57% in favor of Obamacare Repeal


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
Health Care Law

Most Voters Continue to Favor Repeal of Health Care Law, Expect Costs To Rise

Monday, September 27, 2010

Fifty-seven percent (57%) of Likely Voters nationwide now favor repeal of the new health care law, including 46% who Strongly Favor repeal, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

That’s down slightly from results found last week, when 61% favored repeal of the bill. Thirty-five percent (35%) oppose repeal of the law, including 25% who are Strongly Opposed. To see survey question wording, click here.

Health Care Law - Rasmussen Reports


[FONT=&quot]1* Will the health care plan passed by Congress and signed into law by President Obama be good for the country or bad for the country?[/FONT]
2* A proposal has been made to repeal the health care bill and stop it from going into effect. Do you strongly favor, somewhat favor, somewhat oppose or strongly oppose a proposal to repeal the health care bill?[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]3* Is the health care reform legislation passed by Congress and signed into law by President Obama likely to increase the deficit, reduce the deficit or have no impact on the deficit?[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]4* Under the new health care reform plan, will the quality of health care get better, worse, or stay about the same?[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]5* Under the new health care reform plan, will the cost of health care go up, go down, or stay about the same?[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]NOTE:[/FONT][FONT=&quot] Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence[/FONT]
Due to a great job of lies and dis information presented by the Republican Party.

When the individual parts are presented, they poll very, very high.

Democrats need to combat Republican propaganda and lies with facts.

Notice, 8 years under Bush and no health care, no immigration policy, the biggest tax break for the rich in history, the beginning of this historic deficit, and two wars, one of which, they just "made up".

It's only their incredible ability to mislead America that even keeps them in the game.

Good Job! You guys really know how to fuck this country.
Repeal? Most Americans think health reform did not go far enough, poll finds

A new AP poll finds that Americans who think the law should have done more outnumber those who think the government should stay out of health care by 2-to-1.

AP Poll: Many think health overhaul should do more - Yahoo! News

uhm......I guess it all depends on what you are looking to highlight?;)

The AP poll was conducted by Stanford University with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Overall, 30 percent favored the legislation, while 40 percent opposed it, and another 30 percent remained neutral.

Polls on individual programs etc. are fine, BUT you have to study the sample questions, partisan pollsters or fronts/grps etc. who do this as one offs, live on over and under sampling ( as in segment balance R/D/I) , and phraseology intended to elicit a particular response.

First rule- no sample questions to reflect the poll, I don't even consider it.
Second rule- no (A) polls...as in Anonymous, (LV) likely voters and (RV) registered voters are best.

BTW, I went to the AP site in the OP and checked their AP exclusive site linked at the bottom, no sign of the innards of the Stanford poll.

Gallup and Ras. always have the questions available and their R/D/I balance is always as close as possible.
Fact of the matter is, dems know if they try and run on the owebama health care take over, they will not be enjoying reelection. The dems are running away from owebama care. The republicans on the other hand, know that if they run on repealing owebama care, they will be getting elected. Polls be damned. The voters will let you know what they think of owebama care in November, and the shady, underhanded, strong armed, behind locked doors, bribing of votes way the dems rammed it down everyone's throat. No one has forgotten that. They're still pissed, and they're going to show the dems what they think of that kind of behavior. Pack your fucking bags ass holes... YOU'RE FIRED!
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Fact of the matter is, dems know if they try and run on the owebama health care take over, they will not be enjoying reelection. The dems are running away from owebama care. The republicans on the other hand, know that if they run on repealing owebama care, they will be getting elected. Polls be damned. The voters will let you know what they think of owebama care in November, and the shady, underhanded, strong armed, behind locked doors, bribing of votes way the dems rammed it down everyone's throat. No one has forgotten that. They're still pissed, and they're going to show the dems what they think of that kind of behavior. Pack your fucking bags ass holes... YOU'RE FIRED!

They're pissed because they feel Democrats haven't cleaned up Republican's mess fast enough. We know that.

They may teach Democrats a lesson, but it's the country that will "learn a lesson". What do Republicans bring to the table?

A Plague on America?

Lemon Pledge?

another "Contract ON America"?

This country can't keep surviving these catastrophes.
Agree...we need to make the bill stronger

Start with a strong Government option and move to the eventual goal of Single payer

- More efficient
- More economical

Better coverage for lower cost
Some polls i've seen actually have the percentage for full Repeal much higher. I think if the Republicans can regain some power and repeal at least some parts of the Dem Health Care debacle,most of the nation will rejoice. They should at least repeal the mandatory Health Insurance provision. Fining and possibly imprisoning American Citizens for not having Health Insurance is just wrong and Un-American in my opinion. I think most Americans agree with me on that. Lets first get some power back though. We'll see how it all shakes out in November. Get out and vote people.
Agree...we need to make the bill stronger

Start with a strong Government option and move to the eventual goal of Single payer

- More efficient
- More economical

Better coverage for lower cost


when you discover how to expand your customer base by 20%, lower cost and keep the same quality of product, please please please let me know.

You will have solved a business/mgt. corundum that has kept entrepreneurs much wiser and smarter than we will ever be, awake at night since the dawn of time......
Agree...we need to make the bill stronger

Start with a strong Government option and move to the eventual goal of Single payer

- More efficient
- More economical

Better coverage for lower cost

Democrats should run on that.
They're pissed because they feel Democrats haven't cleaned up Republican's mess fast enough.
Wrong. They're pissed because all the dems have done is make a bad situation worse... MUCH worse. They've proven to be nothing short of complete FUCK UPS and hyper partisan hacks.

We know that.
No... "we" don't.

This country can't keep surviving these catastrophes.
The only catastrophe this country needs to survive, is the one the dems have created in the last four years of being control of congress, and the last two years being in control of EVERYTHING. We're fucked right all right, and it's all the DEMS DOING. "WE" KNOW THAT.
Some polls i've seen actually have the percentage for full Repeal much higher. I think if the Republicans can regain some power and repeal at least some parts of the Dem Health Care debacle,most of the nation will rejoice. They should at least repeal the mandatory Health Insurance provision. Fining and possibly imprisoning American Citizens for not having Health Insurance is just wrong and Un-American in my opinion. I think most Americans agree with me on that. Lets first get some power back though. We'll see how it all shakes out in November. Get out and vote people.

Can you post those polls? More than one, and MUCH higher for repeal.

Thank you.
Wrong. They're pissed because all the dems have done is make a bad situation worse... MUCH worse. They've proven to be nothing short of complete FUCK UPS and hyper partisan hacks.

So the solution is to revert back to what caused the collapse in the first place? Yep, sure sounds like a good idea to me. Lets keep on letting the middle class die out and run up huge deficits!
Repeal? Most Americans think health reform did not go far enough, poll finds

A new AP poll finds that Americans who think the law should have done more outnumber those who think the government should stay out of health care by 2-to-1.

AP Poll: Many think health overhaul should do more - Yahoo! News

uhm......I guess it all depends on what you are looking to highlight?;)

The AP poll was conducted by Stanford University with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Overall, 30 percent favored the legislation, while 40 percent opposed it, and another 30 percent remained neutral.

Polls on individual programs etc. are fine, BUT you have to study the sample questions, partisan pollsters or fronts/grps etc. who do this as one offs, live on over and under sampling ( as in segment balance R/D/I) , and phraseology intended to elicit a particular response.

First rule- no sample questions to reflect the poll, I don't even consider it.
Second rule- no (A) polls...as in Anonymous, (LV) likely voters and (RV) registered voters are best.

BTW, I went to the AP site in the OP and checked their AP exclusive site linked at the bottom, no sign of the innards of the Stanford poll.

Gallup and Ras. always have the questions available and their R/D/I balance is always as close as possible.
Most Democrats that I know are not happy with the bill because it did not contain the public option. Without the public option, the insurance companies can continue to increase premiums and with many millions of new subscriber, they will do just that. No matter what occurs, the law is going to be amended.

If the poll shows 61% favored repeal last week and 57% this week, I wonder what it will be next week. As additional features kick in, the support will grow. Starting Jan 1, millions of seniors on Medicare will see a 50% cut in their cost for brand name drugs. Starting this month dependents will be able to remain on their parents policy till they are 26. Also this year the provision that prevents insurance companies from canceling your policy when you get sick goes into effect. I doubt you will see any of these people clamoring for repeal. Also the government is just starting to inform people of their benefits and rights under the new law.
Wrong. They're pissed because all the dems have done is make a bad situation worse... MUCH worse. They've proven to be nothing short of complete FUCK UPS and hyper partisan hacks.

So the solution is to revert back to what caused the collapse in the first place? Yep, sure sounds like a good idea to me. Lets keep on letting the middle class die out and run up huge deficits!

Just how did your fertile imagine come up with that stretch?

You hacks trying to play this off as if it's either "this" or "that," and there's NOTHING else available, are pumping a load of gas here.
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Just how did your fertile imagine come up with that stretch?

You hacks trying to play this off as if it's either "this" or "that," and there's NOTHING else available, are pumping a load of gas here.

How about we try something different because clearly what went on under Bush didn't work. In that "Pledge to America" it was more of the same. Is that really the direction you want to keep going in?
Agree...we need to make the bill stronger

Start with a strong Government option and move to the eventual goal of Single payer

- More efficient
- More economical

Better coverage for lower cost

Excuse me while I LMAO

When in the history of this country has the Govt ever run anything cheaply or well??

I can see mountains of red tape, paperwork up the ass and some smarmy beaurocrate deciding who gets what.

Oh yeah. The Govt running HC. It will be so much cheaper and way better. LOL
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