

Active Member
Dec 4, 2016
So....Black communities have called for states of emergency and have started organizations to help their communities deal with certain troubling issues. Yet, with all of the innocent white children that are being kidnapped by white male pedophiles, all of the white women being raped and abducted by Ted Bundy wannabe's, and all the white men who are committing suicide at alarming rates more than any group of people in this county....at what point do you as a white person have the time on your hands to worry about black on black crime? The only thing you have developed is the amber alert. Shouldn't you spend more time developing resources to ensure that this shit stops happening instead of trying to play other groups as scapegoats? Stop being obsessed with us and worry about what's going on with you because there's plenty. Save your children. And I didn't think I had a heart at this point in my life but looking at the horrific accounts of child abductions and killings and how the little white children are the children most frequently abducted and killed made me sad. Clean up your own backyard. Kids don't deserve that. Get some help. We all have much work to do. Own it. That is all
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Blacks are 10 percent of the population in Los Angeles, CA, but commit 42 percent of its robberies and 34 percent of its felonies. Whites make up 29 percent of the city's population, and commit 5 percent of its robberies and 13 percent of its felonies.

In New York City, blacks committed "75 percent of all shootings, 70 percent of all robberies, and 66 percent of all violent crime," despite only composing 23 percent of the population, said Mac Donald in a Hillsdale speech. Additionally, 2009 Bureau of Justice Statistics numbers show that in 2009, "blacks were charged with 62 percent of robberies, 57 percent of murders and 45 percent of assaults in the 75 biggest counties in the country, despite only comprising roughly 15 percent of the population in these counties."

There were almost 6,000 blacks killed by other blacks in 2015. And 2016 has been a banner year for blacks in Chicago.

7 Statistics You Need To Know About Black-On-Black Crime
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Deflect while your children die at your own hands. It's really sad. Worry about YOU. While you're clutching your purse worried about a black man, a white pedophile is going to notice how distracted you are and snatch your child. WAKE UP. You have too many issues at hand to focus on. Stop being obsessed with us.
And on a side note, if I was truly a reverse racist, I wouldn't give a damn about your children
I swear. I don't know whether to be amused or heart broken. There's a post about you saving your brutally murdered white children, your white women murder victims, and your white male suicide victims and all you can do is deflect to your obsessed, fetishized fascination with people of color. In which, what they do to each other, whether it be good or evil does not impact your lifestyle. But the aforementioned impacts you directly and could potentially end your life. End the obsession. Focus on your own issues thereby enhancing your quality of life.
So you are saying that we whites should stop being concerned about blacks, their quality of life, their education and the rate of violence in the community and focus on only helping other whites???? Yeah, I could go for that if the violence didn't spill over into our lives, but it does, in many ways.
So you are saying that we whites should stop being concerned about blacks, their quality of life, their education and the rate of violence in the community and focus on only helping other whites???? Yeah, I could go for that if the violence didn't spill over into our lives, but it does, in many ways.

1Judge not, that ye be not judged.

2For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

3And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

4Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?

5Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

This is what I'm saying
So you are saying that we whites should stop being concerned about blacks, their quality of life, their education and the rate of violence in the community and focus on only helping other whites???? Yeah, I could go for that if the violence didn't spill over into our lives, but it does, in many ways.
Whay I'm saying is you got bigger shit to worry about
Shit happens in all groups. Be vigilant, be prepared and have the means to defend yourself and your family. Practice situational awareness. That's the best you can do.

It's not up to others to "ensure that this shit stops happening". That's Utopian nonsense. It's up to each of us to look after ourselves. Evil, stupidity and ignorance have always existed and always will. Prepare yourself as best you can to deal with it.

Regarding your grief, perhaps it will help you to know that to whatever extent we experience this crap today, it's far less prevalent than it was in the past. The world is far less violent place today, overall, than it was in ages past. Our poor live better today than Kings of past centuries. We've made incredible technological advances in modernity. Take to heart that we are evolving, despite the statists' attempts to the contrary.
And on a side note, if I was truly a reverse racist, I wouldn't give a damn about your children
What? Youre not a reverse racist. What made you think that? Youre just a regular racist. You know... the blacky hate whitey kind.
Deflect while your children die at your own hands. It's really sad. Worry about YOU. While you're clutching your purse worried about a black man, a white pedophile is going to notice how distracted you are and snatch your child. WAKE UP. You have too many issues at hand to focus on. Stop being obsessed with us.

Here is the thing, I didn't start this thread. You obsessed, not us. And it ended up poorly. Statistically, it is you we need to worry about.
Deflect while your children die at your own hands. It's really sad. Worry about YOU. While you're clutching your purse worried about a black man, a white pedophile is going to notice how distracted you are and snatch your child. WAKE UP. You have too many issues at hand to focus on. Stop being obsessed with us.

Here is the thing, I didn't start this thread. You obsessed, not us. And it ended up poorly. Statistically, it is you we need to worry about.
No statistically, you need to worry about what impacts you. Common sense. Me pointing out your obsession does not equal me being obsessed. Don't try to turn it around. The point is, other cultures take ownership for community issues and establish community organizations. Where is white ownership? And I'm not even talking about ownership of what they do to other cultures. That's a whole other discussion in itself. I'm talking about ownership of what they do to each other. Which in your neurotic, obsessed state will continue to deflect.
So....Black communities have called for states of emergency and have started organizations to help their communities deal with certain troubling issues. Yet, with all of the innocent white children that are being kidnapped by white male pedophiles, all of the white women being raped and abducted by Ted Bundy wannabe's, and all the white men who are committing suicide at alarming rates more than any group of people in this county....at what point do you as a white person have the time on your hands to worry about black on black crime? The only thing you have developed is the amber alert. Shouldn't you spend more time developing resources to ensure that this shit stops happening instead of trying to play other groups as scapegoats? Stop being obsessed with us and worry about what's going on with you because there's plenty. Save your children. And I didn't think I had a heart at this point in my life but looking at the horrific accounts of child abductions and killings and how the little white children are the children most frequently abducted and killed made me sad. Clean up your own backyard. Kids don't deserve that. Get some help. We all have much work to do. Own it. That is all
I don't worry a bit about black criminal thugs murdering one another, other than the occasional innocent black caught in their crossfires.
So you are saying that we whites should stop being concerned about blacks, their quality of life, their education and the rate of violence in the community and focus on only helping other whites???? Yeah, I could go for that if the violence didn't spill over into our lives, but it does, in many ways.
Whay I'm saying is you got bigger shit to worry about
Which whey to the toilet to flush the shit? Are you obsessed with all races or just your own..

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