58% believe trump's MAGA movement is threatening America's democratic foundation.

The country is fed up with MAGA. A poll says even 1/4 of repubs agree that he and his cult is harming the country, and are a threat to our democratic form of government. Instead of backing off, the MAGAs are doubling down on their semi-facist behavior. Seems to me that the reversal of Roe v Wade, and the continuing list of trump's court entanglements finally reached an insurmountable level,and the country has just had enough of his spoiled child behavior.
Most Americans see Trump's MAGA as threat to democracy: Reuters/Ipsos poll
But of course moving to a Marxist socialist workers’ paradise would restore our democracy. That’s what the batshit crazy Party is trying to tell you.

Democrats are full to the brim with bullshit and the last thing they want is to increase “democracy.” Given the chance they will take away your right to free speech and your right to bear arms And that is just to start.

Democrats (if they get their way) will tell when to jump and how high to jump and when they do, you best comply.

It looks like it will be, to some extent, for a while.

This just has to shrink enough, over time, to fit back on the fringe where it belongs.

It's like a swollen ankle. Just get down far enough so I can get my damn shoe back on.

I see MAGA going to Trump rallies.

Compare and contrast with the insanity of the Left all around us.

But you've gone insane, so there's that.
But of course moving to a Marxist socialist workers’ paradise would restore our democracy. That’s what the batshit crazy Party is trying to tell you.

Democrats are full to the brim with bullshit and the last thing they want is to increase “democracy.” Given the chance they will take away your right to free speech and your right to bear arms And that is just to start.

Democrats (if they get their way) will tell when to jump and how high to jump and when they do, you best comply.


Everyone: Why? What are they doing that's so bad?


It's becoming more and more clear that this madness is now a part of the DNA of MAGA world.

This only fades with time, as enough of them find the self esteem to peel away. And that may require seeing the MAGA zombies achieve some short-term "victories", and enough of them realizing that those "victories" are wrong for the country.

I don't think there is a magic pill or specific event for this. Just, time.

You can't fix people gullible enough to believe that Pedo Pete got 81,000,000 legitimate votes
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Every single one of these midwit Leftists in this thread, including the dubious Mac1958 would have failed Milgram's experiment.

Are you unvaxed? Were you able to withstand that pressure? Then guess what? You would have probably passed.

Now let's see if we have enough free thinkers, and enough courageous people, to stand against the real fascists. I doubt it, frankly. But we will see.


Everyone: Why? What are they doing that's so bad?

....everyone agrees with us too!! Emmanuel Goldstein is the enemy!
Oh I don't think most of the country is MAGA. But I do think most of the country can see who the real true crazies are. It's the people who think men can breastfeed, Lia Thomas is a woman, BLM is peaceful, the border is secure, inflation is good for you, climate change is real and it means you need to drive an electric car tomorrow, and your kids need to pick a pronoun in order to start kindergarten.

And you know it too. Hence the panic over MAGA.
So which of the things you mentioned (greatly exaggerated) is the same as attempted overthrow of our government?
So which of the things you mentioned (greatly exaggerated) is the same as attempted overthrow of our government?

The Capitol Police let some nerds dressed up as buffalo into the Capitol building, where they proceeded to walk around, take pictures, and sit at Nancy Pelosi's desk. BTW, that guy sitting at Nancy's desk will never NOT be funny to me. If you don't find it at least a little bit funny, you're not American enough.

So cry to me about "attempted overthrow of our government" with all the corruption, rot, and general contrivances of the Democrats. I am unaffected by your clutching of pearls. So are my fellow Americans--except for overwrought Democrats. The real fascists among us.
So which of the things you mentioned (greatly exaggerated) is the same as attempted overthrow of our government?

Here is the picture I referenced. This ticks off liberals SO BAD because they idolize politicians. It's not JUST trespassing. It's not JUST a protest that got out of control. HOW DARE they take over the "sacred", "hollowed" ground of their Dear Leaders.

It's puke-worthy. It's wholly unamerican. We need cats like this sitting at these idiots desk weekly, just to remind them who they work for.

You could be right. The majority of the country might be MAGA just like you. You should just ignore that little poll and continue just the way your cult has always done. What could possibly go wrong?
If you make an enemy at least know what the enemy is.
There are posters here that are fully immersed in the cult...

They don't see how they have been conned... Some travel and get epiphanies of how the rest of the first world lives... They see countries with highly maintained infrastructure; education as a way escaping poverty, not a way to get you into it; Healthcare paid by the people for the people;.....
Then some go clear, they trickle down as a con, giving rich more money and power is actually causing the problems not fixing them.

Let's look at one of the cons, under Trump 24% of coal jobs were lost.
Yes this was Trump who was meant to be supporting Coal Jobs... It jus more bullshit from bullshit mountain...

Now the GOP think Hershel Walker is the type of guy to solve those problems.. Seriously.... Are they pulling the piss...
The country is fed up with MAGA. A poll says even 1/4 of repubs agree that he and his cult is harming the country, and are a threat to our democratic form of government. Instead of backing off, the MAGAs are doubling down on their semi-facist behavior. Seems to me that the reversal of Roe v Wade, and the continuing list of trump's court entanglements finally reached an insurmountable level,and the country has just had enough of his spoiled child behavior.
Most Americans see Trump's MAGA as threat to democracy: Reuters/Ipsos poll
You certainly lap up all of your Vegetable Messiahs bullshit talking points.
The country is fed up with MAGA. A poll says even 1/4 of repubs agree that he and his cult is harming the country, and are a threat to our democratic form of government. Instead of backing off, the MAGAs are doubling down on their semi-facist behavior. Seems to me that the reversal of Roe v Wade, and the continuing list of trump's court entanglements finally reached an insurmountable level,and the country has just had enough of his spoiled child behavior.
Most Americans see Trump's MAGA as threat to democracy: Reuters/Ipsos poll
Why didn’t your AOL (had no idea they were still around) link provide a link to the actual ONLINE poll?
Here is the picture I referenced. This ticks off liberals SO BAD because they idolize politicians. It's not JUST trespassing. It's not JUST a protest that got out of control. HOW DARE they take over the "sacred", "hollowed" ground of their Dear Leaders.

It's puke-worthy. It's wholly unamerican. We need cats like this sitting at these idiots desk weekly, just to remind them who they work for.

View attachment 693844
If he just walked in by himself and sat down without being part of a violent attack causing the entire House and Senate to flea for their lives while the mob was chanting for the murder of our vice president, you might have a point. I might not always agree with what our government does, but I do respect the constitution and the government procedures it requires. MAGA doesn't respect anythng but furthering the trump cult.

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