5th graders conspire to commit murder

It is interesting that while progressives insist that a certain curriculum be taught at school...and refuse to allow home/school collude on things such as sex education and religion (and even history in some cases) they are now insisting that children will turn out fine IN SPITE of what they learn at school.

It's as if they are admitting that the progressive school model is an abject failure, but it doesn't matter because nothing at school has any influence on kids anyway...any and all failures of children are to be laid only at the feet of parents and other outside influences. Schools carry none of the responsibility.

Most kids turned out fine before your so-called "progressive model" and would turn out fine if you imposed some sort of conservative model. But, the model wouldn't be the determining factor, regardless. The determining factor is the same no matter what model you use: Initiative and desire on the part of the student. If kids want to learn and do well, they will. If they don't, they won't.

And that is something they cannot get in school. They get it at home.


This is so simple and so obvious. I can't understand why people just won't accept it. The school is there to educate your children, not to raise them for you. If you want them to have a certain set of values, instill them in your children yourself, don't demand the schools do it. If your values conflict with those of the larger community and the school, then send them to private school or home school them.
Two 5th grade boys, ages 10 and 11, charged in murder conspiracy - UPI.com

"We've been told that the boys had a plan to kill an ex-girlfriend ... and harm other students," Cashion said. "There was no list, but names were given to the police."

The world has gone to hell in a handbasket, what kind of 5th graders have "ex girlfriends"???? 10 and 11 years old, they're still CHILDREN.

5th and 6th graders that are raised in a Godless, moralless, liberal society that embraces hedonism and an anything goes sorta of lifestyle, that's what kind.

And, the solution is what? Mandatory religion?

I'm sorry, I don't remember even coming close to implying that. What I do think is that when you have a nation that does ALL in it's power to disregard, ignore or deny the morals and values laid out by God you should not be surprised when it's citizens act like bloody heathens. The answer is not mandatory religion, but rather haaving leaders and policies that promote and teach our children God's values, God morals and God's teachings. If my memory serves me correctly, this nation USEAD to do just that, without any mandatory relgion requirements enforced upon it's citizens.
It is interesting that while progressives insist that a certain curriculum be taught at school...and refuse to allow home/school collude on things such as sex education and religion (and even history in some cases) they are now insisting that children will turn out fine IN SPITE of what they learn at school.

It's as if they are admitting that the progressive school model is an abject failure, but it doesn't matter because nothing at school has any influence on kids anyway...any and all failures of children are to be laid only at the feet of parents and other outside influences. Schools carry none of the responsibility.

Most kids turned out fine before your so-called "progressive model" and would turn out fine if you imposed some sort of conservative model. But, the model wouldn't be the determining factor, regardless. The determining factor is the same no matter what model you use: Initiative and desire on the part of the student. If kids want to learn and do well, they will. If they don't, they won't.

And that is something they cannot get in school. They get it at home.

Not if the only structure they've had is school, and the schools are teaching them that those things have no value.

And that is exactly what has happened in the inner cities. Kids have no structure at home; the only structure is at school, and the schools tell them morality is worthless, that they have a right to do whatever they want, and faith is a lie.

There is a structure in every home. They're just not all like yours or something you'd approve of.

In any case, blaming "progressives" is just shifting your guilt onto someone else. "They" are not responsible for your kids. You are.

And, I'd warn you to be careful of who you blame for what. Your kids are watching and, judging by what you post here, the main thing they're learning from you is irresponsibility because what they hear is apparently that someone else is at fault.
lol--from the stories that have been told on my high school's Facebook page --it seemed that 'things went on'---that I never knew about. A lot of 'the boys' have stories similar to what you described.

At my elementary school--with one of the strictest/best principals to ever live--according to some--there was a red bench outside the office. If you were very bad you would have to sit there and wait your turn to see the principal. I would absolutely have died if that had ever happened to me. My mother was also very strict.
One guy went to the red bench so often that when they closed the school he purchased the red bench. His father was a law professor and he is now also a law professor. I thought that was funny. He probably did express his own ideas at an early age--not something that was encouraged. :)

Maybe that's it. Maybe it's a guy/girl thing. I think I'll query my friends and acquaintances of about the same age and see if I'm way off base or not.

I do want to clear up one thing, though. When I mentioned "gangs," it must be understood that they weren't gangs in the sense that we think of them now. They were just guys, and some girls, who lived in the same neighborhood, ran together, did things together and got in trouble together. Eventually, a good many of them ended up going to prison together or dying together from shootings, knifings or drunken car wrecks. Even that very small town where I went to school, the same pattern prevailed except that there was no other neighborhood and we ALL did that kind of thing. Of the bunch I ran around with, the ultimate destination for most of us was either the Army or the state prison. Two are currently doing life without.

But, most of us eventually settled down, raised families and worked until retirement. We became good, solid, middle class citizens in spite of our school experiences.

That's the thing, see? No matter how "bad" the schools are, or how much they fail students, most of them will turn out just fine and they'll have gotten the basic tools for success right there in those "awful" public schools. Those kids will survive. Not only survive, but prosper from having had the experience. Yes, some won't, but most will and the difference will be what they learned at home, not what they learned anywhere else.

eh--My brother --Viet Nam era guy--very smart/science/chemistry--got involved with a group interested in drugs. Prison, pretty must lost his mind and then died--cancer.

Some of my father's ideas were extreme. I was glad to have the school experience I did.

Schools should be as good as they can be ---off to find more coffee.

nice chatting with you. Do you like 'Keeping the Faith'--Billy Joel? 'Lost in Let's Remember'--good tune.

I'm sorry to hear about your brother. Sadly, I know several just like him and I'm sure most of us do.

But, we also know as many people who overcame adversities and prospered as we do those who failed to reach their full potential, don't we? Ultimately, it must boil down to individual responsibility for ourselves.
5th and 6th graders that are raised in a Godless, moralless, liberal society that embraces hedonism and an anything goes sorta of lifestyle, that's what kind.

And, the solution is what? Mandatory religion?

I'm sorry, I don't remember even coming close to implying that. What I do think is that when you have a nation that does ALL in it's power to disregard, ignore or deny the morals and values laid out by God you should not be surprised when it's citizens act like bloody heathens. The answer is not mandatory religion, but rather haaving leaders and policies that promote and teach our children God's values, God morals and God's teachings. If my memory serves me correctly, this nation USEAD to do just that, without any mandatory relgion requirements enforced upon it's citizens.

So, it's all somebody else's fault then? Right?
Really. Tell us again how legal it is for children to have sex. Internet reality indeed, lol.

You keep clinging to that as if you were right about something. Just like your "right" about spokean Washington teaching sex positions to little kids.

If it makes sense in your head, it must be true.

Oh look, another outright lie from the site's #3 liar...you're going to edge out ravi and rtard before long.


So it wasn't you who suggested little kids were beig taught "anal"? You're evil twin perhaps?
What I did was provide a link for a sex ed curriculum that provided teachers of 5th graders provide the definition of anal sex to children who ask for it...using a glossary of very specific sexual definitions (orgasm was there along with explanation of how to achieve it).

And you maintain that's not teaching. Again we run up against the inability of the illiterate to participate in adult conversations in any meaningful way.
Because you don't understand the term *teaching* you maintain it isn't taking place.
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Amy I kind of for the first time agree with KG, something's wrong with this country and they to teach sex Ed already. It's messed up that they expect kids to take responsibility at an early age, pretty much telling them go out there and do so and so but safely. This is ridiculous. We need real organized religion back in this country. Minus the racism, power grabbing, etc..
Amy I kind of for the first time agree with KG, something's wrong with this country and they to teach sex Ed already. It's messed up that they expect kids to take responsibility at an early age, pretty much telling them go out there and do so and so but safely. This is ridiculous. We need real organized religion back in this country. Minus the racism, power grabbing, etc..

Yes. Let's not require our children to accept any responsibility for themselves at any age. And, let's treat them as if they're all retarded and unable to make decisions about anything, even things appropriate to their age.

That way, they can all grow up as victims and unable to think critically. They'll make great Republican's as adults.
I haven't lost organized religion. Everyone is free to find God in this coutry, and to pass that faith on to their kids. On an aside, no one has provided any proof that they have "sex ed" in this elementary school.

I had it in 6th grade. In 5th grade we had something called 'D.A.R.E.' about drugs. But that was a while back. They might teach Sex Ed now. Keep in mind I'm pretty young too, that wasn't too long ago. But I think even for teenagers in high school it's getting bad with the drugs and sleeping around, trust me, it's out there badly. This doesn't seem like it can be fixed again unless something big changes.
Amy I kind of for the first time agree with KG, something's wrong with this country and they to teach sex Ed already. It's messed up that they expect kids to take responsibility at an early age, pretty much telling them go out there and do so and so but safely. This is ridiculous. We need real organized religion back in this country. Minus the racism, power grabbing, etc..

Yes. Let's not require our children to accept any responsibility for themselves at any age. And, let's treat them as if they're all retarded and unable to make decisions about anything, even things appropriate to their age.

That way, they can all grow up as victims and unable to think critically. They'll make great Republican's as adults.

I don't mean it that way, if there is a need to have Sex Ed early that means something is wrong with our children. There are two sixth graders pregnant in my little sisters school. That means something is really wrong and parents don't care anymore. This needs a big change. Yes, they can think critically and be taught to, but, that in no way should mean we should act is if it's accepted for 13 year old children to sleep around in our society.
I haven't lost organized religion. Everyone is free to find God in this coutry, and to pass that faith on to their kids. On an aside, no one has provided any proof that they have "sex ed" in this elementary school.

I had it in 6th grade. In 5th grade we had something called 'D.A.R.E.' about drugs. But that was a while back. They might teach Sex Ed now. Keep in mind I'm pretty young too, that wasn't too long ago. But I think even for teenagers in high school it's getting bad with the drugs and sleeping around, trust me, it's out there badly. This doesn't seem like it can be fixed again unless something big changes.

Start with holding schools responsible for adhering to mandatory reporting laws.

And stop saying dumb, untrue things like "children can legally have sex!"
I didn't say anything about Washington, whore.

So you're just babbling and it has nothing to do with the OP?


Uh, you referenced the anal sex description from the other thread, you moronic slut.

So are you just babbling about something that has nothing to do with the OP?

Yup. What a nitwit.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: Hoist on your own very dull petard.
Have you been drinking?

I referenced it from this one. 1st page, one of the 1st of many,off the wall things youve said in this thread.
I haven't lost organized religion. Everyone is free to find God in this coutry, and to pass that faith on to their kids. On an aside, no one has provided any proof that they have "sex ed" in this elementary school.

I had it in 6th grade. In 5th grade we had something called 'D.A.R.E.' about drugs. But that was a while back. They might teach Sex Ed now. Keep in mind I'm pretty young too, that wasn't too long ago. But I think even for teenagers in high school it's getting bad with the drugs and sleeping around, trust me, it's out there badly. This doesn't seem like it can be fixed again unless something big changes.

Start with holding schools responsible for adhering to mandatory reporting laws.

And stop saying dumb, untrue things like "children can legally have sex!"

I'm not secular minded, and I'm religious so I don't think any children can legally have sex. So I don't see where you get that, I never said things like that. But that's not enough and actually won't change anything.
I had it in 6th grade. In 5th grade we had something called 'D.A.R.E.' about drugs. But that was a while back. They might teach Sex Ed now. Keep in mind I'm pretty young too, that wasn't too long ago. But I think even for teenagers in high school it's getting bad with the drugs and sleeping around, trust me, it's out there badly. This doesn't seem like it can be fixed again unless something big changes.

Start with holding schools responsible for adhering to mandatory reporting laws.

And stop saying dumb, untrue things like "children can legally have sex!"

I'm not secular minded, and I'm religious so I don't think any children can legally have sex. So I don't see where you get that, I never said things like that. But that's not enough and actually won't change anything.
She's refering to me.

I said in a different thread, its legal for 2 ,15 year olds to have sex in Tennessee. I provided the law that proves Im correct. However, KG feels sex is evil, so therefore I must be wrong.

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