57 percent of Republicans are OK with the number of COVID deaths

We have the most deaths in the world, our 5 percent of the worlds population has 20 percent of the deaths.

Yet Republicans approve of that performance.

More than 176,000 in US have died of COVID-19. 57% of Republicans polled say that is 'acceptable.'

More than 176,000 people in the U.S. have died from COVID-19. According to the poll, a 57% majority of registered Republican voters consider that number "acceptable" when "evaluating the U.S. efforts against the coronavirus pandemic," compared with 31% of voters overall. Ninety percent of Democrats and 67% of independents said the death toll was "unacceptable."
Why wouldn’t it be acceptable? The predictions were 2 million deaths. Thanks to Trump stopping travel and other measures it’s below 200,000. A better rate than the Flu we have every year. And that number would be far lower if democrats didn’t intentionally infect nursing homes.
2 million if you did NOTHING
175,000 if you follow Trumps guidance
50,000 if you listened to CDC
You sold that used car yet..........maybe you should try a new line and move to a state that has no lemon laws.
I have to admit.......Trump ran on America First

Well, we are First in COVID cases and COVID deaths
I like being number 1........can we drop a moab on Portland........after the police are moved out of town........and then call it Covid...........All we need to do is say WE ASSUMED it was Covid.........

We'll call it the jobs program.........rebuild Portland jobs program.........or not.....make it a museum to the far left zoo........here once stood a city that was full of brain dead humans who thought they were the shit.......oh well.
Red states far worse than blue for current Covid-19 deaths. Not even close.

Except for one thing: They're only quoting numbers from the last 40 days. never mind that overall, New York has had three times the number of deaths than Texas or Florida. Alaska? 32 deaths. Idaho? 314. Kansas? 430. Nebraska? 383.
NY,NJ,and the Northeast in general have gotten this thing under control after getting HAMMERED.

It CAN be done...but only if you try

Daily death totals in NY have been under 30 for a while...NJ under 15
We have the most deaths in the world, our 5 percent of the worlds population has 20 percent of the deaths.

Yet Republicans approve of that performance.

More than 176,000 in US have died of COVID-19. 57% of Republicans polled say that is 'acceptable.'

More than 176,000 people in the U.S. have died from COVID-19. According to the poll, a 57% majority of registered Republican voters consider that number "acceptable" when "evaluating the U.S. efforts against the coronavirus pandemic," compared with 31% of voters overall. Ninety percent of Democrats and 67% of independents said the death toll was "unacceptable."
Why wouldn’t it be acceptable? The predictions were 2 million deaths. Thanks to Trump stopping travel and other measures it’s below 200,000. A better rate than the Flu we have every year. And that number would be far lower if democrats didn’t intentionally infect nursing homes.
2 million if you did NOTHING
175,000 if you follow Trumps guidance
50,000 if you listened to CDC
Trump did everything the CDC (Fauci) said to do, you fucking moron. Fauci himself was saying in February that there was no need to worry about COVID.
Red states far worse than blue for current Covid-19 deaths. Not even close.

Except for one thing: They're only quoting numbers from the last 40 days. never mind that overall, New York has had three times the number of deaths than Texas or Florida. Alaska? 32 deaths. Idaho? 314. Kansas? 430. Nebraska? 383.
NY,NJ,and the Northeast in general have gotten this thing under control after getting HAMMERED.

It CAN be done...but only if you try

Daily death totals in NY have been under 30 for a while...NJ under 15

At the cost of basically destroying Midtown Manhattan and probably 1/2 of the overall restaurant industry.

People are leaving, and not coming back.
Red states far worse than blue for current Covid-19 deaths. Not even close.

Except for one thing: They're only quoting numbers from the last 40 days. never mind that overall, New York has had three times the number of deaths than Texas or Florida. Alaska? 32 deaths. Idaho? 314. Kansas? 430. Nebraska? 383.
NY,NJ,and the Northeast in general have gotten this thing under control after getting HAMMERED.

It CAN be done...but only if you try

Daily death totals in NY have been under 30 for a while...NJ under 15

At the cost of basically destroying Midtown Manhattan and probably 1/2 of the overall restaurant industry.

People are leaving, and not coming back.
It’s no surprise that people are leaving a densely packed island after what just happened. That also occurred after 9/11 by the way... although not as drastically nor probably as permanently.
Especially with the ability to work remotely, people are re-evaluating their life styles

Republicans have gone crazy.

How can that level of death be acceptable to anyone?

What has happened to this country?
Why don't you poll Dims to see how many cancer deaths they find "acceptable?"
Red states far worse than blue for current Covid-19 deaths. Not even close.

Except for one thing: They're only quoting numbers from the last 40 days. never mind that overall, New York has had three times the number of deaths than Texas or Florida. Alaska? 32 deaths. Idaho? 314. Kansas? 430. Nebraska? 383.
NY,NJ,and the Northeast in general have gotten this thing under control after getting HAMMERED.

It CAN be done...but only if you try

Daily death totals in NY have been under 30 for a while...NJ under 15

At the cost of basically destroying Midtown Manhattan and probably 1/2 of the overall restaurant industry.

People are leaving, and not coming back.
I hope NYC is destroyed.
Red states far worse than blue for current Covid-19 deaths. Not even close.

Except for one thing: They're only quoting numbers from the last 40 days. never mind that overall, New York has had three times the number of deaths than Texas or Florida. Alaska? 32 deaths. Idaho? 314. Kansas? 430. Nebraska? 383.
NY,NJ,and the Northeast in general have gotten this thing under control after getting HAMMERED.

It CAN be done...but only if you try

Daily death totals in NY have been under 30 for a while...NJ under 15

At the cost of basically destroying Midtown Manhattan and probably 1/2 of the overall restaurant industry.

People are leaving, and not coming back.
It’s no surprise that people are leaving a densely packed island after what just happened. That also occurred after 9/11 by the way... although not as drastically nor probably as permanently.
Especially with the ability to work remotely, people are re-evaluating their life styles

So NYC is being "saved" from some additional COVID deaths at the cost of destroying what made NYC a place people want to live.

The idiocy of the continued policies can be seen in a restaurant in Nassau being allowed to run at 25% internal occupancy while across the street in Queens they are stuck with outdoor dining only.
Red states far worse than blue for current Covid-19 deaths. Not even close.

Except for one thing: They're only quoting numbers from the last 40 days. never mind that overall, New York has had three times the number of deaths than Texas or Florida. Alaska? 32 deaths. Idaho? 314. Kansas? 430. Nebraska? 383.
NY,NJ,and the Northeast in general have gotten this thing under control after getting HAMMERED.

It CAN be done...but only if you try

Daily death totals in NY have been under 30 for a while...NJ under 15

At the cost of basically destroying Midtown Manhattan and probably 1/2 of the overall restaurant industry.

People are leaving, and not coming back.
I hope NYC is destroyed.

Ok there Ra's al Ghul

NYC was a good place when run by boots on the ground law and order types, Guliani, Bloomberg (even if he was a nanny state prick).

We forgot, and then elected DiBlasio.

Republicans have gone crazy.

How can that level of death be acceptable to anyone?

What has happened to this country?

You're playing word games over what "acceptable" means.

And Crooks and Liars? You can't be serious
giphy (54).gif

Republicans have gone crazy.

How can that level of death be acceptable to anyone?

What has happened to this country?
It's better than 200,000 or half a million, ya knucklehead. Better luck with your next thread.
Better than?

Jesus...it'll BE 200,000 by the end of September at this rate...mostly by the way in Red States
Lush got his ass thoroughly kicked on his own thread.
Red states far worse than blue for current Covid-19 deaths. Not even close.

Except for one thing: They're only quoting numbers from the last 40 days. never mind that overall, New York has had three times the number of deaths than Texas or Florida. Alaska? 32 deaths. Idaho? 314. Kansas? 430. Nebraska? 383.
NY,NJ,and the Northeast in general have gotten this thing under control after getting HAMMERED.

It CAN be done...but only if you try

Daily death totals in NY have been under 30 for a while...NJ under 15
Well after you kill off all your citizens nobody left to get infected right snowflake??

Republicans have gone crazy.

How can that level of death be acceptable to anyone?

What has happened to this country?
It's better than 200,000 or half a million, ya knucklehead. Better luck with your next thread.
Trump saved 2 million lives according to their own propaganda. So yeah, I'm good with those numbers.
We have the most deaths in the world, our 5 percent of the worlds population has 20 percent of the deaths.

Yet Republicans approve of that performance.

More than 176,000 in US have died of COVID-19. 57% of Republicans polled say that is 'acceptable.'

More than 176,000 people in the U.S. have died from COVID-19. According to the poll, a 57% majority of registered Republican voters consider that number "acceptable" when "evaluating the U.S. efforts against the coronavirus pandemic," compared with 31% of voters overall. Ninety percent of Democrats and 67% of independents said the death toll was "unacceptable."
Just because 99% of them were over 80 and in shitty shape.

And that makes it all ok? Fucking beautiful!!!
It must have been ok, since deBlasio Cuomo sent in covid cases to nursing homes...

Nice deflection, it is what ewe tools do best. I am guessing you are part of the 57% RethugiKKKons that think the death count is ok. Thank you for participating.
Deflection? Please tell us who sent patients to nursing homes when they had a ship and convention center set up to take care of them, providing by Trump....

The OP is about 57% of RethugiKKKons thinking that over 175,000 deaths is acceptable. So yes you are deflecting WAY off target.

When the experts told us deaths would be 2.2 million I'm good with 175,000.

Nice job, President Trump. Well done!

Thank the governors of the states for taking action because bitchboy wouldn't.

Trump bailed out Grim Reaper Cuomo bigly, as well as Newsome in KKKalifornia.

ROTFLMFAO, he has done almost nothing except deny that it is a hoax.

Your ignorance of current events is astounding.

So your now saying tRump didn't call it a "Democratic " hoax? So not only are you dense you' re a liar!

Now that is MAGA!!!!

Nope. He never said the virus was a hoas. That lie has been debunked for months, Moron.

Called it the next Democratic hoax at 1 of his hate rallies.

Never said the virus was a hoax. He said Dimwingers would use it as their next hoax to attack and blame him. He was right.

Called it a hoax!!!!

Reality, and Lefty Snopes says you are full of shit...........as usual.

What's False
Despite creating some confusion with his remarks, Trump did not call the coronavirus itself a hoax.

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