung of society. People need to understand this, especially the Mexican peasant who doesn't belong here at all.
Considering a population of 3,928,864, the damage is done


More than 350 languages are spoken at home in the U.S., the Census Bureau reported Tuesday, and residents in the country’s biggest cities are drifting away from speaking English at home.

A staggering 54 percent of residents in the Los Angeles metropolitan region speak a language other than English at home, as does 38 percent of the New York City area, 37 percent of Houston, 51 percent of Miami, 40 percent of San Francisco, and 36 percent of Washington, D.C.

More than 350 languages spoken in U.S.; 54 percent of Los Angeles shuns English at home - Washington Times

Of course they do since Cali is overrun with illegal and legal Mexicans.
Considering a population of 3,928,864, the damage is done


More than 350 languages are spoken at home in the U.S., the Census Bureau reported Tuesday, and residents in the country’s biggest cities are drifting away from speaking English at home.

A staggering 54 percent of residents in the Los Angeles metropolitan region speak a language other than English at home, as does 38 percent of the New York City area, 37 percent of Houston, 51 percent of Miami, 40 percent of San Francisco, and 36 percent of Washington, D.C.

More than 350 languages spoken in U.S.; 54 percent of Los Angeles shuns English at home - Washington Times
The lives of 100% of LA families would be much better today if English and Spanish had been taught in public schools from 1st grade on starting from the end of WWII.

Those who know only one language.

Know none.

That's overdoing it.
I'm responding in a somewhat emotional manner because I remember my conservative white parents making the same argument to me fifty years ago.

IMHO, if English and Spanish were taught to every public school student in LA (California would be better), the enhanced communication levels between the races would lead to lower levels of violence, and, perhaps, a greater likelihood of building progressive political movements.
Stop teaching spanish at all. Revoke the licenses for Spanish television and radio. Tie everyone caught speaking Spanish between two poles and give them 20 lashes with a cat o nine tails. Watch the communication levels rise.

^^^Start here
Fact remains. If you speak only Spanish in America, you are destined to remain on the bottom rung of society. People need to understand this, especially the Mexican peasant who doesn't belong here at all.
Surely, at some level, these people must know this.

Something this obvious has to be seen.

So why do they promote/defend it with such energy?
I know two engineers, one from China and one from Romania. Both only spoke Chinese and Romanian at home. They wanted their children to speak a second language. It worked.
Speak English or get the fuck out of MY country.

Maybe Trump can work that into his schedule.


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