54 percent of Los Angeles Shuns English at Home

Considering a population of 3,928,864, the damage is done


More than 350 languages are spoken at home in the U.S., the Census Bureau reported Tuesday, and residents in the country’s biggest cities are drifting away from speaking English at home.

A staggering 54 percent of residents in the Los Angeles metropolitan region speak a language other than English at home, as does 38 percent of the New York City area, 37 percent of Houston, 51 percent of Miami, 40 percent of San Francisco, and 36 percent of Washington, D.C.

More than 350 languages spoken in U.S.; 54 percent of Los Angeles shuns English at home - Washington Times

What's your point? Send the police around to knock down doors and arrest people if they hear non English words being spoken?

Is what people speak in their homes REALLY YOUR business?
Not every problem needs to be solved by the police. Nor does every problem need a law.

All we would need to do is stop encouraging people to cling to their own language. Stop teaching it in schools. Stop accommodating foreign languages in public life.

You would be scary if you weren't just pathetic. :cuckoo:
Criminal illegal aliens and latinos in California need to keep their spanish skills up, so they can follow directions properly when the La Raza busses come around to take them the polls and check the correct way to vote on their ballots.

If California were truly sympathetic with their plights, they would just mail stacks of ballots to the local La Raza fronts and just let the office there fill them out in their offices; why bother the common people with these inconvenient activities and hassles?
Each one trying to hang on to their own and demanding that everyone learn their language. Many Hispanics from Honduras. El Salvadore and Guatemala don't even speak Spanish. They speak a dialect that might not be used outside of their village.

Are you aware that a lot of these 2nd or 3rd generations don't even speak their dialect anymore? If they want to advance they know that they need to assimilate. If they don't they remain flipping burgers and cooking tacos. They have a dream to advance. That's a fact.
Ohhh that's where the difficulty is. No. They don't want to advance. They just want to be paid more.

You may want to update yourself. Every body wants to be paid more. Don't you?

5 facts about Latinos and education

5 facts about Latinos and education

Educational attainment among U.S. Latinos has been changing rapidly in recent years, reflecting the group’s growth in the nation’s public K-12 schools and colleges. Over the past decade, the Hispanic high school dropout rate has declined and college enrollment has increased, even as Hispanics trail other groups in earning a bachelor’s degree.

High School Dropout Rate, By RaceHispanics cited education as a top issue in 2014, ranking alongside the economy and above health care and immigration in importance, a Pew Research Center survey found.

Economic factors remain an obstacle for enrollment, however. In a 2014 National Journal poll, 66% of Hispanics who got a job or entered the military directly after high school cited the need to help support their family as a reason for not enrolling in college, compared with 39% of whites.
Considering a population of 3,928,864, the damage is done


More than 350 languages are spoken at home in the U.S., the Census Bureau reported Tuesday, and residents in the country’s biggest cities are drifting away from speaking English at home.

A staggering 54 percent of residents in the Los Angeles metropolitan region speak a language other than English at home, as does 38 percent of the New York City area, 37 percent of Houston, 51 percent of Miami, 40 percent of San Francisco, and 36 percent of Washington, D.C.

More than 350 languages spoken in U.S.; 54 percent of Los Angeles shuns English at home - Washington Times

What's your point? Send the police around to knock down doors and arrest people if they hear non English words being spoken?

Is what people speak in their homes REALLY YOUR business?
Not every problem needs to be solved by the police. Nor does every problem need a law.

All we would need to do is stop encouraging people to cling to their own language. Stop teaching it in schools. Stop accommodating foreign languages in public life.
That's not going to happen. Spanish follows Chinese as the most widely spoken language in the world. 25% more people speak Spanish than English. Spanish is the most usefully language to take in high schools and college in the US.
Most Popular Languages in the World by Number of Speakers
On the topic:

- Maintaining one's first language does not hinder the acquisition of a second (quite the contrary), or the process of assimilation in general.

- Latino immigrants today are assimilating just as generations of immigrants before them did.
Criminal illegal aliens and latinos in California need to keep their spanish skills up, so they can follow directions properly when the La Raza busses come around to take them the polls and check the correct way to vote on their ballots.

If California were truly sympathetic with their plights, they would just mail stacks of ballots to the local La Raza fronts and just let the office there fill them out in their offices; why bother the common people with these inconvenient activities and hassles?
Each one trying to hang on to their own and demanding that everyone learn their language. Many Hispanics from Honduras. El Salvadore and Guatemala don't even speak Spanish. They speak a dialect that might not be used outside of their village.

Are you aware that a lot of these 2nd or 3rd generations don't even speak their dialect anymore? If they want to advance they know that they need to assimilate. If they don't they remain flipping burgers and cooking tacos. They have a dream to advance. That's a fact.
Ohhh that's where the difficulty is. No. They don't want to advance. They just want to be paid more.

You may want to update yourself. Every body wants to be paid more. Don't you?

5 facts about Latinos and education

5 facts about Latinos and education

Educational attainment among U.S. Latinos has been changing rapidly in recent years, reflecting the group’s growth in the nation’s public K-12 schools and colleges. Over the past decade, the Hispanic high school dropout rate has declined and college enrollment has increased, even as Hispanics trail other groups in earning a bachelor’s degree.

High School Dropout Rate, By RaceHispanics cited education as a top issue in 2014, ranking alongside the economy and above health care and immigration in importance, a Pew Research Center survey found.

Economic factors remain an obstacle for enrollment, however. In a 2014 National Journal poll, 66% of Hispanics who got a job or entered the military directly after high school cited the need to help support their family as a reason for not enrolling in college, compared with 39% of whites.
Do you know any actual latinos that have gone to college? It looks way different on paper than they way it works in reality.

Latinos graduate high school unable to participate in college at grade level. They enroll, then take remedial courses. They major in LaRaza studies or Chicano in the 21st century. What they do is get student loans. Lots of them. When they are no longer approved for loans, they drop out and become part of students unfairly burdened by debt
And they still can't get a job.
Criminal illegal aliens and latinos in California need to keep their spanish skills up, so they can follow directions properly when the La Raza busses come around to take them the polls and check the correct way to vote on their ballots.

If California were truly sympathetic with their plights, they would just mail stacks of ballots to the local La Raza fronts and just let the office there fill them out in their offices; why bother the common people with these inconvenient activities and hassles?
Each one trying to hang on to their own and demanding that everyone learn their language. Many Hispanics from Honduras. El Salvadore and Guatemala don't even speak Spanish. They speak a dialect that might not be used outside of their village.

Are you aware that a lot of these 2nd or 3rd generations don't even speak their dialect anymore? If they want to advance they know that they need to assimilate. If they don't they remain flipping burgers and cooking tacos. They have a dream to advance. That's a fact.
Ohhh that's where the difficulty is. No. They don't want to advance. They just want to be paid more.

You may want to update yourself. Every body wants to be paid more. Don't you?

5 facts about Latinos and education

5 facts about Latinos and education

Educational attainment among U.S. Latinos has been changing rapidly in recent years, reflecting the group’s growth in the nation’s public K-12 schools and colleges. Over the past decade, the Hispanic high school dropout rate has declined and college enrollment has increased, even as Hispanics trail other groups in earning a bachelor’s degree.

High School Dropout Rate, By RaceHispanics cited education as a top issue in 2014, ranking alongside the economy and above health care and immigration in importance, a Pew Research Center survey found.

Economic factors remain an obstacle for enrollment, however. In a 2014 National Journal poll, 66% of Hispanics who got a job or entered the military directly after high school cited the need to help support their family as a reason for not enrolling in college, compared with 39% of whites.
Do you know any actual latinos that have gone to college? It looks way different on paper than they way it works in reality.

Latinos graduate high school unable to participate in college at grade level. They enroll, then take remedial courses. They major in LaRaza studies or Chicano in the 21st century. What they do is get student loans. Lots of them. When they are no longer approved for loans, they drop out and become part of students unfairly burdened by debt
And they still can't get a job.
I have some in my family that have masters degrees you moron. I've worked with plenty of them with BA's in the IT field.
Criminal illegal aliens and latinos in California need to keep their spanish skills up, so they can follow directions properly when the La Raza busses come around to take them the polls and check the correct way to vote on their ballots.

If California were truly sympathetic with their plights, they would just mail stacks of ballots to the local La Raza fronts and just let the office there fill them out in their offices; why bother the common people with these inconvenient activities and hassles?
Each one trying to hang on to their own and demanding that everyone learn their language. Many Hispanics from Honduras. El Salvadore and Guatemala don't even speak Spanish. They speak a dialect that might not be used outside of their village.

Are you aware that a lot of these 2nd or 3rd generations don't even speak their dialect anymore? If they want to advance they know that they need to assimilate. If they don't they remain flipping burgers and cooking tacos. They have a dream to advance. That's a fact.
Do you know any actual latinos that have gone to college? It looks way different on paper than they way it works in reality.

Latinos graduate high school unable to participate in college at grade level. They enroll, then take remedial courses. They major in LaRaza studies or Chicano in the 21st century. What they do is get student loans. Lots of them. When they are no longer approved for loans, they drop out and become part of students unfairly burdened by debt
And they still can't get a job.

Actually yes I know lots of Hispanics. I have total of 34 Hispanics employees. Most are American citizens and some are college graduates paying their loan.
Criminal illegal aliens and latinos in California need to keep their spanish skills up, so they can follow directions properly when the La Raza busses come around to take them the polls and check the correct way to vote on their ballots.

If California were truly sympathetic with their plights, they would just mail stacks of ballots to the local La Raza fronts and just let the office there fill them out in their offices; why bother the common people with these inconvenient activities and hassles?
Each one trying to hang on to their own and demanding that everyone learn their language. Many Hispanics from Honduras. El Salvadore and Guatemala don't even speak Spanish. They speak a dialect that might not be used outside of their village.

Are you aware that a lot of these 2nd or 3rd generations don't even speak their dialect anymore? If they want to advance they know that they need to assimilate. If they don't they remain flipping burgers and cooking tacos. They have a dream to advance. That's a fact.
Ohhh that's where the difficulty is. No. They don't want to advance. They just want to be paid more.

You may want to update yourself. Every body wants to be paid more. Don't you?

5 facts about Latinos and education

5 facts about Latinos and education

Educational attainment among U.S. Latinos has been changing rapidly in recent years, reflecting the group’s growth in the nation’s public K-12 schools and colleges. Over the past decade, the Hispanic high school dropout rate has declined and college enrollment has increased, even as Hispanics trail other groups in earning a bachelor’s degree.

High School Dropout Rate, By RaceHispanics cited education as a top issue in 2014, ranking alongside the economy and above health care and immigration in importance, a Pew Research Center survey found.

Economic factors remain an obstacle for enrollment, however. In a 2014 National Journal poll, 66% of Hispanics who got a job or entered the military directly after high school cited the need to help support their family as a reason for not enrolling in college, compared with 39% of whites.
Do you know any actual latinos that have gone to college? It looks way different on paper than they way it works in reality.

Latinos graduate high school unable to participate in college at grade level. They enroll, then take remedial courses. They major in LaRaza studies or Chicano in the 21st century. What they do is get student loans. Lots of them. When they are no longer approved for loans, they drop out and become part of students unfairly burdened by debt
And they still can't get a job.
Over the past decade, the Hispanic high school dropout rate has dropped dramatically. The number of Hispanics ages 18 to 24 enrolled in a two- or four-year college has more than tripled since 1993. The reason less dramatic increase in bachelor degrees is more Latino's attend 2 year schools.
Each one trying to hang on to their own and demanding that everyone learn their language. Many Hispanics from Honduras. El Salvadore and Guatemala don't even speak Spanish. They speak a dialect that might not be used outside of their village.

Are you aware that a lot of these 2nd or 3rd generations don't even speak their dialect anymore? If they want to advance they know that they need to assimilate. If they don't they remain flipping burgers and cooking tacos. They have a dream to advance. That's a fact.
Ohhh that's where the difficulty is. No. They don't want to advance. They just want to be paid more.

You may want to update yourself. Every body wants to be paid more. Don't you?

5 facts about Latinos and education

5 facts about Latinos and education

Educational attainment among U.S. Latinos has been changing rapidly in recent years, reflecting the group’s growth in the nation’s public K-12 schools and colleges. Over the past decade, the Hispanic high school dropout rate has declined and college enrollment has increased, even as Hispanics trail other groups in earning a bachelor’s degree.

High School Dropout Rate, By RaceHispanics cited education as a top issue in 2014, ranking alongside the economy and above health care and immigration in importance, a Pew Research Center survey found.

Economic factors remain an obstacle for enrollment, however. In a 2014 National Journal poll, 66% of Hispanics who got a job or entered the military directly after high school cited the need to help support their family as a reason for not enrolling in college, compared with 39% of whites.
Do you know any actual latinos that have gone to college? It looks way different on paper than they way it works in reality.

Latinos graduate high school unable to participate in college at grade level. They enroll, then take remedial courses. They major in LaRaza studies or Chicano in the 21st century. What they do is get student loans. Lots of them. When they are no longer approved for loans, they drop out and become part of students unfairly burdened by debt
And they still can't get a job.
Over the past decade, the Hispanic high school dropout rate has dropped dramatically. The number of Hispanics ages 18 to 24 enrolled in a two- or four-year college has more than tripled since 1993. The reason less dramatic increase in bachelor degrees is more Latino's attend 2 year schools.
No one doubts they enroll. They enroll in droves . They just drop out.
Are you aware that a lot of these 2nd or 3rd generations don't even speak their dialect anymore? If they want to advance they know that they need to assimilate. If they don't they remain flipping burgers and cooking tacos. They have a dream to advance. That's a fact.
Ohhh that's where the difficulty is. No. They don't want to advance. They just want to be paid more.

You may want to update yourself. Every body wants to be paid more. Don't you?

5 facts about Latinos and education

5 facts about Latinos and education

Educational attainment among U.S. Latinos has been changing rapidly in recent years, reflecting the group’s growth in the nation’s public K-12 schools and colleges. Over the past decade, the Hispanic high school dropout rate has declined and college enrollment has increased, even as Hispanics trail other groups in earning a bachelor’s degree.

High School Dropout Rate, By RaceHispanics cited education as a top issue in 2014, ranking alongside the economy and above health care and immigration in importance, a Pew Research Center survey found.

Economic factors remain an obstacle for enrollment, however. In a 2014 National Journal poll, 66% of Hispanics who got a job or entered the military directly after high school cited the need to help support their family as a reason for not enrolling in college, compared with 39% of whites.
Do you know any actual latinos that have gone to college? It looks way different on paper than they way it works in reality.

Latinos graduate high school unable to participate in college at grade level. They enroll, then take remedial courses. They major in LaRaza studies or Chicano in the 21st century. What they do is get student loans. Lots of them. When they are no longer approved for loans, they drop out and become part of students unfairly burdened by debt
And they still can't get a job.
Over the past decade, the Hispanic high school dropout rate has dropped dramatically. The number of Hispanics ages 18 to 24 enrolled in a two- or four-year college has more than tripled since 1993. The reason less dramatic increase in bachelor degrees is more Latino's attend 2 year schools.
No one doubts they enroll. They enroll in droves . They just drop out.
How do they get masters and BA's if they drop out?
Ohhh that's where the difficulty is. No. They don't want to advance. They just want to be paid more.

You may want to update yourself. Every body wants to be paid more. Don't you?

5 facts about Latinos and education

5 facts about Latinos and education

Educational attainment among U.S. Latinos has been changing rapidly in recent years, reflecting the group’s growth in the nation’s public K-12 schools and colleges. Over the past decade, the Hispanic high school dropout rate has declined and college enrollment has increased, even as Hispanics trail other groups in earning a bachelor’s degree.

High School Dropout Rate, By RaceHispanics cited education as a top issue in 2014, ranking alongside the economy and above health care and immigration in importance, a Pew Research Center survey found.

Economic factors remain an obstacle for enrollment, however. In a 2014 National Journal poll, 66% of Hispanics who got a job or entered the military directly after high school cited the need to help support their family as a reason for not enrolling in college, compared with 39% of whites.
Do you know any actual latinos that have gone to college? It looks way different on paper than they way it works in reality.

Latinos graduate high school unable to participate in college at grade level. They enroll, then take remedial courses. They major in LaRaza studies or Chicano in the 21st century. What they do is get student loans. Lots of them. When they are no longer approved for loans, they drop out and become part of students unfairly burdened by debt
And they still can't get a job.
Over the past decade, the Hispanic high school dropout rate has dropped dramatically. The number of Hispanics ages 18 to 24 enrolled in a two- or four-year college has more than tripled since 1993. The reason less dramatic increase in bachelor degrees is more Latino's attend 2 year schools.
No one doubts they enroll. They enroll in droves . They just drop out.
How do they get masters and BA's if they drop out?
Because a few of them actually achieve. Especially if they can get a degree in some nonsense. Only a liberal thinks in terms of all or none. Most hispanics will wallow in their poverty because they want to.
The anwer...all government forms and documents should be in English only......a society separated by different languages will eventually result in violence and conflict...
The anwer...all government forms and documents should be in English only......a society separated by different languages will eventually result in violence and conflict...
That's reasonable. Not speaking English isn't even the problem. There are 350 languages spoken in LA County. These immigrants can't talk to each other either.
Are you aware that a lot of these 2nd or 3rd generations don't even speak their dialect anymore? If they want to advance they know that they need to assimilate. If they don't they remain flipping burgers and cooking tacos. They have a dream to advance. That's a fact.
Ohhh that's where the difficulty is. No. They don't want to advance. They just want to be paid more.

You may want to update yourself. Every body wants to be paid more. Don't you?

5 facts about Latinos and education

5 facts about Latinos and education

Educational attainment among U.S. Latinos has been changing rapidly in recent years, reflecting the group’s growth in the nation’s public K-12 schools and colleges. Over the past decade, the Hispanic high school dropout rate has declined and college enrollment has increased, even as Hispanics trail other groups in earning a bachelor’s degree.

High School Dropout Rate, By RaceHispanics cited education as a top issue in 2014, ranking alongside the economy and above health care and immigration in importance, a Pew Research Center survey found.

Economic factors remain an obstacle for enrollment, however. In a 2014 National Journal poll, 66% of Hispanics who got a job or entered the military directly after high school cited the need to help support their family as a reason for not enrolling in college, compared with 39% of whites.
Do you know any actual latinos that have gone to college? It looks way different on paper than they way it works in reality.

Latinos graduate high school unable to participate in college at grade level. They enroll, then take remedial courses. They major in LaRaza studies or Chicano in the 21st century. What they do is get student loans. Lots of them. When they are no longer approved for loans, they drop out and become part of students unfairly burdened by debt
And they still can't get a job.
Over the past decade, the Hispanic high school dropout rate has dropped dramatically. The number of Hispanics ages 18 to 24 enrolled in a two- or four-year college has more than tripled since 1993. The reason less dramatic increase in bachelor degrees is more Latino's attend 2 year schools.
No one doubts they enroll. They enroll in droves . They just drop out.

You have no idea what you are talking about, you ignorant loser.
The anwer...all government forms and documents should be in English only......a society separated by different languages will eventually result in violence and conflict...
That's reasonable. Not speaking English isn't even the problem. There are 350 languages spoken in LA County. These immigrants can't talk to each other either.

Illogical conclusion by an irrational idiot.
Criminal illegal aliens and latinos in California need to keep their spanish skills up, so they can follow directions properly when the La Raza busses come around to take them the polls and check the correct way to vote on their ballots.

If California were truly sympathetic with their plights, they would just mail stacks of ballots to the local La Raza fronts and just let the office there fill them out in their offices; why bother the common people with these inconvenient activities and hassles?
The error is in thinking that it's just spanish speakers. There are more than 200 languages and dialects spoken in Los Angeles alone. Each one trying to hang on to their own and demanding that everyone learn their language. Many Hispanics from Honduras. El Salvadore and Guatemala don't even speak Spanish. They speak a dialect that might not be used outside of their village.

Most of the criminal illegal aliens are illiterate in any language; they just babble some half-assed ethnic version of 'ebonics', regardless of where they're from.

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