58 straight months of jobs growth, ACA working great where allowed to, where is this bad economy?

Send jobs to China. That's what they did under Bush. And cut taxes on the few left over that have jobs.

They? One of the people who sent more jobs to China than practically anyone else was Jeffrey Immelt, the CEO of General Electric. Gee, guess who Barack Obama made his "Jobs Czar"! So how was that W's fault again? Your head in the sand stupidity is ENDLESS!
How many years did us liberals tell you Republican idiots or liars that GE and every other corporation wasn't paying their fair share of taxes and you guys only accidentally admitted to it BC he's Obama's czar?

You are also proving our point that it isn't lazy greedy liberals ruining America, its corporations. The rich. They own our entire government.

But Republicans are incapable of pointing fingers at corporations they are brainwashed to worship them so this will never be fixed because the sheep are completely brainwashed

So R-Derp claims that it was the GOP and their friends who were sending all the jobs to China...and I simply point out that one of the biggest exporters of jobs to China was GE, which was headed by Jeffrey Immeldt, who's such good buddies with Obama that he was the man chosen to be Barry's "Jobs Czar. The fact that same huge corporation who's head is a die hard Obama supporter also didn't pay diddly for taxes just points out that this isn't a Republican issue...but an issue that Democrats are just as guilty of playing crony capitalism as the Republicans are.
Nice irrelevant anecdote, dupe. GOP STILL defending tax loopholes for those exporting jobs to the death...

Pointing pointing out that Jeffrey Immelt as the CEO of General Electric probably exported more jobs to China than just about any American corporate leader isn't an "anecdote"...it's a fact. It's also a fact that Barack Obama choose THAT GUY to be his Jobs Czar...something that borders on farce.
Breaking news for Pub dupes. Rich people and businessmen take advantage of Pub tax rates and laws even if they disagree with them duh. This is a stupid Pub "argument" that you dupes think means something...
Back in 2008 with the corrupt Boooshies and their bubble bust as usual...GOP voters are totally misinformed by megarich greedy lying Pubs and their bs media. Will they never learn?
The GOP s Job Killer Problem With Obamacare - ABC News

(1) Less home ownership
(2) Jobs consist of low wage, part-time, and temporary employment
(3) Businesses are offering less company paid benefits
(4) The cost of living to real wage ratio
(5) Higher health care cost
(6) Higher rent, utilities, and food cost
(7) Student loan debt
(8) 50% of children living at or below the poverty line
(9) Approximately 47 million receiving food stamps
(10) An astronomical and rising national debt
(11) Savings accounts paying .25% interest
(12) Troubled pension funds
(13) Cities going bankrupt
(14) Malls closing
(15) Retail chains closing stores
(16) Consumer spending down
(17) Our rundown infrastructure
(18) Growing gap between the rich and the poor
(19) The decline of the Middle Class
(20) Millions receiving some form of government assistance
(21) College grads working at low wage jobs and living with parents
(22) The cost of higher education
(23) Our dependency on cheap foreign imports
(24) Businesses off-shore out-sourcing jobs and importing labor
(25) The influx of cheap illegal immigrant labor
(26) Lost home equity
(27) Government debt keeping the economy afloat
(28) Technology, automation, and innovation replacing workers
(29) Men, women, children, and families homeless
(30) Many working and still receiving some form of government assistance

Yep, we're doing great. Economically, we're booming, and things couldn't be better. We're experiencing economic growth and stability. America is working, and the wheels of commerce are turning full speed. We have an internal cash flow unmatched anywhere in the world. As a matter of fact, we're doing so great, that we're giving away multi-$Billions to foreign governments, engaging in senseless deadly costly wars, and providing care and support for millions of illegal immigrants. What more could we ask for?

What's funny is these sh*tstain progressives complain about many of the things on your list about how screwed up our economy is, usually on threads meant to attack capitalism in general. Yet when it comes to the Hussein and his record, suddenly they are trying to convince everyone what a wonderful job he is doing.
He would have done a lot better without 6 years of mindless Pub obstruction and shutdown threats...that Foxbots etc etc don't seem to know about...

Hey F-Dupe, look at my thumb...

Gee you're dumb.
You're probably not brainwashed, just stupid or an a-hole. lol
Back in 2008 with the corrupt Boooshies and their bubble bust as usual...GOP voters are totally misinformed by megarich greedy lying Pubs and their bs media. Will they never learn?
The GOP s Job Killer Problem With Obamacare - ABC News

(1) Less home ownership
(2) Jobs consist of low wage, part-time, and temporary employment
(3) Businesses are offering less company paid benefits
(4) The cost of living to real wage ratio
(5) Higher health care cost
(6) Higher rent, utilities, and food cost
(7) Student loan debt
(8) 50% of children living at or below the poverty line
(9) Approximately 47 million receiving food stamps
(10) An astronomical and rising national debt
(11) Savings accounts paying .25% interest
(12) Troubled pension funds
(13) Cities going bankrupt
(14) Malls closing
(15) Retail chains closing stores
(16) Consumer spending down
(17) Our rundown infrastructure
(18) Growing gap between the rich and the poor
(19) The decline of the Middle Class
(20) Millions receiving some form of government assistance
(21) College grads working at low wage jobs and living with parents
(22) The cost of higher education
(23) Our dependency on cheap foreign imports
(24) Businesses off-shore out-sourcing jobs and importing labor
(25) The influx of cheap illegal immigrant labor
(26) Lost home equity
(27) Government debt keeping the economy afloat
(28) Technology, automation, and innovation replacing workers
(29) Men, women, children, and families homeless
(30) Many working and still receiving some form of government assistance

Yep, we're doing great. Economically, we're booming, and things couldn't be better. We're experiencing economic growth and stability. America is working, and the wheels of commerce are turning full speed. We have an internal cash flow unmatched anywhere in the world. As a matter of fact, we're doing so great, that we're giving away multi-$Billions to foreign governments, engaging in senseless deadly costly wars, and providing care and support for millions of illegal immigrants. What more could we ask for?

What's funny is these sh*tstain progressives complain about many of the things on your list about how screwed up our economy is, usually on threads meant to attack capitalism in general. Yet when it comes to the Hussein and his record, suddenly they are trying to convince everyone what a wonderful job he is doing.
He would have done a lot better without 6 years of mindless Pub obstruction and shutdown threats...that Foxbots etc etc don't seem to know about...

Hey F-Dupe, look at my thumb...

Gee you're dumb.
You're probably not brainwashed, just stupid or an a-hole. lol

F-Dupe, your obsession with your Pubes is really not attractive.

And the only thing I've pointed out about GE is that they've done everything that the far left HATES...and their CEO was best pals with Barry. So all that "talk" that was coming from this administration about fighting against corporate greed has to be taken with a HUGE grain of salt considering Obama's relationship with Immelt.

Yep, democrats are no different than republicans. They payoff government for special favors. The only difference is the democratic base isn't smart enough to realize they are corrupt.

Yet the R-Derp's and the Franco's of this board are absolutely convinced that the only politicians in the pockets of big business are Republicans.
So who wants to raise taxes on the rich and corps, wants ACA, high min wage, month vacations, benefits, parental leave, Wall St regulation, cheap college, training programs, dumbass? Who puts out humbug that Obama had 4 years of control and wrecked the economy? Who allowed 9/11 through total incompetence, the stupidest wars ever, and a corrupt world depression, and blocks good government and lies just so they can do it again. Your whole party is a dishonest, stupid disgrace. Moron.

(1) Less home ownership
(2) Jobs consist of low wage, part-time, and temporary employment
(3) Businesses are offering less company paid benefits
(4) The cost of living to real wage ratio
(5) Higher health care cost
(6) Higher rent, utilities, and food cost
(7) Student loan debt
(8) 50% of children living at or below the poverty line
(9) Approximately 47 million receiving food stamps
(10) An astronomical and rising national debt
(11) Savings accounts paying .25% interest
(12) Troubled pension funds
(13) Cities going bankrupt
(14) Malls closing
(15) Retail chains closing stores
(16) Consumer spending down
(17) Our rundown infrastructure
(18) Growing gap between the rich and the poor
(19) The decline of the Middle Class
(20) Millions receiving some form of government assistance
(21) College grads working at low wage jobs and living with parents
(22) The cost of higher education
(23) Our dependency on cheap foreign imports
(24) Businesses off-shore out-sourcing jobs and importing labor
(25) The influx of cheap illegal immigrant labor
(26) Lost home equity
(27) Government debt keeping the economy afloat
(28) Technology, automation, and innovation replacing workers
(29) Men, women, children, and families homeless
(30) Many working and still receiving some form of government assistance

Yep, we're doing great. Economically, we're booming, and things couldn't be better. We're experiencing economic growth and stability. America is working, and the wheels of commerce are turning full speed. We have an internal cash flow unmatched anywhere in the world. As a matter of fact, we're doing so great, that we're giving away multi-$Billions to foreign governments, engaging in senseless deadly costly wars, and providing care and support for millions of illegal immigrants. What more could we ask for?

What's funny is these sh*tstain progressives complain about many of the things on your list about how screwed up our economy is, usually on threads meant to attack capitalism in general. Yet when it comes to the Hussein and his record, suddenly they are trying to convince everyone what a wonderful job he is doing.
He would have done a lot better without 6 years of mindless Pub obstruction and shutdown threats...that Foxbots etc etc don't seem to know about...

Hey F-Dupe, look at my thumb...

Gee you're dumb.
You're probably not brainwashed, just stupid or an a-hole. lol

F-Dupe, your obsession with your Pubes is really not attractive.

Reduced to pure whining. lol. Read something. Education is fun.
The economy is not generating enough jobs to keep up with population growth.
It only takes 111,853 jobs per month to keep up with population growth and Obama is generating double that number.

Jobs Calculator - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

You aren't allowing for all the illegal immigrants he is letting into the country, bub.

You are also assuming that the cratered LFPR is a good thing.
The inflow of illegal GOP/Chamber of Commerce laborers is equal to the outflow.
Try again.

The drop in LPR is due to changing demographics, not the economy.
Try again.

I've already proven that you are wrong with the LFPR rate change by age cohort. So, you lose.

View attachment 46913
You have only proven you understand nothing!
With each year more "Boomers" leave the workforce and fewer "Busters" take their place in the prime working age group.


Between 1946 and 1964, the U.S. fertility rate increased substantially, and approximately 78 million people were born. This huge segment of the population, called the “baby boomers,” were between the ages of 40 and 58 years in 2004 and will be between the ages of 50 and 68 years in 2014.

Between 1965 and 1976, the number of births decreased once again. The population born during this time, called the “baby bust,” will constitute part of the prime-aged worker group 25 to 54 years of age from 2004 to 2014. The baby-bust population is much smaller than the baby-boom population, and this difference in their numbers will contribute to the decrease in the growth of the labor force during those years.
Last edited:
Look, Sealy...this really isn't rocket science. American corporations compete in a global economy. If you burden them with too many regulations, things like the ACA and things like ridiculous $15 an hour minimum wages for unskilled labor...then they WILL build that new factory somewhere else.
Why don't they go to Mississippi Arkansas Oklahoma Texas or any other red state? Instead of mexico India or china?

Well, let's look at what happened when Boeing tried to leave the Pacific North West and build a new factory in South Carolina! What was the response from this Administration to that, Sealy?
Don't know but I do remember back in Bush's days they gave a big contract to a European company. Was it Lockheed Martin? I don't remember if the gov ended up giving the contract to Boeing BC of the pressure.

You shouldn't outsource defense manufacturing or pharmaceutical but we have.

To be honest with you, Sealy...I'm shocked that you don't know about the problems that Boeing had with the Obama Administration when they tried to build that new plant in South Carolina! The Holder Justice Department attempted to indict them for union busting and stonewalled the opening of the plant in South Carolina for years at a time when people there were really hurting and Boeing was bringing in thousands of high paying jobs.

Did you not even take the time to look it up?
And the only thing I've pointed out about GE is that they've done everything that the far left HATES...and their CEO was best pals with Barry. So all that "talk" that was coming from this administration about fighting against corporate greed has to be taken with a HUGE grain of salt considering Obama's relationship with Immelt.

Yep, democrats are no different than republicans. They payoff government for special favors. The only difference is the democratic base isn't smart enough to realize they are corrupt.

Yet the R-Derp's and the Franco's of this board are absolutely convinced that the only politicians in the pockets of big business are Republicans.
Make up your minds. Do the rich own and control our government or not?

You Republicans defend the very rich and powerful that own you.

Yes, the wealthy of the world wield immense power over government not only here but EVERYWHERE! Even in communist countries there was always an "elite" class of people who lived totally different from the masses. It was that way in Cuba...it was that way in the Soviet Union and China. So kindly explain how progressive policies address that? They pay it lip service, Sealy but when Barack Obama is hanging out with the people he's hanging out with this week in Martha's Vineyard do you NOT think that those people in large part "control" our government? I've got news for you...if you're palling around with the POTUS then you've got some huge clout!
And the only thing I've pointed out about GE is that they've done everything that the far left HATES...and their CEO was best pals with Barry. So all that "talk" that was coming from this administration about fighting against corporate greed has to be taken with a HUGE grain of salt considering Obama's relationship with Immelt.

Yep, democrats are no different than republicans. They payoff government for special favors. The only difference is the democratic base isn't smart enough to realize they are corrupt.
Think of it this way. Republicans are no different than Democrats, only occasionally Democrats protect American workers.

No they don't. They pretend to help the American worker but screws them over.
Back in 2008 with the corrupt Boooshies and their bubble bust as usual...GOP voters are totally misinformed by megarich greedy lying Pubs and their bs media. Will they never learn?
The GOP s Job Killer Problem With Obamacare - ABC News

(1) Less home ownership
(2) Jobs consist of low wage, part-time, and temporary employment
(3) Businesses are offering less company paid benefits
(4) The cost of living to real wage ratio
(5) Higher health care cost
(6) Higher rent, utilities, and food cost
(7) Student loan debt
(8) 50% of children living at or below the poverty line
(9) Approximately 47 million receiving food stamps
(10) An astronomical and rising national debt
(11) Savings accounts paying .25% interest
(12) Troubled pension funds
(13) Cities going bankrupt
(14) Malls closing
(15) Retail chains closing stores
(16) Consumer spending down
(17) Our rundown infrastructure
(18) Growing gap between the rich and the poor
(19) The decline of the Middle Class
(20) Millions receiving some form of government assistance
(21) College grads working at low wage jobs and living with parents
(22) The cost of higher education
(23) Our dependency on cheap foreign imports
(24) Businesses off-shore out-sourcing jobs and importing labor
(25) The influx of cheap illegal immigrant labor
(26) Lost home equity
(27) Government debt keeping the economy afloat
(28) Technology, automation, and innovation replacing workers
(29) Men, women, children, and families homeless
(30) Many working and still receiving some form of government assistance

Yep, we're doing great. Economically, we're booming, and things couldn't be better. We're experiencing economic growth and stability. America is working, and the wheels of commerce are turning full speed. We have an internal cash flow unmatched anywhere in the world. As a matter of fact, we're doing so great, that we're giving away multi-$Billions to foreign governments, engaging in senseless deadly costly wars, and providing care and support for millions of illegal immigrants. What more could we ask for?

What's funny is these sh*tstain progressives complain about many of the things on your list about how screwed up our economy is, usually on threads meant to attack capitalism in general. Yet when it comes to the Hussein and his record, suddenly they are trying to convince everyone what a wonderful job he is doing.
He would have done a lot better without 6 years of mindless Pub obstruction and shutdown threats...that Foxbots etc etc don't seem to know about...

Judging from the AWFUL legislation that the progressive wing of the Democratic Party gave us in the two years that they controlled the House, Senate and Oval Office, Franco...it's small wonder that the electorate introduced obstruction to the process when they voted out record numbers of Democrats. That didn't happen because progressives were doing wonderful things...that happened because they chose to take advantage of a financial crisis to pass a completely flawed and poorly named ACA...and a stimulus plan that rewarded Democratic supporters more than it stimulated a staggering economy.
And the only thing I've pointed out about GE is that they've done everything that the far left HATES...and their CEO was best pals with Barry. So all that "talk" that was coming from this administration about fighting against corporate greed has to be taken with a HUGE grain of salt considering Obama's relationship with Immelt.

Yep, democrats are no different than republicans. They payoff government for special favors. The only difference is the democratic base isn't smart enough to realize they are corrupt.

Yet the R-Derp's and the Franco's of this board are absolutely convinced that the only politicians in the pockets of big business are Republicans.
Make up your minds. Do the rich own and control our government or not?

You Republicans defend the very rich and powerful that own you.

Yes, the wealthy of the world wield immense power over government not only here but EVERYWHERE! Even in communist countries there was always an "elite" class of people who lived totally different from the masses. It was that way in Cuba...it was that way in the Soviet Union and China. So kindly explain how progressive policies address that? They pay it lip service, Sealy but when Barack Obama is hanging out with the people he's hanging out with this week in Martha's Vineyard do you NOT think that those people in large part "control" our government? I've got news for you...if you're palling around with the POTUS then you've got some huge clout!

The economy is not generating enough jobs to keep up with population growth.
It only takes 111,853 jobs per month to keep up with population growth and Obama is generating double that number.

Jobs Calculator - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

You aren't allowing for all the illegal immigrants he is letting into the country, bub.

You are also assuming that the cratered LFPR is a good thing.
The inflow of illegal GOP/Chamber of Commerce laborers is equal to the outflow.
Try again.

The drop in LPR is due to changing demographics, not the economy.
Try again.

I've already proven that you are wrong with the LFPR rate change by age cohort. So, you lose.

View attachment 46913
You have only proven you understand nothing!
With each year more "Boomers" leave the workforce and fewer "Busters" take their place in the prime working age group.


Between 1946 and 1964, the U.S. fertility rate increased substantially, and approximately 78 million people were born. This huge segment of the population, called the “baby boomers,” were between the ages of 40 and 58 years in 2004 and will be between the ages of 50 and 68 years in 2014.

Between 1965 and 1976, the number of births decreased once again. The population born during this time, called the “baby bust,” will constitute part of the prime-aged worker group 25 to 54 years of age from 2004 to 2014. The baby-bust population is much smaller than the baby-boom population, and this difference in their numbers will contribute to the decrease in the growth of the labor force during those years.

Yeah, abortion's working out real well for you, isn't it???? As long as we can keep enough people working, Social Security is sustainable. With a shrinking workforce, it's not!!!!
Number of Abortions in US Worldwide - Number of abortions since 1973
Back in 2008 with the corrupt Boooshies and their bubble bust as usual...GOP voters are totally misinformed by megarich greedy lying Pubs and their bs media. Will they never learn?
The GOP s Job Killer Problem With Obamacare - ABC News

(1) Less home ownership
(2) Jobs consist of low wage, part-time, and temporary employment
(3) Businesses are offering less company paid benefits
(4) The cost of living to real wage ratio
(5) Higher health care cost
(6) Higher rent, utilities, and food cost
(7) Student loan debt
(8) 50% of children living at or below the poverty line
(9) Approximately 47 million receiving food stamps
(10) An astronomical and rising national debt
(11) Savings accounts paying .25% interest
(12) Troubled pension funds
(13) Cities going bankrupt
(14) Malls closing
(15) Retail chains closing stores
(16) Consumer spending down
(17) Our rundown infrastructure
(18) Growing gap between the rich and the poor
(19) The decline of the Middle Class
(20) Millions receiving some form of government assistance
(21) College grads working at low wage jobs and living with parents
(22) The cost of higher education
(23) Our dependency on cheap foreign imports
(24) Businesses off-shore out-sourcing jobs and importing labor
(25) The influx of cheap illegal immigrant labor
(26) Lost home equity
(27) Government debt keeping the economy afloat
(28) Technology, automation, and innovation replacing workers
(29) Men, women, children, and families homeless
(30) Many working and still receiving some form of government assistance

Yep, we're doing great. Economically, we're booming, and things couldn't be better. We're experiencing economic growth and stability. America is working, and the wheels of commerce are turning full speed. We have an internal cash flow unmatched anywhere in the world. As a matter of fact, we're doing so great, that we're giving away multi-$Billions to foreign governments, engaging in senseless deadly costly wars, and providing care and support for millions of illegal immigrants. What more could we ask for?

What's funny is these sh*tstain progressives complain about many of the things on your list about how screwed up our economy is, usually on threads meant to attack capitalism in general. Yet when it comes to the Hussein and his record, suddenly they are trying to convince everyone what a wonderful job he is doing.
He would have done a lot better without 6 years of mindless Pub obstruction and shutdown threats...that Foxbots etc etc don't seem to know about...

Judging from the AWFUL legislation that the progressive wing of the Democratic Party gave us in the two years that they controlled the House, Senate and Oval Office, Franco...it's small wonder that the electorate introduced obstruction to the process when they voted out record numbers of Democrats. That didn't happen because progressives were doing wonderful things...that happened because they chose to take advantage of a financial crisis to pass a completely flawed and poorly named ACA...and a stimulus plan that rewarded Democratic supporters more than it stimulated a staggering economy.
Not to mention GOP obstruction and filibusters from 2008-2010, then add to that historically midterms always have low voter turnout. And GOP obstruction really turned off a lot of voters who were hoping for change. Instead of even more people showing up to vote out the obstructionists they didn't and the obstructionists were rewarded.

Now the GOP has led and what have they done besides cut social programs for the poor to give guys like trump a tax break. Trump, who went from $1 billion to $8 billion. That's who Republicans are worrying about.
It only takes 111,853 jobs per month to keep up with population growth and Obama is generating double that number.

Jobs Calculator - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

You aren't allowing for all the illegal immigrants he is letting into the country, bub.

You are also assuming that the cratered LFPR is a good thing.
The inflow of illegal GOP/Chamber of Commerce laborers is equal to the outflow.
Try again.

The drop in LPR is due to changing demographics, not the economy.
Try again.

I've already proven that you are wrong with the LFPR rate change by age cohort. So, you lose.

View attachment 46913
You have only proven you understand nothing!
With each year more "Boomers" leave the workforce and fewer "Busters" take their place in the prime working age group.


Between 1946 and 1964, the U.S. fertility rate increased substantially, and approximately 78 million people were born. This huge segment of the population, called the “baby boomers,” were between the ages of 40 and 58 years in 2004 and will be between the ages of 50 and 68 years in 2014.

Between 1965 and 1976, the number of births decreased once again. The population born during this time, called the “baby bust,” will constitute part of the prime-aged worker group 25 to 54 years of age from 2004 to 2014. The baby-bust population is much smaller than the baby-boom population, and this difference in their numbers will contribute to the decrease in the growth of the labor force during those years.

Yeah, abortion's working out real well for you, isn't it???? As long as we can keep enough people working, Social Security is sustainable. With a shrinking workforce, it's not!!!!
Number of Abortions in US Worldwide - Number of abortions since 1973
Thats why we need to make Mexicans working here tax paying Americans. What's wrong with beaners? Odaley hessay
And the only thing I've pointed out about GE is that they've done everything that the far left HATES...and their CEO was best pals with Barry. So all that "talk" that was coming from this administration about fighting against corporate greed has to be taken with a HUGE grain of salt considering Obama's relationship with Immelt.

Yep, democrats are no different than republicans. They payoff government for special favors. The only difference is the democratic base isn't smart enough to realize they are corrupt.
Think of it this way. Republicans are no different than Democrats, only occasionally Democrats protect American workers.

No they don't. They pretend to help the American worker but screws them over.
It could be all pomp and show
Back in 2008 with the corrupt Boooshies and their bubble bust as usual...GOP voters are totally misinformed by megarich greedy lying Pubs and their bs media. Will they never learn?
The GOP s Job Killer Problem With Obamacare - ABC News

(1) Less home ownership
(2) Jobs consist of low wage, part-time, and temporary employment
(3) Businesses are offering less company paid benefits
(4) The cost of living to real wage ratio
(5) Higher health care cost
(6) Higher rent, utilities, and food cost
(7) Student loan debt
(8) 50% of children living at or below the poverty line
(9) Approximately 47 million receiving food stamps
(10) An astronomical and rising national debt
(11) Savings accounts paying .25% interest
(12) Troubled pension funds
(13) Cities going bankrupt
(14) Malls closing
(15) Retail chains closing stores
(16) Consumer spending down
(17) Our rundown infrastructure
(18) Growing gap between the rich and the poor
(19) The decline of the Middle Class
(20) Millions receiving some form of government assistance
(21) College grads working at low wage jobs and living with parents
(22) The cost of higher education
(23) Our dependency on cheap foreign imports
(24) Businesses off-shore out-sourcing jobs and importing labor
(25) The influx of cheap illegal immigrant labor
(26) Lost home equity
(27) Government debt keeping the economy afloat
(28) Technology, automation, and innovation replacing workers
(29) Men, women, children, and families homeless
(30) Many working and still receiving some form of government assistance

Yep, we're doing great. Economically, we're booming, and things couldn't be better. We're experiencing economic growth and stability. America is working, and the wheels of commerce are turning full speed. We have an internal cash flow unmatched anywhere in the world. As a matter of fact, we're doing so great, that we're giving away multi-$Billions to foreign governments, engaging in senseless deadly costly wars, and providing care and support for millions of illegal immigrants. What more could we ask for?

What's funny is these sh*tstain progressives complain about many of the things on your list about how screwed up our economy is, usually on threads meant to attack capitalism in general. Yet when it comes to the Hussein and his record, suddenly they are trying to convince everyone what a wonderful job he is doing.
He would have done a lot better without 6 years of mindless Pub obstruction and shutdown threats...that Foxbots etc etc don't seem to know about...

Judging from the AWFUL legislation that the progressive wing of the Democratic Party gave us in the two years that they controlled the House, Senate and Oval Office, Franco...it's small wonder that the electorate introduced obstruction to the process when they voted out record numbers of Democrats. That didn't happen because progressives were doing wonderful things...that happened because they chose to take advantage of a financial crisis to pass a completely flawed and poorly named ACA...and a stimulus plan that rewarded Democratic supporters more than it stimulated a staggering economy.
Not to mention GOP obstruction and filibusters from 2008-2010, then add to that historically midterms always have low voter turnout. And GOP obstruction really turned off a lot of voters who were hoping for change. Instead of even more people showing up to vote out the obstructionists they didn't and the obstructionists were rewarded.

Now the GOP has led and what have they done besides cut social programs for the poor to give guys like trump a tax break. Trump, who went from $1 billion to $8 billion. That's who Republicans are worrying about.

You really don't have a clue what's going on in this country...do you, Sealy?

Democrats got voted out of office in 2010 because they went along with a massive overhaul of our healthcare system that a majority of the American people did not want. Blaming what Barack Obama referred to as a "shellacking" following the 2010 mid-terms as a problem with "voter turn out" is wishful thinking on the part of progressives. You folks got your asses handed to you because you ignored the electorate.

The GOP is the Party that has been "obstructed" since 2010. Unlike Bill Clinton, who pivoted to the center and compromised with conservatives following his own shellacking in a mid-term election...Barack Obama has taken a "charred earth" stance towards the GOP. He demanded they cave to what he wanted to see for legislation and had Harry Reid stacking Republican bills on his desk over in the Senate that weren't allowed to even come up for a vote! Then when the GOP got enough votes in the Senate to stop that...Obama threatened to veto anything that came to his desk that he didn't like. Blaming the GOP for not getting stuff done...when the Democrats have done what they have done is amusing...but totally ridiculous!
You aren't allowing for all the illegal immigrants he is letting into the country, bub.

You are also assuming that the cratered LFPR is a good thing.
The inflow of illegal GOP/Chamber of Commerce laborers is equal to the outflow.
Try again.

The drop in LPR is due to changing demographics, not the economy.
Try again.

I've already proven that you are wrong with the LFPR rate change by age cohort. So, you lose.

View attachment 46913
You have only proven you understand nothing!
With each year more "Boomers" leave the workforce and fewer "Busters" take their place in the prime working age group.


Between 1946 and 1964, the U.S. fertility rate increased substantially, and approximately 78 million people were born. This huge segment of the population, called the “baby boomers,” were between the ages of 40 and 58 years in 2004 and will be between the ages of 50 and 68 years in 2014.

Between 1965 and 1976, the number of births decreased once again. The population born during this time, called the “baby bust,” will constitute part of the prime-aged worker group 25 to 54 years of age from 2004 to 2014. The baby-bust population is much smaller than the baby-boom population, and this difference in their numbers will contribute to the decrease in the growth of the labor force during those years.

Yeah, abortion's working out real well for you, isn't it???? As long as we can keep enough people working, Social Security is sustainable. With a shrinking workforce, it's not!!!!
Number of Abortions in US Worldwide - Number of abortions since 1973
Thats why we need to make Mexicans working here tax paying Americans. What's wrong with beaners? Odaley hessay

Other than the ones who are robbing, raping and murdering American citizens...absolutely NOTHING! I have nothing but respect for the many Mexicans, El Salvadorans, Guatemalans and Brazilians that I've worked with over the years. That doesn't mean that I think they should be able to come and go as they please however! We have a serious problem with border security...a problem that liberals refuse to address because they want more Hispanic voters voting for them.
And the only thing I've pointed out about GE is that they've done everything that the far left HATES...and their CEO was best pals with Barry. So all that "talk" that was coming from this administration about fighting against corporate greed has to be taken with a HUGE grain of salt considering Obama's relationship with Immelt.

Yep, democrats are no different than republicans. They payoff government for special favors. The only difference is the democratic base isn't smart enough to realize they are corrupt.
Think of it this way. Republicans are no different than Democrats, only occasionally Democrats protect American workers.

No they don't. They pretend to help the American worker but screws them over.
It could be all pomp and show

That's all it is the Democrats keep screwing over the middle class and people are too stupid to see it.

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