57 percent of Republicans are OK with the number of COVID deaths

We have the most deaths in the world, our 5 percent of the worlds population has 20 percent of the deaths.

Yet Republicans approve of that performance.

More than 176,000 in US have died of COVID-19. 57% of Republicans polled say that is 'acceptable.'

More than 176,000 people in the U.S. have died from COVID-19. According to the poll, a 57% majority of registered Republican voters consider that number "acceptable" when "evaluating the U.S. efforts against the coronavirus pandemic," compared with 31% of voters overall. Ninety percent of Democrats and 67% of independents said the death toll was "unacceptable."

President Trump saved 2 million Americans.

Unfortunately not everyone could be saved when democrats sent people to their graves.
I guess he could have sent in the military to cluster bomb the BLM COVID 19 parties.
We have the most deaths in the world, our 5 percent of the worlds population has 20 percent of the deaths.

Yet Republicans approve of that performance.

More than 176,000 in US have died of COVID-19. 57% of Republicans polled say that is 'acceptable.'

More than 176,000 people in the U.S. have died from COVID-19. According to the poll, a 57% majority of registered Republican voters consider that number "acceptable" when "evaluating the U.S. efforts against the coronavirus pandemic," compared with 31% of voters overall. Ninety percent of Democrats and 67% of independents said the death toll was "unacceptable."
How many cancer deaths are you OK with?

Is cancer contagious?
Nope.............but if you die from it now...............IT'S COVID............I know someone who's who lost a grandmother.........from Cancer.......death certificate said COVID.........another from circulation.....gangrene...........COVID..........another from a heart attack.................COVID...........

Cooking the books to get that money................and the leftist shitholes killed grandma and grandpa on epic scales..........

Good fucking job libs...........BRAVO.............You want a reward for killing.
I think the infection rate of stupidity in liberals is a thousand times worse than Covid
More than 800.000 people die of influenza wordwide annually. There are almost 8billion people and climbing in the world
.. and the world is cumbling as a result. There was less than half that when I was born. If we keep saving people and having more babies Mother Nature is going to fight back in worse ways

COVID hit America hard because it was brand new to the average American immune system. That is rapidly changing but the media which serves the interest of political factions will keep the fear and anxiety going as long as they can.

When the Deep State/New World Order manages to retake the White House, it will all suddenly evaporate just like Trump said. It is no accident that this pandemic happened in an election year.

Republicans have gone crazy.

How can that level of death be acceptable to anyone?

What has happened to this country?


  • Heart disease: 647,457
    [*]Cancer: 599,108
    [*]Accidents (unintentional injuries): 169,936
    [*]Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 160,201
    [*]Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 146,383
    [*]Alzheimer’s disease: 121,404
    [*]Diabetes: 83,564
    [*]Influenza and Pneumonia: 55,672
    [*]Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis: 50,633
    [*]Intentional self-harm (suicide): 47,173
So right now COVID is 3rd on the list, but a distant 3rd, and many of those deaths were from people sick from something else and maybe dying of something else during the time frame anyway.

Almost 3 million people die every year, COVID deaths, some of which would have counted towards other categories in the time frame, are contributing to 6% of the usual mortality in a given year.

Republicans have gone crazy.

How can that level of death be acceptable to anyone?

What has happened to this country?
Of the 180,000, 155,000 were bullshit, and most were in New York and New Jersey.

The flu is 100x worse and we don't even bat an eyelash. COVID is politically expedient to the power brokers (GOP and Dem establishment) and those who lust for power (Dems). It is now being used to extract freedom from individuals.

How much longer will this be tolerated?

Republicans have gone crazy.

How can that level of death be acceptable to anyone?

What has happened to this country?
Democrat governors killed half our total in 6 states...thats what is wrong with this country

Republicans have gone crazy.

How can that level of death be acceptable to anyone?

What has happened to this country?
It's better than 200,000 or half a million, ya knucklehead. Better luck with your next thread.

Republicans have gone crazy.

How can that level of death be acceptable to anyone?

What has happened to this country?
Of the 180,000, 155,000 were bullshit, and most were in New York and New Jersey.

The flu is 100x worse and we don't even bat an eyelash. COVID is politically expedient to the power brokers (GOP and Dem establishment) and those who lust for power (Dems). It is now being used to extract freedom from individuals.

How much longer will this be tolerated?
Wait...so it's OK if it's in NY and NJ?

A hell of a lot of Republicans have died of this thing you know

Republicans have gone crazy.

How can that level of death be acceptable to anyone?

What has happened to this country?
It's better than 200,000 or half a million, ya knucklehead. Better luck with your next thread.
Better than?

Jesus...it'll BE 200,000 by the end of September at this rate...mostly by the way in Red States

Republicans have gone crazy.

How can that level of death be acceptable to anyone?

What has happened to this country?
It's better than 200,000 or half a million, ya knucklehead. Better luck with your next thread.
Better than?

Jesus...it'll BE 200,000 by the end of September at this rate...mostly by the way in Red States

if it only goes up to 200k by September, even if in mostly red states, they won't catch up to the worst blue states.

And the blue states economies are far more wrecked than the red state economy.

Republicans have gone crazy.

How can that level of death be acceptable to anyone?

What has happened to this country?

The prediction was over two million deaths.

So yes, this is quite acceptable now that president Trump has saved two million people.

Cuomo sending people to their next lives wasn't acceptable in any way though. But perhaps the republicans do not live in NY or some other democrat state where deaths have gotten out of hand because of fatal errors.

Republicans have gone crazy.

How can that level of death be acceptable to anyone?

What has happened to this country?
It's better than 200,000 or half a million, ya knucklehead. Better luck with your next thread.
Better than?

Jesus...it'll BE 200,000 by the end of September at this rate...mostly by the way in Red States
No, the red states wont catch just NY and NJ, those two states killed more people than most countries did on the globe snowflake

Republicans have gone crazy.

How can that level of death be acceptable to anyone?

What has happened to this country?
Of the 180,000, 155,000 were bullshit, and most were in New York and New Jersey.

The flu is 100x worse and we don't even bat an eyelash. COVID is politically expedient to the power brokers (GOP and Dem establishment) and those who lust for power (Dems). It is now being used to extract freedom from individuals.

How much longer will this be tolerated?
Wait...so it's OK if it's in NY and NJ?

A hell of a lot of Republicans have died of this thing you know
I see you have an understanding problem. The Democrats did all they could to increase the death count in hopes it would affect the presidential election.
walking downtown asking others to come join. Calling shutting down travel xenophobic. Telling everyone riding the subway was fine then taking cars out of service to pack people closer. Putting virus positive in homes where the most vulnerable were. Saying no one allowed to congregate or open stores but go ahead and riot.
We can all hide under our beds, demand more money for unemployment while running up the national credit card. We could open the country up get back to something that resembles normal and realize that people die. We have bigger killers then the virus. We have people who are dying because they won’t go to the hospital because they think they will Get the dreaded virus.
we have had many false positives and many deaths have been attributed to the virus instead of heart disease or some other reason.

Republicans have gone crazy.

How can that level of death be acceptable to anyone?

What has happened to this country?
It's better than 200,000 or half a million, ya knucklehead. Better luck with your next thread.
Better than?

Jesus...it'll BE 200,000 by the end of September at this rate...mostly by the way in Red States

You're parroting that idiotic Daily Kos article, right? The one that claims red state deaths are higher than blue state deaths, right?

Red states far worse than blue for current Covid-19 deaths. Not even close.

Except for one thing: They're only quoting numbers from the last 40 days. never mind that overall, New York has had three times the number of deaths than Texas or Florida. Alaska? 32 deaths. Idaho? 314. Kansas? 430. Nebraska? 383.

And on and on. Look it up for yourself..

United States Coronavirus: 5,917,479 Cases and 181,204 Deaths - Worldometer
Wouldn't ya like to just SLAP these fear mongering imbeciles in the head?
Maybe knock some sense into them?
I guess the only good news is that if there is ever a REAL life threatening situation, these weaktards will drop like flies or heads would explode..

There is no way these weak people could handle a REAL crisis.
Wouldn't ya like to just SLAP these fear mongering imbeciles in the head?
Maybe knock some sense into them?
I guess the only good news is that if there is ever a REAL life threatening situation, these weaktards will drop like flies or heads would explode..

All the leftists have is screech. Endless screech... yes, pretty weak.

Republicans have gone crazy.

How can that level of death be acceptable to anyone?

What has happened to this country?
Of the 180,000, 155,000 were bullshit, and most were in New York and New Jersey.

The flu is 100x worse and we don't even bat an eyelash. COVID is politically expedient to the power brokers (GOP and Dem establishment) and those who lust for power (Dems). It is now being used to extract freedom from individuals.

How much longer will this be tolerated?

Even if 155,000 of 180,000 are bullshit (where do you get that number from?), the flu wouldn't be even close to 100x worse. The flu is estimated to kill around 35,000 a year in the US, with fewer in some years and more in others. If 155,000 of the 180,000 deaths are bullshit, this would be getting close to an average flu season as far as deaths.

And even assuming those numbers are correct, death isn't the only possible negative outcome. Why has it seemingly become the norm to think that if someone doesn't die, nothing bad happened to them?

The reaction to COVID-19 may have been too extreme, but you seem to be going the other way and being extreme in trying to minimize it. :dunno:

Republicans have gone crazy.

How can that level of death be acceptable to anyone?

What has happened to this country?
Of the 180,000, 155,000 were bullshit, and most were in New York and New Jersey.

The flu is 100x worse and we don't even bat an eyelash. COVID is politically expedient to the power brokers (GOP and Dem establishment) and those who lust for power (Dems). It is now being used to extract freedom from individuals.

How much longer will this be tolerated?

Even if 155,000 of 180,000 are bullshit (where do you get that number from?), the flu wouldn't be even close to 100x worse. The flu is estimated to kill around 35,000 a year in the US, with fewer in some years and more in others. If 155,000 of the 180,000 deaths are bullshit, this would be getting close to an average flu season as far as deaths.

And even assuming those numbers are correct, death isn't the only possible negative outcome. Why has it seemingly become the norm to think that if someone doesn't die, nothing bad happened to them?

The reaction to COVID-19 may have been too extreme, but you seem to be going the other way and being extreme in trying to minimize it. :dunno:
The flu is always an estimate, Covid is based strictly on case counts.....except the deaths are not always associated with a positive case. So when something is skewed this far out of proportion by the libbers the only way to counter it is with reality

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