5th graders conspire to commit murder

She's still lying about it. She provided a law that offered a potential defense, but stated specifically that it was illegal.

But she's going to continue to spout the lie anyway. Apparently she's vested in getting 15 year olds to have sex.
I haven't lost organized religion. Everyone is free to find God in this coutry, and to pass that faith on to their kids. On an aside, no one has provided any proof that they have "sex ed" in this elementary school.

I had it in 6th grade. In 5th grade we had something called 'D.A.R.E.' about drugs. But that was a while back. They might teach Sex Ed now. Keep in mind I'm pretty young too, that wasn't too long ago. But I think even for teenagers in high school it's getting bad with the drugs and sleeping around, trust me, it's out there badly. This doesn't seem like it can be fixed again unless something big changes.

Start with holding schools responsible for adhering to mandatory reporting laws.

And stop saying dumb, untrue things like "children can legally have sex!"

Mandatory reporting of what? And, to whom?
It's still the same subject. Stupidity in public schools. Where does it come from? It comes from policies that demean humanity, trash traditional family values and religion, and keep parents in the dark about what our kids are doing in school.
same discussion on Page 6 as on Page 1.

broken record--like my Jethro Tull album that stuck on 'Thick as a Brick'
Maybe that's it. Maybe it's a guy/girl thing. I think I'll query my friends and acquaintances of about the same age and see if I'm way off base or not.

I do want to clear up one thing, though. When I mentioned "gangs," it must be understood that they weren't gangs in the sense that we think of them now. They were just guys, and some girls, who lived in the same neighborhood, ran together, did things together and got in trouble together. Eventually, a good many of them ended up going to prison together or dying together from shootings, knifings or drunken car wrecks. Even that very small town where I went to school, the same pattern prevailed except that there was no other neighborhood and we ALL did that kind of thing. Of the bunch I ran around with, the ultimate destination for most of us was either the Army or the state prison. Two are currently doing life without.

But, most of us eventually settled down, raised families and worked until retirement. We became good, solid, middle class citizens in spite of our school experiences.

That's the thing, see? No matter how "bad" the schools are, or how much they fail students, most of them will turn out just fine and they'll have gotten the basic tools for success right there in those "awful" public schools. Those kids will survive. Not only survive, but prosper from having had the experience. Yes, some won't, but most will and the difference will be what they learned at home, not what they learned anywhere else.

eh--My brother --Viet Nam era guy--very smart/science/chemistry--got involved with a group interested in drugs. Prison, pretty must lost his mind and then died--cancer.

Some of my father's ideas were extreme. I was glad to have the school experience I did.

Schools should be as good as they can be ---off to find more coffee.

nice chatting with you. Do you like 'Keeping the Faith'--Billy Joel? 'Lost in Let's Remember'--good tune.

I'm sorry to hear about your brother. Sadly, I know several just like him and I'm sure most of us do.

But, we also know as many people who overcame adversities and prospered as we do those who failed to reach their full potential, don't we? Ultimately, it must boil down to individual responsibility for ourselves.

Hopefully the Best ideas/ideals will continue to be reinforced.
Two 5th grade boys, ages 10 and 11, charged in murder conspiracy - UPI.com

"We've been told that the boys had a plan to kill an ex-girlfriend ... and harm other students," Cashion said. "There was no list, but names were given to the police."

The world has gone to hell in a handbasket, what kind of 5th graders have "ex girlfriends"???? 10 and 11 years old, they're still CHILDREN.

It's called an education system that teaches sexual immorality and destruction to babies. It's called a society that murders millions of unborn human beings a year, tosses them out like garbage, and thinks these things will not destroy us, will not cheapen love and human life. It’s the "tolerant" among us shoving this evil crap down the throats of babes, fools who understand nothing about human nature.
Two 5th grade boys, ages 10 and 11, charged in murder conspiracy - UPI.com

"We've been told that the boys had a plan to kill an ex-girlfriend ... and harm other students," Cashion said. "There was no list, but names were given to the police."

The world has gone to hell in a handbasket, what kind of 5th graders have "ex girlfriends"???? 10 and 11 years old, they're still CHILDREN.

10 year olds don't have girlfriends.

They should be assessed by a doctor because if they can plot murder at such a tender age, who knows what they'll be like when they reach adulthood.

That's what I thought.
I still can't get past 10 and 11 year olds having girlfriends.

Today's school curriculums involve "alternative" sexual lifestyles, gay marriage, abortion clinic phone numbers, free condoms, and not being afraid to admit that you may be a "gay" pre-teen.

But all of that stuff is perfectly OK.

Is it any wonder that some pre-teens can't handle this bullshit, and retaliate with violence?

Sex education is taught to students older than 10 and 11; even if it were taught to these kids, it has nothing to do with killing people. They get those ideas from movies and television. Perhaps the parents are not keeping a close enough watch on what their children are watching on television, the music they are listening to, or what they are doing on their computers, etc.

There was a case in England about ten years ago when two boys about the same age killed a younger boy. The killers were put in a juvenile facility until they were 18; they were treated for psychological problems while they were there. Both came from very dysfunctional families and had experienced abuse. I would hesitate to blame this behavior on schools before there was more information about the family backgrounds of these boys. Contrary to what some people like to think, family background and home life have far more influence on children than school does.

I think it's a combination. I remember going to a meeting when our teachers went on strike for 23 PE specialists for 22 elementary schools. One of the teachers said that parent's of kids today didn't want to spend anytime with the kids. I pointed out that apparently, neither did the teachers. If they were really concerned about the kid's health and safety as they claimed, they would have been clamoring for a nurse at each elementary school instead of a PE specialist so they could have more time to themselves.
I'm not suggesting we all just throw up our hands and give up. There are things which can be done to ameliorate the effects of anger and hatred and prejudice and such, but that's all you can do. You can fight the symptoms, but you can't cure the disease. You can make schools physically safe for the students and teachers, but you're not going to turn out a generation of brilliant little saints, no matter what you do.

What it boils down to for the parents is that your best bet is to quit expecting the school to to do your job. You can insist your child be safe at school, but you can't expect them to teach your kids morality, religion, sex education or instill in them the desire to succeed. Only you can do that, and if it means you have to spend time with your child un-teaching what he's taught at school, do it. YOU have the ultimate responsibility for your child and only you. As was noted above, you probably can't fight city hall, but you CAN make sure that YOUR child knows what YOU want him to know.

No, you can't save everyone's kid and that's a tragedy, but you CAN save yours.

high five--good ideas and I am older than you.

I read bits and pieces of a number of other posts and sort of gave up. I know what some posters said was absolutely true--there are some very bad situations.

In an article I linked--Grayson, GA--14/15 year olds killed another student for tennis shoes--very nice tennis shoes--it illustrates that 'the tail is wagging the dog'. These were allegedly gang members. That is a problem that was unknown to this area 50 years ago. 'Keeping kids safe in schools' is more difficult today. The other issues --sex education and whatever else was mentioned I believe can be dealt with at home in most environments.

But what do I really know---not much most of the time.

I know that I am not being entertained in the manner I would prefer by TV. There were a few shows that were once entertaining. That is a problem to me. fwiw.

I'm curious to know whether or not my description of schools back then fits your experience too. Or, was it just mine like that?

I'm 56 and there was no sex in the bathrooms when I was in school, especially not in elementary school. Yeah, there was sex, outside of the school grounds, usually in the woods when you were in junior high, in a car in high-school. But never, ever in the school bathrooms and never, ever in elementary school.
We are a culture of death. It's rampant in our media, movies, everyday conversation, everything. It's glorified and dramatized in every evening's TV watching and in video games. We pave over forests, we run over roadkill, we spray crops with poison. We've got a guy in this forum category proclaiming the "most wonderful time of the year" is a gun show. We've got a dominant religion that impales a guy on a cross in helpless agony. And we've been at war in one place or another for my entire lifetime.

We're infatuated with death. It's inevitable that it would rub off on children. That's what culture does.
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Two 5th grade boys, ages 10 and 11, charged in murder conspiracy - UPI.com

"We've been told that the boys had a plan to kill an ex-girlfriend ... and harm other students," Cashion said. "There was no list, but names were given to the police."

The world has gone to hell in a handbasket, what kind of 5th graders have "ex girlfriends"???? 10 and 11 years old, they're still CHILDREN.

10 year olds don't have girlfriends.

They should be assessed by a doctor because if they can plot murder at such a tender age, who knows what they'll be like when they reach adulthood.

That's what I thought.

I had a girlfriend at age 10, in 1959. Her name was Regina.
We are a culture of death. It's rampant in our media, movies, everyday conversation, everything. It's glorified and dramatized in every evening's TV watching and in video games. We pave over forests, we run over roadkill, we spray crops with poison. We've got a guy in this forum category proclaiming the "most wonderful time of the year" is a gun show. We've got a dominant religion that impales a guy on a cross in helpless agony. And we've been at war in one place or another for my entire lifetime.

We're infatuated with death. It's inevitable that it would rub off on children. That's what culture does.

Death is as natural a part of living as being born. Should we ignore it, or hide it?
We are a culture of death. It's rampant in our media, movies, everyday conversation, everything. It's glorified and dramatized in every evening's TV watching and in video games. We pave over forests, we run over roadkill, we spray crops with poison. We've got a guy in this forum category proclaiming the "most wonderful time of the year" is a gun show. We've got a dominant religion that impales a guy on a cross in helpless agony. And we've been at war in one place or another for my entire lifetime.

We're infatuated with death. It's inevitable that it would rub off on children. That's what culture does.

Er..take a look at what you just wrote. You hate humanity. THAT is what is infecting our children.
We are a culture of death. It's rampant in our media, movies, everyday conversation, everything. It's glorified and dramatized in every evening's TV watching and in video games. We pave over forests, we run over roadkill, we spray crops with poison. We've got a guy in this forum category proclaiming the "most wonderful time of the year" is a gun show. We've got a dominant religion that impales a guy on a cross in helpless agony. And we've been at war in one place or another for my entire lifetime.

We're infatuated with death. It's inevitable that it would rub off on children. That's what culture does.

Er..take a look at what you just wrote. You hate humanity. THAT is what is infecting our children.

Er... I don't see how you get that out of that post at all. :confused:
I mentioned neither "humanity" nor "hate". It was entirely about culture and values.

Of course you could have simply asked for clarification here, instead of sending neg rep for a post you failed to understand. But that would be too much like dialogue I guess -- which says much about your values.

SMH.... :cuckoo:
You only read what confirms your world view KG, and disreguard all facts that don't.

Excuse me, this is from the woman who repeatedly ignored the line in the Romeo and Juliet Law that said "sex between minors is technically illegal" and then went on to pipe, over and over, that the R&J law made it legal for kids to have sex.

What a dishonest, hypocritical twat you are.
We are a culture of death. It's rampant in our media, movies, everyday conversation, everything. It's glorified and dramatized in every evening's TV watching and in video games. We pave over forests, we run over roadkill, we spray crops with poison. We've got a guy in this forum category proclaiming the "most wonderful time of the year" is a gun show. We've got a dominant religion that impales a guy on a cross in helpless agony. And we've been at war in one place or another for my entire lifetime.

We're infatuated with death. It's inevitable that it would rub off on children. That's what culture does.

Er..take a look at what you just wrote. You hate humanity. THAT is what is infecting our children.

Er... I don't see how you get that out of that post at all. :confused:
I mentioned neither "humanity" nor "hate". It was entirely about culture and values.

Of course you could have simply asked for clarification here, instead of sending neg rep for a post you failed to understand. But that would be too much like dialogue I guess -- which says much about your values.

SMH.... :cuckoo:

I don't need clarification. You don't like roads, progress, tv, or Christianity. You find every day conversation suspect.

That's called "hating humanity". You hate the things that make us human...religion, mobility, communication and prosperity.
We are a culture of death. It's rampant in our media, movies, everyday conversation, everything. It's glorified and dramatized in every evening's TV watching and in video games. We pave over forests, we run over roadkill, we spray crops with poison. We've got a guy in this forum category proclaiming the "most wonderful time of the year" is a gun show. We've got a dominant religion that impales a guy on a cross in helpless agony. And we've been at war in one place or another for my entire lifetime.

We're infatuated with death. It's inevitable that it would rub off on children. That's what culture does.

Death is as natural a part of living as being born. Should we ignore it, or hide it?

Neither. We should respect it. And that means to quit working it into every metaphor, the mentality of dealing with every issue by overpowering it-slash-taking its life away. It means to quit marginalizing and trivializing it by slavishly incorporating it into every last TV and movie script and video game and comic book.
We are a culture of death. It's rampant in our media, movies, everyday conversation, everything. It's glorified and dramatized in every evening's TV watching and in video games. We pave over forests, we run over roadkill, we spray crops with poison. We've got a guy in this forum category proclaiming the "most wonderful time of the year" is a gun show. We've got a dominant religion that impales a guy on a cross in helpless agony. And we've been at war in one place or another for my entire lifetime.

We're infatuated with death. It's inevitable that it would rub off on children. That's what culture does.
Er..take a look at what you just wrote. You hate humanity. THAT is what is infecting our children.

Er... I don't see how you get that out of that post at all. :confused:
I mentioned neither "humanity" nor "hate". It was entirely about culture and values.

Of course you could have simply asked for clarification here, instead of sending neg rep for a post you failed to understand. But that would be too much like dialogue I guess -- which says much about your values.

SMH.... :cuckoo:

I don't need clarification. You don't like roads, progress, tv, or Christianity. You find every day conversation suspect.

That's called "hating humanity". You hate the things that make us human...religion, mobility, communication and prosperity.

You must be a certifiable wacko.

Not only do I love the roads and spend way more than my share of time on them, I never brought up "roads" at all. Nor, in fact did I mention what I "like" or "don't like". Nor did I opine on "what makes us human", nor did I bring up "progress", "prosperity" or "communication".

I don't know what ass you're pulling this crapola from but it's just bizarre. You can't muddle through a simple philosophical analysis? What do you do -- go around negging any post you don't understand?

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