54 percent of Los Angeles Shuns English at Home

That's the old truth. Highspanics today carry on Spanish speaking and that is the problem.
all my family speaks Italian when were together....but we all know English....

Very typically American.
hey it the only way we can keep the language going.....not many italians out here,run into one every now and then,but many dont speak it....
Maybe because you're not in Italy.
I suppose, when in Italy, all Italians who don't accommodate fourth generation Italians who remain english speakers are hateful bigots.

Stop digging, the hole you've made for yourself is deep enough.
I dug no hole. I asked pointed and logical questions and make cogent points.
How would you reconcile the postulation? Would you consider Italians as bigots if they expected you to not force your American culture info theirs, demanding acquiescence?
all my family speaks Italian when were together....but we all know English....

Very typically American.
hey it the only way we can keep the language going.....not many italians out here,run into one every now and then,but many dont speak it....
It is nice when your family can keep their homeland country language while assimilating to their new home country and their new language.

edited to include "language"
well according to roshawn i must be a hateful bigot....i guess thats what he was saying,hard to know with that one....
Don't play dumb. Answer my question. I want you to demonstrate consistency.
you did not ask me any question that i can see here....show me where and i will do my best....when i get back.....
Very typically American.
hey it the only way we can keep the language going.....not many italians out here,run into one every now and then,but many dont speak it....
It is nice when your family can keep their homeland country language while assimilating to their new home country and their new language.

edited to include "language"
well according to roshawn i must be a hateful bigot....i guess thats what he was saying,hard to know with that one....
Don't play dumb. Answer my question. I want you to demonstrate consistency.
you did not ask me any question that i can see here....show me where and i will do my best....when i get back.....
I drew a parallel about being in Italy and making similar cultural demands.
... Sometimes if they have any accent at all I'll say "I can't understand you. Is there someone that speaks English?".....

And they inform you that it should be "someone who speaks English"? I'll bet they have a good laugh at your expense.
How would you reconcile the postulation? Would you consider Italians as bigots if they expected you to not force your American culture info theirs, demanding acquiescence?

Put away your straw man. No one but you has proposed such a thing and it does not relate to the matter at hand anywhere but in your own prejudice.
... Sometimes if they have any accent at all I'll say "I can't understand you. Is there someone that speaks English?".....

And they inform you that it should be "someone who speaks English"? I'll bet they have a good laugh at your expense.
No I can't say that any of the illiterate gardners ever picked that up.

I love getting them fucked up. "I can't understand you. What? Say that again ". The young ones try so hard to be patient. Then after they wasted their time, walk out.
What do you call a person that speaks three languages? Trilingual.

What do you call a person that speaks two languages? Bilingual.

What do you call a person that speaks only one language? An American.

This America! Learn to speak American, you commie pinko! :mad:
hey it the only way we can keep the language going.....not many italians out here,run into one every now and then,but many dont speak it....
It is nice when your family can keep their homeland country language while assimilating to their new home country and their new language.

edited to include "language"
well according to roshawn i must be a hateful bigot....i guess thats what he was saying,hard to know with that one....
Don't play dumb. Answer my question. I want you to demonstrate consistency.
you did not ask me any question that i can see here....show me where and i will do my best....when i get back.....
I drew a parallel about being in Italy and making similar cultural demands.
yes you did,but you did not ask a question.....
Los Angelenos not only shun English at home, but everyplace else too.
they do that when they know a bigot like you is around.....they love pissing people like you off.....
I absolutely adore giving Latinos that blank stare. I understand everything the say but damn it's great to see some one looking for a translator while I walk off in a huff. Sometimes if they have any accent at all I'll say "I can't understand you. Is there someone that speaks English?"

It makes living in Los Angeles worth it.
oh now you understand spanish?.....you are so full of shit,other posts you have made about them indicated you have no idea what they are saying...as a matter of fact some of the stuff you have said about them in other threads tells me,someone who knows them and their language, that you make it a habit to know as little as you can about them because of a thing called bigotry....something you cant hide katz.....bigotry....
... Sometimes if they have any accent at all I'll say "I can't understand you. Is there someone that speaks English?".....

And they inform you that it should be "someone who speaks English"? I'll bet they have a good laugh at your expense.
No I can't say that any of the illiterate gardners ever picked that up.

I love getting them fucked up. "I can't understand you. What? Say that again ". The young ones try so hard to be patient. Then after they wasted their time, walk out.
you are so clueless that its laughable.....like unkotare said....you are being laughed at....
Los Angelenos not only shun English at home, but everyplace else too.
they do that when they know a bigot like you is around.....they love pissing people like you off.....
I absolutely adore giving Latinos that blank stare. I understand everything the say but damn it's great to see some one looking for a translator while I walk off in a huff. Sometimes if they have any accent at all I'll say "I can't understand you. Is there someone that speaks English?"

It makes living in Los Angeles worth it.
oh now you understand spanish?.....you are so full of shit,other posts you have made about them indicated you have no idea what they are saying...as a matter of fact some of the stuff you have said about them in other threads tells me,someone who knows them and their language, that you make it a habit to know as little as you can about them because of a thing called bigotry....something you cant hide katz.....bigotry....
I have lived around Hispanic people since 1980. Plenty of time to get to know my neighbors, business associates, vendors, store clerks, all the people that one gets to know in immersion. I do not speak Spanish because I made a special effort not to offer communication. I do understand much of what they say. Before I lived with them I had a much better opinion. Now, all they are good for is shooting up one another's birthday parties.
Los Angelenos not only shun English at home, but everyplace else too.
they do that when they know a bigot like you is around.....they love pissing people like you off.....
I absolutely adore giving Latinos that blank stare. I understand everything the say but damn it's great to see some one looking for a translator while I walk off in a huff. Sometimes if they have any accent at all I'll say "I can't understand you. Is there someone that speaks English?"

It makes living in Los Angeles worth it.
oh now you understand spanish?.....you are so full of shit,other posts you have made about them indicated you have no idea what they are saying...as a matter of fact some of the stuff you have said about them in other threads tells me,someone who knows them and their language, that you make it a habit to know as little as you can about them because of a thing called bigotry....something you cant hide katz.....bigotry....
I have lived around Hispanic people since 1980. Plenty of time to get to know my neighbors, business associates, vendors, store clerks, all the people that one gets to know in immersion. I do not speak Spanish because I made a special effort not to offer communication. I do understand much of what they say. Before I lived with them I had a much better opinion. Now, all they are good for is shooting up one another's birthday parties.
like i said.....bigotry.....
Los Angelenos not only shun English at home, but everyplace else too.
they do that when they know a bigot like you is around.....they love pissing people like you off.....
I absolutely adore giving Latinos that blank stare. I understand everything the say but damn it's great to see some one looking for a translator while I walk off in a huff. Sometimes if they have any accent at all I'll say "I can't understand you. Is there someone that speaks English?"

It makes living in Los Angeles worth it.
oh now you understand spanish?.....you are so full of shit,other posts you have made about them indicated you have no idea what they are saying...as a matter of fact some of the stuff you have said about them in other threads tells me,someone who knows them and their language, that you make it a habit to know as little as you can about them because of a thing called bigotry....something you cant hide katz.....bigotry....
I have lived around Hispanic people since 1980. Plenty of time to get to know my neighbors, business associates, vendors, store clerks, all the people that one gets to know in immersion. I do not speak Spanish because I made a special effort not to offer communication. I do understand much of what they say. Before I lived with them I had a much better opinion. Now, all they are good for is shooting up one another's birthday parties.
like i said.....bigotry.....
Good thing name calling doesn't hurt my feelings.
they do that when they know a bigot like you is around.....they love pissing people like you off.....
I absolutely adore giving Latinos that blank stare. I understand everything the say but damn it's great to see some one looking for a translator while I walk off in a huff. Sometimes if they have any accent at all I'll say "I can't understand you. Is there someone that speaks English?"

It makes living in Los Angeles worth it.
oh now you understand spanish?.....you are so full of shit,other posts you have made about them indicated you have no idea what they are saying...as a matter of fact some of the stuff you have said about them in other threads tells me,someone who knows them and their language, that you make it a habit to know as little as you can about them because of a thing called bigotry....something you cant hide katz.....bigotry....
I have lived around Hispanic people since 1980. Plenty of time to get to know my neighbors, business associates, vendors, store clerks, all the people that one gets to know in immersion. I do not speak Spanish because I made a special effort not to offer communication. I do understand much of what they say. Before I lived with them I had a much better opinion. Now, all they are good for is shooting up one another's birthday parties.
like i said.....bigotry.....
Good thing name calling doesn't hurt my feelings.
you have to have a reasonable amount of intelligence and decency to be bothered when someone calls you a bigot....
I absolutely adore giving Latinos that blank stare. I understand everything the say but damn it's great to see some one looking for a translator while I walk off in a huff. Sometimes if they have any accent at all I'll say "I can't understand you. Is there someone that speaks English?"

It makes living in Los Angeles worth it.
oh now you understand spanish?.....you are so full of shit,other posts you have made about them indicated you have no idea what they are saying...as a matter of fact some of the stuff you have said about them in other threads tells me,someone who knows them and their language, that you make it a habit to know as little as you can about them because of a thing called bigotry....something you cant hide katz.....bigotry....
I have lived around Hispanic people since 1980. Plenty of time to get to know my neighbors, business associates, vendors, store clerks, all the people that one gets to know in immersion. I do not speak Spanish because I made a special effort not to offer communication. I do understand much of what they say. Before I lived with them I had a much better opinion. Now, all they are good for is shooting up one another's birthday parties.
like i said.....bigotry.....
Good thing name calling doesn't hurt my feelings.
you have to have a reasonable amount of intelligence and decency to be bothered when someone calls you a bigot....
You have to be easily led and malleable. Bigotry only means I don't agree with you. Since you are essentially worthless and inconsequential your opinion is nothing more than sewage

The topic is the increasing inability of people living in Los Angeles to communicate with one another. You have a need to make it about me. What is it about this topic that is too painful to face?
The OP has been proven false. No one forced you to make this about your ignorance and bigotry.

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