57 percent of Republicans are OK with the number of COVID deaths

We have the most deaths in the world, our 5 percent of the worlds population has 20 percent of the deaths.

Yet Republicans approve of that performance.

More than 176,000 in US have died of COVID-19. 57% of Republicans polled say that is 'acceptable.'

More than 176,000 people in the U.S. have died from COVID-19. According to the poll, a 57% majority of registered Republican voters consider that number "acceptable" when "evaluating the U.S. efforts against the coronavirus pandemic," compared with 31% of voters overall. Ninety percent of Democrats and 67% of independents said the death toll was "unacceptable."
Just because 99% of them were over 80 and in shitty shape.

And that makes it all ok? Fucking beautiful!!!
It must have been ok, since deBlasio Cuomo sent in covid cases to nursing homes...

Nice deflection, it is what ewe tools do best. I am guessing you are part of the 57% RethugiKKKons that think the death count is ok. Thank you for participating.
Deflection? Please tell us who sent patients to nursing homes when they had a ship and convention center set up to take care of them, providing by Trump....

The OP is about 57% of RethugiKKKons thinking that over 175,000 deaths is acceptable. So yes you are deflecting WAY off target.

When the experts told us deaths would be 2.2 million I'm good with 175,000.

Nice job, President Trump. Well done!

Thank the governors of the states for taking action because bitchboy wouldn't.

Trump bailed out Grim Reaper Cuomo bigly, as well as Newsome in KKKalifornia.

ROTFLMFAO, he has done almost nothing except deny that it is a hoax.

Your ignorance of current events is astounding.

So your now saying tRump didn't call it a "Democratic " hoax? So not only are you dense you' re a liar!

Now that is MAGA!!!!

Nope. He never said the virus was a hoas. That lie has been debunked for months, Moron.

Called it the next Democratic hoax at 1 of his hate rallies.

Never said the virus was a hoax. He said Dimwingers would use it as their next hoax to attack and blame him. He was right.

Called it a hoax!!!!

Reality, and Lefty Snopes says you are full of shit...........as usual.

What's False
Despite creating some confusion with his remarks, Trump did not call the coronavirus itself a hoax.

"Think of it. Think of it, this is their new hoax."

Yup, quite the hoax.

Nobody is buying what you are selling, Sport.

The words came directly out of tRump's mouth, are you calling him a liar?


I'm calling YOU a liar.

I thought I was clear on that.

Every fact checker agrees with me.

Except HE called it a hoax.

More lies.

ROTFLMFAO, I literally just typed them to you a few posts back!


You are obviously incapable of comprehending the comment he made. Nobody with a working brain agrees with you. Every factchecker says you are full of shit.

Bbbbut righty doesn't believe in fact checkers, or poles or news.

His own words says he believes it is a hoax.

Thanks for proving you are in the group lacking a working brain.

Thanks for proving you can't accept what the God/King said.


Your Orange God/King!!!

Don't have one of those.

Why are you reacting to a LibBot?

Aren't they all bots?
We have the most deaths in the world, our 5 percent of the worlds population has 20 percent of the deaths.

Yet Republicans approve of that performance.

More than 176,000 in US have died of COVID-19. 57% of Republicans polled say that is 'acceptable.'

More than 176,000 people in the U.S. have died from COVID-19. According to the poll, a 57% majority of registered Republican voters consider that number "acceptable" when "evaluating the U.S. efforts against the coronavirus pandemic," compared with 31% of voters overall. Ninety percent of Democrats and 67% of independents said the death toll was "unacceptable."
Just because 99% of them were over 80 and in shitty shape.

And that makes it all ok? Fucking beautiful!!!
It must have been ok, since deBlasio Cuomo sent in covid cases to nursing homes...

Nice deflection, it is what ewe tools do best. I am guessing you are part of the 57% RethugiKKKons that think the death count is ok. Thank you for participating.
Deflection? Please tell us who sent patients to nursing homes when they had a ship and convention center set up to take care of them, providing by Trump....

The OP is about 57% of RethugiKKKons thinking that over 175,000 deaths is acceptable. So yes you are deflecting WAY off target.

When the experts told us deaths would be 2.2 million I'm good with 175,000.

Nice job, President Trump. Well done!

Thank the governors of the states for taking action because bitchboy wouldn't.

Trump bailed out Grim Reaper Cuomo bigly, as well as Newsome in KKKalifornia.

ROTFLMFAO, he has done almost nothing except deny that it is a hoax.

Your ignorance of current events is astounding.

So your now saying tRump didn't call it a "Democratic " hoax? So not only are you dense you' re a liar!

Now that is MAGA!!!!

Nope. He never said the virus was a hoas. That lie has been debunked for months, Moron.

Called it the next Democratic hoax at 1 of his hate rallies.

Never said the virus was a hoax. He said Dimwingers would use it as their next hoax to attack and blame him. He was right.

Called it a hoax!!!!

Reality, and Lefty Snopes says you are full of shit...........as usual.

What's False
Despite creating some confusion with his remarks, Trump did not call the coronavirus itself a hoax.

"Think of it. Think of it, this is their new hoax."

Yup, quite the hoax.

Nobody is buying what you are selling, Sport.

The words came directly out of tRump's mouth, are you calling him a liar?


I'm calling YOU a liar.

I thought I was clear on that.

Every fact checker agrees with me.

Except HE called it a hoax.

You're a fucking liar, he called the media narrative and coverage a hoax, not the virus. You GD propagandist are really stupid.


Except his words say he called the virus a hoax.

Carry on liar, I'm not going to waste my time with your opinion. You have yet to provide a linked quote.

We have the most deaths in the world, our 5 percent of the worlds population has 20 percent of the deaths.

Yet Republicans approve of that performance.

More than 176,000 in US have died of COVID-19. 57% of Republicans polled say that is 'acceptable.'

More than 176,000 people in the U.S. have died from COVID-19. According to the poll, a 57% majority of registered Republican voters consider that number "acceptable" when "evaluating the U.S. efforts against the coronavirus pandemic," compared with 31% of voters overall. Ninety percent of Democrats and 67% of independents said the death toll was "unacceptable."
Just because 99% of them were over 80 and in shitty shape.

And that makes it all ok? Fucking beautiful!!!
It must have been ok, since deBlasio Cuomo sent in covid cases to nursing homes...

Nice deflection, it is what ewe tools do best. I am guessing you are part of the 57% RethugiKKKons that think the death count is ok. Thank you for participating.
Deflection? Please tell us who sent patients to nursing homes when they had a ship and convention center set up to take care of them, providing by Trump....

The OP is about 57% of RethugiKKKons thinking that over 175,000 deaths is acceptable. So yes you are deflecting WAY off target.

When the experts told us deaths would be 2.2 million I'm good with 175,000.

Nice job, President Trump. Well done!

Thank the governors of the states for taking action because bitchboy wouldn't.

Trump bailed out Grim Reaper Cuomo bigly, as well as Newsome in KKKalifornia.

ROTFLMFAO, he has done almost nothing except deny that it is a hoax.

Your ignorance of current events is astounding.

So your now saying tRump didn't call it a "Democratic " hoax? So not only are you dense you' re a liar!

Now that is MAGA!!!!

Nope. He never said the virus was a hoas. That lie has been debunked for months, Moron.

Called it the next Democratic hoax at 1 of his hate rallies.

Never said the virus was a hoax. He said Dimwingers would use it as their next hoax to attack and blame him. He was right.

Called it a hoax!!!!

Reality, and Lefty Snopes says you are full of shit...........as usual.

What's False
Despite creating some confusion with his remarks, Trump did not call the coronavirus itself a hoax.

"Think of it. Think of it, this is their new hoax."

Yup, quite the hoax.

Nobody is buying what you are selling, Sport.

The words came directly out of tRump's mouth, are you calling him a liar?


I'm calling YOU a liar.

I thought I was clear on that.

Every fact checker agrees with me.

Except HE called it a hoax.

More lies.

ROTFLMFAO, I literally just typed them to you a few posts back!


You are obviously incapable of comprehending the comment he made. Nobody with a working brain agrees with you. Every factchecker says you are full of shit.

Bbbbut righty doesn't believe in fact checkers, or poles or news.

His own words says he believes it is a hoax.

Thanks for proving you are in the group lacking a working brain.

Thanks for proving you can't accept what the God/King said.


Your Orange God/King!!!

Don't have one of those.

Sure you do!!!

You are confused, as usual.
Dropped to 5% infection rate so the ovrrexaggerated Hoax now causes positives in 5 out of every 100 tests or 500 out of every 10,000 iwhich will result in 3-4 fatalities ALL of which will be 65 years of age or older with one foot already in the grave from serious medical conditions.
Hoax is now no longer a strong enough word
I now call it enslavement
Well when you've got dems like Cuomo sending covid19 patients into nursing homes to thin the herd, not much repubs can do about that.

Dems hate old people, always have.
You know it's over right? The whole covid hoax has run its course. Partly because people have stopped believing the hype and partly because the deaths have dropped to below seasonal flu levels.

Watch Heels Up Harris give an emotional speech about keeping the schools closed and how we need another national lockdown. In November Democrats will blame her and this speech for the death of Biden's campaign. She is being set up for the whole thing.
We have the most deaths in the world, our 5 percent of the worlds population has 20 percent of the deaths.

Yet Republicans approve of that performance.

More than 176,000 in US have died of COVID-19. 57% of Republicans polled say that is 'acceptable.'

More than 176,000 people in the U.S. have died from COVID-19. According to the poll, a 57% majority of registered Republican voters consider that number "acceptable" when "evaluating the U.S. efforts against the coronavirus pandemic," compared with 31% of voters overall. Ninety percent of Democrats and 67% of independents said the death toll was "unacceptable."
Just because 99% of them were over 80 and in shitty shape.

And that makes it all ok? Fucking beautiful!!!
It must have been ok, since deBlasio Cuomo sent in covid cases to nursing homes...

Nice deflection, it is what ewe tools do best. I am guessing you are part of the 57% RethugiKKKons that think the death count is ok. Thank you for participating.
Deflection? Please tell us who sent patients to nursing homes when they had a ship and convention center set up to take care of them, providing by Trump....

The OP is about 57% of RethugiKKKons thinking that over 175,000 deaths is acceptable. So yes you are deflecting WAY off target.

When the experts told us deaths would be 2.2 million I'm good with 175,000.

Nice job, President Trump. Well done!

Thank the governors of the states for taking action because bitchboy wouldn't.

Trump bailed out Grim Reaper Cuomo bigly, as well as Newsome in KKKalifornia.

ROTFLMFAO, he has done almost nothing except deny that it is a hoax.

Your ignorance of current events is astounding.

So your now saying tRump didn't call it a "Democratic " hoax? So not only are you dense you' re a liar!

Now that is MAGA!!!!

Nope. He never said the virus was a hoas. That lie has been debunked for months, Moron.

Called it the next Democratic hoax at 1 of his hate rallies.

Never said the virus was a hoax. He said Dimwingers would use it as their next hoax to attack and blame him. He was right.

Called it a hoax!!!!

Reality, and Lefty Snopes says you are full of shit...........as usual.

What's False
Despite creating some confusion with his remarks, Trump did not call the coronavirus itself a hoax.

"Think of it. Think of it, this is their new hoax."

Yup, quite the hoax.

Nobody is buying what you are selling, Sport.

The words came directly out of tRump's mouth, are you calling him a liar?


I'm calling YOU a liar.

I thought I was clear on that.

Every fact checker agrees with me.

Except HE called it a hoax.

You're a fucking liar, he called the media narrative and coverage a hoax, not the virus. You GD propagandist are really stupid.


Except his words say he called the virus a hoax.

Carry on liar, I'm not going to waste my time with your opinion. You have yet to provide a linked quote.


Dont know how on phone. It was at one of his hate rallies.
We have the most deaths in the world, our 5 percent of the worlds population has 20 percent of the deaths.

Yet Republicans approve of that performance.

More than 176,000 in US have died of COVID-19. 57% of Republicans polled say that is 'acceptable.'

More than 176,000 people in the U.S. have died from COVID-19. According to the poll, a 57% majority of registered Republican voters consider that number "acceptable" when "evaluating the U.S. efforts against the coronavirus pandemic," compared with 31% of voters overall. Ninety percent of Democrats and 67% of independents said the death toll was "unacceptable."
Just because 99% of them were over 80 and in shitty shape.

And that makes it all ok? Fucking beautiful!!!
It must have been ok, since deBlasio Cuomo sent in covid cases to nursing homes...

Nice deflection, it is what ewe tools do best. I am guessing you are part of the 57% RethugiKKKons that think the death count is ok. Thank you for participating.
Deflection? Please tell us who sent patients to nursing homes when they had a ship and convention center set up to take care of them, providing by Trump....

The OP is about 57% of RethugiKKKons thinking that over 175,000 deaths is acceptable. So yes you are deflecting WAY off target.

When the experts told us deaths would be 2.2 million I'm good with 175,000.

Nice job, President Trump. Well done!

Thank the governors of the states for taking action because bitchboy wouldn't.

Trump bailed out Grim Reaper Cuomo bigly, as well as Newsome in KKKalifornia.

ROTFLMFAO, he has done almost nothing except deny that it is a hoax.

Your ignorance of current events is astounding.

So your now saying tRump didn't call it a "Democratic " hoax? So not only are you dense you' re a liar!

Now that is MAGA!!!!

Nope. He never said the virus was a hoas. That lie has been debunked for months, Moron.

Called it the next Democratic hoax at 1 of his hate rallies.

Never said the virus was a hoax. He said Dimwingers would use it as their next hoax to attack and blame him. He was right.

Called it a hoax!!!!

Reality, and Lefty Snopes says you are full of shit...........as usual.

What's False
Despite creating some confusion with his remarks, Trump did not call the coronavirus itself a hoax.

"Think of it. Think of it, this is their new hoax."

Yup, quite the hoax.

Nobody is buying what you are selling, Sport.

The words came directly out of tRump's mouth, are you calling him a liar?


I'm calling YOU a liar.

I thought I was clear on that.

Every fact checker agrees with me.

Except HE called it a hoax.

More lies.

ROTFLMFAO, I literally just typed them to you a few posts back!


You are obviously incapable of comprehending the comment he made. Nobody with a working brain agrees with you. Every factchecker says you are full of shit.

Bbbbut righty doesn't believe in fact checkers, or poles or news.

His own words says he believes it is a hoax.

Thanks for proving you are in the group lacking a working brain.

Thanks for proving you can't accept what the God/King said.


Your Orange God/King!!!

Don't have one of those.

Sure you do!!!

You are confused, as usual.

Nope, not ar all.
You know it's over right? The whole covid hoax has run its course. Partly because people have stopped believing the hype and partly because the deaths have dropped to below seasonal flu levels.

Watch Heels Up Harris give an emotional speech about keeping the schools closed and how we need another national lockdown. In November Democrats will blame her and this speech for the death of Biden's campaign. She is being set up for the whole thing.
Which is why they are o desperate to keep it going..........they needed it til November.
We have the most deaths in the world, our 5 percent of the worlds population has 20 percent of the deaths.

Yet Republicans approve of that performance.

More than 176,000 in US have died of COVID-19. 57% of Republicans polled say that is 'acceptable.'

More than 176,000 people in the U.S. have died from COVID-19. According to the poll, a 57% majority of registered Republican voters consider that number "acceptable" when "evaluating the U.S. efforts against the coronavirus pandemic," compared with 31% of voters overall. Ninety percent of Democrats and 67% of independents said the death toll was "unacceptable."
Just because 99% of them were over 80 and in shitty shape.

And that makes it all ok? Fucking beautiful!!!
It must have been ok, since deBlasio Cuomo sent in covid cases to nursing homes...

Nice deflection, it is what ewe tools do best. I am guessing you are part of the 57% RethugiKKKons that think the death count is ok. Thank you for participating.
Deflection? Please tell us who sent patients to nursing homes when they had a ship and convention center set up to take care of them, providing by Trump....

The OP is about 57% of RethugiKKKons thinking that over 175,000 deaths is acceptable. So yes you are deflecting WAY off target.

When the experts told us deaths would be 2.2 million I'm good with 175,000.

Nice job, President Trump. Well done!

Thank the governors of the states for taking action because bitchboy wouldn't.

Trump bailed out Grim Reaper Cuomo bigly, as well as Newsome in KKKalifornia.

ROTFLMFAO, he has done almost nothing except deny that it is a hoax.

Your ignorance of current events is astounding.

So your now saying tRump didn't call it a "Democratic " hoax? So not only are you dense you' re a liar!

Now that is MAGA!!!!

Nope. He never said the virus was a hoas. That lie has been debunked for months, Moron.

Called it the next Democratic hoax at 1 of his hate rallies.

Never said the virus was a hoax. He said Dimwingers would use it as their next hoax to attack and blame him. He was right.

Called it a hoax!!!!

Reality, and Lefty Snopes says you are full of shit...........as usual.

What's False
Despite creating some confusion with his remarks, Trump did not call the coronavirus itself a hoax.

"Think of it. Think of it, this is their new hoax."

Yup, quite the hoax.

Nobody is buying what you are selling, Sport.

The words came directly out of tRump's mouth, are you calling him a liar?


I'm calling YOU a liar.

I thought I was clear on that.

Every fact checker agrees with me.

Except HE called it a hoax.

More lies.

ROTFLMFAO, I literally just typed them to you a few posts back!


You are obviously incapable of comprehending the comment he made. Nobody with a working brain agrees with you. Every factchecker says you are full of shit.

Bbbbut righty doesn't believe in fact checkers, or poles or news.

His own words says he believes it is a hoax.

Thanks for proving you are in the group lacking a working brain.

Thanks for proving you can't accept what the God/King said.


Your Orange God/King!!!

Don't have one of those.

Sure you do!!!

You are confused, as usual.

Nope, not ar all.

We have the most deaths in the world, our 5 percent of the worlds population has 20 percent of the deaths.

Yet Republicans approve of that performance.

More than 176,000 in US have died of COVID-19. 57% of Republicans polled say that is 'acceptable.'

More than 176,000 people in the U.S. have died from COVID-19. According to the poll, a 57% majority of registered Republican voters consider that number "acceptable" when "evaluating the U.S. efforts against the coronavirus pandemic," compared with 31% of voters overall. Ninety percent of Democrats and 67% of independents said the death toll was "unacceptable."
Just because 99% of them were over 80 and in shitty shape.

And that makes it all ok? Fucking beautiful!!!
It must have been ok, since deBlasio Cuomo sent in covid cases to nursing homes...

Nice deflection, it is what ewe tools do best. I am guessing you are part of the 57% RethugiKKKons that think the death count is ok. Thank you for participating.
Deflection? Please tell us who sent patients to nursing homes when they had a ship and convention center set up to take care of them, providing by Trump....

The OP is about 57% of RethugiKKKons thinking that over 175,000 deaths is acceptable. So yes you are deflecting WAY off target.

When the experts told us deaths would be 2.2 million I'm good with 175,000.

Nice job, President Trump. Well done!

Thank the governors of the states for taking action because bitchboy wouldn't.

Trump bailed out Grim Reaper Cuomo bigly, as well as Newsome in KKKalifornia.

ROTFLMFAO, he has done almost nothing except deny that it is a hoax.

Your ignorance of current events is astounding.

So your now saying tRump didn't call it a "Democratic " hoax? So not only are you dense you' re a liar!

Now that is MAGA!!!!

Nope. He never said the virus was a hoas. That lie has been debunked for months, Moron.

Called it the next Democratic hoax at 1 of his hate rallies.

Never said the virus was a hoax. He said Dimwingers would use it as their next hoax to attack and blame him. He was right.

Called it a hoax!!!!

Reality, and Lefty Snopes says you are full of shit...........as usual.

What's False
Despite creating some confusion with his remarks, Trump did not call the coronavirus itself a hoax.

"Think of it. Think of it, this is their new hoax."

Yup, quite the hoax.

Nobody is buying what you are selling, Sport.

The words came directly out of tRump's mouth, are you calling him a liar?


I'm calling YOU a liar.

I thought I was clear on that.

Every fact checker agrees with me.

Except HE called it a hoax.

You're a fucking liar, he called the media narrative and coverage a hoax, not the virus. You GD propagandist are really stupid.


Except his words say he called the virus a hoax.

Carry on liar, I'm not going to waste my time with your opinion. You have yet to provide a linked quote.


Dont know how on phone. It was at one of his hate rallies.

Your ignorance is no excuse, if you can't prove your commie propaganda, don't spew it.

What is NOT a HOAX is that the Obama/Biden Administration gave grant money to the Wuhan Institute of Virology where the Covid 19 virus was discovered or created.

What is NOT a HOAX is that Communist China WILLFULLY allowed and assisted in the spread of the virus.

And what is NOT a HOAX is that the dems facilitated its spread with their NO Border policies.

The worlds' elite have got together to assimilate us all. Nixon opened the door to trade with China. Biden was just starting out in washington then...but that was the train he got on and he's been on it ever since. People like John Kerry and John McCain are the same. They are basically corporate execs and specialists who go around setting up global business relationships for a 1000 yr old company. Trump doesnt work for a company. He puts his hotels up in his own name. We know who he's for. And I think that Americans should aspire to be their own bosses as he does. Not suck up to the company and force others to merge into the company as well. That is the horrible secret of the NWO globalists.

Just like traditional mafiosa, western globalists have deputized china's elite to work with them to create a global crime syndicate. They are building a monopoly of economic management. When Trump threatened to break that up, the shit hit the fan.

Yes, I'm sure western elitists and Asian elitists are working together to create global problems which they will "solve" together. That will be the uniting factor which justifies their collaboration while demonizing Trump's America-first prerogative. They are going to attempt to show how their globalism solves the problem that their globalism actually created. That's called a "self-fulfilling prophecy" in popular culture. They have the answers because they created the problems with the answers already in mind. All they need to do is get control of the White House again to prove their point. Their control of the media is key to how that will appear to the masses. Thats why what we really need to do is level the playing field of media coverage in America.

At a 1991 Bilderberg Meeting, David Rockefeller made the GLOBALIST advantage in information flow clear.

" We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years."

Can anyone doubt that BIAS in the MEDIA has created most of the divisions and problems in this country??

Establishing FREE SPEECH equality for all Americans is the battle that must be won.
Bilderbirgers? Really?

Illuminati too huh?
Yes, and they are the powerful GLOBALIST consortium which has programmed millions with their fake history, fake news and control of the TV networks, Academia, Hollywood and the Tech Giants.

Don't you find it odd that the US has involved itself in a number of wars against countries that posed no threat to the US. Do you think our Presidents are that stupid??? No, they are that controlled.
Dropped to 5% infection rate so the ovrrexaggerated Hoax now causes positives in 5 out of every 100 tests or 500 out of every 10,000 iwhich will result in 3-4 fatalities ALL of which will be 65 years of age or older with one foot already in the grave from serious medical conditions.
Hoax is now no longer a strong enough word
I now call it enslavement

It's totally wrong (and inhuman) what you say here. And you know this. What are you really speaking about with this lines in the Nazi-terminology of "life not worth living" as a coward, who likes not to fight against this new virus, which is not only an enemy of the USA but an enemy of all mankind? To surrender is the wrong way. To let back your older comrades is also not the right way. One day you will be 65 years old on your own.

I remember an very humorful uncle, who had to die long years ago in the age of 97. "To die is a damned shit" he told me. It was terrible for him. Others are ready to die in this age - he was not. He had too much life energy. And so everyone fought for him. We lost, he lost. Who cares? We did do what we were able to do and I hope we will see each other again one day. I miss his jokes. Sometimes to fight is the only way - and in the end everyone will lose the last stand here in this world. But who gives you the right to surrender for others? Fight against this damned virus for your own people - anything else means to fight for this virus and the death it is spreading all over the world.

Last edited:
New Jersey gyms to reopen on September 1 because corona is just about over in the state

great news, bro!

Chris Christie will not be attending!
We have the most deaths in the world, our 5 percent of the worlds population has 20 percent of the deaths.

Yet Republicans approve of that performance.

More than 176,000 in US have died of COVID-19. 57% of Republicans polled say that is 'acceptable.'

More than 176,000 people in the U.S. have died from COVID-19. According to the poll, a 57% majority of registered Republican voters consider that number "acceptable" when "evaluating the U.S. efforts against the coronavirus pandemic," compared with 31% of voters overall. Ninety percent of Democrats and 67% of independents said the death toll was "unacceptable."

You understand that 170,000 number combines everyone who tested postive for covid-19 with a respiratory issue (and some others), influenza (flu), and pneumonia (which can be fungal, viral, or infection)

That number is a joke

You're piling up every respiratory problem into the covid 19 box. And even if some one tests positive so what/ They were just in the fucking hospital that proves nothing

God damned sheeeeep

Read the title of the chart carefully. We didn't magically just lose all other forms of viral and bacterial infection in our bodies
We have the most deaths in the world, our 5 percent of the worlds population has 20 percent of the deaths.

Yet Republicans approve of that performance.

More than 176,000 in US have died of COVID-19. 57% of Republicans polled say that is 'acceptable.'

More than 176,000 people in the U.S. have died from COVID-19. According to the poll, a 57% majority of registered Republican voters consider that number "acceptable" when "evaluating the U.S. efforts against the coronavirus pandemic," compared with 31% of voters overall. Ninety percent of Democrats and 67% of independents said the death toll was "unacceptable."
Just because 99% of them were over 80 and in shitty shape.

And that makes it all ok? Fucking beautiful!!!
It must have been ok, since deBlasio Cuomo sent in covid cases to nursing homes...

Nice deflection, it is what ewe tools do best. I am guessing you are part of the 57% RethugiKKKons that think the death count is ok. Thank you for participating.
Deflection? Please tell us who sent patients to nursing homes when they had a ship and convention center set up to take care of them, providing by Trump....

The OP is about 57% of RethugiKKKons thinking that over 175,000 deaths is acceptable. So yes you are deflecting WAY off target.

When the experts told us deaths would be 2.2 million I'm good with 175,000.

Nice job, President Trump. Well done!

Thank the governors of the states for taking action because bitchboy wouldn't.

Trump bailed out Grim Reaper Cuomo bigly, as well as Newsome in KKKalifornia.

ROTFLMFAO, he has done almost nothing except deny that it is a hoax.

Your ignorance of current events is astounding.

So your now saying tRump didn't call it a "Democratic " hoax? So not only are you dense you' re a liar!

Now that is MAGA!!!!

Nope. He never said the virus was a hoas. That lie has been debunked for months, Moron.

Called it the next Democratic hoax at 1 of his hate rallies.

Never said the virus was a hoax. He said Dimwingers would use it as their next hoax to attack and blame him. He was right.

Called it a hoax!!!!

Reality, and Lefty Snopes says you are full of shit...........as usual.

What's False
Despite creating some confusion with his remarks, Trump did not call the coronavirus itself a hoax.

"Think of it. Think of it, this is their new hoax."

Yup, quite the hoax.

Nobody is buying what you are selling, Sport.

The words came directly out of tRump's mouth, are you calling him a liar?


I'm calling YOU a liar.

I thought I was clear on that.

Every fact checker agrees with me.

Except HE called it a hoax.

More lies.

ROTFLMFAO, I literally just typed them to you a few posts back!


You are obviously incapable of comprehending the comment he made. Nobody with a working brain agrees with you. Every factchecker says you are full of shit.

Bbbbut righty doesn't believe in fact checkers, or poles or news.

His own words says he believes it is a hoax.

Thanks for proving you are in the group lacking a working brain.

Thanks for proving you can't accept what the God/King said.


Your Orange God/King!!!

Don't have one of those.

Sure you do!!!

You are confused, as usual.

Nope, not ar all.


Because his own words say so?
We have the most deaths in the world, our 5 percent of the worlds population has 20 percent of the deaths.

Yet Republicans approve of that performance.

More than 176,000 in US have died of COVID-19. 57% of Republicans polled say that is 'acceptable.'

More than 176,000 people in the U.S. have died from COVID-19. According to the poll, a 57% majority of registered Republican voters consider that number "acceptable" when "evaluating the U.S. efforts against the coronavirus pandemic," compared with 31% of voters overall. Ninety percent of Democrats and 67% of independents said the death toll was "unacceptable."
Just because 99% of them were over 80 and in shitty shape.

And that makes it all ok? Fucking beautiful!!!
It must have been ok, since deBlasio Cuomo sent in covid cases to nursing homes...

Nice deflection, it is what ewe tools do best. I am guessing you are part of the 57% RethugiKKKons that think the death count is ok. Thank you for participating.
Deflection? Please tell us who sent patients to nursing homes when they had a ship and convention center set up to take care of them, providing by Trump....

The OP is about 57% of RethugiKKKons thinking that over 175,000 deaths is acceptable. So yes you are deflecting WAY off target.

When the experts told us deaths would be 2.2 million I'm good with 175,000.

Nice job, President Trump. Well done!

Thank the governors of the states for taking action because bitchboy wouldn't.

Trump bailed out Grim Reaper Cuomo bigly, as well as Newsome in KKKalifornia.

ROTFLMFAO, he has done almost nothing except deny that it is a hoax.

Your ignorance of current events is astounding.

So your now saying tRump didn't call it a "Democratic " hoax? So not only are you dense you' re a liar!

Now that is MAGA!!!!

Nope. He never said the virus was a hoas. That lie has been debunked for months, Moron.

Called it the next Democratic hoax at 1 of his hate rallies.

Never said the virus was a hoax. He said Dimwingers would use it as their next hoax to attack and blame him. He was right.

Called it a hoax!!!!

Reality, and Lefty Snopes says you are full of shit...........as usual.

What's False
Despite creating some confusion with his remarks, Trump did not call the coronavirus itself a hoax.

"Think of it. Think of it, this is their new hoax."

Yup, quite the hoax.

Nobody is buying what you are selling, Sport.

The words came directly out of tRump's mouth, are you calling him a liar?


I'm calling YOU a liar.

I thought I was clear on that.

Every fact checker agrees with me.

Except HE called it a hoax.

You're a fucking liar, he called the media narrative and coverage a hoax, not the virus. You GD propagandist are really stupid.


Except his words say he called the virus a hoax.

Carry on liar, I'm not going to waste my time with your opinion. You have yet to provide a linked quote.


Dont know how on phone. It was at one of his hate rallies.

Your ignorance is no excuse, if you can't prove your commie propaganda, don't spew it.


Or what?
What is NOT a HOAX is that the Obama/Biden Administration gave grant money to the Wuhan Institute of Virology where the Covid 19 virus was discovered or created.

What is NOT a HOAX is that Communist China WILLFULLY allowed and assisted in the spread of the virus.

And what is NOT a HOAX is that the dems facilitated its spread with their NO Border policies.

The worlds' elite have got together to assimilate us all. Nixon opened the door to trade with China. Biden was just starting out in washington then...but that was the train he got on and he's been on it ever since. People like John Kerry and John McCain are the same. They are basically corporate execs and specialists who go around setting up global business relationships for a 1000 yr old company. Trump doesnt work for a company. He puts his hotels up in his own name. We know who he's for. And I think that Americans should aspire to be their own bosses as he does. Not suck up to the company and force others to merge into the company as well. That is the horrible secret of the NWO globalists.

Just like traditional mafiosa, western globalists have deputized china's elite to work with them to create a global crime syndicate. They are building a monopoly of economic management. When Trump threatened to break that up, the shit hit the fan.

Yes, I'm sure western elitists and Asian elitists are working together to create global problems which they will "solve" together. That will be the uniting factor which justifies their collaboration while demonizing Trump's America-first prerogative. They are going to attempt to show how their globalism solves the problem that their globalism actually created. That's called a "self-fulfilling prophecy" in popular culture. They have the answers because they created the problems with the answers already in mind. All they need to do is get control of the White House again to prove their point. Their control of the media is key to how that will appear to the masses. Thats why what we really need to do is level the playing field of media coverage in America.

At a 1991 Bilderberg Meeting, David Rockefeller made the GLOBALIST advantage in information flow clear.

" We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years."

Can anyone doubt that BIAS in the MEDIA has created most of the divisions and problems in this country??

Establishing FREE SPEECH equality for all Americans is the battle that must be won.
Bilderbirgers? Really?

Illuminati too huh?
Yes, and they are the powerful GLOBALIST consortium which has programmed millions with their fake history, fake news and control of the TV networks, Academia, Hollywood and the Tech Giants.

Don't you find it odd that the US has involved itself in a number of wars against countries that posed no threat to the US. Do you think our Presidents are that stupid??? No, they are that controlled.

Our government is now really part of a global corporation and politicians are the executives, posing as servants of the people. They "sold their soul for the company store". They willingly gave it up.
We have the most deaths in the world, our 5 percent of the worlds population has 20 percent of the deaths.

Yet Republicans approve of that performance.

More than 176,000 in US have died of COVID-19. 57% of Republicans polled say that is 'acceptable.'

More than 176,000 people in the U.S. have died from COVID-19. According to the poll, a 57% majority of registered Republican voters consider that number "acceptable" when "evaluating the U.S. efforts against the coronavirus pandemic," compared with 31% of voters overall. Ninety percent of Democrats and 67% of independents said the death toll was "unacceptable."
How many cancer deaths are you OK with?

Is cancer contagious?
Is cancer an INFECTIOUS disease?

We KNOW cigarettes alone not only cause cancer but a whole slew of health problems
heart disease, lung disease, tooth decay, birth defects, respiratory disease
We also KNOW people who DON'T SMOKE are susceptible to all through 2nd hand smoke

I JUST posted these numbers


Nearly 10 MILLION from communicable diseases
OVER 6.3 MILLION from cancer
OVER 3.8 MILLION from smoking

Now, let's do the math with your 176,000 supposed viral double pneumonia deaths(aka covid-19)

U.S. population 331,536,581
Covid deaths rounded to 177,000

177,000 goes into 331,536,581, 1,874 times
In other words, there are 1,874 groups of 177,000 people

Next, we divide 177,000 by 1,874
rounded up, 1,874 goes into 177,000, 95 times

That means, for every 177,000 people in the U.S.
95 HAVE DIED FROM COVID(supposedly)

Now, we are going to keep dividing by 2...1/2

That means, for every 88,500 people in the U.S.
rounded up, 48 PEOPLE HAVE DIED FROM COVID (supposedly)

That means, for every 44,250 people in the U.S.

That means, for every 22,125 people in the U.S.

That means, for every 11,062 people in the U.S.

That means, for every 5,531 people in the U.S.

That means, for every 2,766 people in the U.S.
rounded up, 2 PEOPLE HAVE DIED FROM COVID (supposedly)

Which means, FOR EVERY 1,383 PEOPLE IN THE U.S.





In 2020 the USA lost more than 200,000 people in the worldwide war against Sars-CoV-2/Covid-19. And it's not over yet. Keep distance. Wash hands. Wear masks. ... And what Donald Trump said and was doing in this context was from my point of view never anything else than a time wasting nonsense. But his intentional ignorant dangerous carelessness had infortunatelly a very bad influence - not only to the USA.

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