57 percent of Republicans are OK with the number of COVID deaths

We have the most deaths in the world, our 5 percent of the worlds population has 20 percent of the deaths.

Yet Republicans approve of that performance.

More than 176,000 in US have died of COVID-19. 57% of Republicans polled say that is 'acceptable.'

More than 176,000 people in the U.S. have died from COVID-19. According to the poll, a 57% majority of registered Republican voters consider that number "acceptable" when "evaluating the U.S. efforts against the coronavirus pandemic," compared with 31% of voters overall. Ninety percent of Democrats and 67% of independents said the death toll was "unacceptable."
It is because we are the fattest country. Pretty sure that is not Trump's fault.





Republicans have gone crazy.

How can that level of death be acceptable to anyone?

What has happened to this country?
Democrat governors killed half our total in 6 states...thats what is wrong with this country
Indeed... it happened in THEIR states...and yet they all get on the NWO bandwagon to bash the president for all that happens.

"Bleating and babbling they fall on his neck with a scream". Name that tune!
I thought it was comical the DNC trots out Killer Cuomo to tell everyone how to handle the virus and to bash the President....

Cuomo did not kill anyone.
Well the President sure didn't libber

right---the president didn't. In your feeble mind that PROVES that Cuomo did?
All thinking people should have dismissed this bullshit three months ago
Yesterday’s positive rate 5.5%
That means 550 out of every 10,000 people tested are positive and out of those 550 3 or 4 will die with most likely all 3 or 4 being older than 65 and plagued with serious life threatening pre existing conditions
An utter absolute hoax and destructive farce to keep America locked down when the facts and stats are revealed. However as we thinkers are all to aware of, nothing is done by fact with Dems looking to harm Trump and those Americans who want and need to be productive

wrong again-----the stats INDICATE that it is a significant epidemic----no less significant than the
TUBERCULOSIS epidemic of the first half of the 20th century that included QUARANTINES----mandatory testing, and chest Xrays and actual FORCED TREATMENT. No less than endemic SYPHILIS that included WASSERMAN testing for marriage and standard testing for ALL HOSPITALIZATIONS. No less than OUTBREAKS OF CLAP ---feel free to ask questions about that one---I did a little summer internship----some 45 years ago. How many people died of Tuberculosis in 1960 when they were still doing chest Xrays on just about everyone-----ROUTINE even for school children

Republicans have gone crazy.

How can that level of death be acceptable to anyone?

What has happened to this country?
Democrat governors killed half our total in 6 states...thats what is wrong with this country
Indeed... it happened in THEIR states...and yet they all get on the NWO bandwagon to bash the president for all that happens.

"Bleating and babbling they fall on his neck with a scream". Name that tune!
I thought it was comical the DNC trots out Killer Cuomo to tell everyone how to handle the virus and to bash the President....

Cuomo did not kill anyone.

Sure he did, it's called reckless endangerment, he forced nursing homes to take Covid positive patients, knowing the elderly are a vulnerable population.

a nursing home is a MEDICAL FACILITY----it must be LICENSED and ----should be capable of dealing with a communicable illness better than a
TENEMENT in a slum. His decision was, IMO considered and consistent with the state of understanding of the virus at that time

Republicans have gone crazy.

How can that level of death be acceptable to anyone?

What has happened to this country?
Democrat governors killed half our total in 6 states...thats what is wrong with this country
Indeed... it happened in THEIR states...and yet they all get on the NWO bandwagon to bash the president for all that happens.

"Bleating and babbling they fall on his neck with a scream". Name that tune!
I thought it was comical the DNC trots out Killer Cuomo to tell everyone how to handle the virus and to bash the President....

Cuomo did not kill anyone.
Well the President sure didn't libber

right---the president didn't. In your feeble mind that PROVES that Cuomo did?
All thinking people should have dismissed this bullshit three months ago
Yesterday’s positive rate 5.5%
That means 550 out of every 10,000 people tested are positive and out of those 550 3 or 4 will die with most likely all 3 or 4 being older than 65 and plagued with serious life threatening pre existing conditions
An utter absolute hoax and destructive farce to keep America locked down when the facts and stats are revealed. However as we thinkers are all to aware of, nothing is done by fact with Dems looking to harm Trump and those Americans who want and need to be productive

wrong again-----the stats INDICATE that it is a significant epidemic----no less significant than the
TUBERCULOSIS epidemic of the first half of the 20th century that included QUARANTINES----mandatory testing, and chest Xrays and actual FORCED TREATMENT. No less than endemic SYPHILIS that included WASSERMAN testing for marriage and standard testing for ALL HOSPITALIZATIONS. No less than OUTBREAKS OF CLAP ---feel free to ask questions about that one---I did a little summer internship----some 45 years ago. How many people died of Tuberculosis in 1960 when they were still doing chest Xrays on just about everyone-----ROUTINE even for school children

This isn't 45 years ago.................and their have been 6 strains of corona.............this is now the 7th...........do you deny that the T cell studies are showing why people are not getting it or mild symptoms...............hmmmm

Tell me for the last half century where anyone in the world destroyed the economy for a virus...........hmmm.

Use 1968 for an example .........LOL

Republicans have gone crazy.

How can that level of death be acceptable to anyone?

What has happened to this country?
Democrat governors killed half our total in 6 states...thats what is wrong with this country
Indeed... it happened in THEIR states...and yet they all get on the NWO bandwagon to bash the president for all that happens.

"Bleating and babbling they fall on his neck with a scream". Name that tune!
I thought it was comical the DNC trots out Killer Cuomo to tell everyone how to handle the virus and to bash the President....

Cuomo did not kill anyone.

Sure he did, it's called reckless endangerment, he forced nursing homes to take Covid positive patients, knowing the elderly are a vulnerable population.

a nursing home is a MEDICAL FACILITY----it must be LICENSED and ----should be capable of dealing with a communicable illness better than a
TENEMENT in a slum. His decision was, IMO considered and consistent with the state of understanding of the virus at that time

You're entitled to be wrong, this is America.

Republicans have gone crazy.

How can that level of death be acceptable to anyone?

What has happened to this country?
Democrat governors killed half our total in 6 states...thats what is wrong with this country
Indeed... it happened in THEIR states...and yet they all get on the NWO bandwagon to bash the president for all that happens.

"Bleating and babbling they fall on his neck with a scream". Name that tune!
I thought it was comical the DNC trots out Killer Cuomo to tell everyone how to handle the virus and to bash the President....

Cuomo did not kill anyone.

Sure he did, it's called reckless endangerment, he forced nursing homes to take Covid positive patients, knowing the elderly are a vulnerable population.

a nursing home is a MEDICAL FACILITY----it must be LICENSED and ----should be capable of dealing with a communicable illness better than a
TENEMENT in a slum. His decision was, IMO considered and consistent with the state of understanding of the virus at that time
More excuses............same ones Cuomo gave.........who didn't even know his own policy..........nursing homes begged not to have them back.......ignored...........and yet the hospital ship was unused..........the park hardly used.........and FEMA and the Corp of engineers were ready to set up negative ventilation facilities anywhere cuomo wanted them.............

New York and New Jersey were a disaster.
We have the most deaths in the world, our 5 percent of the worlds population has 20 percent of the deaths.

Yet Republicans approve of that performance.

More than 176,000 in US have died of COVID-19. 57% of Republicans polled say that is 'acceptable.'

More than 176,000 people in the U.S. have died from COVID-19. According to the poll, a 57% majority of registered Republican voters consider that number "acceptable" when "evaluating the U.S. efforts against the coronavirus pandemic," compared with 31% of voters overall. Ninety percent of Democrats and 67% of independents said the death toll was "unacceptable."
Just because 99% of them were over 80 and in shitty shape.

And that makes it all ok? Fucking beautiful!!!
It must have been ok, since deBlasio Cuomo sent in covid cases to nursing homes...

Nice deflection, it is what ewe tools do best. I am guessing you are part of the 57% RethugiKKKons that think the death count is ok. Thank you for participating.
Deflection? Please tell us who sent patients to nursing homes when they had a ship and convention center set up to take care of them, providing by Trump....

The OP is about 57% of RethugiKKKons thinking that over 175,000 deaths is acceptable. So yes you are deflecting WAY off target.

When the experts told us deaths would be 2.2 million I'm good with 175,000.

Nice job, President Trump. Well done!

Thank the governors of the states for taking action because bitchboy wouldn't.

Trump bailed out Grim Reaper Cuomo bigly, as well as Newsome in KKKalifornia.

ROTFLMFAO, he has done almost nothing except deny that it is a hoax.

Your ignorance of current events is astounding.

So your now saying tRump didn't call it a "Democratic " hoax? So not only are you dense you' re a liar!

Now that is MAGA!!!!

Nope. He never said the virus was a hoas. That lie has been debunked for months, Moron.

Called it the next Democratic hoax at 1 of his hate rallies.

Never said the virus was a hoax. He said Dimwingers would use it as their next hoax to attack and blame him. He was right.

Called it a hoax!!!!

Reality, and Lefty Snopes says you are full of shit...........as usual.

What's False
Despite creating some confusion with his remarks, Trump did not call the coronavirus itself a hoax.

"Think of it. Think of it, this is their new hoax."

Yup, quite the hoax.

Nobody is buying what you are selling, Sport.

Republicans have gone crazy.

How can that level of death be acceptable to anyone?

What has happened to this country?
Democrat governors killed half our total in 6 states...thats what is wrong with this country
Indeed... it happened in THEIR states...and yet they all get on the NWO bandwagon to bash the president for all that happens.

"Bleating and babbling they fall on his neck with a scream". Name that tune!
I thought it was comical the DNC trots out Killer Cuomo to tell everyone how to handle the virus and to bash the President....

Cuomo did not kill anyone.
Well the President sure didn't libber

right---the president didn't. In your feeble mind that PROVES that Cuomo did?
All thinking people should have dismissed this bullshit three months ago
Yesterday’s positive rate 5.5%
That means 550 out of every 10,000 people tested are positive and out of those 550 3 or 4 will die with most likely all 3 or 4 being older than 65 and plagued with serious life threatening pre existing conditions
An utter absolute hoax and destructive farce to keep America locked down when the facts and stats are revealed. However as we thinkers are all to aware of, nothing is done by fact with Dems looking to harm Trump and those Americans who want and need to be productive

wrong again-----the stats INDICATE that it is a significant epidemic----no less significant than the
TUBERCULOSIS epidemic of the first half of the 20th century that included QUARANTINES----mandatory testing, and chest Xrays and actual FORCED TREATMENT. No less than endemic SYPHILIS that included WASSERMAN testing for marriage and standard testing for ALL HOSPITALIZATIONS. No less than OUTBREAKS OF CLAP ---feel free to ask questions about that one---I did a little summer internship----some 45 years ago. How many people died of Tuberculosis in 1960 when they were still doing chest Xrays on just about everyone-----ROUTINE even for school children
Wow never saw such wackobabble....governors are elected to be responsible for the welfare of their citizens and conditions within their state. Killer Cuomo IS responsible for what horrible decisions he ha made both before and during the virus. It takes a truly inept individual to lead the country and even many countries in death totals

Republicans have gone crazy.

How can that level of death be acceptable to anyone?

What has happened to this country?
Democrat governors killed half our total in 6 states...thats what is wrong with this country
Indeed... it happened in THEIR states...and yet they all get on the NWO bandwagon to bash the president for all that happens.

"Bleating and babbling they fall on his neck with a scream". Name that tune!
I thought it was comical the DNC trots out Killer Cuomo to tell everyone how to handle the virus and to bash the President....

Cuomo did not kill anyone.

Sure he did, it's called reckless endangerment, he forced nursing homes to take Covid positive patients, knowing the elderly are a vulnerable population.

a nursing home is a MEDICAL FACILITY----it must be LICENSED and ----should be capable of dealing with a communicable illness better than a
TENEMENT in a slum. His decision was, IMO considered and consistent with the state of understanding of the virus at that time

Yeah, considered crazy as hell and non compliant with CDC guidelines. Cuomo had Covid dedicated beds that he failed to utilize. Instead he sent Covid positive patients into very vulnerable populations. He may as well of gone in and randomly shot people in the head, the result was the same.


Republicans have gone crazy.

How can that level of death be acceptable to anyone?

What has happened to this country?
Democrat governors killed half our total in 6 states...thats what is wrong with this country
Indeed... it happened in THEIR states...and yet they all get on the NWO bandwagon to bash the president for all that happens.

"Bleating and babbling they fall on his neck with a scream". Name that tune!
I thought it was comical the DNC trots out Killer Cuomo to tell everyone how to handle the virus and to bash the President....

Cuomo did not kill anyone.
Well the President sure didn't libber

right---the president didn't. In your feeble mind that PROVES that Cuomo did?
All thinking people should have dismissed this bullshit three months ago
Yesterday’s positive rate 5.5%
That means 550 out of every 10,000 people tested are positive and out of those 550 3 or 4 will die with most likely all 3 or 4 being older than 65 and plagued with serious life threatening pre existing conditions
An utter absolute hoax and destructive farce to keep America locked down when the facts and stats are revealed. However as we thinkers are all to aware of, nothing is done by fact with Dems looking to harm Trump and those Americans who want and need to be productive

wrong again-----the stats INDICATE that it is a significant epidemic----no less significant than the
TUBERCULOSIS epidemic of the first half of the 20th century that included QUARANTINES----mandatory testing, and chest Xrays and actual FORCED TREATMENT. No less than endemic SYPHILIS that included WASSERMAN testing for marriage and standard testing for ALL HOSPITALIZATIONS. No less than OUTBREAKS OF CLAP ---feel free to ask questions about that one---I did a little summer internship----some 45 years ago. How many people died of Tuberculosis in 1960 when they were still doing chest Xrays on just about everyone-----ROUTINE even for school children

This isn't 45 years ago.................and their have been 6 strains of corona.............this is now the 7th...........do you deny that the T cell studies are showing why people are not getting it or mild symptoms...............hmmmm

Tell me for the last half century where anyone in the world destroyed the economy for a virus...........hmmm.

Use 1968 for an example .........LOL

your comment is naive----you learned a new word
T CELL----it ain't nuthin' new----are you aware of the
fact that T CELL immunity is a likely explanation for the fact that some people did not contract BUBONIC PLAGUE in medieval europe?. You have said---NUTHIN' but you have indicated that you like to read the comic book POPULAR SCIENCE and have no idea what people KNEW 45 years ago----guess what----they knew about T CELLS----but it was not known during the BUBONIC PLAGUE era and you did not know until last week.

Republicans have gone crazy.

How can that level of death be acceptable to anyone?

What has happened to this country?
Democrat governors killed half our total in 6 states...thats what is wrong with this country
Indeed... it happened in THEIR states...and yet they all get on the NWO bandwagon to bash the president for all that happens.

"Bleating and babbling they fall on his neck with a scream". Name that tune!
I thought it was comical the DNC trots out Killer Cuomo to tell everyone how to handle the virus and to bash the President....

Cuomo did not kill anyone.
Well the President sure didn't libber

right---the president didn't. In your feeble mind that PROVES that Cuomo did?
All thinking people should have dismissed this bullshit three months ago
Yesterday’s positive rate 5.5%
That means 550 out of every 10,000 people tested are positive and out of those 550 3 or 4 will die with most likely all 3 or 4 being older than 65 and plagued with serious life threatening pre existing conditions
An utter absolute hoax and destructive farce to keep America locked down when the facts and stats are revealed. However as we thinkers are all to aware of, nothing is done by fact with Dems looking to harm Trump and those Americans who want and need to be productive

wrong again-----the stats INDICATE that it is a significant epidemic----no less significant than the
TUBERCULOSIS epidemic of the first half of the 20th century that included QUARANTINES----mandatory testing, and chest Xrays and actual FORCED TREATMENT. No less than endemic SYPHILIS that included WASSERMAN testing for marriage and standard testing for ALL HOSPITALIZATIONS. No less than OUTBREAKS OF CLAP ---feel free to ask questions about that one---I did a little summer internship----some 45 years ago. How many people died of Tuberculosis in 1960 when they were still doing chest Xrays on just about everyone-----ROUTINE even for school children

This isn't 45 years ago.................and their have been 6 strains of corona.............this is now the 7th...........do you deny that the T cell studies are showing why people are not getting it or mild symptoms...............hmmmm

Tell me for the last half century where anyone in the world destroyed the economy for a virus...........hmmm.

Use 1968 for an example .........LOL

your comment is naive----you learned a new word
T CELL----it ain't nuthin' new----are you aware of the
fact that T CELL immunity is a likely explanation for the fact that some people did not contract BUBONIC PLAGUE in medieval europe?. You have said---NUTHIN' but you have indicated that you like to read the comic book POPULAR SCIENCE and have no idea what people KNEW 45 years ago----guess what----they knew about T CELLS----but it was not known during the BUBONIC PLAGUE era and you did not know until last week.
Wow try a Midol for those cramps goofy....

Republicans have gone crazy.

How can that level of death be acceptable to anyone?

What has happened to this country?
Democrat governors killed half our total in 6 states...thats what is wrong with this country
Indeed... it happened in THEIR states...and yet they all get on the NWO bandwagon to bash the president for all that happens.

"Bleating and babbling they fall on his neck with a scream". Name that tune!
I thought it was comical the DNC trots out Killer Cuomo to tell everyone how to handle the virus and to bash the President....

Cuomo did not kill anyone.
Well the President sure didn't libber

right---the president didn't. In your feeble mind that PROVES that Cuomo did?
All thinking people should have dismissed this bullshit three months ago
Yesterday’s positive rate 5.5%
That means 550 out of every 10,000 people tested are positive and out of those 550 3 or 4 will die with most likely all 3 or 4 being older than 65 and plagued with serious life threatening pre existing conditions
An utter absolute hoax and destructive farce to keep America locked down when the facts and stats are revealed. However as we thinkers are all to aware of, nothing is done by fact with Dems looking to harm Trump and those Americans who want and need to be productive

wrong again-----the stats INDICATE that it is a significant epidemic----no less significant than the
TUBERCULOSIS epidemic of the first half of the 20th century that included QUARANTINES----mandatory testing, and chest Xrays and actual FORCED TREATMENT. No less than endemic SYPHILIS that included WASSERMAN testing for marriage and standard testing for ALL HOSPITALIZATIONS. No less than OUTBREAKS OF CLAP ---feel free to ask questions about that one---I did a little summer internship----some 45 years ago. How many people died of Tuberculosis in 1960 when they were still doing chest Xrays on just about everyone-----ROUTINE even for school children

This isn't 45 years ago.................and their have been 6 strains of corona.............this is now the 7th...........do you deny that the T cell studies are showing why people are not getting it or mild symptoms...............hmmmm

Tell me for the last half century where anyone in the world destroyed the economy for a virus...........hmmm.

Use 1968 for an example .........LOL

your comment is naive----you learned a new word
T CELL----it ain't nuthin' new----are you aware of the
fact that T CELL immunity is a likely explanation for the fact that some people did not contract BUBONIC PLAGUE in medieval europe?. You have said---NUTHIN' but you have indicated that you like to read the comic book POPULAR SCIENCE and have no idea what people KNEW 45 years ago----guess what----they knew about T CELLS----but it was not known during the BUBONIC PLAGUE era and you did not know until last week.
I have posted studies and medical articles on it in many threads...........they are saying it.........not me........I can read.........and I'm against Fear mongering people like you.......

You have done enough damage already............you remind me of a movie..........


Republicans have gone crazy.

How can that level of death be acceptable to anyone?

What has happened to this country?
Democrat governors killed half our total in 6 states...thats what is wrong with this country
Indeed... it happened in THEIR states...and yet they all get on the NWO bandwagon to bash the president for all that happens.

"Bleating and babbling they fall on his neck with a scream". Name that tune!
I thought it was comical the DNC trots out Killer Cuomo to tell everyone how to handle the virus and to bash the President....

Cuomo did not kill anyone.

Sure he did, it's called reckless endangerment, he forced nursing homes to take Covid positive patients, knowing the elderly are a vulnerable population.

a nursing home is a MEDICAL FACILITY----it must be LICENSED and ----should be capable of dealing with a communicable illness better than a
TENEMENT in a slum. His decision was, IMO considered and consistent with the state of understanding of the virus at that time
Nursing homes aren't equipped to deal with a pandemic, Dummy. Cuomo killed thousands with HIS order.
Let us not forget it was the Obama-Biden Administration that concocted a scheme that gave grant money(FREE MONEY) to the Wuhan Institute of Virology in 2015.

The motive might have been pure, hoping that there would be medical data sharing that would benefit the US, and maybe if only scientists were involved, that is how it would have played out.

But SERIOUSLY!!! Aiding a biological pathogen lab run by a COMMUNIST DICTATORSHIP?? No surprise when they stumbled on a virus that has military and economic potential, they willfully SPREAD it all over the world.

And, yes, I would not put it past the dems to collaborate with China to bring this virus into the US, as demonstrated by Joe Biden criticizing TRUMP's decision to install a travel ban on China.
Even if 155,000 of 180,000 are bullshit (where do you get that number from?)

Save us the QAnon bullshit
Did you not understand those numbers came from the poster I was replying to?
Let us not forget it was the Obama-Biden Administration that concocted a scheme that gave grant money(FREE MONEY) to the Wuhan Institute of Virology in 2015.

The motive might have been pure, hoping that there would be medical data sharing that would benefit the US, and maybe if only scientists were involved, that is how it would have played out.

But SERIOUSLY!!! Aiding a biological pathogen lab run by a COMMUNIST DICTATORSHIP?? No surprise when they stumbled on a virus that has military and economic potential, they willfully SPREAD it all over the world.

And, yes, I would not put it past the dems to collaborate with China to bring this virus into the US, as demonstrated by Joe Biden criticizing TRUMP's decision to install a travel ban on China.
Well they gave nukes to Iran, why not a virus to China?

Republicans have gone crazy.

How can that level of death be acceptable to anyone?

What has happened to this country?
Democrat governors killed half our total in 6 states...thats what is wrong with this country
Indeed... it happened in THEIR states...and yet they all get on the NWO bandwagon to bash the president for all that happens.

"Bleating and babbling they fall on his neck with a scream". Name that tune!
I thought it was comical the DNC trots out Killer Cuomo to tell everyone how to handle the virus and to bash the President....

Cuomo did not kill anyone.
Well the President sure didn't libber

right---the president didn't. In your feeble mind that PROVES that Cuomo did?
All thinking people should have dismissed this bullshit three months ago
Yesterday’s positive rate 5.5%
That means 550 out of every 10,000 people tested are positive and out of those 550 3 or 4 will die with most likely all 3 or 4 being older than 65 and plagued with serious life threatening pre existing conditions
An utter absolute hoax and destructive farce to keep America locked down when the facts and stats are revealed. However as we thinkers are all to aware of, nothing is done by fact with Dems looking to harm Trump and those Americans who want and need to be productive

wrong again-----the stats INDICATE that it is a significant epidemic----no less significant than the
TUBERCULOSIS epidemic of the first half of the 20th century that included QUARANTINES----mandatory testing, and chest Xrays and actual FORCED TREATMENT. No less than endemic SYPHILIS that included WASSERMAN testing for marriage and standard testing for ALL HOSPITALIZATIONS. No less than OUTBREAKS OF CLAP ---feel free to ask questions about that one---I did a little summer internship----some 45 years ago. How many people died of Tuberculosis in 1960 when they were still doing chest Xrays on just about everyone-----ROUTINE even for school children

This isn't 45 years ago.................and their have been 6 strains of corona.............this is now the 7th...........do you deny that the T cell studies are showing why people are not getting it or mild symptoms...............hmmmm

Tell me for the last half century where anyone in the world destroyed the economy for a virus...........hmmm.

Use 1968 for an example .........LOL
Libbies love to live in 50-150 for their complaints and comparisons
Even if this was slightly worse than everything ever before we overreacted as if it was airborne poison that was going to sicken severely most everybody

Republicans have gone crazy.

How can that level of death be acceptable to anyone?

What has happened to this country?
Democrat governors killed half our total in 6 states...thats what is wrong with this country
Indeed... it happened in THEIR states...and yet they all get on the NWO bandwagon to bash the president for all that happens.

"Bleating and babbling they fall on his neck with a scream". Name that tune!
I thought it was comical the DNC trots out Killer Cuomo to tell everyone how to handle the virus and to bash the President....

Cuomo did not kill anyone.
Well the President sure didn't libber

right---the president didn't. In your feeble mind that PROVES that Cuomo did?
All thinking people should have dismissed this bullshit three months ago
Yesterday’s positive rate 5.5%
That means 550 out of every 10,000 people tested are positive and out of those 550 3 or 4 will die with most likely all 3 or 4 being older than 65 and plagued with serious life threatening pre existing conditions
An utter absolute hoax and destructive farce to keep America locked down when the facts and stats are revealed. However as we thinkers are all to aware of, nothing is done by fact with Dems looking to harm Trump and those Americans who want and need to be productive

wrong again-----the stats INDICATE that it is a significant epidemic----no less significant than the
TUBERCULOSIS epidemic of the first half of the 20th century that included QUARANTINES----mandatory testing, and chest Xrays and actual FORCED TREATMENT. No less than endemic SYPHILIS that included WASSERMAN testing for marriage and standard testing for ALL HOSPITALIZATIONS. No less than OUTBREAKS OF CLAP ---feel free to ask questions about that one---I did a little summer internship----some 45 years ago. How many people died of Tuberculosis in 1960 when they were still doing chest Xrays on just about everyone-----ROUTINE even for school children

This isn't 45 years ago.................and their have been 6 strains of corona.............this is now the 7th...........do you deny that the T cell studies are showing why people are not getting it or mild symptoms...............hmmmm

Tell me for the last half century where anyone in the world destroyed the economy for a virus...........hmmm.

Use 1968 for an example .........LOL
Libbies love to live in 50-150 for their complaints and comparisons
Even if this was slightly worse than everything ever before we overreacted as if it was airborne poison that was going to sicken severely most everybody
Thats because impeachment didn't work.....

Republicans have gone crazy.

How can that level of death be acceptable to anyone?

What has happened to this country?
Democrat governors killed half our total in 6 states...thats what is wrong with this country
Indeed... it happened in THEIR states...and yet they all get on the NWO bandwagon to bash the president for all that happens.

"Bleating and babbling they fall on his neck with a scream". Name that tune!
I thought it was comical the DNC trots out Killer Cuomo to tell everyone how to handle the virus and to bash the President....

Cuomo did not kill anyone.
Well the President sure didn't libber

right---the president didn't. In your feeble mind that PROVES that Cuomo did?
All thinking people should have dismissed this bullshit three months ago
Yesterday’s positive rate 5.5%
That means 550 out of every 10,000 people tested are positive and out of those 550 3 or 4 will die with most likely all 3 or 4 being older than 65 and plagued with serious life threatening pre existing conditions
An utter absolute hoax and destructive farce to keep America locked down when the facts and stats are revealed. However as we thinkers are all to aware of, nothing is done by fact with Dems looking to harm Trump and those Americans who want and need to be productive

wrong again-----the stats INDICATE that it is a significant epidemic----no less significant than the
TUBERCULOSIS epidemic of the first half of the 20th century that included QUARANTINES----mandatory testing, and chest Xrays and actual FORCED TREATMENT. No less than endemic SYPHILIS that included WASSERMAN testing for marriage and standard testing for ALL HOSPITALIZATIONS. No less than OUTBREAKS OF CLAP ---feel free to ask questions about that one---I did a little summer internship----some 45 years ago. How many people died of Tuberculosis in 1960 when they were still doing chest Xrays on just about everyone-----ROUTINE even for school children

This isn't 45 years ago.................and their have been 6 strains of corona.............this is now the 7th...........do you deny that the T cell studies are showing why people are not getting it or mild symptoms...............hmmmm

Tell me for the last half century where anyone in the world destroyed the economy for a virus...........hmmm.

Use 1968 for an example .........LOL
Libbies love to live in 50-150 for their complaints and comparisons
Even if this was slightly worse than everything ever before we overreacted as if it was airborne poison that was going to sicken severely most everybody
Thats because impeachment didn't work.....
As of yesterday they have perpetrated or orchestrated 21 hoaxes against Trump and America and the only ruse that worked was Covid

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