5th graders conspire to commit murder

Amy is also apparently independently wealthy, and labors under the misapprehension that everyone else is, too.
You can instill all the values you want... they go to school and spend 8 hours a day getting programmed to reject them.

When it comes to --'Do not kill others'--I have yet to hear of a school not supporting that.

I think parents can/do teach values at home and some schools support the parents.

Others do not.
Well, unless the others being killed are babies. They're pretty gung ho about that.
No, I labor under the opinion that many parents are lazy and prefer to whine about their child's school instead of actually doing anything about it.

I went to a private school as a child. My entire family scraped to send me there, I dusted chalk boards and worked the cafeteria to help pay it off. My mother worked bingo nights and my grandmother played piano at the masses, all to help give me a good education.

Stop bitching as if the rules of your child's school dropped down from on high, and do something about it if you don't like it.

The biggest problem with kids isn't teachers, its lazy ass parents who abdicated their parental obligation to the government.
Ah, the anti-parent thing again.

PS..I never said there was a problem with kids.

I said there's a problem with schools. And there is. It's nitwits like you. I bet dollars to donuts you're a teacher, too....or have been.
It comes from years of working with traumatized kids, addicts, the welfare and disabled classes, genius...in the trenches. I actually know the population. I've tracked them, written about them, gone to court with them and about them, advocated for them and worked the system on their behalf. I've also been a member of site council and ran for schoolboard 2 years ago (was edged out by a candidate who had more tenure in the community, but would have gotten into the next position). I've volunteered with a reservation-based Head Start, and worked I don't know how many hours as a classroom volunteer over the last 25 years.

That's my world. The boogeymen I see are real.
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Really. Tell us again how legal it is for children to have sex. Internet reality indeed, lol.
No, I labor under the opinion that many parents are lazy and prefer to whine about their child's school instead of actually doing anything about it.

I went to a private school as a child. My entire family scraped to send me there, I dusted chalk boards and worked the cafeteria to help pay it off. My mother worked bingo nights and my grandmother played piano at the masses, all to help give me a good education.

Stop bitching as if the rules of your child's school dropped down from on high, and do something about it if you don't like it.

The biggest problem with kids isn't teachers, its lazy ass parents who abdicated their parental obligation to the government.
Frankly Amy, I agree with the other members of the board, you are out of you element and your experience here. I am so happy that you came from a home with two parents, a stable home, and a private school nearby, where your family had the social resources that could be brought to bear in order to bring about the financial resources necessary to get a great private school education.

But the sad and sorry truth is, the Public Schools have deteriorated into a sorry state. This is not by accident either. They have been allowed to become this way by the State in a sort of defacto caste system in America. Did you know that for getting kids into many parochial schools and private schools you either need to attend the church attached to the school or pass a credit check? In this economy, many parents are not willing to convert, and may not have the credit rating to get into these schools. The waiting list to get into charter schools can be long, and the requirements for students to get into them may also be high. Added to that, charter schools can often times have fines for poor behavior and have expulsion for poor performance.

When kids are in poor communities, come from broken homes, from families where a parent suffers from a disability, have an absent parent, there might not be the remedy you suggested.

In my district, because of budget cuts, the fifth and sixth grades are grouped together in a building with the seventh and eighth graders. My mom is a very social person. Before my son entered into the fifth grade, she heard stories about what went on in that building and warned me. BLOWJOBS IN THE GIRLS BATHROOMS? I wish I had the social and financial resources to home-school him, or to send him to a private school, I honestly do, but it just was not possibly. Added to that, I don't believe in running from adversity.

Now, at the tender age of ten, I really did not want to have a hard nosed real world talk with him, but it was my duty as his father. Why? Because the STATE does not give a shit about kids. The kind of parent that is on the PTA is that kind of parent that is a "popular" kid's parent; those parents are exactly the ones that are in denial. These are the ones that AREN'T having the necessary talk with their kids. THEY are the problem. If I were to go to those meetings, I would just cause tension and strife. My politics are diametrically opposed to this type of person. I don't like confrontations. On this board? It's fine, peole can just call me a "nutter." Hell, I don't even believe in compulsory education, it is a fucking racket. Schools are prisons for the mind and the soul.

The reason this is happening is we are doing it to our own children. We subject them to media, we bombard them, and we don't protect them. We don't let them be children. Then the one's that don't conform, the one's that let their imagination run free, the one's that are a little different? We insist their parents put them on drugs, and give those ones a chemical lobotomy, as if those aren't the "normal" children. Trust me, those boys are the result of a fucked up system, they are the victims.

The following description is typical of what goes on in middle schools today, including probably the school those boys came from. And remember, many middle schools today, because of budget cuts, have fifth grades in them. Think about the hormones, endorphins, and attachments a boy could form to a girl that did that to him. Kids aren't ready for that. They just aren't. Adults are letting this happen. Through their negligence, and through letting kids be bombarded and over-sexualized in commercials, TV, and media. (Likewise, if you feed your kids factory farmed meat and dairy, there are artificial growth hormones pumped into them as well.)

A Teacher Tells The Truth About Your Kid and Sex

My last few years in the middle school were spent largely chasing kids out of the bathroom of the opposite sex. Blowjobs were all the rage. It was all they could talk about. They even drew pictures and diagrams, of kids ‘doing it,’ or ‘how to do it’ for the uninitiated.

Unpopular girls became suddenly popular. Early-developing boys were chased down the halls and solicited. It was sick. A time or two someone was actually caught in the act, but our principal had a hard time believing such things could happen at that age, and we had a really difficult time convincing her that yes, it was happening two or three dozen times a day. Nothing was ever done, because ‘the teacher must have just misinterpreted the situation and assumed the worst.’
Yes, it happened like that over and over. The parents were our worst problem, because they simply refused to believe their innocent child could possibly do that, and they became furious at the implication.

And the middle school kids were giving, and getting, blowjobs all day.

When something like that becomes ‘cool,’, the ‘thing to do,’ because ‘everybody’s doing it,’ then it’s hard to explain to a kid that blowjobs are not the way to go at age thirteen. At thirteen, fourteen, hormones are overflowing and overwhelming, and there are no legitimate outlets. And then suddenly, there is one. And nobody gets pregnant, either. STD’s? VD? Not taught. Against community standards.

Schools often do not have any kind of sex talk for kids this age. Parents refuse to believe it could ever be true. Communities are up in arms at the very thought. Teachers are helpless. And the students are giving and getting blowjobs in the bathrooms all day.
Look, No one forced you to be a parent. Part of being a parent is educating your child, and making the necessary sacrifices.

If you don't like your childs school, do something about it. You have options. If you choose not to use them, don't whine.
Look, No one forced you to be a parent. Part of being a parent is educating your child, and making the necessary sacrifices.

If you don't like your childs school, do something about it. You have options. If you choose not to use them, don't whine.

You are absolutely right. It should be my right to educate my child in my own way. The state should have no right to interfere in that in any way.

You are living in a fantasy world if you think parents have options though. I could cite example after example of what happens to parents that don't school their children. Isn't that why the government went in and killed the people at David Koresh's compound? "For the children." If I am not correct, killed them too. :cuckoo:

I DON'T want my precious child indoctrinated, schooled, or conditioned to think the way that the banking cartel or the corporatocracy deems most useful in order that he might be a regimented, normal, predictable, and a useful human resource for their commercial, industrial machine. Look how shackled your mind turned out to be? Useless.

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."
~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

He is a human being. Children should not be subjected to Bloom's Taxonomy until after they learn FACTS FIRST. If they don't know basic facts, how can they ever learn to think? They can't. It is why there are so many idiots on this forum. Just regurgitating what they saw or heard on TV or from the news wire.

No public school teacher should every be exposed to, or be allowed to use Bloom's Taxonomy, ever. It should be restricted for post secondary education where it was intended for.
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You can

Home school
Send child to different public school
Send child to private school
Move to better public school location
Be active in changing your public school

Those are your options. You're the adult, its your duty to do what's best for your child. If the school you're sending him to is not best, then as the parent you should do whatever it takes to fix it.

Again, we don't live in a dictatorship. School rules and classes didnt drop down from on high. People were elected, those elected people made decisions. Get involved if the school is awful. Write the local papers and expose sex issues in your child's school. Show up at school board meetings. Picket.

You seem like an intelligent man. I can't imagine why you would just shrug your shoulders and send your child into a dangerous environment.
You can

Home school
Send child to different public school
Send child to private school
Move to better public school location
Be active in changing your public school

Those are your options. You're the adult, its your duty to do what's best for your child. If the school you're sending him to is not best, then as the parent you should do whatever it takes to fix it.

Again, we don't live in a dictatorship. School rules and classes didnt drop down from on high. People were elected, those elected people made decisions. Get involved if the school is awful. Write the local papers and expose sex issues in your child's school. Show up at school board meetings. Picket.

You seem like an intelligent man. I can't imagine why you would just shrug your shoulders and send your child into a dangerous environment.

You can't fight city hall. Some people are so polyannish. Personal circumstances make moving not an option, for the same reason homeschooling is not an option, his mother and I are at odds. I am not the only parent, I can not make decisions unilaterally. Not that any of this is any of your business. If two parents who have joint legal custody of a child cannot agree over how the child is to be educated, guess what the default position is? Yeah, you guessed it. . . off to the kiddie prison system.

The whole point of this is, you have this personal belief that everyone can do something about the situation they are in, and I am saying, no, not necessarily. YOU ARE WRONG. And a single parent cannot change the system, even a group of active vocal parents protesting the negligence and abuse cannot change the system. Don't you think this scandal has already rocked and shaken the community? The school tells parents who have a problem with it, take your kids else where, it isn't their problem, kids have the right to express their sexuality. As long as they do it privately and don't get caught, they turn their head the other way, because these kids are the "popular" kids, the star athletes, etc. If you don't know how the system works, you are being purposely obtuse at this point. There are other members of the community, they live around me, they do not have the resources to move, or to send their kids to other schools. This is not some big city, or a highly populated area. Maybe you live in a densely populated area with lots of options, but there aren't any around here. You just want to make excuses for the tyranny of the state. I have just about had it with you. Do a google search and SEE how often this goes on. Every parent shouldn't have to take their child out of these schools. Shouldn't the schools change instead? But this shit is forced on the population by the state.

Home school <------ Nope, I can't do this. I've already suggested it, tried it, and come up against a brick wall.
Send child to different public school <----- None in the area.
Send child to private school <-------None in the area, couldn't afford one if there were.
Move to better public school location <------ A child needs two parents.
Be active in changing your public school <----- Been tried across the nation, try educating yourself on this topic before you shoot off at the mouth. Believe me, attempts are made every year at every school. The school isn't the problem, the parents aren't the problem, the hierarchical structure of the establishment and the paternalistic nature of society are the problem. Plato's dialogs were meant as a warning and an ideal, not a blueprint! It's called Plato's REPUBLIC, not Plato's DEMOCRACY! YOU, AND PEOPLE THAT THINK LIKE YOU, ARE THE PROBLEM.

You need to learn the difference between education and schooling. You just don't get it.

And yes, we do live in a dictatorship, a dictatorship of the majority. When the majority are mindless, ignorant slaves, what use is there in trying to change anything? We used to live in a Republic. No longer. But then, it seems apparent you wouldn't know the difference, would you?

Again, we don't live in a dictatorship. School rules and classes didnt drop down from on high.
Why yes, in fact, they did. They didn't used to, but now they do. I whole heartedly think we should get rid of the Department of Education. Please, do quote for me the section of the Constitution that authorizes the FEDERAL government, "on high" as you so eloquently put it, to meddle in local education affairs of the people? How did the states ask for such tyrannical interference? They didn't. And now you have middle schoolers sexing eachother up and plotting to kill one another. Thank you big brother. . . .er, Uncle Sam. :tongue:

"All states and schools will have challenging and clear standards of achievement and accountability for all children, and effective strategies for reaching those standards." -- U.S. Dept. of Education

All schools are dangerous environments, including the one you went too. I can tell by the way you think.

I am willing to bet, the Church that sponsored the school that you went to was a 501c organization. Am I wrong?
I'm not saying it's nothing to be worried about or something so common place that it can safely be ignored. I'm saying that it's not an indication of any thing new, that it doesn't mean the world is going to hell in hand-basket any more than it has before.

Nothing has changed since the dawn of humanity. Nothing has gotten worse. Nothing is going on now which hasn't gone on before. Human beings are still human beings and human nature is still human nature.


I tend to believe that there is a lack of stability of some kind when the results are 9/10 year olds designing a plan to kill a girlfriend or others.

Can that be repaired--I hope so.

I still can't get past 10 and 11 year olds having girlfriends.

Today's school curriculums involve "alternative" sexual lifestyles, gay marriage, abortion clinic phone numbers, free condoms, and not being afraid to admit that you may be a "gay" pre-teen.

But all of that stuff is perfectly OK.

Is it any wonder that some pre-teens can't handle this bullshit, and retaliate with violence?
I do not know what the problem is, this is a normal day in my beloved Bronx.
Really. Tell us again how legal it is for children to have sex. Internet reality indeed, lol.

You keep clinging to that as if you were right about something. Just like your "right" about spokean Washington teaching sex positions to little kids.

If it makes sense in your head, it must be true.

Oh look, another outright lie from the site's #3 liar...you're going to edge out ravi and rtard before long.

Two 5th grade boys, ages 10 and 11, charged in murder conspiracy - UPI.com

"We've been told that the boys had a plan to kill an ex-girlfriend ... and harm other students," Cashion said. "There was no list, but names were given to the police."

The world has gone to hell in a handbasket, what kind of 5th graders have "ex girlfriends"???? 10 and 11 years old, they're still CHILDREN.

10 year olds don't have girlfriends.

They should be assessed by a doctor because if they can plot murder at such a tender age, who knows what they'll be like when they reach adulthood.

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