57 percent of Republicans are OK with the number of COVID deaths

We have the most deaths in the world, our 5 percent of the worlds population has 20 percent of the deaths.

Yet Republicans approve of that performance.

More than 176,000 in US have died of COVID-19. 57% of Republicans polled say that is 'acceptable.'

More than 176,000 people in the U.S. have died from COVID-19. According to the poll, a 57% majority of registered Republican voters consider that number "acceptable" when "evaluating the U.S. efforts against the coronavirus pandemic," compared with 31% of voters overall. Ninety percent of Democrats and 67% of independents said the death toll was "unacceptable."

It's worse than that. The US actually has only 4.3% of the world's population.

As for me, I support Trump holding MASSIVE rallies for his most fervent supporters ALL across the country. The sooner, the better.
You are still scared of the Chi com virus............LMAO............are you in a nursing home and need to be wheel chaired there..............


I'm not scared of the virus in the least. I'm just not stupid like Trump supporters demonstrate themselves to be on a daily basis. You see, I take precautions and don't do idiotic things like converging in enclosed spaces with a lot of people while not wearing a mask.
Well good for you.............no fuck off if you want me to do the same................I've had enough of you pussies Fear mongering and destroying small business for this virus..............

A third of all deaths come from New York, New Jersey, and California..............YOU GUYS SUCK HAIRY BALLS AT THIS..........Why would anyone listen to failures.???

If you want to blame someone for the loss of small businesses, you ought to direct your ire at Trump since he's the one who sat on his hands while proclaiming the the virus would just disappear instead of tackling the problem like leaders in other countries did. And here's the pathetic part: One of the reasons I think that Trump didn't even attempt to tackle the problem is because it would have cut into his TV watching and Tweeting time just like a kid who doesn't want to do his homework because he's glued to the TV watching reruns of Full House.
He left policy to local gov't not the fed.......put out guidelines and used his power to increase PPE..............

Decision for long lockdowns was insane...........and guaranteed massive economic loss..........Just as a example.....a third of the restaurants in New York ARE GONE...........PERMANENT......and Cuomo wants to keep them down til next year............

Those still kinda afloat are saying it doesn't matter......so many aren't working that even if they reopen.......THEY ARE FUCKED ANYWAY.

This is happening all over the country............for a virus that we should have never shut down for at all.

The globalist are happy..........small businesses across the nation are FUCKED.

America used to be a can-do country. Not anymore. Now we've got a bunch of Q-Anon whack jobs and anti-vaxxer nut cases running around charging through the entrances of Walmarts yelling about their constitutional right not to wear a mask. We're the laughing stock of the entire world
We have the most deaths in the world, our 5 percent of the worlds population has 20 percent of the deaths.

Yet Republicans approve of that performance.

More than 176,000 in US have died of COVID-19. 57% of Republicans polled say that is 'acceptable.'

More than 176,000 people in the U.S. have died from COVID-19. According to the poll, a 57% majority of registered Republican voters consider that number "acceptable" when "evaluating the U.S. efforts against the coronavirus pandemic," compared with 31% of voters overall. Ninety percent of Democrats and 67% of independents said the death toll was "unacceptable."

President Trump saved 2 million Americans.

Unfortunately not everyone could be saved when democrats sent people to their graves.

We have the worst performance in the industrialized world and that is OK with you?

What happened to making America Great?

YOU are a f...king LIAR!!!!!! GET your facts before you open your mouth!!!
FACTS from this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 23,741,289 Cases and 814,804 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer

Total deaths in the world from Covid NOT counting the USA... 632,498 out of 14,206,662 cases in the world.
4.45% of cases end in death.
Total deaths of the USA from Covid... 180,614 out of 9,223,100 cases... or 1.96% of cases death end in death!
DUMMY WHICH is a smaller %???? 4.45% --- the worlds deaths...

or 1.96% USA DEATHS???
We have the most deaths in the world, our 5 percent of the worlds population has 20 percent of the deaths.

Yet Republicans approve of that performance.

More than 176,000 in US have died of COVID-19. 57% of Republicans polled say that is 'acceptable.'

More than 176,000 people in the U.S. have died from COVID-19. According to the poll, a 57% majority of registered Republican voters consider that number "acceptable" when "evaluating the U.S. efforts against the coronavirus pandemic," compared with 31% of voters overall. Ninety percent of Democrats and 67% of independents said the death toll was "unacceptable."
How many cancer deaths are you OK with?

Is cancer contagious?
I thought this was about how much you care. Obviously you don't give a shit.

I care about me and mine, first and foremost. I also care about other people in general. For example, a couple of weeks ago at the post office, I offered a guy behind me in line an extra mask. I had several in my truck for just such an occasion. This is probably where I should tell you that he was using his shirt as a mask. When I see that kind of half-assed effort at trying to keep himself and others safe, I just shake my head at the stupidity of people in general. And do you know what, I shake my head at that kind of stupidity several times a day and mutter to myself the following if I'm not in my vehicle where I say it out loud: What's wrong with people. However, if there's one thing I've learned in life it's that you can't save people from their own stupidity. You can just clean up the mess afterwards and then turn to someone else who may be nearby and ask them if they've learned anything from what they've just seen. My guess would be that in the short term, the answer would be a qualified maybe, and a longer-term answer is that they probably didn't learn a damn thing.
Last edited:
We have the most deaths in the world, our 5 percent of the worlds population has 20 percent of the deaths.

Yet Republicans approve of that performance.

More than 176,000 in US have died of COVID-19. 57% of Republicans polled say that is 'acceptable.'

More than 176,000 people in the U.S. have died from COVID-19. According to the poll, a 57% majority of registered Republican voters consider that number "acceptable" when "evaluating the U.S. efforts against the coronavirus pandemic," compared with 31% of voters overall. Ninety percent of Democrats and 67% of independents said the death toll was "unacceptable."

Sad stat.
We have the most deaths in the world, our 5 percent of the worlds population has 20 percent of the deaths.

Yet Republicans approve of that performance.

More than 176,000 in US have died of COVID-19. 57% of Republicans polled say that is 'acceptable.'

More than 176,000 people in the U.S. have died from COVID-19. According to the poll, a 57% majority of registered Republican voters consider that number "acceptable" when "evaluating the U.S. efforts against the coronavirus pandemic," compared with 31% of voters overall. Ninety percent of Democrats and 67% of independents said the death toll was "unacceptable."
How many cancer deaths are you OK with?

Is cancer contagious?
I thought this was about how much you care. Obviously you don't give a shit.

I care about me and mine, first and foremost. I also care about other people in general. For example, a couple of weeks ago at the post office, I offered a guy behind me in line an extra mask I had several in my truck. You see, I have several for just such an occasion. This is probably where I should tell you that he was using his shirt as a mask. When I see that kind of half-assed effort at trying to keep himself and other safe, I just shake my head at the stupidity of people in general. And do you know what, I shake my head at that kind of stupidity several times a day and mutter to myself the following if I'm not in my vehicle where I say it out loud: What's wrong with people. However, if there's one thing I've learned in life it's that you can't save people from their own stupidity. You can just clean up the mess and then turn to someone else who may be nearby and ask them if they've learned anything from what they've just seen. My guess would be that in the short term the answer would be a maybe, and a longer-term answer is probably not.
How sweet. You offered someone a mask. What have you done about cancer?
We have the most deaths in the world, our 5 percent of the worlds population has 20 percent of the deaths.

Yet Republicans approve of that performance.

More than 176,000 in US have died of COVID-19. 57% of Republicans polled say that is 'acceptable.'

More than 176,000 people in the U.S. have died from COVID-19. According to the poll, a 57% majority of registered Republican voters consider that number "acceptable" when "evaluating the U.S. efforts against the coronavirus pandemic," compared with 31% of voters overall. Ninety percent of Democrats and 67% of independents said the death toll was "unacceptable."
How many cancer deaths are you OK with?

Is cancer contagious?
I thought this was about how much you care. Obviously you don't give a shit.

I care about me and mine, first and foremost. I also care about other people in general. For example, a couple of weeks ago at the post office, I offered a guy behind me in line an extra mask I had several in my truck. You see, I have several for just such an occasion. This is probably where I should tell you that he was using his shirt as a mask. When I see that kind of half-assed effort at trying to keep himself and other safe, I just shake my head at the stupidity of people in general. And do you know what, I shake my head at that kind of stupidity several times a day and mutter to myself the following if I'm not in my vehicle where I say it out loud: What's wrong with people. However, if there's one thing I've learned in life it's that you can't save people from their own stupidity. You can just clean up the mess and then turn to someone else who may be nearby and ask them if they've learned anything from what they've just seen. My guess would be that in the short term the answer would be a maybe, and a longer-term answer is probably not.
How sweet. You offered someone a mask. What have you done about cancer?

I tell people not to take hydrochloroquine to treat it.
We have the most deaths in the world, our 5 percent of the worlds population has 20 percent of the deaths.

Yet Republicans approve of that performance.

More than 176,000 in US have died of COVID-19. 57% of Republicans polled say that is 'acceptable.'

More than 176,000 people in the U.S. have died from COVID-19. According to the poll, a 57% majority of registered Republican voters consider that number "acceptable" when "evaluating the U.S. efforts against the coronavirus pandemic," compared with 31% of voters overall. Ninety percent of Democrats and 67% of independents said the death toll was "unacceptable."

President Trump saved 2 million Americans.

Unfortunately not everyone could be saved when democrats sent people to their graves.

We have the worst performance in the industrialized world and that is OK with you?

What happened to making America Great?

YOU are a f...king LIAR!!!!!! GET your facts before you open your mouth!!!
FACTS from this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 23,741,289 Cases and 814,804 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer

Total deaths in the world from Covid NOT counting the USA... 632,498 out of 14,206,662 cases in the world.
4.45% of cases end in death.
Total deaths of the USA from Covid... 180,614 out of 9,223,100 cases... or 1.96% of cases death end in death!
DUMMY WHICH is a smaller %???? 4.45% --- the worlds deaths...

or 1.96% USA DEATHS???
What a stupid stat

Who cares about deaths per infection when we lead the world in BOTH
We have the most deaths in the world, our 5 percent of the worlds population has 20 percent of the deaths.

Yet Republicans approve of that performance.

More than 176,000 in US have died of COVID-19. 57% of Republicans polled say that is 'acceptable.'

More than 176,000 people in the U.S. have died from COVID-19. According to the poll, a 57% majority of registered Republican voters consider that number "acceptable" when "evaluating the U.S. efforts against the coronavirus pandemic," compared with 31% of voters overall. Ninety percent of Democrats and 67% of independents said the death toll was "unacceptable."
Just because 99% of them were over 80 and in shitty shape.

And that makes it all ok? Fucking beautiful!!!
I am not the asshole inferring that hundreds of thousands of children have died from C19.

I have said no such thing either.
Based on the content of your post you should scold the OP for inferring a lie.

Facts fuck up the tard herd every time.
Based on the content of your post you should scold the OP for inferring a lie.

Truth isn't truth, thanks Rudy!!!!
We have the most deaths in the world, our 5 percent of the worlds population has 20 percent of the deaths.

Yet Republicans approve of that performance.

More than 176,000 in US have died of COVID-19. 57% of Republicans polled say that is 'acceptable.'

More than 176,000 people in the U.S. have died from COVID-19. According to the poll, a 57% majority of registered Republican voters consider that number "acceptable" when "evaluating the U.S. efforts against the coronavirus pandemic," compared with 31% of voters overall. Ninety percent of Democrats and 67% of independents said the death toll was "unacceptable."
Just because 99% of them were over 80 and in shitty shape.

And that makes it all ok? Fucking beautiful!!!
It must have been ok, since deBlasio Cuomo sent in covid cases to nursing homes...

Nice deflection, it is what ewe tools do best. I am guessing you are part of the 57% RethugiKKKons that think the death count is ok. Thank you for participating.
Deflection? Please tell us who sent patients to nursing homes when they had a ship and convention center set up to take care of them, providing by Trump....

The OP is about 57% of RethugiKKKons thinking that over 175,000 deaths is acceptable. So yes you are deflecting WAY off target.

When the experts told us deaths would be 2.2 million I'm good with 175,000.

Nice job, President Trump. Well done!

Thank the governors of the states for taking action because bitchboy wouldn't.

Trump bailed out Grim Reaper Cuomo bigly, as well as Newsome in KKKalifornia.

ROTFLMFAO, he has done almost nothing except deny that it is a hoax.
We have the most deaths in the world, our 5 percent of the worlds population has 20 percent of the deaths.

Yet Republicans approve of that performance.

More than 176,000 in US have died of COVID-19. 57% of Republicans polled say that is 'acceptable.'

More than 176,000 people in the U.S. have died from COVID-19. According to the poll, a 57% majority of registered Republican voters consider that number "acceptable" when "evaluating the U.S. efforts against the coronavirus pandemic," compared with 31% of voters overall. Ninety percent of Democrats and 67% of independents said the death toll was "unacceptable."
How many cancer deaths are you OK with?

Is cancer contagious?
I thought this was about how much you care. Obviously you don't give a shit.

I care about me and mine, first and foremost. I also care about other people in general. For example, a couple of weeks ago at the post office, I offered a guy behind me in line an extra mask I had several in my truck. You see, I have several for just such an occasion. This is probably where I should tell you that he was using his shirt as a mask. When I see that kind of half-assed effort at trying to keep himself and other safe, I just shake my head at the stupidity of people in general. And do you know what, I shake my head at that kind of stupidity several times a day and mutter to myself the following if I'm not in my vehicle where I say it out loud: What's wrong with people. However, if there's one thing I've learned in life it's that you can't save people from their own stupidity. You can just clean up the mess and then turn to someone else who may be nearby and ask them if they've learned anything from what they've just seen. My guess would be that in the short term the answer would be a maybe, and a longer-term answer is probably not.
How sweet. You offered someone a mask. What have you done about cancer?

I tell people not to take hydrochloroquine to treat it.
Then you have probably killed people
We have the most deaths in the world, our 5 percent of the worlds population has 20 percent of the deaths.

Yet Republicans approve of that performance.

More than 176,000 in US have died of COVID-19. 57% of Republicans polled say that is 'acceptable.'

More than 176,000 people in the U.S. have died from COVID-19. According to the poll, a 57% majority of registered Republican voters consider that number "acceptable" when "evaluating the U.S. efforts against the coronavirus pandemic," compared with 31% of voters overall. Ninety percent of Democrats and 67% of independents said the death toll was "unacceptable."

It's worse than that. The US actually has only 4.3% of the world's population.

As for me, I support Trump holding MASSIVE rallies for his most fervent supporters ALL across the country. The sooner, the better.
You are still scared of the Chi com virus............LMAO............are you in a nursing home and need to be wheel chaired there..............


I'm not scared of the virus in the least. I'm just not stupid like Trump supporters demonstrate themselves to be on a daily basis. You see, I take precautions and don't do idiotic things like converging in enclosed spaces with a lot of people while not wearing a mask.
Well good for you.............no fuck off if you want me to do the same................I've had enough of you pussies Fear mongering and destroying small business for this virus..............

A third of all deaths come from New York, New Jersey, and California..............YOU GUYS SUCK HAIRY BALLS AT THIS..........Why would anyone listen to failures.???

If you want to blame someone for the loss of small businesses, you ought to direct your ire at Trump since he's the one who sat on his hands while proclaiming the the virus would just disappear instead of tackling the problem like leaders in other countries did. And here's the pathetic part: One of the reasons I think that Trump didn't even attempt to tackle the problem is because it would have cut into his TV watching and Tweeting time just like a kid who doesn't want to do his homework because he's glued to the TV watching reruns of Full House.
He left policy to local gov't not the fed.......put out guidelines and used his power to increase PPE..............

Decision for long lockdowns was insane...........and guaranteed massive economic loss..........Just as a example.....a third of the restaurants in New York ARE GONE...........PERMANENT......and Cuomo wants to keep them down til next year............

Those still kinda afloat are saying it doesn't matter......so many aren't working that even if they reopen.......THEY ARE FUCKED ANYWAY.

This is happening all over the country............for a virus that we should have never shut down for at all.

The globalist are happy..........small businesses across the nation are FUCKED.

America used to be a can-do country. Not anymore. Now we've got a bunch of Q-Anon whack jobs and anti-vaxxer nut cases running around charging through the entrances of Walmarts yelling about their constitutional right not to wear a mask. We're the laughing stock of the entire world
That is the sad part.
Other nations used to look at us of an example of great accomplishments and solid, dependable leadership.

Now, as they recover from COVID, they look at us listening to wild conspiracy theories and fighting over things as trivial as wearing a mask and voting by mail
We have the most deaths in the world, our 5 percent of the worlds population has 20 percent of the deaths.

Yet Republicans approve of that performance.

More than 176,000 in US have died of COVID-19. 57% of Republicans polled say that is 'acceptable.'

More than 176,000 people in the U.S. have died from COVID-19. According to the poll, a 57% majority of registered Republican voters consider that number "acceptable" when "evaluating the U.S. efforts against the coronavirus pandemic," compared with 31% of voters overall. Ninety percent of Democrats and 67% of independents said the death toll was "unacceptable."

It's worse than that. The US actually has only 4.3% of the world's population.

As for me, I support Trump holding MASSIVE rallies for his most fervent supporters ALL across the country. The sooner, the better.
You are still scared of the Chi com virus............LMAO............are you in a nursing home and need to be wheel chaired there..............


I'm not scared of the virus in the least. I'm just not stupid like Trump supporters demonstrate themselves to be on a daily basis. You see, I take precautions and don't do idiotic things like converging in enclosed spaces with a lot of people while not wearing a mask.
Well good for you.............no fuck off if you want me to do the same................I've had enough of you pussies Fear mongering and destroying small business for this virus..............

A third of all deaths come from New York, New Jersey, and California..............YOU GUYS SUCK HAIRY BALLS AT THIS..........Why would anyone listen to failures.???

If you want to blame someone for the loss of small businesses, you ought to direct your ire at Trump since he's the one who sat on his hands while proclaiming the the virus would just disappear instead of tackling the problem like leaders in other countries did. And here's the pathetic part: One of the reasons I think that Trump didn't even attempt to tackle the problem is because it would have cut into his TV watching and Tweeting time just like a kid who doesn't want to do his homework because he's glued to the TV watching reruns of Full House.
He left policy to local gov't not the fed.......put out guidelines and used his power to increase PPE..............

Decision for long lockdowns was insane...........and guaranteed massive economic loss..........Just as a example.....a third of the restaurants in New York ARE GONE...........PERMANENT......and Cuomo wants to keep them down til next year............

Those still kinda afloat are saying it doesn't matter......so many aren't working that even if they reopen.......THEY ARE FUCKED ANYWAY.

This is happening all over the country............for a virus that we should have never shut down for at all.

The globalist are happy..........small businesses across the nation are FUCKED.

America used to be a can-do country. Not anymore. Now we've got a bunch of Q-Anon whack jobs and anti-vaxxer nut cases running around charging through the entrances of Walmarts yelling about their constitutional right not to wear a mask. We're the laughing stock of the entire world
Q anon is a wokeness BS term made up by the left for a slogan to bitch about...............

And what we are bitching about is a bunch of wankers who abused power again to fuck the economy of the United States..........from people who say LISTEN TO US.......as everyone Flees from DNC rule as they screw the people there without vasoline.

This virus is BS........the reaction is BS and YOU ARE BS...........If you want people to OBEY......better stay in lib Hives......we don't give a shit.
We have the most deaths in the world, our 5 percent of the worlds population has 20 percent of the deaths.

Yet Republicans approve of that performance.

More than 176,000 in US have died of COVID-19. 57% of Republicans polled say that is 'acceptable.'

More than 176,000 people in the U.S. have died from COVID-19. According to the poll, a 57% majority of registered Republican voters consider that number "acceptable" when "evaluating the U.S. efforts against the coronavirus pandemic," compared with 31% of voters overall. Ninety percent of Democrats and 67% of independents said the death toll was "unacceptable."
Just because 99% of them were over 80 and in shitty shape.

And that makes it all ok? Fucking beautiful!!!
It must have been ok, since deBlasio Cuomo sent in covid cases to nursing homes...

Nice deflection, it is what ewe tools do best. I am guessing you are part of the 57% RethugiKKKons that think the death count is ok. Thank you for participating.
Deflection? Please tell us who sent patients to nursing homes when they had a ship and convention center set up to take care of them, providing by Trump....

The OP is about 57% of RethugiKKKons thinking that over 175,000 deaths is acceptable. So yes you are deflecting WAY off target.

When the experts told us deaths would be 2.2 million I'm good with 175,000.

Nice job, President Trump. Well done!

Thank the governors of the states for taking action because bitchboy wouldn't.

Trump bailed out Grim Reaper Cuomo bigly, as well as Newsome in KKKalifornia.

ROTFLMFAO, he has done almost nothing except deny that it is a hoax.

Your ignorance of current events is astounding.
We have the most deaths in the world, our 5 percent of the worlds population has 20 percent of the deaths.

Yet Republicans approve of that performance.

More than 176,000 in US have died of COVID-19. 57% of Republicans polled say that is 'acceptable.'

More than 176,000 people in the U.S. have died from COVID-19. According to the poll, a 57% majority of registered Republican voters consider that number "acceptable" when "evaluating the U.S. efforts against the coronavirus pandemic," compared with 31% of voters overall. Ninety percent of Democrats and 67% of independents said the death toll was "unacceptable."

President Trump saved 2 million Americans.

Unfortunately not everyone could be saved when democrats sent people to their graves.

We have the worst performance in the industrialized world and that is OK with you?

What happened to making America Great?

YOU are a f...king LIAR!!!!!! GET your facts before you open your mouth!!!
FACTS from this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 23,741,289 Cases and 814,804 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer

Total deaths in the world from Covid NOT counting the USA... 632,498 out of 14,206,662 cases in the world.
4.45% of cases end in death.
Total deaths of the USA from Covid... 180,614 out of 9,223,100 cases... or 1.96% of cases death end in death!
DUMMY WHICH is a smaller %???? 4.45% --- the worlds deaths...

or 1.96% USA DEATHS???
What a stupid stat

Who cares about deaths per infection when we lead the world in BOTH
HOW in the hell do you come to that stupid conclusion we lead the world in BOTH???
I guess you don't know the difference between 1.96% and 4.45%! Do you know what a 3 year old knows..that 1.96% is 2 times smaller than 4.46%! Do you comprehend that? The rest of the world has twice as many deaths as the USA!
I really don't know how to explain it but really KEEP up your stupid comments because more and more people reading your
dumb ass comment that 4.46% is smaller than 1.96% that the USA has are truly laughing at you! Keep it up!
We have the most deaths in the world, our 5 percent of the worlds population has 20 percent of the deaths.

Yet Republicans approve of that performance.

More than 176,000 in US have died of COVID-19. 57% of Republicans polled say that is 'acceptable.'

More than 176,000 people in the U.S. have died from COVID-19. According to the poll, a 57% majority of registered Republican voters consider that number "acceptable" when "evaluating the U.S. efforts against the coronavirus pandemic," compared with 31% of voters overall. Ninety percent of Democrats and 67% of independents said the death toll was "unacceptable."

It's worse than that. The US actually has only 4.3% of the world's population.

As for me, I support Trump holding MASSIVE rallies for his most fervent supporters ALL across the country. The sooner, the better.
You are still scared of the Chi com virus............LMAO............are you in a nursing home and need to be wheel chaired there..............


I'm not scared of the virus in the least. I'm just not stupid like Trump supporters demonstrate themselves to be on a daily basis. You see, I take precautions and don't do idiotic things like converging in enclosed spaces with a lot of people while not wearing a mask.
Well good for you.............no fuck off if you want me to do the same................I've had enough of you pussies Fear mongering and destroying small business for this virus..............

A third of all deaths come from New York, New Jersey, and California..............YOU GUYS SUCK HAIRY BALLS AT THIS..........Why would anyone listen to failures.???

If you want to blame someone for the loss of small businesses, you ought to direct your ire at Trump since he's the one who sat on his hands while proclaiming the the virus would just disappear instead of tackling the problem like leaders in other countries did. And here's the pathetic part: One of the reasons I think that Trump didn't even attempt to tackle the problem is because it would have cut into his TV watching and Tweeting time just like a kid who doesn't want to do his homework because he's glued to the TV watching reruns of Full House.
He left policy to local gov't not the fed.......put out guidelines and used his power to increase PPE..............

Decision for long lockdowns was insane...........and guaranteed massive economic loss..........Just as a example.....a third of the restaurants in New York ARE GONE...........PERMANENT......and Cuomo wants to keep them down til next year............

Those still kinda afloat are saying it doesn't matter......so many aren't working that even if they reopen.......THEY ARE FUCKED ANYWAY.

This is happening all over the country............for a virus that we should have never shut down for at all.

The globalist are happy..........small businesses across the nation are FUCKED.

America used to be a can-do country. Not anymore. Now we've got a bunch of Q-Anon whack jobs and anti-vaxxer nut cases running around charging through the entrances of Walmarts yelling about their constitutional right not to wear a mask. We're the laughing stock of the entire world
Thanks to Democrats and Republicans...and Trump ran on getting rid of that nonsense.
But since Trump ran as a Republican, you hate him.
Proves how Mentally Ill you are.
We have the most deaths in the world, our 5 percent of the worlds population has 20 percent of the deaths.

Yet Republicans approve of that performance.

More than 176,000 in US have died of COVID-19. 57% of Republicans polled say that is 'acceptable.'

More than 176,000 people in the U.S. have died from COVID-19. According to the poll, a 57% majority of registered Republican voters consider that number "acceptable" when "evaluating the U.S. efforts against the coronavirus pandemic," compared with 31% of voters overall. Ninety percent of Democrats and 67% of independents said the death toll was "unacceptable."
Just because 99% of them were over 80 and in shitty shape.

And that makes it all ok? Fucking beautiful!!!
I am not the asshole inferring that hundreds of thousands of children have died from C19.

I have said no such thing either.
Based on the content of your post you should scold the OP for inferring a lie.

Facts fuck up the tard herd every time.
Based on the content of your post you should scold the OP for inferring a lie.

Truth isn't truth, thanks Rudy!!!!
You did not object to the OP being deceptive because you are both Mentally Ill Liberals.
We have the most deaths in the world, our 5 percent of the worlds population has 20 percent of the deaths.

Yet Republicans approve of that performance.

More than 176,000 in US have died of COVID-19. 57% of Republicans polled say that is 'acceptable.'

More than 176,000 people in the U.S. have died from COVID-19. According to the poll, a 57% majority of registered Republican voters consider that number "acceptable" when "evaluating the U.S. efforts against the coronavirus pandemic," compared with 31% of voters overall. Ninety percent of Democrats and 67% of independents said the death toll was "unacceptable."

It's worse than that. The US actually has only 4.3% of the world's population.

As for me, I support Trump holding MASSIVE rallies for his most fervent supporters ALL across the country. The sooner, the better.
You are still scared of the Chi com virus............LMAO............are you in a nursing home and need to be wheel chaired there..............


I'm not scared of the virus in the least. I'm just not stupid like Trump supporters demonstrate themselves to be on a daily basis. You see, I take precautions and don't do idiotic things like converging in enclosed spaces with a lot of people while not wearing a mask.
Well good for you.............no fuck off if you want me to do the same................I've had enough of you pussies Fear mongering and destroying small business for this virus..............

A third of all deaths come from New York, New Jersey, and California..............YOU GUYS SUCK HAIRY BALLS AT THIS..........Why would anyone listen to failures.???

If you want to blame someone for the loss of small businesses, you ought to direct your ire at Trump since he's the one who sat on his hands while proclaiming the the virus would just disappear instead of tackling the problem like leaders in other countries did. And here's the pathetic part: One of the reasons I think that Trump didn't even attempt to tackle the problem is because it would have cut into his TV watching and Tweeting time just like a kid who doesn't want to do his homework because he's glued to the TV watching reruns of Full House.
He left policy to local gov't not the fed.......put out guidelines and used his power to increase PPE..............

Decision for long lockdowns was insane...........and guaranteed massive economic loss..........Just as a example.....a third of the restaurants in New York ARE GONE...........PERMANENT......and Cuomo wants to keep them down til next year............

Those still kinda afloat are saying it doesn't matter......so many aren't working that even if they reopen.......THEY ARE FUCKED ANYWAY.

This is happening all over the country............for a virus that we should have never shut down for at all.

The globalist are happy..........small businesses across the nation are FUCKED.

America used to be a can-do country. Not anymore. Now we've got a bunch of Q-Anon whack jobs and anti-vaxxer nut cases running around charging through the entrances of Walmarts yelling about their constitutional right not to wear a mask. We're the laughing stock of the entire world
Q anon is a wokeness BS term made up by the left for a slogan to bitch about...............

And what we are bitching about is a bunch of wankers who abused power again to fuck the economy of the United States..........from people who say LISTEN TO US.......as everyone Flees from DNC rule as they screw the people there without vasoline.

This virus is BS........the reaction is BS and YOU ARE BS...........If you want people to OBEY......better stay in lib Hives......we don't give a shit.

A "wokeness" BS term? That's hilarious. Months ago, I met a guy wearing a t-shirt with a giant Q on it. I asked him if he believed in that nonsense because it was the early days of the conspiracy theory and I thought he might just be mocking it. I was wrong. He bought into it which is probably an indication that he has some kind of underlying undiagnosed mental heaIth issue that has yet to be addressed. And do you know what? I guarantee you that it wasn't a liberal who forced him to wear the damn t-shirt because, as a general rule, a liberal wouldn't want to contribute to the public humiliation of another person. No, he's doing it to himself because that t-shirt screams out the following: "I'm not only a God damn idiot, I'm a flakey fool, as well.

I can only hope he hasn't procreated because, if he has, undoubtedly my tax dollars will have to be spent to support his kids after he's committed to an asylum or locked up for some kind of violent crime where an otherwise normal person gets shot trying to stop him from shooting up a another pizza parlor where he believed children were being molested in a basement that doesn't even exist.
We have the most deaths in the world, our 5 percent of the worlds population has 20 percent of the deaths.

Yet Republicans approve of that performance.

More than 176,000 in US have died of COVID-19. 57% of Republicans polled say that is 'acceptable.'

More than 176,000 people in the U.S. have died from COVID-19. According to the poll, a 57% majority of registered Republican voters consider that number "acceptable" when "evaluating the U.S. efforts against the coronavirus pandemic," compared with 31% of voters overall. Ninety percent of Democrats and 67% of independents said the death toll was "unacceptable."

It's worse than that. The US actually has only 4.3% of the world's population.

As for me, I support Trump holding MASSIVE rallies for his most fervent supporters ALL across the country. The sooner, the better.
You are still scared of the Chi com virus............LMAO............are you in a nursing home and need to be wheel chaired there..............


I'm not scared of the virus in the least. I'm just not stupid like Trump supporters demonstrate themselves to be on a daily basis. You see, I take precautions and don't do idiotic things like converging in enclosed spaces with a lot of people while not wearing a mask.
Well good for you.............no fuck off if you want me to do the same................I've had enough of you pussies Fear mongering and destroying small business for this virus..............

A third of all deaths come from New York, New Jersey, and California..............YOU GUYS SUCK HAIRY BALLS AT THIS..........Why would anyone listen to failures.???

If you want to blame someone for the loss of small businesses, you ought to direct your ire at Trump since he's the one who sat on his hands while proclaiming the the virus would just disappear instead of tackling the problem like leaders in other countries did. And here's the pathetic part: One of the reasons I think that Trump didn't even attempt to tackle the problem is because it would have cut into his TV watching and Tweeting time just like a kid who doesn't want to do his homework because he's glued to the TV watching reruns of Full House.
He left policy to local gov't not the fed.......put out guidelines and used his power to increase PPE..............

Decision for long lockdowns was insane...........and guaranteed massive economic loss..........Just as a example.....a third of the restaurants in New York ARE GONE...........PERMANENT......and Cuomo wants to keep them down til next year............

Those still kinda afloat are saying it doesn't matter......so many aren't working that even if they reopen.......THEY ARE FUCKED ANYWAY.

This is happening all over the country............for a virus that we should have never shut down for at all.

The globalist are happy..........small businesses across the nation are FUCKED.

America used to be a can-do country. Not anymore. Now we've got a bunch of Q-Anon whack jobs and anti-vaxxer nut cases running around charging through the entrances of Walmarts yelling about their constitutional right not to wear a mask. We're the laughing stock of the entire world
Q anon is a wokeness BS term made up by the left for a slogan to bitch about...............

And what we are bitching about is a bunch of wankers who abused power again to fuck the economy of the United States..........from people who say LISTEN TO US.......as everyone Flees from DNC rule as they screw the people there without vasoline.

This virus is BS........the reaction is BS and YOU ARE BS...........If you want people to OBEY......better stay in lib Hives......we don't give a shit.

A "wokeness" BS term? That's hilarious. Months ago, I met a guy wearing a t-shirt with a giant Q on it. I asked him if he believed in that nonsense because it was the early days of the conspiracy theory and I thought he might just be mocking it. I was wrong. He bought into it which is probably an indication that he has some kind of underlying undiagnosed mental heaIth issue that has yet to be addressed. And do you know what? I guarantee you that it wasn't a liberal who forced him to wear the damn t-shirt because, as a general rule, a liberal wouldn't want to contribute to the public humiliation of another person. No, he's doing it to himself because that t-shirt screams out the following: "I'm not only a God damn idiot, I'm a flakey fool, as well.

I can only hope he hasn't procreated because, if he has, undoubtedly my tax dollars will have to be spent to support his kids after he's committed to an asylum or locked up for some kind of violent crime where an otherwise normal person gets shot trying to stop him from shooting up a another pizza parlor where he believed children were being molested in a basement that doesn't even exist.
The problem with Liberals is that believe minority under and unemployment doesn't come from bringing in cheap labor.
Actually, Liberals know it's true, but they're such racists that they want to keep minorities in slums.
We have the most deaths in the world, our 5 percent of the worlds population has 20 percent of the deaths.

Yet Republicans approve of that performance.

More than 176,000 in US have died of COVID-19. 57% of Republicans polled say that is 'acceptable.'

More than 176,000 people in the U.S. have died from COVID-19. According to the poll, a 57% majority of registered Republican voters consider that number "acceptable" when "evaluating the U.S. efforts against the coronavirus pandemic," compared with 31% of voters overall. Ninety percent of Democrats and 67% of independents said the death toll was "unacceptable."

It's worse than that. The US actually has only 4.3% of the world's population.

As for me, I support Trump holding MASSIVE rallies for his most fervent supporters ALL across the country. The sooner, the better.
You are still scared of the Chi com virus............LMAO............are you in a nursing home and need to be wheel chaired there..............


I'm not scared of the virus in the least. I'm just not stupid like Trump supporters demonstrate themselves to be on a daily basis. You see, I take precautions and don't do idiotic things like converging in enclosed spaces with a lot of people while not wearing a mask.
Well good for you.............no fuck off if you want me to do the same................I've had enough of you pussies Fear mongering and destroying small business for this virus..............

A third of all deaths come from New York, New Jersey, and California..............YOU GUYS SUCK HAIRY BALLS AT THIS..........Why would anyone listen to failures.???

If you want to blame someone for the loss of small businesses, you ought to direct your ire at Trump since he's the one who sat on his hands while proclaiming the the virus would just disappear instead of tackling the problem like leaders in other countries did. And here's the pathetic part: One of the reasons I think that Trump didn't even attempt to tackle the problem is because it would have cut into his TV watching and Tweeting time just like a kid who doesn't want to do his homework because he's glued to the TV watching reruns of Full House.
He left policy to local gov't not the fed.......put out guidelines and used his power to increase PPE..............

Decision for long lockdowns was insane...........and guaranteed massive economic loss..........Just as a example.....a third of the restaurants in New York ARE GONE...........PERMANENT......and Cuomo wants to keep them down til next year............

Those still kinda afloat are saying it doesn't matter......so many aren't working that even if they reopen.......THEY ARE FUCKED ANYWAY.

This is happening all over the country............for a virus that we should have never shut down for at all.

The globalist are happy..........small businesses across the nation are FUCKED.

America used to be a can-do country. Not anymore. Now we've got a bunch of Q-Anon whack jobs and anti-vaxxer nut cases running around charging through the entrances of Walmarts yelling about their constitutional right not to wear a mask. We're the laughing stock of the entire world
Q anon is a wokeness BS term made up by the left for a slogan to bitch about...............

And what we are bitching about is a bunch of wankers who abused power again to fuck the economy of the United States..........from people who say LISTEN TO US.......as everyone Flees from DNC rule as they screw the people there without vasoline.

This virus is BS........the reaction is BS and YOU ARE BS...........If you want people to OBEY......better stay in lib Hives......we don't give a shit.

A "wokeness" BS term? That's hilarious. Months ago, I met a guy wearing a t-shirt with a giant Q on it. I asked him if he believed in that nonsense because it was the early days of the conspiracy theory and I thought he might just be mocking it. I was wrong. He bought into it which is probably an indication that he has some kind of underlying undiagnosed mental heaIth issue that has yet to be addressed. And do you know what? I guarantee you that it wasn't a liberal who forced him to wear the damn t-shirt because, as a general rule, a liberal wouldn't want to contribute to the public humiliation of another person. No, he's doing it to himself because that t-shirt screams out the following: "I'm not only a God damn idiot, I'm a flakey fool, as well.

I can only hope he hasn't procreated because, if he has, undoubtedly my tax dollars will have to be spent to support his kids after he's committed to an asylum or locked up for some kind of violent crime where an otherwise normal person gets shot trying to stop him from shooting up a another pizza parlor where he believed children were being molested in a basement that doesn't even exist.
I never heard about Q til yesterday...........really don't care........I'm only posting more right now because work is down due to the baby storm in the gulf that was nothing.

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