58 versus 8

58 killed with a gun by a white guy? There's nothing we can do and it's too early to discus it. 8 killed with a truck by a brown guy? My God man, we've got to do something and we've got to do it this instant. We can't afford to wait even another hour.

So typically American and so very wrong.
Strange. I don't recall anyone looking to take away everyone's rights right after the Manhattan terrorist attack.

Have you a link to that?
You mean the panic that produced the Patriot Act?
Seems you cannot follow your own thread.

What terror attack in the last 48 hours happened in Manhattan, and tell Me, where is anyone calling to take away anyone's rights because of it?
Trump is already trying to take away the "rights" of people to come here. Why, because he's in a panic. But guns killing 58? Well, shoot, we can't do a thing about that there are just bad people in the world.

There is no right whatsoever for any foreigner to come to America. NONE.
You are Native American, correct? LOL
58 killed with a gun by a white guy? There's nothing we can do and it's too early to discus it. 8 killed with a truck by a brown guy? My God man, we've got to do something and we've got to do it this instant. We can't afford to wait even another hour.

So typically American and so very wrong.
Guy with a gun kills 58.
Guy with a truck kills 84.

2016 Nice attack - Wikipedia
Things change. My ancestors were law abiding British citizens before the Revolution and fought for independence. The truck driver was let in by Schumer and Nancy for the purpose of voting Democrat but they forgot to brief him in his duty. Scheisse happens.

I bet you all your ancestors weren't in the country then. A lot probably arrived a lot later. That aside, the British would have considered them crims...go figure. And stop painting all with one brush. For every homicidal idiot immigrant I can cite millions that aren't.

FYI, One of my Great Great (and further back) Grandfathers was a surveyor for eight years for George Washington when they were young men,. Check out John Friend. When they finished surveying the MD/PA line he bought land from the Indians in what is now Friendsville, MD. After John Friend, all my relatives, to include the Ramseys fought in the Revolutionary War, the Mexican War, the Civil War (for the North) and in every war since. My family, from then to this day consider it every young mans duty to honor the country with Federal service. Some people are more patriotic than the average America haters..
And I can match ancestors with you at least one for one. From the Dutch in New Amsterdam, the English in the 1600's to Scot-Irish, the latest infusion being in 1850, Prussian German. Many served the the various wars, including my Great-Grandfather from Forth Donaldson to New Orleans. And my dd214 states Honorable. So quit that Goddamned dishonorable accusation that we liberals hate our nation. It Dishonors you, and no one else.
58 killed with a gun by a white guy? There's nothing we can do and it's too early to discus it. 8 killed with a truck by a brown guy? My God man, we've got to do something and we've got to do it this instant. We can't afford to wait even another hour.

So typically American and so very wrong.
Come take them.
Now why should we do that. You say you need them for self defense. So, keep them for that. But if you are caught with one of them outside of your home, and do not have the same license as required for a full auto .45 Thompson, you are charged as a felon, the gun is confiscated and destroyed, all the guns you have are confiscated and destroyed, and you are never allowed to own a gun, or have one on your person for the remainder of your life.

No attempt to get your 'self defense' gun, even if it has a bump stock. Just do not have it out of your home if you do not qualify for the proper license.

In Alaska I have the right to defend my car, my home, my property - and most importantly - myself and my family regardless of where I happened to be.
And you have to have a machine gun for that? LOL
And I can match ancestors with you at least one for one. From the Dutch in New Amsterdam, the English in the 1600's to Scot-Irish, the latest infusion being in 1850, Prussian German. Many served the the various wars, including my Great-Grandfather from Forth Donaldson to New Orleans. And my dd214 states Honorable. So quit that Goddamned dishonorable accusation that we liberals hate our nation. It Dishonors you, and no one else.

Looks like your relatives bailed from a lot of countries.
FYI, One of my Great Great (and further back) Grandfathers was a surveyor for eight years for George Washington when they were young men,. Check out John Friend. When they finished surveying the MD/PA line he bought land from the Indians in what is now Friendsville, MD. After John Friend, all my relatives, to include the Ramseys fought in the Revolutionary War, the Mexican War, the Civil War (for the North) and in every war since. My family, from then to this day consider it every young mans duty to honor the country with Federal service. Some people are more patriotic than the average America haters..

Sounds like only one side of your family. You have 16 great great grandparents. You are only talking about one of them. What about the other 15 (and it probably sounds like it goes back more generations than that).

And no, serving your country doesn't make you special. Timothy McVeight served...
The idiot board libs just simply are incapable of connecting the dots.

The incident in Las Vegas that killed 58 = No identifiable, unifying ideology driving the killers actions.

The incident in New York City that killed 8 = An identifiable, unifying ideology driving the killers actions.

This is precisely why the semantics between "terror attack" and "random attack" exists and matters.

This is why what happened in New York City is much more serious and much more worrisome, and why action to lessen the chances of repeated attacks needs to be put in place as soon as possible.


What amazes me is that the left can jump the shark at righties being "evil" about the stupidest and smallest infraction, and yet, here we have a group that flat out says they are coming in with refugees to kill American's, and that they're going to take over the population (and vote) in nations - and yet, they can't see anything fucking wrong with /that/ - no those folks are a-okay...

Because your assertion is ridiculous...
58 killed with a gun by a white guy? There's nothing we can do and it's too early to discus it. 8 killed with a truck by a brown guy? My God man, we've got to do something and we've got to do it this instant. We can't afford to wait even another hour.

So typically American and so very wrong.
Are you some kind of ISIS lover?
58 killed with a gun by a white guy? There's nothing we can do and it's too early to discus it. 8 killed with a truck by a brown guy? My God man, we've got to do something and we've got to do it this instant. We can't afford to wait even another hour.

So typically American and so very wrong.
Do you understand what inspired the killers? Islam inspired one of them. That we can do something about.
I have successfully defended myself in a situation of 10 against 1 with just a single shot 12 gauge. Why is there any need for a gun that can easily be a machine gun? You idiots keep up this nonsense, and as the body count increases with each atrocity, they will put controls on even the hunting guns that I own. You are far more a danger to my 2nd Amendment rights than the far left.

So you're claiming to have used a gun for self defense yet are anti-gun? WTF? I mean I can understand a stupid liberal who hasn't used anything more dangerous in their life than an soda fountain lever but you said you used a gun to defend yourself yet you don't think people should have a right to own a gun? You do realize a single shot shotgun, one spent, becomes a single-swing baseball bat?

But it's ok, because its rare to have to use a gun to defend yourself against a single assailant. The fact that you claim to have defended yourself against 10 shows me you're so full of shit your eyes are brown.

Nice story, bro.
What amazes me is that the left can jump the shark at righties being "evil" about the stupidest and smallest infraction, and yet, here we have a group that flat out says they are coming in with refugees to kill American's, and that they're going to take over the population (and vote) in nations - and yet, they can't see anything fucking wrong with /that/ - no those folks are a-okay...

Because your assertion is ridiculous...


The left rises like a swarm of locust every time there's a mass shooting to spout off about gun control and banning legal weaponry (and now accessories you can make with a pant pocket cause they're stupid.) If you like Trump, you're a nazi. If you take any right wing stance on welfare you want to kill the elderly and children. Blah blah blah

A terrorist attack from ISIS happens and people are scared so we get, Islam is a religion of peace, and wanting to vet potential terrorists is racist and "unAmerican."

You can deny it all you want, but reality defies your claim.

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