6 dead , 3 wounded - guns make you safer ?

You showed your ignorance again...
1. Morocco is not a middle eastern country.
2. Genital mutilation is not practiced in Morocco:).
3. Genital mutilation is a cultural practice in the horn of Africa and some south east Asian countries (Hindus, muslims, Christians,etc...)

And again I love this country but it has an epidemic of violence, rape, Incest and most definitely idiocy displayed by you and others in this very forum.

Sorry, North Africa, my mistake. Genital mutilation is practiced in Morocco, not legally but it exists. re. female circumcision in Morocco :: Reader comments at Daniel Pipes Egypt, Somalia, Sudan, Guinea, Ethiopia and other African countries as well as Indonesia. Very little in Asia.

Again what proof is there that Kavanaugh raped anyone? He wasn’t even accused of rape, talk about an ignorant racist.

I also didn’t say we didn’t have a rape problem but I’ll be damned if I’m going to let an asshole from a country that has a worse problem lecture me about it. Your country has a terrible human rights problem and you only look at the United State as being bad. I don’t own a gun, and never will. I have long said that the culture in the US is violent. We have had guns since the founding of this country and it has only been since the 80’s we have had lots of mass shootings. I am not stupid enough to blame just the guns, there are lots of other issues. Those are the issues we need to address, not just the gun.
I'm glad you recognized you were wrong. Also Morocco was the first country to recognize the independence of the US and offer the US its first embassy. Be grateful!!!
And take it from me who knows both countries by heart. America has a violence, rape, gun violence epidemic. Morocco doesnt...we have hashish, pitty crimes, corruption problems...but nothing as major as what we witness here in the US.(mass shootings, gun deaths, work place killings, ect... )

Rape is not a petty crime. Locking up gays and Christians are not petty crimes.
Huh? Rape is a crime....they will jail you, tbags if the family of the victim didnt beat you up to pieces first. As far as Christian's go they practice their religion as they wish..

Not if you rape your wife, it is not a crime, that is one of the issues the UN had with Morocco's law. Marital Rape Is Still Legal in Morocco Despite Brand New Domestic Violence Law

As far as Christians and your claim: Papal Visit: Majority of Christians in Morocco Come Are Sub-Saharan

FTA: The French arm of the Dutch Open Doors NGO put the number at 32,000 and claimed that Moroccan Christians have to practice their religion in secrecy. They cannot practice their faith in the open for fear of legal proceedings.

By exposing their faith, Moroccan Christians might run the risk of being jailed for 6 months to 3 years in prison and a fine of MAD 200 to 500 ($21 to $53) under the pretext of proselytizing and shaking the faith of Muslims, prohibited in Article 220 of the Moroccan penal code, according to some Christian association representatives.

I have given you these links and others several times. So I am not sure why you keep making the claims you do.
A quick search in local newspaper and there were cases where husbands got jailed. If there is enough evidence. Again her family would take matters into their own hands.
Same as if you try to assault a girl in the street, people will jump you.
Now again , 2hy wo many husbands and wives shoot each other, kill each other in the USA? parents killing their kids ? Why wo many rape cases and kidnappings of American kids ?
Sorry, North Africa, my mistake. Genital mutilation is practiced in Morocco, not legally but it exists. re. female circumcision in Morocco :: Reader comments at Daniel Pipes Egypt, Somalia, Sudan, Guinea, Ethiopia and other African countries as well as Indonesia. Very little in Asia.

Again what proof is there that Kavanaugh raped anyone? He wasn’t even accused of rape, talk about an ignorant racist.

I also didn’t say we didn’t have a rape problem but I’ll be damned if I’m going to let an asshole from a country that has a worse problem lecture me about it. Your country has a terrible human rights problem and you only look at the United State as being bad. I don’t own a gun, and never will. I have long said that the culture in the US is violent. We have had guns since the founding of this country and it has only been since the 80’s we have had lots of mass shootings. I am not stupid enough to blame just the guns, there are lots of other issues. Those are the issues we need to address, not just the gun.
I'm glad you recognized you were wrong. Also Morocco was the first country to recognize the independence of the US and offer the US its first embassy. Be grateful!!!
And take it from me who knows both countries by heart. America has a violence, rape, gun violence epidemic. Morocco doesnt...we have hashish, pitty crimes, corruption problems...but nothing as major as what we witness here in the US.(mass shootings, gun deaths, work place killings, ect... )

Rape is not a petty crime. Locking up gays and Christians are not petty crimes.
Huh? Rape is a crime....they will jail you, tbags if the family of the victim didnt beat you up to pieces first. As far as Christian's go they practice their religion as they wish..

Not if you rape your wife, it is not a crime, that is one of the issues the UN had with Morocco's law. Marital Rape Is Still Legal in Morocco Despite Brand New Domestic Violence Law

As far as Christians and your claim: Papal Visit: Majority of Christians in Morocco Come Are Sub-Saharan

FTA: The French arm of the Dutch Open Doors NGO put the number at 32,000 and claimed that Moroccan Christians have to practice their religion in secrecy. They cannot practice their faith in the open for fear of legal proceedings.

By exposing their faith, Moroccan Christians might run the risk of being jailed for 6 months to 3 years in prison and a fine of MAD 200 to 500 ($21 to $53) under the pretext of proselytizing and shaking the faith of Muslims, prohibited in Article 220 of the Moroccan penal code, according to some Christian association representatives.

I have given you these links and others several times. So I am not sure why you keep making the claims you do.
A quick search in local newspaper and there were cases where husbands got jailed. If there is enough evidence. Again her family would take matters into their own hands.
Same as if you try to assault a girl in the street, people will jump you.
Now again , 2hy wo many husbands and wives shoot each other, kill each other in the USA? parents killing their kids ? Why wo many rape cases and kidnappings of American kids ?

I told you the United States has a culture of violence. There is also a drug problem which combined with mental illness is a huge problem. People aren't trained to deal with stress and hard times, then when things go bad, the people break. We are a nation of entitlement and the more the government gives, the more we expect and the more angry Americans get when they don't get their way.
I'm glad you recognized you were wrong. Also Morocco was the first country to recognize the independence of the US and offer the US its first embassy. Be grateful!!!
And take it from me who knows both countries by heart. America has a violence, rape, gun violence epidemic. Morocco doesnt...we have hashish, pitty crimes, corruption problems...but nothing as major as what we witness here in the US.(mass shootings, gun deaths, work place killings, ect... )

Rape is not a petty crime. Locking up gays and Christians are not petty crimes.
Huh? Rape is a crime....they will jail you, tbags if the family of the victim didnt beat you up to pieces first. As far as Christian's go they practice their religion as they wish..

Not if you rape your wife, it is not a crime, that is one of the issues the UN had with Morocco's law. Marital Rape Is Still Legal in Morocco Despite Brand New Domestic Violence Law

As far as Christians and your claim: Papal Visit: Majority of Christians in Morocco Come Are Sub-Saharan

FTA: The French arm of the Dutch Open Doors NGO put the number at 32,000 and claimed that Moroccan Christians have to practice their religion in secrecy. They cannot practice their faith in the open for fear of legal proceedings.

By exposing their faith, Moroccan Christians might run the risk of being jailed for 6 months to 3 years in prison and a fine of MAD 200 to 500 ($21 to $53) under the pretext of proselytizing and shaking the faith of Muslims, prohibited in Article 220 of the Moroccan penal code, according to some Christian association representatives.

I have given you these links and others several times. So I am not sure why you keep making the claims you do.
A quick search in local newspaper and there were cases where husbands got jailed. If there is enough evidence. Again her family would take matters into their own hands.
Same as if you try to assault a girl in the street, people will jump you.
Now again , 2hy wo many husbands and wives shoot each other, kill each other in the USA? parents killing their kids ? Why wo many rape cases and kidnappings of American kids ?

I told you the United States has a culture of violence. There is also a drug problem which combined with mental illness is a huge problem. People aren't trained to deal with stress and hard times, then when things go bad, the people break. We are a nation of entitlement and the more the government gives, the more we expect and the more angry Americans get when they don't get their way.

We have a media culture. The media fills people's heads full of nonsense and the weak minded follow their programming.
1 in 4 US women got raped or sexually harrassed...
On daily basis women get kidnapped raped, and burried.
This would decrease sharply if more women carried guns and were trained in how to use them.

Guns are the best tool a woman has to keep from being raped.......actual research shows they are less likely to be injured and the rape is less likely to be completed....
1 in 4 US women got raped or sexually harrassed...
On daily basis women get kidnapped raped, and burried.
This would decrease sharply if more women carried guns and were trained in how to use them.

Guns are the best tool a woman has to keep from being raped.......actual research shows they are less likely to be injured and the rape is less likely to be completed....
So why the US has worse rape ratio than most countries, although there are millions of guns?
1 in 4 US women got raped or sexually harrassed...
On daily basis women get kidnapped raped, and burried.
This would decrease sharply if more women carried guns and were trained in how to use them.

Guns are the best tool a woman has to keep from being raped.......actual research shows they are less likely to be injured and the rape is less likely to be completed....
So why the US has worse rape ratio than most countries....
Prove this to be true.
Huh? I live here and I'm American.
You must be the wrong sort of American.

He doesn’t vote and cries that his homeland, where women are second class citizens and must silently suffer rape, where gays face prison time and Christians are jailed just because of their religion, is a better country than the United States and then stays here rather than going back to his homeland.

He can be an American, we welcome legal immigrants, but when their attitude is that of constantly bashing the United States, then we don’t have to or need to respect him or his opinion.
You never left your trailer park and you talk about a country you dont know nothing about.
Women in America are less safe than Morocco...stats are here and I'm a leaving example...I lived in both countries...if you ask me about freedom of press I would day the US is better, but when it comes to rape and killings of women, the US is amongst the worst in the US....for gods sake you were Keith a pussy grabber appointing a rapist in the highest court.

I live in a 5 bedroom, 4 bath home that is less than 10 years old in a nice part of our city. Have anymore lies you want to try to spew?

The stats you keep eluding to are not accurate because women who live in countries like Morocco fail to report rape or abuse because of the stigma associated with rape and abuse. A larger concern in the MIddle East is female genitalia mutilation.

You ought to read more about where you came from, Will Morocco's new law protect women from violence?

A new law but it doesn’t include spousal rape or abuse. It’s a start. Your country’s problem isn’t only women, you have gays and Christians that have their human rights denied.

Again, you move here and then bitch? Fuck you! I have a lot of respect for immigrants but not an asshole, racist like you.

Like I said, you think it is so bad here, why not move back to your superior country? You have alluded that question, time and time again. Something tells me you don’t think your country is so great.

Can you prove Kavanaugh is a rapist? Hell, no you can’t. You just spew more and more lies.
You showed your ignorance again...
1. Morocco is not a middle eastern country.
2. Genital mutilation is not practiced in Morocco:).
3. Genital mutilation is a cultural practice in the horn of Africa and some south east Asian countries (Hindus, muslims, Christians,etc...)

And again I love this country but it has an epidemic of violence, rape, Incest and most definitely idiocy displayed by you and others in this very forum.

Lady. Take your medication. You are wrong on so many levels. Stay in Morocco. The US is not even close to what you said. Kavanaugh was a bullshit set up by the Democrats. There was no proof and the women’s story was full of shit. Look at all the rapes in England and Germany with the influx of Muslims where it’s ok to rape women Now they are doing it in these countries and nothing is happening. Obviously you don’t like the US so screw off. I’m a retired police officer and besides us not fond of rapists and child molesters Also child molesters get beaten and killed in prison because murders and hardened criminals hate them.
1 in 4 US women got raped or sexually harrassed...
On daily basis women get kidnapped raped, and burried.
This would decrease sharply if more women carried guns and were trained in how to use them.

Guns are the best tool a woman has to keep from being raped.......actual research shows they are less likely to be injured and the rape is less likely to be completed....
So why the US has worse rape ratio than most countries, although there are millions of guns?

As M14 points out....show us that data...then, women are one of the smallest categories of legal gun owners in this country.......they are now one of the biggest growth areas, but in the past, they haven't owned or carried guns as much as men do....hence the ease with which they are raped, especially in Britain and Europe....
Actual real gunfight, one. Which is way more than you. Pulling my gun to prevent an attack, two. Separated by 40 years.

Listen, you're a jock-sniffer. You're fascinated by firearms and aviation because you ducked the draft when you had an opportunity to go to the war of our generation... you hid from it. No news here, you've admitted to it. I've seen guys like you for years trying to overcompensate for the fact when the time came, they choked....spit the bit. You were a life-long DEMOCRAT from Kalifornia and all that entails before CK went for Trump, so you did too. I didn't run, I served, so when you bragged about more gunfights, and later (after I got banned, wonder who engineered that?), your "million dollar home" and "LeMans race car",I spit my iced coffee....know who you're talking to next time, Walter Mitty....you're only fooling yourself.
Learn to shoot while back-pedalling. Feel free to empty the magazine.

Unless it's a 30 rounder or something. :auiqs.jpg:

Nope...and those who agree with this don't know any better and were obviously never in combat. Basic infantry training demands you count your shots...especially when there is chaos around you...it's not only something to keep the mind centered, but to know what's left in that magazine tells you what kind of maneuvering or cover-fire you can provide. You won't hear the report, but you'll feel the kick...I equate it to when they drop the gate in motocross...you can't hear your engine but you can feel the vibration when you've wound out a gear and it's time to up-shift.
1 in 4 US women got raped or sexually harrassed...
On daily basis women get kidnapped raped, and burried.
This would decrease sharply if more women carried guns and were trained in how to use them.

Guns are the best tool a woman has to keep from being raped.......actual research shows they are less likely to be injured and the rape is less likely to be completed....
So why the US has worse rape ratio than most countries, although there are millions of guns?
The UK has twice as many rapes and assaults per 100000 than does the US

United Kingdom vs United States: Crime Facts and Stats
Meanwhile America goes to the beach.

Oakland man arrested in connection with shooting of five at state park near San Luis Obispo

A 19-year-old Oakland man has been arrested in connection with a shooting that wounded five people at Oceano Dunes state park early Sunday, authorities said.

Park officials received a 911 call about a shooting at a large gathering in the state park shortly after midnight, according to a statement released by the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Office.

Investigators arrested Francisco Orozco as a suspect in the shooting at 1:30 p.m. Sunday, according to the Sheriff’s Office. Orozco was booked on suspicion of attempted murder and held on $500,000 bail.
Meanwhile America goes to the beach.

Oakland man arrested in connection with shooting of five at state park near San Luis Obispo

A 19-year-old Oakland man has been arrested in connection with a shooting that wounded five people at Oceano Dunes state park early Sunday, authorities said.

Park officials received a 911 call about a shooting at a large gathering in the state park shortly after midnight, according to a statement released by the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Office.

Investigators arrested Francisco Orozco as a suspect in the shooting at 1:30 p.m. Sunday, according to the Sheriff’s Office. Orozco was booked on suspicion of attempted murder and held on $500,000 bail.
Oakland CA

A violent shit hole if there ever was one.

Now how many shootings were there on the rest of the USA's 95000 miles of coast land?
Last edited:
Meanwhile America goes to the beach.

Oakland man arrested in connection with shooting of five at state park near San Luis Obispo

A 19-year-old Oakland man has been arrested in connection with a shooting that wounded five people at Oceano Dunes state park early Sunday, authorities said.

Park officials received a 911 call about a shooting at a large gathering in the state park shortly after midnight, according to a statement released by the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Office.

Investigators arrested Francisco Orozco as a suspect in the shooting at 1:30 p.m. Sunday, according to the Sheriff’s Office. Orozco was booked on suspicion of attempted murder and held on $500,000 bail.
Oakland CA

A violent shit hole if there ever was one.

Now how many shootings were there on the rest of the USA's 95000 miles of coast land?
Alright I did this experiment:

I picked the most red states and I randomly look for their news, every single headlines had a shooting and death, here is a sample.

A man shot a nn officer ( you guys claim carrying a gun protects you)
Mississippi officer gunned down outside police department; suspect at large

Alabama and I swear is the same one that popped up, check for yourself, a woman shot and killed her husband (again I'm sure he owns a gun)
Alabama police officer fatally shot; wife charged with murder, authorities say

In arkansa a police officer shoots a motorist 15 times in a moving car (super safe)

Arkansas police fire officer who fatally shot motorist

And this is not including dozens of shooting incidents in populated areas.
You guys are numb to this. If you lived in other country for a bit you would realize how bad it is here.
Meanwhile America goes to the beach.

Oakland man arrested in connection with shooting of five at state park near San Luis Obispo

A 19-year-old Oakland man has been arrested in connection with a shooting that wounded five people at Oceano Dunes state park early Sunday, authorities said.

Park officials received a 911 call about a shooting at a large gathering in the state park shortly after midnight, according to a statement released by the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Office.

Investigators arrested Francisco Orozco as a suspect in the shooting at 1:30 p.m. Sunday, according to the Sheriff’s Office. Orozco was booked on suspicion of attempted murder and held on $500,000 bail.
Oakland CA

A violent shit hole if there ever was one.

Now how many shootings were there on the rest of the USA's 95000 miles of coast land?
Alright I did this experiment:

I picked the most red states and I randomly look for their news, every single headlines had a shooting and death, here is a sample.

A man shot a nn officer ( you guys claim carrying a gun protects you)
Mississippi officer gunned down outside police department; suspect at large

Alabama and I swear is the same one that popped up, check for yourself, a woman shot and killed her husband (again I'm sure he owns a gun)
Alabama police officer fatally shot; wife charged with murder, authorities say

In arkansa a police officer shoots a motorist 15 times in a moving car (super safe)

Arkansas police fire officer who fatally shot motorist

And this is not including dozens of shooting incidents in populated areas.
You guys are numb to this. If you lived in other country for a bit you would realize how bad it is here.

Blah blah

Out of the population in any of those states what percentage were shot?
Meanwhile America goes to the beach.

Oakland man arrested in connection with shooting of five at state park near San Luis Obispo

A 19-year-old Oakland man has been arrested in connection with a shooting that wounded five people at Oceano Dunes state park early Sunday, authorities said.

Park officials received a 911 call about a shooting at a large gathering in the state park shortly after midnight, according to a statement released by the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Office.

Investigators arrested Francisco Orozco as a suspect in the shooting at 1:30 p.m. Sunday, according to the Sheriff’s Office. Orozco was booked on suspicion of attempted murder and held on $500,000 bail.
Oakland CA

A violent shit hole if there ever was one.

Now how many shootings were there on the rest of the USA's 95000 miles of coast land?
Alright I did this experiment:

I picked the most red states and I randomly look for their news, every single headlines had a shooting and death, here is a sample.

A man shot a nn officer ( you guys claim carrying a gun protects you)
Mississippi officer gunned down outside police department; suspect at large

Alabama and I swear is the same one that popped up, check for yourself, a woman shot and killed her husband (again I'm sure he owns a gun)
Alabama police officer fatally shot; wife charged with murder, authorities say

In arkansa a police officer shoots a motorist 15 times in a moving car (super safe)

Arkansas police fire officer who fatally shot motorist

And this is not including dozens of shooting incidents in populated areas.
You guys are numb to this. If you lived in other country for a bit you would realize how bad it is here.

Blah blah

Out of the population in any of those states what percentage were shot?
Compared to most countries in the world waaaaay too much. 30 000 death or so a year that's worse than the war in Syria.
Meanwhile America goes to the beach.

Oakland man arrested in connection with shooting of five at state park near San Luis Obispo

A 19-year-old Oakland man has been arrested in connection with a shooting that wounded five people at Oceano Dunes state park early Sunday, authorities said.

Park officials received a 911 call about a shooting at a large gathering in the state park shortly after midnight, according to a statement released by the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Office.

Investigators arrested Francisco Orozco as a suspect in the shooting at 1:30 p.m. Sunday, according to the Sheriff’s Office. Orozco was booked on suspicion of attempted murder and held on $500,000 bail.
Oakland CA

A violent shit hole if there ever was one.

Now how many shootings were there on the rest of the USA's 95000 miles of coast land?
Alright I did this experiment:

I picked the most red states and I randomly look for their news, every single headlines had a shooting and death, here is a sample.

A man shot a nn officer ( you guys claim carrying a gun protects you)
Mississippi officer gunned down outside police department; suspect at large

Alabama and I swear is the same one that popped up, check for yourself, a woman shot and killed her husband (again I'm sure he owns a gun)
Alabama police officer fatally shot; wife charged with murder, authorities say

In arkansa a police officer shoots a motorist 15 times in a moving car (super safe)

Arkansas police fire officer who fatally shot motorist

And this is not including dozens of shooting incidents in populated areas.
You guys are numb to this. If you lived in other country for a bit you would realize how bad it is here.

Blah blah

Out of the population in any of those states what percentage were shot?
Compared to most countries in the world waaaaay too much. 30 000 death or so a year that's worse than the war in Syria.

Sucides don't count.

Suicide is not a crime it is a choice

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