$6.00 a gallon for gas in Florida

man, after reading much of this thread, if appears many people think the oil industry in our country is nationalized.

Most other countries in the world have nationalized their oil & those governments control their prices. In the USA our government controls oil by lease prices, restrictions, taxes, regulations & imposing drilling moratoriums on vital areas. Same difference. It all means that governments have a lot of control over prices.
Blame Oil Speculators, Not Obama, For Rising Oil Prices

By Alex Seitz-Wald

But there’s little truth to claims that Obama has curbed U.S. oil production and driven up gas prices in the process. As NPR noted this morning, the number of drilling rigs in U.S. oil fields has quadrupled under Obama and domestic oil production hit an 8-year high in 2011. For the first time in 60 years, the U.S. is now a net fuel exporter.

Oil demand was actually down 4.6 percent last week over last year, while the supply of gasoline has actually increased slightly since a year ago. So why are gas prices so high? As McClatchy’s Kevin Hall explains today, there is a systemic problem: speculation.

Energy futures markets serve a legitimate role in helping producers (like oil companies) and big end users (like airlines) hedge against price volatility, but lately, they’ve been taken over by Wall Street speculators who never intend to actually use the fuel they’re betting on. As Hall reports:
Historically, financial speculators accounted for about 30 percent of oil trading in commodity markets, while producers and end users made up about 70 percent. Today it’s almost the reverse.

A McClatchy review of the latest Commitment of Traders report from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, which regulates oil trading, shows that producers and merchants made up just 36 percent of all contracts traded in the week ending Feb. 14 while speculators who will never take delivery of the oil made up 64 percent.
More: Blame Oil Speculators, Not Obama, For Rising Oil Prices | ThinkProgress

Once again, speculators behind sharply rising oil and gasoline prices | McClatchy

I'm hoping the Dems are going to regulate these mainly Pub a-holes, they got this way under Boooosh deregulation , cronyism, and looking the other way...
man, after reading much of this thread, if appears many people think the oil industry in our country is nationalized.

Most other countries in the world have nationalized their oil & those governments control their prices. In the USA our government controls oil by lease prices, restrictions, taxes, regulations & imposing drilling moratoriums on vital areas. Same difference. It all means that governments have a lot of control over prices.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vZlUc5P2gw&feature=related]THIS IS SCARY - BUT YOU MUST HEAR THIS ! part 1 of 4 - YouTube[/ame]
everything is taxable at some level. some at the federal, some at the state, some at the local. income is one example of being taxable at both the federal and state level. so by your argument is income now nationalized?
I'd be interested to know the full supply-chain of the oil at issue here for consumers in the US. That would indicate whether export tariffs are appropriate.

Something tells me, though, that rising oil exports and therefore price are deliberate trends being manipulated ultimately by government in order to both generally prop up global dollar demand and specifically leverage the weight of economic sanctions on Iran without causing global oil supply shortages. Oil has suddenly become the US' #1 export and sharp economic jumps like that simply don't happen without direct government involvement.

Economic sanctions against Iran have lacked teeth because China keeps buying cheap Iranian oil. Flooding the global oil market with US exports taken out of US domestic supply effectively raises in China the price of Iranian imports relative to USD-denominated imports from petrodollar producers. This could theoretically reduce China's demand for Iranian oil which would substantially damage Iran's largest sector of government revenue.
everything is taxable at some level. some at the federal, some at the state, some at the local. income is one example of being taxable at both the federal and state level. so by your argument is income now nationalized?

The government does have some control on the price of gas. obama's solution was to raise a tax.
As ABC News’ Cecilia Vega introduced her piece on high gas prices, the sign at the downtown Los Angeles gas station behind her showed the price of regular gas at $4.99 a gallon. However when the piece concluded nearly two minutes later the price of regular gas had jumped 10 cents to $5.09 a gallon.

Price Shock: Watch Cost of Gas Jump 10 Cents During ABC’s ‘World News’ Broadcast - ABC News

OMG. I think you should panic. Make sure you stock up, in case we run out.
John Denver!!!
I'm not here to watch videos, Rebecca.

Why isn't Exxon pumping enough to keep the gas down around $2?

Of course not cyndie you are one of those blame bush praise obama turds
Why isn't Exxon pumping enough to keep the gas down around $2, maggot?

Here cyndie did you forget this post?

Cyndie We haven't hit bottom yet. So why in your opinion did gas prices drop in 2011 but are rising again? Don't be your usual dishonest hack be honest for once.
The reason they are rising again is:

1) Gas always rises this time of year. Consult your graph.

2) All the Bomb Iran talk is driving up speculation.
You aren't being honest are you? Have you forgotten about the federal tax? Have you forgotten about obama reinstating the offshore drilling ban?
Of course not cyndie you are one of those blame bush praise obama turds
Why isn't Exxon pumping enough to keep the gas down around $2, maggot?

Here cyndie did you forget this post?

The reason they are rising again is:

1) Gas always rises this time of year. Consult your graph.

2) All the Bomb Iran talk is driving up speculation.
You aren't being honest are you? Have you forgotten about the federal tax? Have you forgotten about obama reinstating the offshore drilling ban?
No - Why isn't Exxon pumping enough Iraqi oil to keep the gas down around $2?
Why isn't Exxon pumping enough to keep the gas down around $2, maggot?

Here cyndie did you forget this post?

You aren't being honest are you? Have you forgotten about the federal tax? Have you forgotten about obama reinstating the offshore drilling ban?
No - Why isn't Exxon pumping enough Iraqi oil to keep the gas down around $2?

Nope: Have you forgotten about the federal tax? Have you forgotten about obama reinstating the offshore drilling ban?

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